The Mixed Milo Euwiinx Lea Ie timed mother ucccsmd season lnsi weekwiLh0nir annual bln quet and presentation Appmxi mueiy IBO bowlers and guests tendcd with the head table duiied with celebritiesMn and Mn Ralph Snelgmve Mr and Mrs Fred Pearson Mr and MrsBili Farquhir Mr and Mrs Emit Eur lan Miss Hun Wright John Mur phy and Miss Lenore Bullock 1he lltnlue reelccted Bill Famuhur preside ahd Bill Barry vice pxesidenl with Hazel Wright re lurning as secretarytreasurer Barrio Gnrrlson Club mine up with Warm ln badmlnion pro moiion thin season with the junior championship tournament ii mnrk ed he iirst time that iiiilsu were decided in ma 1218 year oi nge class and unqiinstlonnbiy is iuyina sound foundation or the sport here in iulurc years Trophies ior in dlvlduui awards were donnlcd by Mrs Angus Manbb Fred Ander lun Sinn Bryaon Ken Wnil and Charles Songrom n11 inrmeriy ac llvc on the courts and some still folding the seniors up on shaky 035 llollil Robinson who walked nii wilh many club lllle and Gear lan Bay championship during his aelive badminton days tried to keep on until his aon Peter took over But he missed by year or two Halli recently rctlmd but Peler came into prominence this season by winning ihe boys lun for singles and learning with Paul Swain to capture lhe Junior dou bles lie was runnervun along with erlnm Steele ln lhe mixed dauhlca There an aihcr inmlilnr rings in lhc juniors loo sueh aa Heather McNahb and Gayle Ander ion Heather is daughter Mrs Angus McNuhb who bland sun ccssiul career in local badminlun and gel circles while Gayle is daughter Fred Andcrinn for long time continual winner in the Gemglqu Bay mens doublesi Frcd teamed Wth llullls Rubinsun iur potent combo who never feared the Corbeits and Agnew ut Owen SouncL Maybe beiam lnmz ll can he liuhlnsnn nlld Andcriun againonly ln lhc mixed inn wulhu hardly makes this uns asnnnl Owen Sound Junlor rcys were ntcd last week and It was publicly annodnccd that the mm would be sponsored by Barrie Flycrs next year TM unqucs Uunnbly mnan Hap Emma has dropped sponsorship of Brampton Regents The Flycrs with the help of Boston Bruins will hnvc an extensive farm system but up bnlorn ralnlnu cnmp open next tall Coach at the Grey is former Flycr centre Jnydue McArthur Cm Barrie lny clllm this nth lelc Mary Macdonald popular X2 thstmétrcss nl Barrtn Colleg tc paced Turonla Drldxcmnns to the CanadianAmerican Basketball Lnnxue championship over the 15 humor 51 la BackFehce Gqssip SCOTTHTWHTEB OUTBOARD MBTORS TIME PAYMENTS AS LOW AH mm mm MONTH mum Ium mu 7mm down la mm vnu Hour In man SCOTTATWATER 36 HP Choose HclultAlwnlcr For lnnr ullmanllnx Fun Il wllh AhIlATl3 wllh mu TMmc 10 lll wllll IIAI io lll mu HAILAimnc HARRY TWISS BOATINGS LOTS OF FUN WITH OUR NEW OUIETER MAN WITH BAlLuAMATICEA THE FISHERMANS DREAM MOTOR SEE THE COMPLETE LINE OF I955 SPORTING GOODS 4111 BARR EXAMINER WED IE APRIL 1955 Mrs Norman Post Orillia New CqUnty Ladies Golf President Mrs Norman Post 01 0r1111 wls elected pres1dem the 51mm County Ladks Goll Assocmlon It the unnuul mEellnz here 1m wevk She succeeds Mrs Pntcrson at whnse name me mecllnl Ind were held on Wednesday sucr nqon weekend with her praliilc scaring ability Mnry tallied point lo lead her mates 5724 win over Kitchener Elliott in the finals Bridgemnn pilyed three games in the tournament scored 130 points and 73 them were mounted for by Maedonald and Terry Jones Mast unique Kenture of this club is that they never practised mguhnr Mary practile every chance she ouid turd in the collegial gym Anclhcr member travelled every weekend from Landau for lhe zamu grcnt collection adam able lndividunls wcwouid say Olheé mamhers of uumy extculive or flu comlng year are Wonder when James Parker wlll ï¬ght nulln The Burl nenvywelght was scheduled meet Paul Andrews ln Buflalo but was lubsmuled by Jlmmy Slade Rea son unknown The Baznalo broth ers Tmonlo an lrylng lasso Parker or bout In June at Maple Lea Sladlum nznlnst Bob Baker or Hurrlenna laekson Thelr chances appear extremely remote Just or the record the Internm tlonal Doxlng Club with James Norris president led up an other prominent fighter who found he hnd no nIlcrnnltve Englands Don CockelL in order to get shot at Rocky Marclnnos nnnvywclght title In May at San Frnnclsco was loreed to come under contract It the IBC or the next three years Put Reeklc sport editor the London Englandt Dally Mail wrote In order to get his ï¬ght wtlh Marciano Cockcll had to also nwny his freedom to light where he likes or even where his man nger tells him John Simpsun Cockclls manager wns quoted or saying knew It wns not the normal practice but what could we in him to hls ï¬ght with Wnlls James Parker stated he dldnt need the DC to get lo the op whos kiddlng whnm1 llul Klnny OK the Barrie Boxing Club will know in day at lwn ll he ls voted to lhu Onlnrlo learn ln quest Dominion champlonshlp nl Realm only In Mny BBC mnn agar Orv Dnsh hopcs they fly to Item to Reglnn lnslend 01 king lllu lmln 1hcy have tendency In mid welsh on lnln he sald Mcanwhllc Dan Wallace has nnl sinned back Into lralnlng as yet So what happens whllu hes ham mcrlng nalls Pclcr Schmld Toronlo ls hammcrlng mu only in Sunny Forbes me yomlnlqn champlnn Wallace was schtdulnd In men Foxlms ln Ieurboro whlle back 5HP luv Ynu rmny wumlrrlully Imlflllll qulrl xltlm wllh Um mw SmllMwnhr Nlu nullmnnl llml lmlln ynur hum linilumnlir InInsulin Mnllul Auummm thnml Smmumy IInk Cumplrld ivnuhm Iwixlï¬vip lewl mnlml lxlnkn Hml Alwnlrr lho Inllbonnl lmy ul llm ynul 14995 26995 mom am $26905 $37935 59105 359995 Mrs Hurry Hlmlllon of Col Hnlwood vlcepresldem and MM Sue Mulclhy of Orfllll secrellry Thue was and represenullon mm the our lowm Barrie Midland 011 and Colllnzwuud II he means About 30 were prism Mrs Corby president the ludlcs station at tho Barrie Country Club prnsldcd ng lhn tea lnblenslsled by mnmhers Ike local execuuvc The cqumy tournament leI be held In Orillia this ycnr on Aux 17 13 and ID wen scl at the manna Th 1cm day W111 be held 1n Burris an hnm 1n 011111 on June 1n MldIAnd on June 18 Ind 1n Colllnzwood on June 23 Cumlnucd rum page one broughl up lhc qucsllun ol mung up hn lnwn own police force and recruitment or personnel Mayor Greer snld The Police Commisslnn wnm in Ind out Jusl when the Town Barrie wish lo terminate their IKXCEman They havn done sum ground work lo see whm good men are available or the position of Chic Alderman McTurk naked what dhcdlom he cuuld nlve to he many cnqulrles he fecelved It has been poiï¬md am to me that possible In armlmne our contract with 30 day notice ing lhul lhu OPP have served hcir null In right asked Alder man Golds Dcpuly Reeve Klnlle iugguted The snluuon will prababl he ln llnd where we Hind lhe Police Commisslun We are the luvcrnlnz body Wa lndlcnlc our wishes lo the Com misslun Ill up In the Cnuncl to decide whtrn when and how Idvlml Alderman Mrs Marjorie Hamilton Town Council Briefs Alderman Plddison wondered 11 the Cnuncll should not sck up commlucn to work with he Pallcc Commission 11 lakes lot of work ornulm police lone lscusslonon he maflcr was held over unlll the ncxx coun cu mcoung Dog Catchers Success The announcement or Alderman Mllls on the succusslul cnmpnlin he newly nppolnlcd dnl Ilchcr llihluncd the cvcnlnu buslnm dcmomlrnlor model of Durwth Scmlmallc Atcï¬unllnl Machine to be houlht or the clerks OIHEC II cos 34350 311100 In bu pald now and flu rrmalmlrr the and he year Inuncy ll Ivnlllbln Fnfllnl lhll will be cnrrlrd ovcr lnlu ncxl ycnrs budm Thc doi inichcr ms turned dale $3050 1M nmnunl $30 cum from boarding cu or do Machine For Office Closing Office The cuuncll nppruvcd ma clm Inn of luwn clrrk 0mm on Snlunlnyn rum June 15 lo Sub lrxllbrr 11m Flnnncc Cummlec nm to um um Vuvm Councll on May rmxmlhm Ihc Inncxnllon ul Cunko The Mun undur Ull nldarlfllun tum rum Um Illnhwny rusl lu SI VlncmLSHrcl nml Wm In Annv SlrrrL lhr 5L John Ambulance Conn nu In usn he qunxlm vncnlul In huler dwnnuwnl mun mch llme Iluy mundl ruuhc mu umr Bank Moving Day Tu Immm lhc nlmrvnl OI Hm Tumnlu DmIIInlon Hunk mm HI mum nllltu ln lhr lvltl plll vl Irv 1mm wlll block Dunluv lerll HIM hum Hug luunllln 10 Owrn lihrvl or pin me on lho In rcmuvnl Byluwl Quastion OI Annogaflon About Pmklng Old Police Ofï¬ce nylnwu wm yum1 In nulhmlm lhn lmvruwlnn 500 all lulum lum My um ml to Immd Mlynrl palm Tor was Mlynr wll bu muan ll inr 0m yr wlnl I500 hr ruwnm bylaw In prenlml cum runlnl mm on ml Ihle In luwn lnlL Cu Illciuu of lhe lelele n1 vuklnn mm In In lu hum hy he mm cum mill Intldunlul In III Wu ln Iwuncrd um 1h nmlc IuHcl In MRS NORMAN POST Good Prospects At Opening Greer Woikout The opcnlnl practise the sen mn fur Burle Greer Aces ill night at Queens Park saw some promlrlng prospect uncovered in he wideopen battle tor regular poslclonl Approximately 15 usplrnnll urn ed up hr the lnlllul woxkouk which lncluded only tour at last seasonl squad Veteran on hind were pll cher Dorothy Miller Cllchcl Lorna MnLgan ouuleldep Darlan larken md mvnz ulllltypcrlorqnn Belly Bishop Ens prospect wow wn Shirley Pankhurn who covered the ground at shortstop wnh limiting case She showed smug arm and load £1 in Icadln hopefulsAn olhe newcnmcr whu look napalm wlnnlnz berth Eleanor Cor bcn ï¬rst base outï¬elder Cura1 West and Ann Wurrnl presented Irong bldl but the gm 1x sun wideopen The Act may have lonl ioughl pitcher lovuupport Dummy Mlller Farmer Stayncr mound mt Fl Dowley now rgsldlng In Barrie turned out or prncllse and ex peeled to wit spot in Ilrlde The cam may have ion the com 31mm playlnl aervlm slum Murlel Lamb but It hupcd lhc wlll act Xnthe capacity as playlnl pouch or playingmanager Frank Raw whn plckcd up Ihe 1an me last season is counted upon heat couch The Ace also revealed hnLl mung possiblllp Ila In Mary Mnc dannld named scnlor haikclhull an the still Dnrrlc Cnllcnlugc will start the scnson with lhe club Mlss Macdnnnld does not plan In remaining In Blrrle for he sunAmen months but mny Dpcn he schcduh and pXIy unlll he nqnool year mlnntcs The Ace will stage hclr next prncllsn Thursday night at Queen Purk swrllng at 045 pm Hockey Titles Final Stages In Dominion The Pm tram all repelu out played lho Duke ln the thlrd game Monday nlght but dropped cluse 32 doclllon than they filled to come up wlm payol punch The fourlh game of flu Ierlc mums ln Realm tonight and coach Murray Armslrunl wlllcon llnuc ma the me lmnvrls all willed the PM through CAHA ru es Toronto Marlboro lend the Memorial Cup series two game 10 one but Regina Pm cunild en lhey can win the Dominion Kitchener Waterloo Dulchmcn look slranllchnld on ma kllnn Cup ï¬nals Inst nlghl whan they xcornd lvfl vlclwry over Fork Wllllnm Denver in Kllchcncr The Dulqhmcn lend he not three games one and can end ll wh vlclory on Thursday Mcnlard Knight moved to wllh In one game 01 the OHA intermed Illn chlmplcnslflp Monday wllh 63 win nvcr Tlllsonburg PanDrlcds ln Tlllsonburz Thu Knlghu lead me flnll lurks 32 in am wlh hc sixth In Cull lngwoud onlghl Wulkcrlan Cupluls lrounccd mnumgc Dcnvca Monday nlnhl 1n Wnlkerlon lo cnplum he OHA lnlcrmcdlule chnmplon shlp Thu wln come In Ihnscv cnlh Ind nnnl game the Kerks and marked Walkemnl nm OllA mlc oodllock Wnrrlor Irimmrd Woodbrldzc Dodzcu 03 llst nlzhl 1n Wnodllock lo wl the DNA lun lar chumpions 1p mic iour game wllh one Ilcd rll 30 Nlmblo 1111mm Mun Flnnl Inccllnu ma Gulllrll Nlmblc Thllnhlu Sewing Club wlll be hcld Guthrie Cummunlly Hall oclock um Snlurdny In Mrs Dave Smilh New President lady Curlers Mm Dnvhl Hmllll ll new prud ul ul Um ludlrx Irvlhn the mlc Curllna Club lolluwlnl In tvrnllmn annunl mruunu In Cum lllulllly Hume She Lucclrdl chk Klmlmly whu headed Hm lMllrl uxecullve durlnl 1031 53 human Mn roruo munr 1m hrrll unan vlrcvrulunl lur 1033M lull Mn UM Wll rmcltuh ul mcnury Mll lllruld Inlkp mu le cunllmlu In urvc hul um Mu mhy mu llnurl bun lrl thnlrml Mm Jam vaulllvll wlll head up lhe lame Ian mulch Cumllllllrn nul nun nmm Lluu warp Ill nmcd II he lnnnlnl Thry IN Mrl Chlle Knlllll Mr AdnmA Inn and Illovln wu Immumrxl lhn lhu TIM Inl dlllllcl vlnyufll wullld In Illm In lulu any 11m wrlc an wmnt or llm luruunl umI hullnun dln runhm nuulna Iha mum at ultlun nuw wmklnl flitIr new wen In Irvlcr II upcclul In mm or mm vuy manly 11an mum 1mm been lull puer In um Nam MInun Tmty ommi ullun In on GUTHRIE Wrights Cleaners Win Mens League erlhls Cleaners capmrcd the mens Tuwn nowung Leanne cham plonshlp Inst nixht tn Barrie flawl In Academy when hcy comle ed slxnmn plays mm total 7033 plns Clyde Bros Circus Comes To Barrie Arena III Hurtrim clrcul wlll mch lnlu Unrrlc Arcnn or two pcrlumh mm on Snlunlily May Clyde llms clrcuu now an Itcund un nunl Cnnndlnn laur and In HI lfllh demon wll be Iponmlcd by me manic Brunch Cnnndlnn Lrulun The boutr who Aula MEL len wlll lw mini mum runllv null uwnnnm Inlnlnll Imlrl hmullM lml mr mum rhnwm wllll Ml Nu hm mid rlcllv mull Mw rrnlum nvw mul mm mm wmldl mnlm mlmvr tlrum rmllnl IM llxl wl llle NIT Nil no luck luuum nunu lmhllu llunnulnnl Im worltll nulul lqllNlHnn rlnwn Tarer Junhl and hll llulllln wlld lul mnl ar Ind Ihe Flylnl Anllnckl In All lw wlll be 30 Id In mu urnhum wulum hme wm he 1mm mIllme an rvenlnl verMmmcp ngurc was almost 500 pin lhnn sccondplace Orphan rolltd 056 other scams CAP13X 6354 Dumlnlan Wreckers 024 Sevenup and Wcslon Bakery 51m In the prcllmlnary Irish le Hrlcn dckalcd Buddy Freeman ll 00 In rllher llstlcss opnncr USED All 10T Nn DO llullwny nl lonulale BULLOCK MOTORS no YOUR CHOICE HERES LOW COST TRANSPORTATWN SPECIAL For $319 you run buy any on Ihc lullowlng Illxpnlnl mud muly cars All rm cqlllmml wllh IKMN null rxlinn Here Is ml oppurlunlly lo grl uond cm at law price 46 BUICK 47 MEllï¬llflY 47 PONTIAC 349 YOUR FORDMONARCH DEALER illlE SKULL went E0 tar as to use he poweriui kick against Moinars back aiming primarily for the kidneyswhich had the Hamilton invorlze in serious trouble 46 MERCURY 49 AUSTIN 51 PREFECT 48 MORRIS BARRIE MRNIH Mnka Squaw