Wasaga Beach senior Pupils andTeacher Tour Examiner NEW IOWEll WALTER BAYLISS at the his model 33 llnotype machine is an obiect of great in terest for pupils of Wasaga Beach Public liili BOYS AND GIRLS senior room stud cnis from Grade to saw the front section of The Examiner come oft the press during their tour The average attendance at the IllliiS WATCH Llew lienvcr do print iiu lot on the Little Giant VANGUS imrrniulalliilii in Mr nail Mrs ilrrl irllili on lilt built it mil Mi rml Mrs ll WIoir iiiirl rim MII IIillllirill Col nrl vvic Iii lniimlo ml liurli Hr out Mrs hlrMn iir worn in To ulllo lot It rlnv Iiiiiilly yii illili RIH anllriiil Illliillilt illii on Mr illlll Mill It lliilk irllil liisl ttik ilic late William Illliiiiglihy Ill ihy lxillltliii In the ni nlutlww n1 tln lIlr lMillrI Willorngirlry who iniy April At chirnarknl Iuorral Atlvanirru llil farms in tirariu mt llou nl NiWIIilllltrl IIII liooli ir ltlll Mr and MI imalic Jim in MI mill MII lluv Lotionf Julrli Aolrrrirll Mr and Mrs Hell rlimir hir Iiiui Mia illirlt ruurllt rrrrvl IiIIiI Ail Iiirrirlrall rirrrirr rll MunInt All Iiillltll MHiitl wlll wrll nl l4 mini timing on linrirr wound AI llrr linoiuuriirro srrvlrn on Palm lwiirvily in Anon Ilnitnri iliiinh mt Irviv rnrrnrrnrr om rrlrlrrrl rnr iinlriulirn at iallli rrni iirm iry immilt or mutant IaIlIr nlicml Hallo lnalvr Wtrkiilli visitors weft irr nrnl Mu il tary mt lil with Mr and Mill Ii Illi Irilili Iilr hurl Mrs All liirlwrisiui null laruliy ilrlrlmur null lilr nitri firr Firiult Viroilinw an lamlly lili Mr IIIII Mil IVllit Mrhiatk ru Mr and Mrs rivin Kliliy illorvriar wllh Mr Mill Mil Ii Kiillv AI Ellloll AiIIIiun rill lrrr davlhtrr Mil II int will Inmliy tat anri Mil on ullrr anti fantilyiriuion Mr hill on Wilkinson alili ismV ltarrll with their parents Mr iv Nil Wilklnuru iniiilitoli tfnillnawornt with Mr press iliolr nriti Mrs ll Will Mrr Iimroi lil4 rrnn rnr in Mill Mr lillli ll It mil mm at llr and lil Vrsi Mn lrcri oillum Trnnnin with Mm at tnnlua ltllu iirirrri liilrilltlrrmul ltii In lItirllI II hits It lirlii My Niu huilli amt rt lvi Moulimi Willi Mr llilti iii Ii iiiullli lIIIIi Mlllilivlunuli Mr rnni tum rrnnm Znirntn uuil tlrilil itrrwt villir Qllllttt with tpl and Mr Wilrtvr Mr tutti van in Irriiloii Mn liniry Nruiulii rriirl Sharon nlr vluillnll iirr pairiilu irrulirii iliill le eriiljlil ptililii in irruuylrirnrk 1nnni iirrnnrr rrn iirltlc Mm ilnliiumliil Mn or tar and Mn Allririro wrrv imt rrw til it rinmr Inr ilic iiIrrrtvt iZinine wm nnv Irvinnit ill Toronto In on lurmiurnt of Altai lfrtltrtl inrnh Arvrll II 11 mm was ntIsiiri in on lrprilioll nt hrr nnrny lirvrlv cilII ny lrrr urn Mu townmy iirulon null MI Kliiiriily mnn urmtn llvr liiniiks nun my urutlnilxly mamnt will following on tinl ltorir wan villiyul whili was mwi hum in turn grow in with pink unwr in riltrr run or alrru nml runnini hm hy Mn ltirliy uiro alto all given pirlrnliiilrrn rnrrnr unpr school is 65 tween summer and winter with the summer resorts school population There were about 45 in the group visiting the newspaper plant teacher Mrs letl them on the tour school who visited The Examiner plant iasr Wednesday afternoon the numbers fluctuating be Mnrxiirot Downer iiccnmpnn BOND HEAD Mrs iii ll iiirwvil hllilll Enslcr rvrtnnrr rirrnnlrirr in Illiirl Ilrniry lfiiliuulriur liliiwa ls Mann on not liollrlliyn wllir In nnronvr inn MI lilili lilrs iirrlwrt Hykrs hurt him ilvwiriuitr rnnr lvtrvr nlrrl Iurlnnrr Mont illi ililti Mrs ilrrt Slitp rnrrrrrtu virltrti nrrnrnrrri To us mi and nini Iinr the lillli Mrs iysou Nollie Lorna nu nr Imnirnr lilr niirl er rout Mary null Mu Mr Hill Mrs 1riillll lwrpli Htrilil nl loirtir cill Iifllklf loronlo rcricweil orviuiilrlnuri iiVll til the workvnil Mr iiuiillil iiurolil lnnnr To rtrrrltr Itlllli iltiitilay willi the fol Ns tnollirr niiil iallici Mr llflil Mil Inn liiullh tlrnu rm taiitrnilul Winn Mr ilmigrrn human In nrriv ill on ma on not mnrh nr or villtruc nil lrrlly niiirilrrrl lowly of ihnnm Irrnaulcil lly on runn rm of on liirllrrl Chnrrn rliolr urwrrirh uw lirliic iinii lawn wri nut Irrriiilrcr Hill iiOSPEi PiillYEIi Iliifllii IllAlr iIlIiii Ill IIAIJ III Illiili RTREET SUNDAY 230 pmSundoy School 730 pmFim From the Monger to the Cross 0th AN HHIN v53 IIINDH WI Elects Ofï¬cers Womens institute iriet at Mrs Ed Paddlsorrs on April ii Roll call paying cu Mrs Stainton was appointed Vchairmanfor elec tion of ntticers MrsLloyd Patton was appointed as secretary Of flcers were elected as folio President Mrs Lloyd Patton Isr viceprealdentaMrs Douglas Day 2nd vicepresident Misc Isabelle Cos secretarytreasurer Mrs Blen Snow assistant Mrs Dalton Lightheari district director Mrs Art Gordon branch directors Mrs Dick Mrs Stainton Mrs hows pianist Mrs Ailenby auditors Mrs Loekhari Mrs Stalnton remembrance committee Mrs Mumhorson Mrs Oscar Rowe his tarlcai research and current events Miss Proctor home economics and hcalth Mrs Paddlson agricul ture and Canadian industries Mrs Rowe citizenship and education Mrs Dick public relations Mrs Day After the installation the mecting closed by slnaina Thi Queen Lunch was served by Mrs Rowe Mrs Siaintoa Mrs Dick Mrs Bcil Mlls Proctor Mrs Row and Miss isabelie Cos Population motel Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Camhourrie on the arrival of baby girl in Collingwood hospital Also to Mr and Mrs Vernon Mumherson baby girl in Coiling wuod hospital Saturday April Also little stranger came to gladdcn thehomo or Mr and Mrs William Duff March 29 James Barton Duff Owcn sound vrm Nat Arnold spent Saturday at Owen Sound Wealund Visitors Miss Gladys Arnold and Mrs Reardon Toronto with Mr bird Mrs Nat Arnold Mr and Mrs Gordon McKenzie and children with the latter sisterlnlnw Mrs Tompkins and son William Tomp kins Toronto with his wife and son Mrs Alf Horsehurg is spending few wccks with relatives and friends here Mr and Mrs children of Ottawa Macham and Howard Mr rid Mrs Dick and family spent weekend with friends in Compheliville Mr and Mrs Paddlson and family spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Thomas Johnston Brace bridge McRohcrts and with Mrs Mr and Mrs Harold Martin and family spent the weekend with friends In Smithviiic and Hamli ton Mrs Wes Mumberson Barrie visited her son daughterinlaw and famiLv Miss Mary Matthews Toronto visited her sister hm Mr and Mrs ltoy Mclthart and baby Toronto visited the farmers parents Mr Iiid Mrs Cilfi Plaxion rind Sharyn spent Sunday with Mrs Paddlson and Mrs Allonhy Mr and Mrs llien Snow and family visited friends in Burlord Mrs Murray of Barrie visited Mr and Mrs McQuay and other friends Home From Hospital Mrs George lforscburg Mrs Sam Coulter and Bevcrle Annc went to Toronto to viii Mrs James Homicy who has rcturnrd home from hospital after an aper atlon Mrs Nat Arnold and Cecil and hm Hoaran spent Saturday even in at Shanty Day rs ilohcru and daughter ituth Mrs McGllllvary of Toronto rpciil some time with their parcnis Wlilold Euchre Womens inrliiutc held cuchre Saturday evening The carryinit prizes men and women went to Mr and Mrs Robert Legato illcnt high was won by Arnold mens low Sllphcnlun laiilcs high Miss Matthewl law Mrs Ailcn by They plan to have anathe cuchrc Saturday evening April It Sunday afternoon it out out of control and had it not Item for the prompt response of Draiiiorti lirc iirlnadc the trillitilnits hclunglnc to trim might have trotii tnrrnrti NARI COUGAR UCLEELEI BC CP ilic hunting do thIlc our owned by cancer hunter Toni McDonald ha been avenuod The cnunr that killed the dill was llsclf IIIDI and kllINl by Jimmy Dewar ISAAC BICKEIISTAFF There is sameness to court procedure which must be disappointing to news editors who like to serve us our news with little novelty So the other day when ran across ludire whose trials were markedly different from 1ordinary legal procedure saw at oncevthat had somethingemln entiy newsworthy This is how thetrial went The plaintiff stated his case against the defendant The judge listened to the charge weighed the evidence as stated with his brilliant mind and then delivered his Judgment He gave it noticed with certainamountof heat for he was obviously man of strong feelings and the wrongs that other people suffered moved him deepiy Some people might think that this simple and direct Jusl ticeleit itself open to occasional error The deiendant werentony witnesses to hay anythingone way or the other Howeverit seemed tomo thecaso was veryclear if you ma been there you would have had to admit that only one verdllct was possible lfyou had heard the plaintiff state his grievance youwould have been convincedthat the guilty party was gulltywhctlicr present or not and that was all there was to it Had the defendants life been at stake and not mcrely his good name it would have been different mans neck is tangible his good name is not But that Iis metaphysical question and we need not consider it From purely practical point of vicwto look up the de feudnntin sucha trial is always bother because he is never onrhand when the charge is laid And in thoseroro cases when he does appear he always seems to look at the case from ditferent point of view and sometimes he pre seirts new factswliich are bound to be confusing His pres ence is never much help either to plaintiff or Judge Usually newspapers print names and often show pictures oi the people they write oboutin the news columns It is kind of guarantee itscems to me sometimes that they arent making the news up It might occur to some that this account of the Judge needs the same kind or guarantee and tor the same reason But it is authentic enough would give his name except that he has too many Some times have to he very careful or find that my own is one of titch lWHATIS uncommon AN ANSWER EDWIN WILSON BSRr DO President Ontario Osteopolhio ciction THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN wasnt there tosayanythlng In his own defence Thore Most pcoplc take physicians skill and training Inr grantcd Few persons are aware of the long years of tralnlnrr necessar Ill producc an osteopathic phys can The student intending to become an osteopathic physician must have at thrcc years at prcnrofoa slaniil training iii an accredited college or Ilnlvcrsiiy lhcsc years are spent ncqiiirln basic know ledge of thc scion es and equally important knolech of mans hcritage and environment Once the candidiatc meals the hi standard act by the nslcopa lit sthfmis he is admitted to one of the six osteopathic colleges lo cated in the MINI Slntca Chi Cairo Dcs Miincs Kansas City MIL Klrksvliic lilo Los Angela and Philadelphia Irnli his profes riorint training burns All osteo patliie rollcxca pvc more titan 5000 hlitlfit til actual instruction ctrvcrina II ptrriuti oi bur years of ncnrlcmlc work The Ilrst two years are spcnt in study Iilt ilatic inerilrnl scien crtriich ruhircn ns nrintom pliyslnlrgy pniholtltfy bacteria of clt in llliiillillll there are thr rl siinctiy nsltoiiaillli sutrlcris lurch as osteopathic irrlnciplcs illill ostctrv iothlc niniilpirlativo tirlrniilrici lowcvir iislroprrliilc phononin rcrmtnicn lliv leaching tr llil still ocll Durinrt iltt third year prilicipiil fii ratmnnrhic rrittllrini irirslctrlu rurncry tran flynclillouy IIN lilltl irti wiillc work ill writ Iiuii iilliLllI it is in this third year that practical clinical training hciins The fourth year is almost entirely taken up actual clinical practice under the su crvlsion of some of the profess ons most highly skilled physicians At the end of this time if found iuIlquualillcd llic rigslcian is awarded the dcarcc oDnc tor of Osteopathyanti ls prepared to begin his internship Upnn completion of internc training the ootco athic physician thcn must go be are licensan Board in the state or province in which he wishes to practice and take an examination when he passcs ho is granted his iiconsa and may bculn to srrvc his com munity ns licensed osteopathic physician anti surlcon However if the DO wirhct to become ccrliflotl specialist he must spent an additional thrcc to live your in residual trainina in one of the hospitals approved for this type oi attitly it has been shown that irom clxllt lti liilcclt ytnll ni illicnlt study are murlrrtl before the or iiopnthlc physician can hcgln not lice This hn procrxi oi mucu tliiri anti train produces triiyalv ciilni skillrti lfl iii inc oi all wta plinl ule to combat tilteasc in cliiillmz antibiotics surgery drum and osltupalhic manipulation Ilctniirt lliclr philosophy osteopathic piryri ulniii are well iiiltii li ital with rill iftlilllIlII lKllflllIi upon piiillit lItnliii This is Your invitation To Attend ii liiMllYlililliiiiilSTtliliSiiliii With Rev it liliie Uncle lorry UTHTANIDINH EVANUEIJST AND YOUTH W0illtl£it APRIL 17 MAYL Hun ll am Is nm Wrck Nights pm hmpt It CHILDREN HHIIVICI rath wnit niflil raupt Monday to Natural II as pm hlil Tall IIIIJFII IM Iona Calnmt hlidrs IIlhla iitarisnrttra ALL WELCOME time at spiritual rrimlrirta owniu yoir In Iirr Iriilii rervim each strain in you hcar tlw Minitry oi Gods Ward mumi wins Broadcast citaa sundry of tiiclr training anti 10 THE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 15 1955 TUNNEL FOR comma flie Imperial College ianoutIv Kenslngtnn London is to have new supersonic wind tunnel for studying the behaviour of new aircraft design models and can trol surfaces it will be capable ofreaulatlon from 100 mph to nearly twice the speed or sound ALLANDALE Rlatflr Rev NewtonSmith BA Lilo urnlit COMMUNION lI damMORNING PRAYER pmIIOLY cOMMUNioN BURTON AVENUE UNITEDCHURCH REV UNSTEAD Minister RAYMOND DANIELS Orlanlst SUNDAY APRIL 17 1M5 MI IMPSUNDAY SCHOOL ll IlflrIIROINNERS DEPTH ll ImMOHNINO WORSHIP rite malted Citririt and the tla ilnlsiicii Task pomEVENING WOIIEIIH 2Ili ramrllnllyhantlay Helical it rumChurch tierviuc St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Warsley Sta REV JAMES FERGUSON ILA Minister CRAWFORD Mill ll FIIC0 Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY APRIL 1955 ll am and pm THE HEV BARR or Pcnatangulshlno II amTIIE CHURCH SCHOOL tAll Departments 315 ramus Fireside Meeting Came To Church 12 COLLIER UNITED Minister it ii Lewis itlA ILD organist and flholrmuler Lloyd Tuilord SUNDAY APRIL I7 155 ll urnMORNING SERVICE News From The ChristianCom muntst Front 7i UitCli SCHOOL 945 amJiinlcr senior and later mrdlalo Depts Ii lamKladornrtsn Ind lriraary Dtpartmcnll ti arnin wtldrnan House Nurs cry Dept and Baby Sitting tor ImNursery children pomEVENING SERVICE HIIIIELI HIS GLORY Vivid portrayal of the events uf the Last Work as seen through the ycs of Cornelius the Roman ccn iurion To no this picture is like licppinlt tack into history and seeing the events of the last wcek In Jerusalem in person as an onloakcr ihe Gospci narrative unfolds with realism and Intcnsliy This film is shown lhmulh ihv ourtcry oi the Royal Army Chaplain Corps i==1 The Salvation Army Citadel 60 COLLIER STREET Iir Malor and Mrs oopor SUNDAY APIIIL 17 1913 ll IJIIrHiHiINEiIH MEETING tao plltrHIINIAY HI 00h pmrillliN Alli MEETING pmitvanullttlri Martin ruruiay tumFellowship and lrayer Wrtlnmiay pm Ilomc League Wnrm and Friendly welcoma iwalts you at The Salvation Army Canadian 0E1 TWO LYNX LETHBRIDGE CF Hunter in this uulhcm Alberta district have shot two lynx this winter One was bagged near this city and the other near Magrrithx 20 miles to the south The animals cachwctshcd between 25 and all pounds CLAPPERTON ST AT WORSLEY REV LUCK BA ED Minister MISS CLOUGIILEY Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY APRIL 17 one am8UNDAY scrioor HamDR COIIOE painMil ll CAUTIIERS EVERYONE WELCOME FREE METHODIST CHURCH zoo nayiieid at REV IIRifllll SUNDAY APRIL 17 lamSunday School 00 180 Preaching Prayer Mcatlng every Writ at oclock EVERYBODY WELCOME terror PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister REV It Mill ILA un FRANK DUTCiIEii Organist COMMUNION SUNDAY SUNDAY APRIL 17 was Iris arrrcuuiicti scuoot ll am Nursery at Kindergarten hmAmazing Love The sacrament ol the Lords MINI at both services 815 NIL1P3 Everyone Welcome I=l l= ENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Dunlap and Toronto ills itrv Cecil llrrnn ILA Mr erren Maclean Organist SUNDAY AIiilL I7 1015 tamtn lnler and Br Church School ll aim THE HYDROGEN BOMB AND YOU Officers from the Simcoc Presby tery Young Peoples Uniori Spring ionvtntian taking part in the ser cc ilrglnntrx Primary Church School anti Nursery 100 pm WHERE NONE SHALL THIRST The tip to data miautc sound col or fllm on ladia There has never been anything like it licfurc Itlitli In 20 LII pmCcniral files Club Trin cert lg the church Itlll TRINITY CHURCH Annilcnnl tZt Collier Street Allan head IIA InTII Itnv learn Blurring MU Mn Roberts Chair llirscm casrrzn SUNDAY APRIL 11 ran too Iloly Communion Iamiiy Harvlra Ilriiirlilnl Mlin Ilovfl IMO camMorning lrayrr iili iliillttitll icrmnn Tliii liliCIOli punTotlrlnlton Hurrilay Hchnol nmnr lillnloiilry Yllln AHI IAN ililN COLLIER ST BAPTIST FELLOWBIIII Oi EVANOEIJCAI llAPIiSIB REV HUMMER PASTOR 945 omBIBIE SCHOOL 00 amWOR6HIP pmFORWARDAIRES Miitli illiiiltTEi RADIO AND TV ARTISN IIIIOADCAST Citrm ClllilflliY rrtiowsriir CHUIIIZII INDEPENDENT 00f IIICYJ and UNLOI il omPROIHETIC TRUTH Mr Haul pmEVANGELISTIC We prcacli not ourselvns hut Cludrit Jesus the Lord and ourselves your servants for Jesus sake EVERYONE WELCOME rrrruw1l4nlh magnum an 4alvaa Arns