Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1955, p. 6

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rm BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 15 1955 Visits Minerva Minerva Lodge arena Siroud were heels the District Deputy Grand Master and many visitors on Tuesday evening when the DD GM inade his visit oi inspection We Bro Palmer oi Toiten ham was accompanied by grand escari including the District Sec retiiry War Bro ll Rim of Tai tenhnm and Disiriet Grand Chap lain Brod RevxCook li War urn Blaekburn and Very Wor Dro Morley erehi who lalcr spoke ni he lourth degree on Masonry and Christianliy lie was intiJduced in ihe hre ihren assembled by the director of ceremonies Bro Jemieson lie and ihe Musier ui Minerva War Bro Waller lllll were both amputee veieruns oi the First World Wur and both helunucd to the nine bri gade Both have been conneeted with lhe Past Oiilee Department WWme Awarded FartTime Job Having received over dozen pllcailons ior part time ho kccplnz lob whirh was adverii recently in the Examiner by Township The Council decided give he work in the wile oi Supervirar Mrs MargerleCow one oi the applicants it was thal the Supervisorwould have be responsible or the work mat mueh oi the details could explained without his having ioko lime irom other work salary ior the part time which considered in be about one ih days ilme daily is ility dollars months The suprlslna number ui vi highly qualified applicanis sin the Interest there is iurpnrt ll work along these lines This work had previously bi done by iormer roads superiule ent Robert Stewart it is undersil thII udlourned In In basement banquet roam where Iplcndld rele nwallcd flum 4Folluwlnu the usual luusls 1th almuncd to short nddrcs War mo Morley Wright by Folluwlnu Ihc working um Deurcc dunhm which Adams was Inluuled Into the 5mm order of mnsunry my DDGM compli mented 1hr owners at Minervn or he emuan mimnnr In which they put on lhc dance work There wmv 125 members nnd vls Hers present uml lhu lodge hull wns so Hllcd wllh uddilionnl mm that lhc lo was lhnllcd MM Mmrlacn nnd Dru Dr Shilllnun were also nlnunx the dlsnnuulshcd Huusls wcl nomcd colnnldunm was In UH Dlsl rlnl Depmy Grand Mum War Bro Wlllur Hm und Scclvlury Murry mm were ull mtmburs pl lhc sumc brlgmic in he Hrs war and were all wnundoi nnd two ul Ihcm lull limbs Hm humor was Wu ed an UI Guam ul Vlmy Ridxn Bro Hlll lost his 101 munlh before the war nndrd Thny nrc nnw all uklng nullvc purl In lodge work in Hue same du lrlcl GARRETTS EAST END GRAVEL PIT 11 Hayfield SI 11an10 Llcnnscd Imlruclan lhml Conuquad Cm Crushed Conuqu Gvavul Fit Run Concrete Grove Crushed Road Gravel Sand Hll NOW LOADING FROM CRUSHER SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING ougflggn FINANCE éolpolaflm ennuio AIIHI IAIN I0 IIWIIII IIII IH 07I Phone 3710 Would lend families like this $190000000 Ilhclr wukly akahum luy II ulmm $60 Likc mlllinnl ulhm My do not Imc mum In Iillt lhcm mtr umnty Clcl£ll Yr lau yur Hmlxclmlll llnnnu Iurluumlun Cunnlln km mtr HUUMMOOO In IMIIIIA Iiu likc lllh Vr punhlr unall 3mm uf momy mlugcmin nml Mmunhlr and quire um hanknhlc murily llnn lpmclmlll liurunc um ulhrr mmuum fumue mm uulu In the flag nanny rmly mum of pump munry hcllv Imluy mm umII Imnnu mm uur mm fiumur tumwan IdI mm all IIIm mm 11 milml unHl Himmum amblth In IM l2 uremlul Immll nlfim mnlng 57000 uumum Du nu wflwur 607000 uuunnen Im mwul Imp mu 10 run Today llmnchuld Finme and tho unnumrr lnun lndumy nan he lml wlmiun the Innncy lvmlvlmuul menuRe hmHy lNNlSlll NOTES By Having rcccivud over dozen an plicntions or part time book kccplnz job whivh was advcrltsed recently in the Examiner by the Township Th Council decided to give no work to the wile oi the Supervlmr Mrs MnrgnrlcCowan one ui the nppllcanls it wns Mi thnl the Supervisorwould have to be responsible or the wurk and that much the dctnlls cauld be axplained without his having in take iime lrom other work The salary iur the pun lime which considered in bu bout one third daynhiimc dully ll lily doliurs per vnt The luprIslnl hulnhbr very highly qualified nppllcanls shuws the Interest there turpurl me work along 105 llncs This work had prcvlnusly been done by lormcr rand superlulcndv cm Ruben Swwurt It understand that he wllL be handing over mt work the end at the munlh Ht will be used only when needed or some spcclnl work around heshed which miy bcnomc nvnllnble The change was made the ro quul Highwny Engineer Bruce who found that the pax ycnrl accounts were not fully rc curdcd The work be dune ul Um township oulcc Garbage Tonders Clerk lmlcn ndviscd UiL Cuuncli Lhui iiC hid nut so Iur niliced in advertising tut in lcmiur fur llu coiicciion oi iiIC xnrbagu Iur flu nming season He sinlctl thui was not sun at iim nmn vhici shuuid come under llm bwnshiI coliccllanin Lclroy This Wns nu zhoxiud after pciilion vus scni Councii Ill Ihc beginning in your Councillor Danny was nuiil urizvd to mnkc survey and udvisc the iimiu n1 lhc area In be covered The colicclluns usuniiy lnri duriny Muy and um cunirncluu urn nnx imu lo know ll hey urn Iu nrrnngt their equipment Ind Min uc ccsslul in heir bids The ndver iisinz was authorized curly in Marnh Await Auditors Roper Rccvc Glbblna lnformld the Cnuncll lhal the Audlluxx nnd udr vlscd by phnm lhul they were ncnrly rcndy lu submll lhclr rcpurl of me mwnshlp nflnlrs olnwlng lhvlr nudll 01 the 19 chk3 They nlxu udvisud Um My would be scndinx one lhclr mambcr up In ulvc hu council Inlarmnllcn or uwlr Ilndlnzs nnd ndvlsu hrm an haw hulr suucslluns shuuld In car rlcd out Councll Rot unu slop nNrcr knownu whnl their rcrlulrmncnh mluhl he whon Gwrxu Brucu luc ul Engineer 01 he hluhwnyn mslsb cd them to mike mlll vhlch would rnlsc sulliclenl fund 10 ABOUT ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE Eflthfi ered Mound Midhursi station Sunday evenlng to see the Cunndlen roll through Thigh the sleeknew Domeiiner which will give daily service iromMontreni and To ronto to Vancouver cutting one night 011 the run Following inaugural ceremonies at Union Station the Canadian left To ronta at 415 pm atnndmd time and rencherl Midhurst sharp at 608 The two dome curs attracted most attention It did not stop but went through he reduced 1ch UN nmpuscd rnnd require xcnu cunlcmplaled this your Thls muld Include lhv pnvlnx Hun HI line Aflcr dcduEllun 111 mu mhsldlus and urams nnd lnkhu nlu consideration the expenditure nndu lust ycur lollowlng the hur lcanc damages and provldlnz fur hc payment in tullvt lhc csllmmd usls of the pnvlpu will roquh levy 35 mllls However ll la xpcclud lhul palHon the casl lhe paving may be xprmd over he next lhxcu your which the inhcnlurc A0 allow lhll are mud md approved will cut lhc nexl vcnr mlll rcqulrcmcnls ledurub ls clumuled that nearly 5000 was spun hm year It rcpnlr the cads following the storm Thls plus he estimates nude or this your zcnuml road expenditures and mmy new brldgcs would rcqulrL evy equal In Ihc previous year which wal mllls This Lch not ruvldu the fund needed nnnr hur lcnne Huznlu Then balance 11 he govern ment Iran 01 815000 whlrh wus 1ivcn ur the lmpruvcmcm of live sldcmnd nlll uvnllublc lo be used on mm mad ma progrnm llnud uv lhl ycur an be dom tur nn Iddmunnl nllls Iuoks kc good buslqcsx no going Mr Drucc mm lhnl hv would make Iurvcy the am 1111 soon he could make IO llmc nnlluhle Aller which slur on bulldlnz Ind drnlnlnz lhu but of roud craiuldr he nmdu ll hopcdmnl lhlx W111 be under way by lhu June llurk lotions Fashion Forecast Molar Show Cunummi mm page nncb bhlc wflh pcplum cum Jacket and mnmm Ikhl charcunl llnnnu akin wllh nanny lnmtca plenl wn nhu Ihnwn fur th mnlron modKlkd wlm collurlLu brnndclulh hluulc wllh wldu uckl and saddle unminu in Ihu yuku rnlny lhcr 5er or he mnlron wnl Irlm 1mm cm bouLd Illullc rulnconl with Ilrlpcd ulm on ll pctcrnnn cnllnr Ind mm It had mulching Iou wrshr 11er Ml Wllh Impcd hrlm Drul whHu xhum ln mlll wnc wum th nlctvulcu llnrn hlumc um hm cunlrnn nlulnn nrouml IE neck Iluvc uprnln Ind clou lnu lwuulm mun Ind mom ul hnd colorful rpod Irlnl whllu par of Imnn llntn mum weru In by whllv ulplnu Their lvlry lnlh him had llwcrul mckllnl nun could be rnnvurlcd lnm lullk neck Hporuw 5mm pcdnl pumm and ham Inu qu wm plcnllful at me mn lun mow buman Ill Ihuwlnu lhla vcnrn mud numdn unmplml width and mm IInckn puvulnr xhurll wllh llm Immutlruuu Denhn nllld Ihurh llld lmnl punn pucan Ind cum Iml dcnhn mu nhu Irvn In luurmlrcn uluy Ivl prdll puma Ivluule Inld rm and mum lnlnl mnqu cnmc In vulcly mum Ill Illlhrd TIMH lrllmlnx lha new llnllnn Mckllno Ind 0qu ll wnl warn wllh dnulm vmlll nullml um nuulhrr mll mumr um hlunw lmlwnell ruunn hltl umlvutlnl lrllu In cullr Ind Iho lmmrr will nlm wu Illll pupulnr mm nulllul the nluxvuy Mu lunnn yr mm mm Tl lrlm Hu mp hllhlnl MIHI llvll WIN he wmn uu ll hurhu MI Iulnmrr Wnl Inn Illcll lull mmlzl wllh no dul drum unit Colun Inuuclrr Wu malnhl luund In inumnflvu mm ur lull lulu uyan hmn mm mm hudod hp mm pm Our 11 mod Illvlvllvc bllhv mu uhluntd llnnl prlu cm Ilnu whllv Innlhlr had ch uzrk Null lumln nun In My Ind hull mllun Iulfled up II Inn In mm inmh wllh Ikm nlhcl lumAu Dmm Cvllon drum lor mum Canadian Danieliners lirsl llun Through Millhmsl lulu Additional Gran Holds Mill Rale uddlllnnll unmndlllunnl urnnl from hc Onlnrlo overnmnm Mu dome wn uhln In hold he 1955 Emma In rat lhe sum figure lnlkycIrH mills CuuncIl slulnd The lulnl uncundltlunnl grant Ihls year over 4000 At the April mceunz xuqucst or man to St Andrewl Heinl lnl Mldlund bulldlnu fund was held ovcr or further mmldcm Ilun Madame rosidcpl wlm new hu pllnllznllun ncclvc ultcnllun onun Mldxnnd and Ponuunu hnspflnls wllh lho prcpumlcmnl mnlorlly of mo mm In Orllgln uuncn wn lnvllcd In uucnd mccllnz Gcarxlnn flny Drch ovmunl Commlsslun nl Culdwnlor Apr 15 Depnllmcnl anI IIan Fur uu wlll he nblc nume 251100 lrcu ordurcd lur nlnnllnu Coun nll WIII ndvhcd Lu Glllunlu of 0m whu pussussu ulnnllnu mn chlnc Wu nnunlnlld ml vul Hauling Iur 5050 per LOW lrucl Contract Complete mum and mnlwphlnlcxn rd mum cullun urlnl Ind mud collnn warn rumblnrd In Inn drcu with mum nrck Hull hnd rick mrk nnd pvlnl ulm whllt nnolhnr Iun dnu wu In Illnlkd mllun land had II mlld color cupu wllh nuuhlnu pulcrpnn collar nnrl llrI Thu clly llllllars had In lhclr Madam denem um ccrhln Mnndards mm mm enlltlcd 1h odlnn lerm nt parklnl meter he rcmovcd from ur taln lumllnn wllhln he pr cncu mm mtnnlly ll wu no dnni In Inch upllnn the wurk men nerlnrce Imuhed the tonmie by pnwar hummer llld removing the llnndnrd re plnud the broken concrele In In hole xlnxcd cullvn um Ilrlpvd druu or mun zlrl NY nylun cullnr Ind rdulnu on me Illuvtm with rlhbun Illl nul lhu bullum ma crlnollnu mu Thu uunu mmll modrl wow Innucrine lern wllh llccrdunl cuflnr and vnllc cwuc lnml IIUIHU 17m uldrr lyenrr rhme Aluvrlru navy Mn drm wllh wme bulcrn mil win Illlr drun Iunnlnu nrckllnfl lhlnwul nlluLHvu mum ur inlny dnyl wu plnk muun poplm rlln Kunl wflll lllllthlul lwml ILIII lho It Illel wllh mull Illnwl 11 Thu lulhluu IIU llknl In lnumnllve ulnlllc Illckvr wlh cunluruy nllur IIHI blank llllvn Munumc an nbszrvanl lnrl cmuprlsln louhyuruld cun mclnr Issemhflnl III equlp mull proceeded wllh opera llulu one udpnwer III er rcmnvcd lhu lltblll Io lhu llm la muhlne wllh mwu by In lruck Ind lhe ruldua wu hind Job hm the run MI orlllnal llnll lmkld it Mllh wlllle ll In mu Icnllercd nnt lnr but wldr Illhlunl ll Hm nwlur nlmw wnru III rum Ztllrrl lellml unl Huhll wrrr Mun lrnm lhn Illll nl Ill when nunlop Slreet Ilal WhenMnndny mnrn IQONsTONE ang the CunnKmm Elmvulu Mm Your Guaranlee UUISTANDIN VIHIUI IN Qualin Diamonds speed Sudbury it connects wtth the Montreal section and proceeds west as one mun siniiiu ceremony was inaugurated by the ONE as the shining new Super Contin cntni ion at pm to connectwlth the MOHHEM section at Cnpieoi This dieseiiz ed streiuuiinerwiii also out about 12 hours oi the run to the west coast The super Continental dues not pass through Barrie but goo up the east side oi Luke Simeon through Benverton to Wushugou PRIVATE IIMMUND HUOM JIWILLIHI MOUNT ST LOUIS Pleased lu Juhn Ryan out ul Ler his recent Major opcrnllon 8mm Euler ct Mrs James Mtllcr and Donna lefl Snlurday nlgh Inr Coward ul cr spending lhu Easter holiday at mclr home here Home Irom Hullulo Mm Klnz who has bunn vls lung trlcnds In Buffalo arrived homu Sundnylnluht nmnu aununy luva Mm Phll Klnu spent cw day Turonlo vliitlng with her daugh Mu Herman Eonncnu has relurncd after spendlng week wllh lrlends lnTurun£n npd Grlmsby Reta acrmcluhe hulldny with Mrs AL Ikrlhelumv Motnr to We Donnie Clark and Don only left by rumor on Thursday or the West and Mrs John McCutchcgn 0nd Karen at Walkcrlnn vlsllcd Mr and Mrs Phil Kfinz School Wondwork Verne Todd Vaxgy wus busy Haslcr wcuk buildlnn bupbuards and bank shelve In Ihc lchcnl Kenny land Peter Klng spent Eu ler halldaya wnn thH listen in Tomnlo Mr um luwul lander at our submit1 lad was glvcn the comma or On Lake um urbane callccum The flu pnymll umaunung In $34040 or work on rcpulrlnu lhI nlvcr bunk an the Rublnson lnrm wax met Sluncwark on lhe In 1erch rcmnlncd to ho cum plcxcd Cauncll will Inspect ditch on Ildcrond bulwccn lul 10 and II Wm lllxhwny 12 the Cold wnlcr nlvcr nulh ul Hu Dunlap arm whlch nccvc Andrew Dun lup Cvldwnlcr rcquulud bcrc upcncd 12 mm Couluy Weed In wmur lnqullcd rum Councll wlml Ilcp mluhl uke lu nub wrch lhls scam Cuuncll decid ed Io spend $300 Iprnylnu wccd ulonu luwnshlp lunds Tendon wlll be calltd Iur 3000 ynrdl pll run xmvvl um ILDDU ynnll crushed mm be dcllv cred unlkl wpcrvlllm mud Iuncrlnlcyldfnkbvluro 1a Howard Dmnoi nllowud 05 mm Np mm Tuwmhlp rmpluyucl Ipmylnu warm um hm comululud mu mm work on Nu nm lpmy Inx Council wu Inrurmm Counrll lmd Inlmclcd Innny luwmhlp mm nnd wunld be vlcwlna lhc bulnnru whcn cundl llmu ucrmlucd Accuunu mum ur uuymunl were Iwnd 1137 Tuwmmv Mn Trlcphhm wall The landl luu rcpuxt Ilwwcd Hm uwmhlp mm lwhll vmr $3000 on In rl urcrluvnl NM mucan wl bu May 11 Il WIIYTEAl gum pnl KANUMUH HTHW klnlnm hnl wry Illlln mrIl mu II In pnmmllnn Iv HI Ilu Tm nuth lull mnkn luml qup and um hr lllNl In flew mm on Vudmdm ANll mu Mr nu Mrl Illm Wallnu wum yummy vl mu um Slunly my Ion muuulu Alum brulhrr or Inn cxnrk numurwn ls vmunz and Mn Sld Clark BORN érandmothcr Utopia spcny Eaglnr Central Unlled Church Glee Club Iumedw varlely xhow Inln for ninth annual concert last week The church hill wal tilled almost to clpmlly an Ncsday Wednesday and Thurxdly venlnls or the en temlnmen Haunted by iroup 13 shim Lclrge Afiendunce Ninth Annugil Cbncefl by Central Glee Club On the flint aiming with the largest crowd 11 the three nights the lee club WA in pnnlcullrly In 10m Costume and setting were most attractive und numbers ranxlnl lrom Victor Herbert Inv orlten to Irrnlllar Western songs weellve sum Aptll map It v01 11m All lulu time and In Blandrd Tlme CANADIAN NAnorw mugwus NOHIHBOUND No GilTarnmo ID Nunh my luvc Tomnlo 920 mm Arrlva Al lnndnh 113 am Leave Barri HA3 mm Hy except Sunday Na lbTornnlo Orlllla mauve Toronto pm Arrlve Mlsndnlu 802 mm 19qu Bar rga pm Daily except Sun No lTaranto to Lenvu Toronto 11 Mlnndalu 1m em Im dally No I1Turonlo to Leave Imunto 1130 Allnndnle 120 mm Ij um dilly CNR and CPR Time Tables No libLeave Barrie Allundllc 511 am dnl ToruntoJJO um 1mm am um mu Dally 3g Mppdgy No cxieavea Allnndnln 440 pm 710 2111 Dally ex No libLeave luvc Allgrggnlc Iriva Allnnd Tummo FROM MEAFOIKD Nn fitDew Melton 215 pm Arrive Allnndulc 110 pm dilly genm Sunday Connects wlth No arrive Tllnndnle wcdnmdly Frldly HAMILTON LINE Nu HUIFrom Hlmlllnn urlve llnndllo 11 um daily exccp Sun pm 10 MEAFOIID No olMavu Mlandnla Im arrive Mallard 130 pm txcep Sundly PENETANO LINE No mLenvo Allnndnle Im mlvo Peneunu 145 Mgndly ch udy day Na ulLuva AIIJnann us pm or Hamluon dilly except Sundly CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Emcllva 11M mm Eundly Aprll 24 ms Trnln lime at Mldhum Slnuuu NORTHBOUND No II nnlvcs dnlly 111 am or Westem Cun Idn and Saul Branch points No 21 nrrlvu dilly at 1120 am from Tor anlu orSauH 519 Maria No 25 nrrlm dully excapt Sunday at 1100 am ram Nronlo or Mcdonle SOUTHBOUND No rom We Iern Cunudl arrive daily 440 um No 28 from Saul Ste erlc nrrlvol dally 115 pm No 20 mm Mcdomo nrrlvcl dolly except Sun day II pm or Torunla Sum mur Icrvicu we mm mm lulcr THE CANADIAN Trnlns ll um 12 on Wellcrn Canada Icrvlcc lrom Tummo Ind Monlrm Alumd April 21 but does ml 1le nl Mldhurgl 24 DUNLOP ST azLcavc SOUHIBOUND Gliddén mm mm HOME APPLIANCE SHOP except Sundriy IE Burrlc 735 742 Ax Earth Arrive Burrlc Arrive excnpl Sunrdny Headquartgrs For your fibflhg Damth needs Vancouver pm Arrive leave Bunlo flnrth Bly pm Arrive lunvu Bunh rle 450 dnlly 300 420 Dmv Tuxquo lurnmu Sunday Amve only 1145 Dilly MAE sea mantles Ind sacred music ware wEll rrecefiVcd Suinle included mum Pin and Bill Puker heardin Clplnin Mac Ind an encare Deep River Eldon ch was whistling soloist 101 Thu HIPPY Wandau am lump of hohonumhnn sung by the en semble Ind Viola luck gave iwo readings the story bl Little Red Riding Hood 01 In mail Kiri Ind small hays monnloxuc on the wlsdom at his qlherx sayings Theprourgm opened with group sea shanue collected and ur nnzed by Slr Richard Tony nu ly Boy was sun In turn by he women and men of the chorus mak Xng he Irndltlonnl rejoinder and 1h men sang lhc chnml ma huaumuIShenandoah the wom en Inklng verses The entlrun xcmhle Joined tar Blow me Mun Down um Bound or 11 Rio Grnndc and the nunInn veinc Wu mndc complm by nu xallor costumes at the singers The enurcrfimducunn wu Inder the dhecuon 91 Warren Mac mnrcmtmlfihumh organist and cholrmnncr who Ilw uccompanfled the Klee club the plane The singer changed to hobo co lumcs or me mm group num bers which Innludcd the Lcnllc Bull arrangcmcn 01 Skip 10 My Lou and Swlngln Dawn lhu Thelr next nppflfirnncu In gypsy costume or group Gypsy Charm Whnrc My Cnrnvln hn wlll nnW unvcll lhr lguru nur bcslknnwn ulluenl hug stock on hhnd iodny In all the lovely ntw colors See them now Vigwégffifi KENWIIOD BLANKETS lu nrdnr to Ive our an more rec mp Walk wlll cloJu at 530 pm bcglxllllnxnlopdny April 25 BEAUTIFUL ALLWOOL WW THE HOME IN BARRIE OF THESE STIIIIE llllllllS fluted mm by an flrllxhorul Ind th Gm Dance Gmr Th watern numbers lnmwboy ouwu were Gemini Round the Mounwn thun nimble weed mm1n llne qunm worlfi by PMch Eldvn Tuck WkJ nurcd Nemy and Kay Cloughley Lfl the Rent the World In By Ind the West Nut and You with the voices of Vloln Tuck nnq Eldon ch hand In duet For the Inver amup Victor Herbal tnvnrlte summed by Chlrc Stallaxd and lmenpcnedi with numbtr emu Ind 1910 he enxcmhle were In costume re minlmnl he Gay mum anti thpy dhnnlnd to formal gown anti dam will or the chulcnlvuaupz the Lost Chord TheBelIl 5L The snared ulecloru closed he program were All in an April Evening Were you There and thy 13rd Psllm Mcmbpr the ensemble which was mane thl year lhln In 11 cent among were Shirley max Kny Cloumey anll Coum Elli nun Leigh Jenn MneLcnn Doris Musf on Rosin Pm Viohuck Indl Chulcne Woodruu Iopnnos Win nllrnd Nellly Dlnnn Pm Ind Dorothy nu allol chk Jone and Eldon Tuck tenor and Ms Cook nnstGHroy am Parker and Pickle bnu bolster II but one of the moneymum cumronglvlnl lhnp which ynu can make in our own home lh Pillo oam by Dunlap We will hclp you wnh dimllom Ind suggestions So any lo work with youll find youml ann wnuphokwyonmflnnm Vth no muko your own bolster of PILLOFOAM BARBIE TENT AWNING CU BAYHELD STREEIZ PHONE 5571 Hum

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