Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1955, p. 5

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uhlc out on the arena floor The Skull received in disqual mcnllon when he refund to ll low Molnar back In the ring utter he had thrown ha Hamilton tnv WEEKLY SPORTS GAIENDAR Molnar Receives Return Mulch Willi The Skullflere Tuesday Chuck Molnar or Hhmlltnn unquestionably gathered lot at new friends in this uren Awarded victory overThe Skull last week by the referee on disquallflcntlon Molnar retused the declslonund asked tor return mawh romuter LorryKosnboski of North Boy ohiei pilot of Northlnnd Wrestling Enterprises sanctioned the meeting and these two will tangle iuésduy night at Barrie Arena in the main bout oi the weekly professional curd RETURN OUT Chuck Mdlnur vs Skull Murphy No llxml lelt an m1 Tuesday April 26 WRESTLING lull 30 mlnule me llmN 45 Mlnulu nul of lull OKEEFES BREWINO COMPANY llMITED SEMIFINAL BOUT Buddy Freeman vs PM OBrien Ramon anntn vs Andre Cnrpcmlcr PRELIMINARY USED CARS TRUCKS marked with the seal of nchlnd cvcry Safe Buy 0st Car and Truck numb the name of rcpulnhlc hcrcwslny bluincssmnnynur McrcuryUncnlnMclcor dcnlcrfilfms your nssumncc uln Snlc Buy Tn dcpcndnhlc car or truck hnln been thoroughly chcckcd nnd ccmldlduncd llmls gunnlntccd Watch lid Bulllvnnn Tnnnt Town TV My Rundny Mm pun tlmnnrlifl Tomnlo Because you can trust this dealer You can trust his SAFE BUY Molnar siiii iceis he can daienl ihe Skull by clean wresiiinl Inniics Many rinzxidera wiii din nnrcu Mainnr possum in of skill but The Skull nullillcl iui ui hold wiih villainousviech nlqucs which tuc for from papu lnr with tho inns releree pulled the lulomnflc cum on he ruued mshmun and then awarded the boul loMolnan The semnnnl nui bring 10 Hclhnr the iurmur Mexican buil nqhm Ramon lawn and Andre Cnrpenlicr oi Vermont znpnin wen decision aver Buddy Free man oi Euiiuln last week Cur en icr skillful opcmlun was eld in dmw by Pat OBrien in week There no me th on ma hunt hen twonuboIthrce halls Fmomnn will shut the open Ing prullmlnnry against OErlen mo product mm Manlreul whn will Inst become 11 fnvnrlh In muse clrclos Mochnnicnl hnrcs lo greyhound racing were um lrlul In England Early 1518 The wmlllnn show not under wny at 845 pm POPULAR SPORT CHUCK MOLNAB Burrié Legioh To Sponsor Softball Team The Kennll meetlnn he Legion wax held Tuesday 10 April 1955wlh President Norbert Mom In 1he chair Eleven otllccrs renaladmit roll caILV It war moved End passed an dlscusslpn um the Lcllnn punsnr Ienlnr ohhnll lenmlo parliclputa ln Qh Barrie Dlmm neanue dprlnn he cornan season Applkailunx bx Hx new mem ber and two Immten wenu nccgnted by the meellnl report or the mamh ol Agrn wn rend by the trcuurer and lnvurnbly nccepled by the mem ber prescnl node at mollon was rend and will he discussed and voted an at the mldmonth mum in May The motion willb Inflow That he Lelian mmlnzs hr chlnled mm nm Ind third Tuesday to the Hm Ind lhhd Monday ench momh In the boy section Penr Robin son won the lnilcs champlomhlp when he deflated Bruce Danger Held In he Ilnull and later hochdi up wlth Paul Swuln wln the double um ram Dangerfield and Jun Willar repnrt wu xlven by Prob ldent Murnn on the lorlhmmln clrcu sponsored by me Legion The advance ale childrens llckel wl lavoruble ln vlnw the existing condlllans nnd the lckutl wlll be dlstrlhuled to the school chlldren the near lulurn Tlckcts will be given up to the iourth Krndc at our local publlc schouk Also the pmldent bp ponlcd the members In volunteer 10 help on ma Herman and even Inn at the clrcuxu Orlnllnfl were extended to nur rle Brunch by President Coutl rem Mldhursl Branch President Coulls was guest nllendln he Burr Brunch menUni Junior Titles Decided At Garrison Club Barrie Gnrrlmn mm the am Junlor ournnmcm in club hmory over the weekend which banned players mm 1218 yum It The chumplomhlp inn In both boys and IIIIn singles and double and mixed double were exception ally hrlmnu and cmnlnly nnruclod sumulnxcd lnterm In the junior secllcn In the consulnllon Blll erdl and Eric Adam won Ihe double and Eric Adnml cnplurud lhu mm llcnlhcr MnNnbb and Murnrcl Slcwarl cnmud lo win he ulrh double whh wln 0ch Marilyn Davidson and Guyl Andvemn 1n the finals McNubb came back In wln the am lunlor llnilos lllu dcicnllnz Mnrllyn Dnvldsan In Hm mun round erlnm Shale and Jeanne Mc Kcnlle won the coninllllun dou bln and Jeanne McKcnxle the con Iomlon llnlltl In me mlxcd dnublcs Illmll Mur cnrvlSlcwmt wl mun Dnnnr leld delunlcd erlzlm Sltble and Pam Rnhlnson In flnal The cansolntlon mixed will won by mu Wnrdle and Jeanne McKenzle Marlies Bounce Against Pats Junior Finals anonln Mnrlbnml bnunccd buck wllh 52 vlclory aver flexlnn Pull Saturday In In the Mcynurlql in lnnlu glnn The lhlrtl numb In lho buhln mvm mun wm lm playm mnme TM ukrl Enmm Can1n ulmmplonl wue ln ronl all llle way They notched the only loll nl lhu llrlt lad nml oulmynl who Im 2l lllch n1 lhc llmnd nml lhlnl chnplm Kllclluncr Waterloo Dnlclmmn lnnk LI load In lhr Allnn Cup llnnll Snlurday whrn may lurmd buck Pun Wllllnm cum II Kitchener The lnurlh Inn nl lho nullnacvcn lulu will be plnycd Tuurlny Mulnnl Knluhu ulle Tllllun lzuu lllhnrlrdl In Colllnl wuan Friday mm In dcudlnck lho OIIA lnlcrmulilln InII lwn 1mm when Juhuny Mn lunlllll ml with 37 lccondl NH lnllnlnl In lht nmn brain ll II and mm Hm Knllhu wlnuln Iu vlrlurL Th llllh llml of lo lel wm vlayod In Tlllxunhuu lunlflll wllh lh mm In Culllnp wnml Ann Wtdnudly Hunllllllo nuer buunnd back Wllll 32 vldury ovlr Wllkcrllm mnul In numlrldn Mumy Ila lh OHA nlrvmtdllle Ill nll II lhru Imn nth The VIII Ind lrclvlhll clumplomhln mllrh wlll Inkl pllc In Wllhmnn Wuullllotll Wlnlml huh lrul In MIA junlur ll Inll Bulurdly whrn lhry damnd anllnlduI Dndlvrl Ml In wlzl lmllll ll WMWIIHMIO 0M um ul 1qu lulu llnlnlml In no Iml llle Wlnluvl nlul only luolhor ll Tuuully nlllll un hum Ice In mm tmmplvmllllp Inl Ann Afined Illrk Llulrl MAI Humqu I41 mum Iy lu uh lMlm 147 Ind In MIhlnhrn om 131 Inlumedmu linllu nl nic Vllmrerlplccu In 1k vlhe First COIUmn Cantlnuzd from pig ant up on hm in TheEnlerprlscBullc mud that the mu on the Inuarsnll cum were named humor and Baalnu Now that cbuld cause lporls wrller sumo canluslun ntumeu Oalll She asked 10 spcnk in Miss Jone Then was pnuse Then the value snld some whnt ddublfully ll persunul GuHUly the caller ndmlllcd Hm wns Oh well then said the Ice valce ln relieved one Jill nu and let her Shes fins out having calfeefl An lvld Nader cammentcd on the recent hockey mnteh between the local man slutlon and the local nempnper He pointed out thnt our new editor had been ncllve 1n sueh endcnvan an autumn and lululwnr Thls the render claim ed opened the way or new sport lng canteen Wisdom from Slam An Ameri can cdllor burst orlh wllh the ful luwlng not nppllcnble In this am but Io mnny cnnulhulnrsl Whnln became of he prinfers devll Who used work like he We suspect he now Is leaching PM Dld lhcy pay your grnup Insurance mo BY Sure Dld they have profitshar inl BYM Corlnlnlyt PM No and lhrcc week va cation with pay BYM Yep PM xunrnnlecd unnunl am Yes nnd may qlso hnd bonuses and gills Or your blrlh 33m Then why dldynu mvc The company went bunk schnol From lhe wny reporter spclH brlxht younl nun wns applying or employment with an unusually uccesslul company Durmg he lnlervnw he naked the personnel magnet Docslhe company my for my Blue Cross Came buck the answer No you deducted rum your When the edltor of small own newspaper wu hard pressed for material wllhwhich to ill hl col umn one week he had his compos ilnr an up he Tcn Commundmunu and run them without cdltnrlnl comment Soon nflcr he received loner from rundnr who wruch Cancel my tubscrlpuun Knurc 1min Ion personal am The last place worked or lhey GreerAges Open PfiéliséTuesdéy Burl Grin Act will flan halt In amuse Imionnl the lawn madly IM at Queens Put Flm awlm It ligulemy It nclodl No purllculnr lixnltlcpncu lnched la the nbove man It could be Spring Ruundup or All Tied Up In Knoll 0r Jun Bunllnu lo Lunn Anyway ll mllhl brlKMm up the column Jtnrchinu or clue lhe Aéu mxlnns In luck he Blnla Dillrlcl NICI Sofl bill We report wide open Male for posltlolu um year due In the retlremeufi ol mny terms llln lnr IIuhnll Then will be menu held in ma Thornton public Ichnol Monday cvmlnu mm 25 oclack tur mo purnmu at dimm lnl and nruunlzlnl bmbnll um All Inlcrnlul are mum lu IHDIHL SPENCEThe lnmlly he lnln Clnro Spence wllh Xltflll nu wlrllull umnkl um Ipwnclnllnn lnr Ia IHII nru III klmlnr mm nymunlhy um um mul nrll olkrlnil Ilvfll mm ncIlhhnll mu lrlcnlll lllm Mank In llnv IL Snmlcn for hll cun Iu In warm and hrlp nl Ihc pun ln lnvan Innr and grant All pennmwlxhln In lend 4H prutlte welcome to do CARD OF THANKS ihflur rommc nvflnn mm Iun vlmr Own mluunl yww Cln be fllmnrnl hum 62M Mlnal II the um um my wlh THORNTON AUTOMOBILES élnlnnd Primer DOWNINGA the Ron vmm Hawkl Burk on April JESS lo Mr and Mn Gordon Downing Raj BIrrle daugh ler Mlumn Florence DUNNAl the Royal Vlcloriu Huspllal Barrie on Aprll 22 1955 in Mr 3nd Mn Donald Dunn 10 Run SL son Dun nld Randall FEEHANM the Royal Victoria Hospim HunIE on April 1955 to Mr and Mn Wlllrcd Bud Feehan 141 Km Road sun FLEWILLINGM the Royal Vlc laxla Hospllal Enrrle an Aprll 24 195510 FILL and Mn Oarelh Flewllllnz Agnes non HUNTERM the Royal Vlclorla HJspllll Bunlo on Aprll 13 1955 In Cln and Mn Merle Hum Angus Murder HOODAl the Roynl Vlctorln Hua pllnl Bnrrle an April 23 1955 to Mr and Mrs Hand 95 Clappenon SL non flohln Allen KENYONAl the Rayll Vlctorln Hnsplul Barrle on Aprll 24 155 to Mr and Mrs Waller Kenyon nue Jnnnnn Caruso Nl sunnldalo Road son Wllllnm Gerald 512m Lhe Royal 11191111 Hnapllnl Bnrrlo an Aprll II 1955 to LAC and Mrs Gentle 5mm 90 Em Rand sun Wayne Randall SCOPEM the Royal Victoria Hospital Enlrle an pm 12 1055 to Cpl and Mrs nxwell Scull lEXDupnt RCAF Camp Borden nn SMYTHEM the Royal Victoria Hnspllnl Barrie on Apfll 24 1055 cm and Mrs Smylhe nee YLnn Reynolds BJnd Hand dnughler Lauram lhq Hus ital Barrie un Sniurdny Aprl 23 1955 Martha Knight beloved wile oi the lots Gnurqe Lewis in her 7min year Door mother ni Muriel Mrs James Neill Mrs Allln Frank and Jacki Rustin nt inc Funeral Home of McDuugull Brown 640 St Clair Ave West Tomnio Service Mondn April 25 nt pm lntermeni rospcct Cemetery Toronto DleOODYAt her residence 38 orslcy SL Enrrlc on Sutur oy April 13 1955 Alice Fer nuson beloved wire oi William Dinwoody dcnr mother oi Knowles Hurrlson Turonio Eileen Mrs William Dewinn Enilcwood NJ Miss Corlnnr Harrison Barrio slcpmother John Dinwmdy Shelburne and Miss Aileen Dinwocdy Tor ontoi Hosting at Lloyd and Stocklcy Funeral Home Barrio or service on Monday April 25 at 26pm DST lnicrmnnt St Johns metery Conkslown 53 n1 Pu 531 Johns metery Conkslown PEARSONM the Royal Victoria Hosnnab Bunlo on SulMurdn In her 65m year Beloved wllc at Davld Pearson or Thurman deat mother at Kathleen Mrs Quunellel Verna Mrs Campbell Lawrence James and Howard llcatIn at Hunhet Funeral Home ookntown tlll noon Tuesday then to Cook lawn Unlted Church or Iervlce at pm DST Interment Cooki town Unllcd Church Cemelery Casket wIIl be en In church Tm oclock unll hour uI ce TEASDALEM Ill home In Eagle Lake on Tuesday rIl ID 1955 WIllllm Jahnat an Teasdale In III 71 year Ec luvcd husband at Kalle dear Ialher nI Bud Kenneth and Eve lyn brothar nI Mn Alex Wat Ic Edmonton Mn Fred Joyce iSIukatoon Mn Murrai lley nnldl Taranln Mu Fran Chap pal Mlnaslnl and Fred nI Inn don Servlce was at Aprll 2l Interment In Hall ur ton Camelery WARIIICltSuddrnlpi at tho harno her daughter Archl bald Toronto on Saturday MI 13 I955 Ethel Caulkr lovad MRI the late Fred Warnlca dear mothur oI Mn Sherman Tndd Sadlc Mrs Archlhalrl Mabel Mrl W3C Illuekle Blrdlu nurlnn and Dr Inhn Fr IllIIan at the Jen nelt Funeral Hume Untrlur Fun eral rtrvIte Tuesday Itnrll 2N JOHNSONIn lovlnl numnry dur dmlxmer nnd llllll Jinn Floremc Inre nuxlcr wm mud nwny Apyll 25 1050 Wm would we glve her hand clasp or mum Inca no To hurwher vulcc IN her lmllr Al In the lnyl lhnl uml In 110 But mm mm lny well mm nfllhl Brynnd the hull nml Itrlle And clnlp mn ulhurl hand our mum In heaven nun hnppy We Surll mlxml by Dml Mum Jntk nm 5er 4H IA lnvlnu mrmnry my lrnr Nlllbflllll and dull lur Iun lnllun whn mum nwny Avrll 13 Mt Keep my hum In ynun lkfll no nlwyl by my Imr rip me nver llu rmuh lpnh TH yuu mum lur Ionm IN mnny IhlnlI have humuer Elnro yuugwruynllrd nw nny ml wnh you llnll ynu 12 11 In llny We muml lulu Ilw old day back Yuur lumll WI cnnmx lunch II wr Illll have Iuvlnl mrmnrlrl tummy Wu punLU n1 pm xnicrmom St lnull Cvmnlcry Innhnl IN MEMORIAM lulu nml on nqnnl IM plek up lelephuno BORN BarrioAllanan to Camp Bordon AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS PARCEL FREIGHT DAILY DELIVERY DIED RTIMTIIDEE TRANSPORT LIMIT Inlomullon Royal Iclq 2674 Euchre puny Wednesday even Inl Apr 27 at 815 Allandale Lawn Bawlinz Clubhouse Admls lion 35¢ 43 Old cm and modem danelnz every Wednesday mudem dancing every Friday and Salurdly at Club 19 Joe MaNelllle Ornheslra3m Thehuleue Evanlnz Auxiliary of Pnull Aniliun Chumh pre xenl the Kelwick Chmulcer mu icnr program in Slroud HamFri duy April 29 850 pm Admluion 50 250 4048 Thursday April 23 pm in True Blue Hall Hilh Stu Mr John Gusclle FRSA Brillah lsrnei Fudemiion Cm peukn on ml Jccl The Forgotten Fnciun Pub lic inviied 4349 BanIa Hohidullurnl Society meullnl It pm Monday April 25 Library Hull Thmu let colored nlldea 55 in each ren tal Border Planting and Cure of Tawn and Coumry Home Gruundl Roma In Canada from Conn 03 Coast Everyone wel come 4143 Innlsnl Prozruuvu Conservn thus will mm in Slroud Ornnlle Hull April 27 pmw to up polnl ddczmea tr Mlcnd Progres rlvv Conservative Convcnuun May In nm Enrrle This in your menHM la pleuxa Mlcnd Everyufle welcome 4M Every Thurin In no pun Eimvaie Community Snles Arenl Phnne Whillon 102 Elm vnie 5911M Thurday April Sale of mm sinck implements and household dream inciudinl uli llnc modern machinery years old iur Em Dermou Let Corn Tussomntlo mile straight west Aiiislon Sale at pm rhnrp Terms cash Jerry Coughiin Auc tioneer 4649 Frldly April 29 Auciinn we at power inrm implements inrm slack hay and grain or Ruben Brockwcii Lui 18 Con Sun nidnie mile south won or Highwly 25 or mile Iaulheui ni Sunnidule Corners Snio I130 imushnrp Term cash Jerry Julhlin Audioneer 4449 Sammy rll Aucunn ml at honrchoi urnliure or the me the the ill Elm nrdsun at Midhum viillle Sale at shlrp Tum cash Jerry Cnuz iin Auctioneer 4348 Wadnudlv MI Auction nie Inrm ruck imp emcnls My main and some household ciiccll for Frank iluimcs Lot 20 Con 13 Vol gfim Towmhip miie nnrlh nndi mile east nl Essa Sinuoni Term cash Slle rhnrp DST Jerry Couzniin Iclionfgri NOTICE TO cainnons NOTICE ll hereby liven pumi Int to the TrulteeAet tint penam hxvinx eillnu Inimt the Billie of GEORGE iiIeCUAlO late at the Township at inntsiii in the County at Simcne Gentlemen Dcccancd who died an In about the Nineteenth day at March 1955 are requested to band particular at their claim to the undenlfled isziicitora tor the Executor on or beiute the 30th at May AD 1955 utter which ate the Exeeu tor will distribute the assets at the Eltate hlVln xeznrd nniy to the claims at wh ch he shall then hlvc notice Ind will not he re DATED at Barrie Onlnrln hlx 22nd day 01 Avril AD 1955 SMITH McLEAN ummm am £9 Dunlap slrul But BARR Onlulo llMM NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE huehy lven puma In to me Trnlln um penom hlvln elnlm Illlml go final QIINIH0WN lqle to annshp ul Ow Counl 01 Simon Fmrmmv Du ccnsc Who died an or lbnul the Fourth dny Navcmbcr 19 are rcqunlnd mm pnnlwlnn lhclr clnlm lo Ihu undulmncd Sollclmrl for lho Exoculor on or bnlorn ha 30th dn May AD 1055 nlrlaruwhkhl no the Racing lur will dlslrlhuln lhe use of mu Emu hum mun nnly the clnlms whch no Ihnll then have nmlcn and Mn no be In nnqy qlhu DATED nl lhrrlc Onlnrlm lhl 12nd day 01 Am ILD 1953 SMITH McLEN nnluul LL ID Ilunlo Incl But Alrlllli mulo 1lXMM AUCTION SALES HACK IIu GRADING wuru HMMJ nummoznn nu EHTIMATEH LRNDSCAPINE llmnu Jon Sullny 2919 mm mmygrm 25 195 259 INNlSlll Sl RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Al VDUI CHIVSIIIPLYMOUIHJAIOO DIALIII AIME 55 OLDSMOBILE 53 DOM PLYMOUTH POI MITIIZOIl Mllnllm HEAR ll UNLOI ST IENTIMNCP OFF MMM AVE 55 PONTIAC 55 CHEVROLET CHEV ROLE 55 roll Mincfliniowcu 52 Foul run METEOR Mllllllne 5251 METEOR Cullamllnu msmmzn 23 WI 10 DOWN OBRIEN ELECTRONIC SERVICE CUSTOM INSTALLATION Plymuulhs now beauty is mine than skin deep 80 be sure to check Plymoutha advanced engineering and mechanical features that give you easier steering smoothwail performance unsurpnmed ride Now In niways Plymouth bullds arm care See them drive themloam the difference See Our Special Spring Showing lUm ANY or THESE RADIOS IN YOUIl CAR nlwllmrmn REIMM 10 ALI MAKER Take look umcx 86995 35 $649 ifs50 r0112 64 NIMC 86995 563122513 3639 lEVflOLET 5995 Lyméfh 4729 wu Donal 64 ILYMOUI II nu s7795 5152 nonm ILYhL wllhnul rlll aon Mllllllne 67 METEOR OIIZN FRIDAY In pm lw mllnu YMINII JUL rmm llAllll INRTMJATION Push Button RADIOS The buy of the year Phone 4421 Barrio Barrie Television Exhem 50 Im THO 8495 8750 62M METEOR HOVMONT FDRII II Mllnllnn 9195 mm 2429 CAR BflllllIS lcr Vuck WAIT 6495 6495 85395 7295 6495 6995 pm lnr 9700 84795

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