Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1955, p. 11

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mam Ebmnfdry Wednesdly nilhls April 20 Goldwater Public Scliooi Board meeting was unable to proceed with constructinn plum lor lhe nev schonl as tinli approval tor the liveroom building in cast $100000 hild not yet come through from In Ontario Municipal Bond Trustee Churlu Dnnby advised lhll in phun calllo he Munic ipal Buard by the village clerk on April 18m wnsindizalad the approval might be forwarded in few days The irusiee were 1n Plomm by Fuelo Exmlnu IN photonpk am In pur In Ihh ncmpnper In lullhis In glouy prlnu For all Inmnmllnn Ihoul nu achnn ynn mnl The Barrie Examiner you an Inn mu mun mm Al mum on uunn you an AMD vou PAY 0971 11mm 11 no mm 1mm um um mm menus mm mm NOTE Phone 2414 wiih regulalion forhonesly and lheabilily lo repay How much can be borrowed from NlagamfUp lo $1500 somellrnex more How qulekly can get maneyPSomeiimes In 20 mlnules wilhin 24 hour lor marl loans How long tan lake to repayfln lire lable below love are luxl few of many plans They will glve you some ldea al lime period allowed for diflerenl amounts from lo 24 manlhs And or all people who have uneven Income during lhe year such Jaime and Khoolleachers opacial paymenl Ichedulel may be arranged on loam above $500 on all loan charges rho JamelUp la 5500 general ly you but remember nl Niagara you gel lile Insurance al no exlra axl Above $500 lhe larger Ilia ameunl and lhe longer Ihe lirnelhe lower the role Compare ollan youll buy more money al leu to al Niagara We lnnrranco on loam wonhwhlleYYe here in real lamin peaceolmlnd lealure Al no exlra lo you leam al 500 or Ian are Iileimured Be sure you gel Ihir proleclion when you borrow been friend have to back my loanYNo xeldorn do borrowers preler an endaued loan And bankable xecurily of town no needed How many way of borrowlng are linerYou can ure any el I610 lour Niagara Loan plans On tan lruclu elc only owner rlgnx Huxbandandwlle on lurnlshingr On buxinen equipmenl On lurm 04k and aquipmenl Can have prlvalo lnluvlewPVex your lnlervlew al Niagara will be prlvale ouneoul and friendly Why do people borrow moneyPA low reaxoru are In onxolldale group ol xmall dab la reduce large paymenl lor car and lruck repain la meal emeraencleu la ropulr or modemlxe harnei lo enlarge buxlnem lot lend neck lerlilixer lar lam and lo lake advanlugo ol law prkel when th Ir paid be many people borrowYYu In Canada lamily In borrow eath year SQUARE Vvou smm cANNov nuv amn cAsouNIl Drop In your lrlnndly Nlnunru Luau udvhor Hell make Iy or to an flu Frlundly loan In lllll you bun Hun If lmpanunl am In you about Nluuoru loam Who turn 90 Niagara Friendlyflo Anyone mm YOU PAY 85 FOR MANY FliIENBLV lOANS YOU CAIN mu 400 on was uoo HOWW mm mm mm unrmun THE WILSON BUILDING OAN1INW OI ll INWIID NO IXIIA C0 00 bunny PAVMINH Members oi the Linn Club to paired the rlnk but April 13 Mrs James Collins 0L Slmud 3L Beiore lo lnlorma lion to Council Itdecided to ex amine the tentative contract with DenEoer of Everett letter will he sent the architect pointing out that among the subeontnctm none was named or the plumbing and heating Outside ihe Boards deliberations it was learned some weeks ago that the plumbinu avid heating conlracl had been let to Thompson and Sons Ltd at Midlnnd The trustees agreed that any changes or deletion in the specification should be made be lcre the contract is signed Trustee Murray Johnston commented that In this way an accurate check could he kept on costs special meeting will he held April 23th ll final approval has been received mm the Municipal Board before then Archle Tucker has been pro posed to till vacancy among the trustees The appointment Wnulrl he made by ihc Minister ul Educa tlan and the lntters decision wuuld come through Public School In splclur Ken Ellis Coldwnler nnd district resldenu report good small fishing at Part Severn and other spal on no Gnnrglnn Bnyr Mr and Mrs Melvin Lavur lng Culdwntur were 51 year munInd an April 20m 46 IL 4661 57 765 450 tanned Reeve Andrew Dunlap had lnqulred on cuuncils bEhllL what money would he needed to finance the costs at the nrw schnol up to July 315 This Snlnrmnuun was requested at previous meeting the School Board whichfild to postponed 1m ack qunrhrn Architect Paul Penllund In ad vlsed Ihe Board um approx Imntely half the amount for 1h choul ld needed py July Him 11 am nus 7190 IlOlELEII CAN hlflCOUlMlM Flnl he rclmlnlhl II quer In lcll Impala cudn Ihn my un mI be III HI nu II howInn um um rw Only 11 mu In rumpleth Ihlny bald II In In III lull cltuury rum Mn vrlvm unml Illwn II Inn mmnlnml in film mlm lha mmlllhm of III unlu Iml unu lnr lulu hllr lmnblv Fr Inmlmutm amm Inn wry lhumuuh Iml hluhly edmlul ll nqulm 10 In In mln ulu ll hm ll Iuu nn mull hnw Hun lhln nr whrlm Ihv Kaela Irulnunl run ypllnrm mflulvu Tlm Kr nu rrco Ind III mull people an pkwllcl clnml lhnl hllr can bu grown on IMIIII hrndl Mar l0 munmice Kulu lnld Dncon puwn Ivllll Ihtmulvel to KEMP llrllmwl Ill Ikoull cum lmmullnlrly lluvlm To Immnl ml we ollar llIlI gunrmlu yum IN um cnmpltlrly ll Ilrd wlm your lulr prurru ll lM uul nl dun your munuy wlll lm ruhlrntd lnlervlvw hem today WHllnm Krnlr Inkrnnlinnnlly inmnul cnnmln and dheclur of he Ken Hnlr Exporll laid 1me nn HI dlllrrcnl lClllp murder Ihnt 51qu mm men and women lnlc Ilnir Ullnfl tummon lnll per um mun rrnlho nu nnu Innlc or cnllnll cure Ill cnulll Correrl Ill lho dlsordcu nu rxplnlncd Time prlvllu drmnmmunm WI he lltld II he 0nt llnlel on Tumlny ONLY April 20 ll Noon la pm TM nrw melhnd ol hum lrulmen Inruvln Ind rowlnl lhlrker hAlr wlIl damnmlnlnl In Burk nlllln Tnudzy ONLY mu Famous Trichologist Will Demonstrate How To Grow Thicker Hair and Guarantees It Demonstration to Be Held Here Back to Bnrrla Judy Prlngle returned to her home In Enrrlc alter spending wok wuh Mrs Carson Heredvemem Sympalhy or Ihu vlcmuy is ex vndcd to lhn bcrnnvcd family Mrs Mnsnn HALIFAX March in In an Vlsllnr mm Toronto Cnuxhlln of Toronto spending cw days at Frank Caughllns flaunt Vlmm Mlss Mlnn Richardson of Mld land Mr and Mrs Archer and Jnhn Elmvnlc ind Mrs my mum were recent vlsunu CcuahllnL The wenkly chhre was hcid on Wednesday night with eight able playing Prizes were won by La newmlil handilnl schedule for Coldwnlzr you into elilcl uller April 23rd in rcsuil nl murninl and nil lraip through the week and till Sunday night CNR apar nting in Midland being cancelled Mull carried by No 42 morninx imin night min Nor and Sun dt nightrain No 148 which mu iis in run April 24th will be conveyed by truck Mail will be picked up lolinwinx nrrivni ui Train 45 at BarrieY proceeding in Eimvnlr Fcneilnz liiidlnndJ vic lorin Harbour Waubaushrnc Cnld writer in Oriiiin Mull rum this lrauic will be clue in arrive at Cnidwnirr losi Dillon aboui midnighi return trip will be made from orillin to Barrie liter No 47 arrive at Oriiiin with mail or he nimvc points Mull lmm ihis rouln will be due in arrive at Culdwqier P05 Oiflnc It Ipprux imnicly 800 mm Mail will Gillll ni Cnldwflier daily pm There will no change in mail mvice duringihe dny conneciinz with noun and nilcrnnon rains Rail service will continue un Standard Time Miss um Wyiey former re lden oi Coidwlier nu bnplhl Mm Thamas Eiiialls new house an Main Street Souih She obtain possession May 15 Mrs Elliot is preparing to mavein Oriiliu 2w Foxr won Eerm her mm mum tom Aprll 22m ANTEN MILLS GUARANTEED IIDWN YOU II wnnlu you all mrlmlu II II In hum VIII In Iv null an Tn flly 0N Apr Mun In mm Th Illllln II lmltnl nll I1 01 on W1 1m unmlmum In IvIa mm on wlll no In MumNd ur obl in my my duhfiuhun nu mnmn nhlomllnn Ilmple mm Mil ron LIFETIME cllmll Inlan nur lllrrtllrml lhlrllll 0w IlMImvnI nml All My mum mum llnu In In Mum why my wln nul mvn Hill UM ml 01 Uer llvrl CwIn MM our firm ll llflllnlllIy llMlmlnl dr N0 CUREALI We hnvn no tlnrnll fur flick Ahlny blldnu Krcln exnplmlyu lhue In fun Um rml In Illll capable crvntlnu hnlr nml we ml prrlunn wlml Mom In Lu mir nclv rims II om ihlnl Karla warm lo be cmIII evrry mm and wu mln Imuwn If rrcenlun mm Hm lrmplu or 1101 mm In Ilmw up Un rruwn In hurl hum ll Innulhlnu whml and II nhlnlhl hn IVNI lllunnllnlu nllln Hun To Ipmul llxo opporlunlly nl nunnnl hvnlmy halr In lhr hou nndl who are lvlncrnlely looklnl or help Inllencndml ulclmhmlnll nw vlnlllnu vnrlum clllu luruuuh oul Cnnldn mnducl rxnmllm Hum nml Ilnrl hum mulmrnl On on of nlnmlc powerfur um more mum IulurnIA lhu vnsl mm min pnwrr Inrxlmmublv rMuurm rum llw Ann will In llmn lrannlurm mm mm Inn lmuu Allvr IIMHIIK lrrnlnunl lu por Ann mnkm yruulnr rrnnrll In an Klclc mm In Hnlllnx Cll In flllrk Hm prnzrtss ho hum lrvnlmcm In spite ol the net that the month March was frustrating due to me had roads and wcnlher 850 calls were made by the sun Inrlnns nf which 535 were mnllnc calls 220 lollnwup vlslls and 4D cumplnlnts invcsunnlcd dies Anne McRnc and Mrs Mclculfc mens Patterson and David Kcnwoll This was the last cume or he seasons score The prizes will be given ncxl Wednes dny April 27 alsn lunch le hr Thc male mnrked wim ion black The cuunty snnltnrlnns attended the Cnnndlan Restaurant Associa llon Canvemlon ln anunm far one any It was an cxcollcm op portunity or them to discuss their prablcm wilh he mnnumc luren dishwashan equipment soup and detergents sterillzcrs etc scivnd Much of he snnnarlnns llmc Inst month was spun on thc In specllnn year round enzlng lnblluhmunls nnd wnbblng xhelr eating and drinking ulcnslls decided Improvement was mumv particularly in the swab counts This Inlormntlnn water bottles and sanitary lnspoctlon rgmy be had by contacting the local health unll nmcm lllAlN T0 iii RESOUIWES Contgininalion Of wells Wai Caused By Eérly Spring IIANDSOME DUCK goldeneye strlklng and whlle duck cumbinn To Put Want Ad to Work FastPhone 21171 MUGGS AND SKEETEK ELSWORTH POGO BLONDIE MM wm mwfiuz laxI ANf u= wu WALLV vou mow 1m IM Gun rm KIM vouu Mum A50 IT THIS IS FUNHWHY DONT WE DO evemlcm SKEETERI mammxumn MONDAXLAPRIL 251955 By Wally Bishop By Chick Young Walt Kelly By Sun

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