Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1955, p. 10

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MAGUIBE Slmcoe Counly Beekeeper This the song or me bee ller legs are yellow lolly nod lellmv And yet great wnrker In uhe nlce llllle dllly we learned 1mm aur bank at nursery rhymes bu we had to grow up In realize that it ls chocklull truth The life any bee busy one and because we nre cspcclally lnlcr esled 1n lhc honey bots we can talk more lnlelligcnlly about them We are sometimes nddrcssud us the Kcepcr of the Ecesbul well let you In on the secret that prlvntoly we like to thlnk 2hr bees no the keepers our family course having Iuiitlmc hb wiih hose imic crvniurcs the honey hen we are primariiy in icrcsicd in honeyim ii is our broad and huiim our shoes our gnxuiinn nui home In incl our cveryihing Huney lsn very important Item in us course next Important to acquiring to have honey Bees Play Substqmial Role In Keeping Our Way of Life THE HEATING straining and cooling slng plum at the Mnguhfies Honey Farm at Mlne honi MTEll llllliNlNG the honey hm to be bunkd Thu mnchlnc on the Mnuulrus mm mm battle 1b Jnr 1n twn accunds The Blizz Buzz Buzz Haney Very lmpoflfln Ever Hear About Ill4 conscious public wlde awake to he madness In his and that long been termed as fur the andslalks whn wlll canslder Maple an uge regularly In silly Hon Ever1 beekeeper covets me same lugslur hls buy and glrly Ihnt olher ehllurcn have and when he cannot provide them he not happy man and In all probabll lly wlll fold up shop and head hr the brlzhl lllhls of lhe my whare pay enwlope comes rggulnrly Loss lo cnmmunny Mnybz youve heard folks say what of It ch hlm Yes llave you Slapped consldnr that wllh hlm goes hls buns mnY be not literally in the cllybut worse dvnd and gone in In as usefulness ls concerned Whnt in ass cnmmunltyl Or have you ever considered how dependent we on the work the huncy been Sure theres the hnnny and hnw we love ltbut the work the bees do as honey anth Ihls will way he beekeepen cum1s be remunerated and he will happilyjn Ms chosen vaca THE TELESCOPING SUIT slng Bob Magulre honey to low process 13 uuwmutlc nnd nll thnl 15 1qu to do Is to screw on the top nnd Inbcl the Jar 5qu llMllID lms MONSTROUS SUIT nfnrmurmclunl Iv life vrncrvnr lullll Him vcltncnvc nlluw ml the weanr cmqu frculom of mowurn hulxlclInhcll mul kept lllm any and dry By actual research It hll been ambushed that the hnney bye dn aver 85 th wprk ot polllnn on an plants that In dependen on Insects tor cross paninauan Included In his 11 are the clov crs the run trecs apple cher ries plums and hostel garden crops as cucumbers melons mp berrIES elm Pu Reaching mm he clover are nut pnmnuled the effect are xeachlnx 1an wllh shonage of seed there will be unather shortage clover hay and pasture which will sncn rev nm In the supply or butter milk cheese and meat This work oi pnllinntiun is done by the bccswhllu they are busily Cngllld in rniiccting iaod or their survivnll You see they need pollen and neclnr or their bnhle and necinr or themselves To set seed ouch ilnret must he puiiinu led Lets xcc huw big this job must hm Each clover head has apprnxlm atcly ea florets Multiply mn by the number of heads on square Hot or ground by the number square feet In an ncrc It hlg job Im sure youll agree lecwlsc nu tum blnams are not pnlllnnled we will be misslna jams Jellies prescxves mm julcu elm that we take so mucnlor granted even very secondary lo Iélr mm as mumm turns the m7 vnlve for the Dlmlnlxhlnl lndmlry The hockeEpln Induslry in max or Canada dlmlnlshlnl in am numbers at coionles nnd numbers beekeepnrr mnluly beuuse it is nut nearly an pram able In enterprise as mnny other line of endanvor lnlesa stalls ur record 1h number colonic In Canada 473450 nd In 1953 there were 387950 The number beekeeper In 1050 were 25870 and In 1053 had lllpped to 15950 County hm more nearly own This dXvorslfled here which Rantl short Period when beekcepinl notpromI able In some parts at OntarXu many Ihousznu 01 colonies hum bees are tenlld cacfi rat or short perbd The beekeep er move them Into orchards and clover fields and receives $2 to $5 per culony or their use Mos lplnrle aré tucked away In some secluded 5pm often thu bnck hush lot of farmer and so are nut vlslble from the road you drive by The beekeepor is concerned that they hm wind pmlncunn and also that the bee dn nut bumm the public Because You do not see lhcm yau will nrhbnbly be nmnzed to knuw that Slmcne County mother Itqu 9500 calonics Gather nll lhcse mm an Jpn and Ihuy wnuld mnk small lnwn er culony or their use Slmcoe County lnrmers are In onunate posxuon As yet there Hula need to am honey bee pnlllnme uur blossoms Ynu mightynever guess from driving up lhe highways and down he bywnys that Slmcne County has by OAC records the second by OAC records the second highest honey bee populnllun any Ontario cnunly Probably wouid be hlghm It were not for in many ms swamp and reformed areal mostly unsullahle bee survival Simcue Coumy good bunnyn qu nlzcd ilops and buomlnl knnwn nu borders in nrodu Tomorrow talks our ab Ipmd be good hm to out hem lucnllyurown think the Lord or ha lubslanflal role our way We 75 BRADFORD ST hume lho ribbons and 5ycs and dccp radian cnch urnAer ex Iith job well done CouMy bun produc ym quality recou ops and each uuy mnwn furlhcr mm nap in producllun talks let us Innk nl You look heal ummIIln levI lhn mall wllh Illa nut Dull rurk YulVu Ilmluhlnld Huh ununll nu any ka Iln whip nntl Illlh nl Hu lnpr whnn ynu um nullmum vlHnlllly mm It wmn tlrnr unuml II In IYII In hn lellyr InMllullllr vIIhlluy mmr It mnku In Inlrkl pnIvr lu Ilvhr Hum Iver luv Ill lnnmlpr MfrI In pmvlllm uu wll Vlnwnll rwl Sunny cr In Slmcoe Conn 01 the success 1th armor In MEW NEWunBflfffifiim IRUBKS rounlilully wllh and mm loo Let us the bees and lhey play In And than no Lobkahead viewing Goahead power Stayahead value NEW METHOD To RECORD WILD LIFE TIIEIRAMES from the hives mfe afispénded In this giant swlnxer The pombslrotateac high speed and the honey ls thrownputrpy gentrflugal one Irom menus on the comb Now Ihnt the recording the vulccs olfwlld blrds and nnlmals has became almost cummnnplnce pcnple an my comlortahly nl home and llstcn tn the results 01h mens lnbors In the field In Brllnln thls Job ably done by the BEC Natural Hlstory Recordlnx Asslstnntl Erlc Slmml and his accompanyln enlzlnelrv Bob Wnde and the twn at them hav lately nxpcrlmenled wlth new method at lccnrdlnu Sound recording of lhe vulces or blrds and animal ls comparnllvaly new and really began 1m BBC 1m nncrs when Ludwig Koch lnlro duccd lhcm hll rccurdlnzsl Ht used lhe wnx dlsk method far more luborlnu than he modern techniques nnw andoplcd nnd took hls heavy gear into selected mo and walled here lur hln subject lurn up culllni numerous disks each lnsllmz ram our and hall lo llvn mlnulos whllc he waited umullme or dnyl On xome occu slan Ihc bird was obllzlnz but nncn ll lulled lo conpernlu and Koch had to start work all over cnnugh bet In In rllhl down prlclicul about and do nmflhlnl nhuut makan uur locnl baekccprr happy man who will keep an kccplnn bee In our communlty or many mar Io coma What In nu Just use little more honey you svc he ncnds you and you new hlm FRENCH MOTORS You thud with man In Ind up nun Dmlu hu rm IL unnu Imnvmr all In lull 130 nmpowv Kim Iomul mum lulu slawy um blm mllln punnmhllln lurlrurknwllhn mm mum IVW 19000 Hm Dad lnlrmlum vut nw HMLII Vv HI lhl nnly lurk ulna in would wlIh dmnuhuwrl mmhmllun dumb In mum umdnnry Mlll YOUR IVIIY The next meih was to use maximized up which monicd every snund bird or nnlmal made war in period oi 30 minuiu and ii nothing oi vulue had been said ihpiu cnuid hr quickly demnl neiize and used again The tape recorder worked rpm bnilcrles in the recording vnn which lnsind inr maximum oi two hour but when was possible in link ihu van lo mninl lupply ol eiccirlciiy re curdinl could to an indniiniieiy mum of cable hadm be run tram the mlcmphonc lo the van and iour hundred yards was the max lmum that could be snicly used druwhlck which areaiiy limiicd he choice at ails alum IombhorLV cl The newer mined at all is to broadcast the birds voieeby menu at portable transmitter and re eord the broadcast in the BBC vanY either using the batteries or link ing it to the mains Witii an small portable transmitter strnpped tn his back Slmms recently bruuduhi the sound or his own voice in Wade who recorded it in the var at distnnec oi twn hundred yards The ieecnd test was made when he took the transmitter over several badly waterlogged iields to when wild use were lying in to teed mlfiniiicent broadcast 01 their cries wee recorded tn the van 900 yards away The third experiment was to broadcast iho round of it mixed ilock oi ilnehes and hunt ing to the van lying more than mile sit with three aucccssiiti recordings made aver progressively greater distances the time ihll nuw eome tnr Sims in take his transmit ter in many places that wrre peevl uusiy unanpmarhuble and the BDCr library recorded sounds wild creetures shnuld he pro pnliinnnieiy increased llflllflE DESOTO lay alum nvlngllml III wull wllh Powv Illlnmlllo Inna mlulun INA It III uhlllhmll Mil nn muIMu up In 50 Ilvl VW mm mm um mmxfi nlm llnnu ruwfl Jun 54 mp on th nmlmluv In an In huh In mu mm In an HHI mu mu lurk ll rmr manna um xlnluu nail Although it is dilfleull 10 mnke specific ertilizer recommendaiinn that will Ippiy 10111 fluecured lohnccotnrms there better selection fertilizer analyses to chnase rum in 1955 than ln pre vious years JM Elliot the Delhi Experimental Subsution Federal Dcparlmem ul Azrlcul ure reports that In nddlllon to the andle 31815 mere nrc Fertilization OF FIueCured Tobacco inhliéés 10 THE BARR EXAMINER MONDAXLAPRIP 25 1955 Thé 21015 and the 31520 nn Elyse arr rccommended for nuns low In potash An application 000 pounds 21015 per acre provides 1541 pound potash While the sum rule 21210 provlded1Q0 pound potnlh Maui 120 to 140 pounds at potash per acre have Elven optimum re aulls bolh In qunmy and yield at lhl Suhuation my Elllou an re ban ellclnlmulu have bun ublnlned withn dzdream of pans in nddlllon to the rain at 21210 the 21015 nlnne huuld xiv equnl resulsr The ZlflIB mlnlym ll recom mzndtd or Ihl honvler sails and for 30115 with hlih levelaol mch upenlnlly where delnypd maturity has been experlehcnd The 21845 nnnlysll should be ap plied low rate rnnllnz 1mm BOOlo 800 pounds per Acre The 21818 applied It 700 pounds per acre wlll supply lessnllryzen 1m more polnsh than Zlzll at 1001 pounds per acre TheZlfllfl In Alysl will lake the place both 21210 nnd 04220 an Nils that tend to produce me mnlurlnl preps The 21210 nr axal5tannlysvs nre slfllvbulng rucommenfled or tobaccn grown under avenge cun dmanx as good results nave been nbmlned in he pnsl fiuh mm Ionilizars cxpcclally Wham lne potash in the soil ls nmllsfnfl iny 1nvel Vnrmions ram 00 M1 moopounds per acre tor he 10 nnd M0 800 pounds per uuc for he 31315 shnuld furnish the rcqulred amount at plum and Knr Ihesu sons On low areas where he nllmxcn levels nrn Inolhlgh or on arms that have been huvlly innsled wlht velch broadcasting pounds per am at 01220 prlur Kn lrnnsphmlnx recommended Th1 01220 promote Early mummy only wlun complete tobacco larlll HM are not nppllnd n1 eXcesslva rules 30 DUNLOI STREET wmmms Boux smug rmhumnupluumdum1 cm In mm mull lo urmnmodall Ind nmu wadl Mm WINKCM Mummmd In Cmrta By Chlydll Covpoilliun BI Cand1 limited no ullnl MOTHERS MY SUNDAY MAY DELCRAFT BOATS FOOT 0F BAYFIELD ET BAIHHE clzldly will nweel Ind uenllmnntal can tom the llcasa Molhlr an ller IDE vnndrrlul elecllun on Ill play In our on LIMITED 55 DUNLOP STREET BARR Hflflfllll HILL DELHNEY BOAT LINES PHONE 5971 MIME

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