Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1955, p. 4

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TUE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 18 1955 Imlundfszoughesl 011 0119118 Arena1 Tuestluv Theyacml him Skuil Murphy this fiafivé orflreland who 15 slated Ior actlon on one of two main boutsteatured on Tuesdaysproxesslonal wrestllgg card at Banfie Murphy mud to battle Chuck his Ind when he turned to wrestllnx he muk hls anger an an opponents He mm of 0m County of Cork lrelnnd Ind was lulurcd by the lreul and Im morlal Dunno Mahnncy rurmer world henvywpight champlpn me boiling Jlm Lend Hel hue De season here along with several other populnrmestlbrs but Murphy and Meidcan called Ramon Zapatnnre thegeptewlth the color drama ppsnen el the Ninth and rauzhcsc In the buxlnm Murphy sum Im the mean Beeton Trounce Point Anne 95 Series Opener Murphy receive iBkull by no eccideng He Inherited huhline scalp en childhood consequently has been held an throughhlslue Ecclnn Beehivu Irounced Pain Anne 95 Saturday nlam before an Ipproxlmu 500 fans It Beelun Arena In the nm of replny or an OHA lntennedlate semi final playnfl Thesécond game at the best1n lhree is nheduled or Mixman tonight Pulnt Anne wukened when in OHA ruled out loule and for ward alluwlnl melon prolvst klllpul 1n the second pound when the hammers broke 12 He wflh tourgoal outburst Each club cored three Hall in the final stanza Bruce Nichull and Danny Kenn5 with three Koala each ware he bl weapons for he Bechlvel 1n lhnlr first win over Palm Anne Johnny Holnncln Dan Lens and Bill Louo tlred one Iplnce Wmhmx wlm mm pnced Polnl Anne while Goycr Gllmour and Gloyer notched oneuch is HP usrwm thump In Ihu mld IHIWIIIM outboard lnu Full Ouuhlll Talul urnolu conlmlt MONDAY APRIL Is 19 pmv This Demonntnllou wlll be canducled by Mr Ellll IN MIDLAND GEORGIAN HOTEL TUBE Alml If IN ONLLM UIIAMILMN HOTEL WEIL Allllh 10 Lvavw 11w Wolld Ian And alum nmkm ol lkmlulllurlnr Mai SPORT HAVEN VTACOUST1CQE 91 Dunlop St Ens FREE HEARING AID DEMONSTRATION $41000 WELLINGTON HOTEL HEARING AID WNIV l0 Day WIIIHM Gulllllllyouvmll II Mall WVIKIIHI WISm Dawn $10 In llaoll IMI OIIDUGIOM Mo him on WI hr cum opuum lmllumlnl Iu lhllly er MI Spudul hlnphem rkLUpdvll ovl mm mil hawk Mayhemmm IIIlM Io humldily hour 3mm IIhIh lvunmlnr ml leav Ireland and huve sand cause be Those nmer guys have hair urp slated to haul Chunk Molnar Hamilton 1n hes twa oulthree Illa or wmlnule Hm llmlt In mm Iwu ex cellan mun haul lcalpresl The other bonus the amazing Ramon hp of Mexico former bulltilhtcr Izalnn Buddy Free man of Builalu who cunlldered one or the Blues rlslnl um The prcllmlnary bum of one all or 30minule llme limit will un quunonahly he an eyeliner The rough dlrty helm PI OBrien 91 Magnum wlll pe llgeuprohlem Andre Carpenuh ntVVeeronl hrlllam performer rapidly mn lng popullrlty The unions opening show gets underwny 345 pm and will be held once weekly en Tuasdny nlghu Adopting Parents Are Reassured Continued from page one ure It has the cnpnclly lo blos Iom when luven the rim no in whlch to grow To provlde that galla wholesome home atmos phurel It once challenge and cunlrlbutlon lo 111 both your Ind the childs Fnr In the last analyxls behlnd all sclence stand our chlldren who wlll help make lnur world 01 lormrmw The influence at envlronmem and heredlly on childs person ality of great lnlcrcst to adopt lnz parents There are many views on the mnunr no final urnmam having been ruthed by modem paxchupzl Eu lnz parents There are many views on the mnunr no final urnmam having been ruthed by modem psycholollsls But these mum uudlcs based on 1h developmem of children placed In osm homes have provided inter pstlng ruulls They all axrce Ihal nod en vironment has prutoundly bene flclal effect on lndlvidulls that luod home aevclop latent Iblli lies In almost all children ha nnablcshem nvercome person nuy dcle which my mm the mu mam and helps hem nnrmnl mnure Hie Sevemyelzhl cases were select ed 25 normal parentage 38 Alcoholic pnrcnlngc Illud jused psychouc pnrcnlazc and llx of parents bath alcohollc and badly adjusted The children studied were an nvcrnn 31 mas than married Ind maxgy wiu children lheir ldren are never placed wllh llladjuslcd nr Alco nan pnrcnls ill ol the 78 buy and girls were placed ln an en vironment more nvurnble than that ol thclr own homes There turc lhny all hld uppmxlmnlely th lame chance lo lum uul all rlzhl Thny urncd uul approx lmnlcly nqunl ln nddlllun Io alco ha ln ndjuumem mnrrlnuc ln lecllng Accurlly ln uulludu Io It doesnt look very much llke Leo Ablne wlll talk the plwherl mound when local Icnlor lo hnll aemn gauuntlerwly Ward lrom Norm Bay lulu Den became enlued to Belly Soul of that any Ayrll and wlll likely plny lnme mnhBay Fastball Leanne 31mm local romuil Vunnual meeflnl is rifled for in night at the Community Home pm and pruidgnt Biii Gun mm all finger paint to bun ner yum There Are two possibly lhne entries from town Ind Mp3 flve irom surrounding dir trlcl which will certainly make or iouohnompeiilion It Queen Pnrk Prospective ruflbuii clubs inre requested to have repmeru niive an hand Ind more inheren cfl an Lhir group are cordially in Tannll enthulluu should rally to this new Rumored and prob ably could he made omclnl chu Burrle Lions Club wlll construct lnnnll mutt an ol the old curllnl rlnk an the corner Sophia 1nd Clappcrton Sktfll Elli or nlnn tennll players HIV and recently andwnnt arm club ID mole local rackclcen Inxluux to support such move men am asked to luvs lhelr name Garnerl Spam Dun Mommy who had nu mlnnnl ronkle unison with Box tan Bruins was honored by proud cluzen Smlth Falls on his mm home Apparently cheque for was wanted Don but he immediately turned around and donned $100 to the juvcnllo hockey team He nlwlvx was hat type guy Ill hard to my on hla buck but Len Lahlne wu mnln make when Cobalt Klwnnll Club enlar tnlned the towns minor hackey teams Leo related many hi experlences wlth Bomn Ind Inter film 01 In NHL playofl game be tween Montreal Ind Bolton wu shown In the film Duo moved the flat lull and the mlnor hockey plnyefl gave hlm murlnx cheer Wei Allroyp recelved letter mm youni Inn 1n Enrnwell South Cnmllnu recently requell lng lntormntlon on our Junlor Flyerr Ind hockey promm We dld the honor or El ker who really must be In Irdent follower of the name ward ganylp overIll penan omm nndinz wlm fig ure complied on the develop ment chlldren llvnz wllh their own partnls Amanl chlldren llvlnu whh their own Ilcnholln pantnu 20 30 per can cm be expand In be hcuvy drinkcn 1mum drlnken numb um mm one per cent Imnnz alcoholic parents llvlng In cam homun rm The lost dlspmved nicoholism as hercdny shawlnl hut no one the children ham lllad gutted parcnlawn illadjuslzd In lnlcr 1110 Those of In who have had 10ml nxpcrlence with Idopllon In In clined lo take lhe middle flound we bellcve in bath htmdlly nnd environment In lnlerplly at In born qulmlu plus the Impnc ol mining and lltc cxpcrience ny Dr bulle Luehrl mu psychia In at Ihe chlld plnccmem Ind ndopllon commute of New York Slnle Churlllel Md Auoclnuon We realize hut uch one of hu had um vnrlciy of nnccsv an my one of whom vve mly ruemblu In mm wnyl No child llkcly be duplicate of cllhcr he wnrst or bu member MI Imlly II no Ily lrcc but hlmxcll UH voulblllllnl Mixed Gaines End Curling Season The curlnln nnu down Ihc weekend on tho lonml and molt nuccculul Iuwn ul Dnnlc Curlan Club Durlnu lhc pull wcck vhll In curlcrl wcru cnlcrlnlncd mm Midlnnd Alllalon nnd Drndlord Saturday flllhl here were cllhl mlxcd gnmcl by club mombcn Ind the Ice Wnl nuud Flm money wn wuu by rlnk cumvoml of Funk Hlndll Mr um Mn Chnrlrl Knlgm th Van Adlml Iklp For Ircond 131ml wm No btlwcen vnlrln lrum7 and oclock drum Thu rlnk cl Frank Mlndlc Cluch Cumlnlnl Mn llullcll HUI Ind Ilnvry Arnulwnx lklp hnd Bqékifgyce Gossip xm hy nudylng lhu Inm but by nudylng the child um we can know hll Céntral United ChUIrTCh Annual Glée Cl QB théért WillBe Presented This Week sumo plux the rink Adrlannc Fraser Chmnae Cummlnl Mrl Ken Wall and George Kcnnndy skip XsCumman Ind Hlndlc gm In two games In the same nIghl Sénior Softball Annual Meeting Here Tonight nu Ienlor normal uuon wllI Irnnled wnlxhl when Ihe axecutlve Id prospenuve team thu Burk mum Lulu nther nr halt Imunl muting ll Dame Community Ilium Mltr thv xnmu lhcrc was so clnl cvcnlnx lhu upxlalrl lnunlu wllh duncinz ln urchcslu lunch dc Prcsidvnl Vern Adam Ipnkc brlcny and called an Gcorlc Dun xnrtlcld lo prunnt the new Dun ucrllcld Mulun Truphy lo he mcnl club chumploluhlp Inkchef Smllh Dr nrnnlcumbc Cuckburn and Dr Fred Cnmpbbll Aklp Msn wllh nu Imvhy went lculkhcr lutkcl lu tnch curler lhu rin Th union In mud to gel underway It pm And mung presidenl Blll 0mm kn pre flclcd hInner muon lul unlor nubll this Sccond prllu won Major Jack Smllh Kcn Trcndwcll Arl Iuwcll nnd Sklp Frank Ilnmrcavu The Mnjur dld Inn UN Ipcnklng In lhll rlnk nnd win In cud omlullcnl form drspflu llcrklinfl from It loracuh LI and poulhlc elmtum mry 1m mm Blnla Ind dlllrlct will quelnl Puk occuyled vllh Ichedulcd Imu unctlcllly every cvudnl of me walk He Inland tn mum Ellurduy flumoon lime ha ha tenm mu Sunday anrnuun Ihc curllnu club luclnbcrl mul lhllr chfldlcfl rnJoyrd the annual qunu nknllnu Just bdurc lhc Am muthlne wlu lurnm at by Ellilmcr Ab Chub mln Lu Mann Iho Banlo dlslrlul hul ourmm enlry Illd plnyedjnlermlinz ImEl wlul Ina South slmcné three lelm noun Burle Lulon won Iha unlor trown here or the lecfindjtrlllht yen hlfl Illed In pllyo wllh landlord 511th Simone lorJhe CK Trophy due lo Ihe me um In the nuon Ind Ch denrucllnn cnuld ln the Mlth An hum llnnlmo llnel HISTORIC INDUETIIY The lirll blank lurllntb In Null Amnlcn bulll ncnr Thrtn lllvul Quebec In 1730 It expmw Suulh Slm too lelm will mllnlc to the llama Dhlrlcl noun um um Ian new llmln cnlry ll Ilse exvemd to be fielded by mvubm CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Glee Club hascompleteu another season vocal workand studies and ts now ready to present to the public Its nlnth annual concert muslcal vnrlety show The concert is to be held in the Sunday School hull ut the rear of the church at 815 pm on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday nights April 19 20 and 21 Tickets are now on sale and are avullnble from glee club members Spent very enjoylilo it no Illoxelhcr relaxlnl week in Man lrunl last week and durlnl lhc course my travel rm lnlo the owner of vnlce Hm wlll ln nll prchnblllty no long remembered Imund this pm mo cnumry Former CKBBcr Jlm Ward 15 now one the top newscaster II Montreals ClCF and dolng very welL Jer Ind hll wlle Dari are enjoyan lltn ln lhc hll cny Cnnndnn lumenmy hornet and are living plush nparl 1mm Ind derlnl bl cm Some of you hockey hm wnl be inter FRASER Anglers Hope Perch arent runnan yclwbul wnm be long according to otllclala at the 0mm Department 01 Land and Fnrem when he um striped sh do man In move thous and of Onlnrln residenu be war hcm wllh everything from New types of splnnlnl lnckle down lo the bent pln Ind worm with which Junlnr uxullly begin his thing carccr Th patch In Immth prlzo exccnl In Iho younxlter whn mum hll Hn Ilrlnl Avcnze mum of Ihe perch our 10 nuncu umuxh Iome caughl In the Inn Lulu my cxceed pound Dlsllnuulshlnl calurcs are he literally nmprcssed bndy dmlncla Iy deeper lhln wide and me many Inc team The body yellow ur green with SIX ln clzhl brand dnrk vnnlcnl bars on thy Ich The membrane buwccn lhe Iplnc he flrsl dorsal In usually dark whllc lhc pcclurnl Ill an llghl and pelvic In pulo or bright Spawning usually In Aprll or May when me plrch choose lhnl low watch Allhouzh pcrrll an an ncnnnlly 1an sh lchcoll may cave Inn lake an nlccnd lrbu lnry slrcmnl Theyrc found nlmoxl nnywnm In Onlarln mm the Grunt Luke ll Ihc Hudson Bay wnlcnhcd They run In Ircmcndoul number hllo Ilvuu and Ilrmm Lake Slmcuu Iml mny ho ound In uuut Alumna ln Hm cxlrcmc nur lhrm pm UH province wrll In lqkrn whlch xccm Ich no Inld Ur 0ch limn In In numbm by pme nun the path nurdo HI lnr Illll tum II mt ulun ln Illa tummy 0n Iuln wfltn Ind or rumldlrlhlu commrrtlal lmpmllnro ill Iha Gull LIlIL In Iddfllnn II In cued to know that Jim wnl tnlk in to exBarrle Flyer chl Chev ucflls macenlly and Chewy send hXI regards nlang with than at Jim and Dam Ward nafw prunm llltdCalflng Ail Clra will In on he nir next Wednesdly mm The show created and produced by My Pow el and pmmlm milk for nnl only lnlcnmnz but lntormaflvc llxlcnlnzr On nu progrnm Ray wlll give imlde Informauon Ibaut most of the en en the rand and may add In lhlt aw in on how youl can but perform ance rum your bunny myh In car enthusiast of long lundlng ormer member at he Brltlsh Empire Mnmr Club and promise provide good llntcnlnu or any one Interested even remotely In Noy1md¢wielthzr In W0an an ever lncrculng pm In our duy llvcsLInd CK all out invariu or Ontario ruldenu human ll il wililng link at ni mosi nnthinl irom tiles and small splnnlnz baiis in almost Ilny kind vi ilve hall such worm nnd minnows Duran lhn annull run in Lake Simccc hundreds oi nn gim cnzcriy awoliinz ihe opening the speckled trout scalp Aprii 50 ml your wlll be found trying cul iheir iuckic on he perch Thcrcl nlrdly water table sh to be ouud Ind th one Dr two cxccpllon hon Is no Hm on the numbgrl wh£ch may ye an Th Imnorlnnl Ion hungry lfiharmnn for same clalm take qullc law In nuke meal There are Inw hurdlcr fish Egg halch In about lhrcc weak and no plrcnlnl can zlvm Velcmn lshcrmnn chum lhnl pmh are plnnlllul loduy n3 lhry wen 40 year an even Ihouxh the was and unnll ah are my prcy or man every prcdnlnr and Ihcrc In nu cluscd muon Thcrnl hardly an Ikllltd sher mnn lll Dnanlu who dldnl brvnk In on he lllllc barred Hill The accompaniment of Warren MacLenn has in no small way brought the glee club to Its high standards in the muslcal Hold The presentntlon of the concert has taken many hours of hard work by all members Follow lng the three nights 1n Barrte the club Is to go to outol town poms including Mlneslng Edgar Crown mu Shroud Thornton and Edgeley bring Slmcce County liskners Whats this wcu It mm mu cw tlrclmmcully cuulruu rd lrnnlnx Iyulcm Ill NUSEIl VICE ChEANEIlfi YMII of Iumch wlh in work lrndml rlruuunlc Ind dry clunnlnu um lhmlllll UII mullm III unlu man mum um wave mlcponlllvn roll mylnu Hulluu ur dulllnu ul mhul len Inmu onlmln awn rrc umwll of me Ilnllc um uum rllymlnL lbundl lrlhlhlfly umvllrnlfll down In Atlunny mm dun ll KIM nuwrlml lnlnu tin4 evuylhllvt Iml la lw Imu nprulud Now humhmy lunwnuue Ind llme ruuhnll rumulmly lulumnnc Iumu nun nu marlin 14 ngh St NU SERVICE CLEANERS the latest new and wcnlher re port as man alter they happen yassiblzh Two newscast which early risers can keep up to date with are henrd at 750 and It 830 Aflar auppzr has the 630 new and the pm news Complete regional wcnther lament are helrd three tlmu daily It 740 105 and 145 In the anemoon loud Ilry mummy mmmu upon humlvlily lhl hirnl bclnu mumul 75 Thch nulumlllc umlrnl mulnlaln IL lehl ll gnv wnh vnrlullml only 55 In Lumou hlnck flnlsh nod running condlflan econom IEII trlnspnrutlon OUR ILEIUTAHON IS YOUR GUARANTEE TuIMuu ml Mum mum llfll willl llll er Ilrsull wnmln wl mm hm wry lb mm pchrmrl lhnply mm llm 11y mum USED CAII DIVISION 233 Bradford SI III III on your own gignalurc Fnsl oncday scrvicc Up lo 14 monlhs In rcpay an tum 7y sclccl Loans also midu for doclor bills pain showing cxpcmcs any good reason Phone or rom in lodayl oqmm FINANCE llnar nhoncll 50 HILLMHN SEDAN DANGEHFIELIJ MOTORS LIMITED ran PICKUV AND DELIVERY $500 ll Dunlap 5tWu and floor phonolfl IAIIII 0N1 Lu anyer mudlu oInuA man Wuh Radio Tube gel to do wilh Dry Cleaning T6 Regina On Varsity QKIif Unlvuslty Toronto amme ranted Billy Hmls centre 01 Tommy Mnrlborus permission to wflle hls exnmlnaunns In Re glm so hm he could pnrflclpae the Memnrlnl Cup flml agalnst Rezinl Pam Ehe Basinh Canada champions lea Sunday or Regina when they open the Dominionvflnnh Thursday The senior Allan Cup llnnla gel undarway Iuexday with For wu Hum Beavers meeung Kltchene Wnlcrluu Duwhmennt thhcncn Kingston Goudycars camurcdu commanding land In lheOHA sen lnr chumplunshlp Hnnls Aver the weekend healing Snrnln Sail or 52 and 32 in Sarnh for 20 dead gimcs Thc next three lame ol the bcanscven set are slated lur Klnlstan Wednesday Thursday and Smurduy nllhu Walknrlon Capuols alter drap pin the first gqmc came back la wln we In row over Sundrldge Benvérsflnnd laké zlleudln games In the bestlnscven OHA Inlcrmcdlate finals Walkcrlon dicifitcd the Beaver 54 Saturdny ng Woodnnck Warriors who appear ed nn malch lar Wacdbrldgc Dodg ers 1n the opener rallied In Win the second fame and 11 the third flfl Salurday Kn the OHA Junior chamnlnnxhlp leriea The teams Iredeudlncked one win each whh one WEEKLY SPORTS GAlENIIAR Barrie district stnior witball an nual meeting at Barrie Community House oclockl Earrlc dhhlct ladics scuba In nual meeting It Cuurl Hons mm mlncc room on Worslcy Slrccl oclock SOFTBALL MEETINGS TONIGHT MONDAYK APRIL 18 Mens Town League Bowling Pllyatts Group at Get the money you need on your own signalurc Fnsl oncday scrvicc Up lo 14 monlhs In rcpay an tum ml sclccl Loans also midu for doclor bills pain showing cxpcnscs any good reason Phone or rom in lodayl Mens Town Lfiuzuc Bowling fluyqfla Group NOW wlm rlrrlmulc mulvul mull urnhlrm lullrkl me well hrhnvml null My clunnblc ml wuullun cuhmrrrl and II llkc untrue IM 1mm um mu wnm my In loam In Hm nunth ernknuu Imnkl mm Inmnnu nml Inn mm unmnlrullml umllll lly um hlnh lrmvrrnhlrrl mum put AEHIIWIGR CLEANER um um hr um dry rlrmml Canada In hm muwlnlr minc llunlr mnlml 11m mm pmva lhnl PERFECTION ll Nu ACCIDEHT Sn Irml yunr unnnrnll wlm mnlldlurc lu NU5EIV1CE CLEANFJIS whva pullry SIMltd Cuslnmu ur Nu Ullrul TUESDAY Pm OKEEEES BREWING COMPANY llMIIED mm ml BOWLING TONIGHT DIM 247 nl

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