Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1955, p. 11

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Oonflnued mm Due in pmflLur lass They remove all doubt The mln who his nmed mm £111 re uhuon um Extends beynnd In ce llne wlll be hunt be mln who Ives hlmsulx every mlnalemem chance by knowmg where hls income cum from what ll nuw Ind how he can nblnln an lnereued Income next year Flrmrecords Ire melul tn sub aldlnrywlym They help In ub lulnln low cost malt for exam pie The llrmer whn can present clear statement 01 his huslnen thaws that he know whit he l1 dam and hug Iernquuallty tn recommend him In nod bar mwnl customer Keeplnz record helps ta cun rol expenses and low expense per bulhel or wheat per lullnn mllk per pound heel nnd per daun an lhe key to promL The marglrl belween lncnma and only Jun Inusfactory widened by cnlclcm urlull men sunny II it In Expanded by ohlninlnl hllher prlw Economy fine not mean buy In enlllxer lhnn 1m land qulm or buying Inlerlor lead mny evnn be lhnt oncs Inrm recurdwhen command with nuthurflullva record mm compar an arms will Ihnw the need expcndllurc Iur send trtlllzer and pen control prepar nuam when 1M expenduure can In expcclcd to MC produclion peanre nnlmql Above an and cennnmy cameer he Inrml Thin vital mm In Income has been dealt wlh 1n xcvcrnl Mumth Letter nnlnbly Ihosc at August 1M Feb rumy 1051 and Soplnmbcr 1052 raping which are gull nvullnblc Farmlnl nlflerem Farmlnl has boon slncc the be nlnnlnk history mmnlhlnx du lcrenl somean sol npnn There llnvnr In faxm lltu wllh nature nu wIIncs Ihe number fundnmnnlnl npncn lo humnn people whn express the have mm mm any they will nchlcvc lhoh lIIelonu ambltlnn lo on lhulr own arm WOOL one the has 01 our wcmm wn In Iyplflcd by the am farm In Cnnndn has val Our nulllmn Wnrehnun No Wmun OManu or by wrlung lo CANADIAN COOIEIIATIVE WOOL GROWEIIS LIMITED lily Shell Toronto CAnIdA Obluln suck nml lwlnc wuhout churn mm The ilurmers Income Sllll COLLECT T0 SPENCER Thnmlon TIIOS S4 BOWMAN Elmd smcu CODl unrle Rellnble Grudlni Dlrcct Settlement 65 Collin SI DANGERFIELD MOTORS LTD Your Chevrolet Oldsmobile Cadillac and Chevrolet Truck Dealer BMW Ihnt Ire not to he found In In scheme alcollecflve lnrmlnx ll no em provldu nllmcuum for lhe ind vlduula Enged In it but ll emclent In meeunu the nod need at he cuuntry Failure 01 collecllvlzed agriculture in Ru was one reason given or lhepu lull uphuuvll 1n the USSR curl MI yenr Then whu see deeper than other appreciate the character Ind dignlly rurnl lire and work The firm provides Independgnta 1h snuslncunn at alas commun lon wnh nature and huulmnvlng qunmlu The are sunllnl Ideal at humunlly and must nn be qeprucntedr by lhm Iheunlhe import aide in farming it is in business land buxinm must yield In income There must be enough iinanciai return In make punihle the achievement at Ihe dividend oi lie that ndvnnccd lnrmers denim The ynung mun lhlnklnl of uk mu up arming an hla awn ahouhi nnw lhnt nlrlcuuurc cum uoslte many economlc mum 1r modu llvlnz and of mm uncuam but 511114 hm nvss in which lhe chnrnclcr and ncrgy of he mnnuemounl more hgn any nlher fnptor lmpntlcnl punple people who want qulck mum on lhelr In rulmenl of mnney and Inbur ll lnd 111112 In lnrmlnu mum hem People who lurk lnlllnllve Ind cnlcrprlse and energy will pru lab where decisions are made or lhem where they urenlwnys lnld some authority whil do uxl Peoplc wlm are Umld who mall the poets lines His HIL lonIdxnwn questlnn belween amp and crap will seek um nlx the scnurny or wnrklnx or umcnne else 13m lhu farmer whn nppmnchc Job with the Idea Ihul mm ls somrlhlng tn be made mum and 50 proIllnblc us In Add lncumu mnlclom l0 unuble Ilm und hls finally to enjoy the dvnntnurs and comm llfe vlll Hnd mnny olhor hlng added the lavcllncu of every yam1 sued lmc and hnrvnl Bloscnesl to he 10an We and nnluro and he pirlt of the giant of aullquily knlncus whose strength Increased vcry time he touched thy xrnund Bulk Milk Plan Does Not Help Small Shipper Spcnklm the Whole Milk Pro iucurs dlreclora mocling In To ronla last week My Hickllnz re Jroscnlinu lhu Barrie diliricl told he mecllnl lhnl when the bulk shlnplnu plnn ls lnuunurnlcd by one ml the Barrie dnlrles lhnre may be many as mail shlpperl cut all became they hlvv beenunable lo comply with the rcqulrcmunll Mini cooler In enable lhcm lo ahlp Ihnlr milk by Ink lruckl Thou smnil shipper of two or lhyce can cnnnoi niford in put in nu cxpenxivo moian plnnl ihal ure rcqulred and will lhmiore be wilhoui nn ouilti in lake ihglr oLDsMoBIIE nppmuchcl Ihul farm bn made milk some 90 shippersfits Inn 40 will have chnnged over to the bulk coalm was hr way It was described In lhe menInn luncsuan was that perhaps twn or more Ihnsc producer llvlng mun lo each other might wnrk out plan comparative hnndYo helr milk by 3an mm hulk cnol er hul ll was thought Ihnt it might be hard or them 10 cunllmw uxrco surplus at mllk wns he um ernl rcpol all of the 130 dlstrlcls rcprcmfilcd the mccllnu whlch mm from all parts If he pm vince The mallur he collccunx of co lnr covering the charges made from he winner was dlsnuascd and lhls mmelhlnu that will be lull wllh by the Ontario Fndurn mmumnlmumu FOREST FIRE FlGHTER RESCUES FAWNNah nnd wlldlifc us wvll III form wealth nnd hcnuly spun MI sufler whm fin enmllls Ontario woodlands Apri to October in nfllchl amt Ivenawm mung highesljhazardé carefulmvurybodyl II luan Mr Ilnnlu 1lthr1 Iilm drum INN likr ulnnm Inn murr Irulllr Ilum uur lwfnm up rnjuinu Ill mylhlm almmn lhul uuniuu nu Olllllnnlnlr ginI Inhlu uu uIII ll nrw III III hr mum uru Mumn ulurrh Iuurr mlnr nlyliuu mlufmlmll Hml Ilml Uhlnlllllllih in mum at Ilme Hum my ulhrr tnr ml lhr an hy mm numlf In llrmr ullmll Ilm IhIumhllc mulrn mu ulnlmin ulnaum mm Irm Ilon at the mecllnl or the pro vlncn Ulla xprInK It guem mm It lennlny mi mus cumélrom the federal nthorlllcs Mun chkllna represent the whqu Mllk shipper he Bunlg dlslrlcl and hose dlhéclors so the qunlnl or lhc producer shipplnlm Eur He dairies snenklnl of Ihe quotas It was revealed um hose conlmtll are valuable as they can be mm with 10 hrrds lf hn anm and hard are mld lnlncl This Ihc only manner In whlch new ship wur can not started The 1m person ride over Nlngnrn Full was wumnn Mrs Ann Edson Taylor In 1001 he made he drop In buml with an nan 91 hallnst and survlvcd WOMAN OVER NIAGAIiA MAKI AN Arromean TO TRY nuw Oran305 IOOZ 502 Dc ranr Dlrll Tobacco Board Cancels Plans Inspect Land Slmwe Relaxmar Scrapping plum made earlier thin Year the Ontario FlueCured To hacm MinRuin Board decided yu lerdxy no lo undertnk the pro nosed inspection llrm 1nd or either members or nonmemben an nut hree wetk no mum taxmen Inviting them to luv lhelr Inna lnspeflod impacunns were 10 be used to lun py 1h dlrecluu wlm the neceuuy Information to dllcuss nllocntlon new mun or Increased allutmenu Kn fulure There will H1 comment by dlr cctor yesterdnrun he rgveflll o1 dgchlnn hm vexn1 exprcssed nplnlun um me Inspecunn wnuld have had no value when the pro on School Trustees Meet The April mmlng of the lrum lee of School Aron Om wm hem Guthrie Schonl whh memhm piean Onrdnn Bldwall In chair The mlnulu 01 Much and March 22 ware reld and ndnmed and business Illlhll on1 thegn dean wmn Slum kcyc Mu present discuxsed lhe plan for he £901 Shun any The unchers reporu were rend and he surmury lnstructcd to puiphasc the necessary uypyllesz The ccddnufifirésefiwdliy the uqulurcr were nrdmd paid lnspccmra repnru hn cnchurn nl Dalston Leigh Corners and Gulhrle were rend and dlscumd aim muulnl ol the humus the teacher and lhe Fair Board Win an or April n1 Guthrie The May meullnn of lhe schnol board will be holdm Ruby on May jThc sccrqlirv winsr Suntand to Idverllsu Iur muchers In The Globe Mall Correspondence wn rend from lh Iolluwlng Lox Robinlun Alvln Moore Frank Klmen 0n lnrlu Urban Rurnl Trustee Assocn DIM 2m and new peek at ujy acreg innrum wm decidedly dim Forpalvllurd filament formal board mlement said in discussing the recani survey nude or member and nonmem hen it wu an um consifiaubie inlannltion ind been nintd by lhe emu lied and that no uriher survey would be made for pur pose n1 adjusiinx acreage or the hullnee of 55 In uiher wards he board would no undemke the proposed Inspection or hrmlnnd nr ilher member nr mnmm hen durinl 1955 My new ll wai Ielmd that Inproxlmulg ha IKYIIILDVSTHLII lpmmlnl Wm ullnh1 ynur body Inn luqumlly In nu An nu nlh ll mvmnkv cumluvlbly unl It you Hoop mum yl Illlll Il1lllllll Ill Mull for LIFE or $20000 IN CASH Heros financial security the chance travel enjoy your favorite hobbies really live Once yau reach 55 Ilium trip all expense PARIS vacation lnr vla TWfl lllrlinosl Plus $300 to spend as you Please Glorloul two week vnmtlon Thrilling flight on famou CONRTBLLATIONX Stay at luxury hotel ln Furll vlult mm clubs restaurants museums theatrel an woo mm In all will in gym Came in far your olfldnl onuy blink whlnh mun be mod to enter Ithlu content H5ME FURhIéHiNGs 275 hp undue MIIMIen v3 In modem uummobflel anther hul any mi Mona color combInnt onsI Kx Torsionlevel fldvI AND ASaafi POSTIIIIEPEDIG WILL BE GIVEN FREE TO ONE WINNER IN THIS STORE GUARANTEED ANNUITY PROVIDED BY THE FAMOUS NORTH AMERICAN LIFE AND CASUALTY 00 Illlll Ill illlllll manlyl II Intdup mm with Nu ullnlflla II Khrllkl ml ny lnvu your luly mmultln mn Iurmnunl Illllml WEDNESDAY mm 21195511 1y LU 03111 IM membenol the DnurlonueCund 1on Durham Alsocmlon had nturn ed the arms wall ma non members the Inner remawn mumin the Lnnmunbeu In Lhe pmvincq Abandonmem the Inspection program lessens the ponxmnw any treelance zmwen hung taken Inlp the ussocinunn at We mam ume known um seven rower directors were In Va adeunu heeLnnce mwer Ind the lnspullnn was 10 Va wild ithe mm The sum dimlau Ml um pruem numbPI Wgru Immud HERES ALL YOU b0 TO ENTER Ammhflmfluluflhdvlhdu Mlmluluulhkllhuhdylbdu ON YOU SHIP ON VOU1I MY VIN MAHIIHI IVIICT OKAVI Nllmll 00 so No MAID mm NM COMIOIFOAID munmud Ivhymllwllh ONI xur ucx Iull unhbly lhlnk puny mm Nothing to bvyl So my la onlcvl Jun mm Mul HODII Ill MI WININIH ll Vuu mur ulna Immll nn lunpxd flu in In nu telull Ho dnl HIan on Unlyll 71 um 1955 rucmn Culhbun Convertible Most Exclflnl flue Cll In the Worm uly mm in wall lulu In mllu wllfi lulln wk Im mmqu luluIn camonmun Mum Ivmmrm ml Inn ImpuNthwll Minllnnnnlullonl mm mm put mulym my yu mm1 mum In mm human mmm lmuu ml Hm mum k¢MN IAOACIII lllvvlplll mum an lullluylul lmfldjuflmenl or Icmu If the nonmember war uken Ink rewluuon regarding he hnn arnrlum paid in nu chalmlnku mud nlesdun on the advice at he Inocmwn lawyer allow pennant at the hnnumfium to the human hus mt beenpro perly nmed we maxchm re nnlve am the chnlrmln be requm cd to relum the money Ind lhll all expnnu accounls should he llam 1nd by daHy mean meal and vouchers Inpnfled or hate and ryvprmmmudnflnm Dw Jud1 nu mm HanaInn lleuluflnn PHONE 1M

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