flne rlhulc respect wux mid to lhe memory Mu John Gibson Ihe ormnr Mary Manrua Turner dnughlcr Wllllum mmcr nnd Cnlhurlne mum hn passed away at Dzelun on Murr 15 1055 In her Nlh year She was an nctlvc member of lhc Wbmcns There wax splendid nucnrlnncu In St Johns Unltcd Church un Friday mornan 21 oclak Rev Dr Reynolds conducted 1hr scr vlce and welcomed the hlemls 1mm Ihv olhcr churches nlsu RLv Mnxsqn and Rev Ccnpcr who nssmnd wnh the vlce The lowers were placed by 1h Dulchcr family lnmcmory lhulr molhcr Mrs Tmumpson and Mn Truce sang nu All Alone wllh Mcrvyn Carbm the organ Mr Cooper dullvcrcd rnosl lnsplrinz sermon He rom mrcd uur llvu as In swds On Wednesday aiternoon ihe Easier in in St Johns Church was sponsored by theWomens Missionary Saclety More than 100 ladies assembled in the nudiinrium Mrs George Dickinson opened wiih ha hymn There is Ereen hill ior away Mrs Cumminx read passage oi Scripture lollnw ed by prayer trio lrarn Stayner sang beautiful number Mrs Usher an hehail oi the WMS in very espable manner welcomed ihe ladies and introduced the lpeuker Mrs Merrill Fertusen ui Angola Airiea who with her hus band has been doing splendid missionary work Mrs Ferguson who has most pleasant personal ily told how she as young girl wanted he nurse hut un al lendinra meeting and hearinu Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel her mind was made up She iold aboui many interest ing habits oi Ihe naiives Iheir sup ersliiiuns and hbw iht brouah corn potalaes or an egg or ihelx collection to the mission Mrs Ferguson showed how nnllvc wurnun dresses and carries her baby on her back in travel many miles Mrs Reynoldsihsnked lh speaker also all ladles torn ntth churches who were present She was very grateful to the Mo irum Slnyncr and invited the ladies in adiuurn la the church basement lur lea The tables were nicely decor ated wllh bowls dniindlis Enstu one and rabbits Pourina ten were Mrs Cumming and Mrs Reynolds from table wiu candles and bnwi cut flowers The ladles served dalniy alnd plate ungel cake and whippci cream Ladies were prrsent rmI Allenwoud Snurln Sinynel llnii Auxurn THE BARBIE EXMIINEL EREJAYL APRIL 715 1955 Thu Lute Mn John Glhson Gnod Friday Scrvlre 5L Johnl Ella Tu ll Blitz campaign will he held in Illecounly on TUES llPllll 19 1955 If YOU are overlooked please send your donation to Simcoe County Cancer Society Wilson Building Barrie Ontario or call your local chairman Phone 3305 Womens Institute ï¬re canvassing throughout the County Every home and business should be canvassed Ilem of tlmvdle Elmvnlo lost 11 wellknown and Ilghly respected clllzcn Mm Seumu Furncy the farmer Jar Dickinson whn muy March 10 1055 In Pen1 Gen rul llnsplml Iullowhm brle Ill 1055 She was In her 05m ymr Vlrs Fnrney was born Dec 11 IMO Allenwond he Ilmxglltel George Dlnklnsnn and Susan Greene In 195 she mnrrlvd George Young Funny and oak Jp residénee onlhe 10m Hm Ilus where she lived unlll nlne your 30 when she want In reside wilh mr daughter at Phellmnn She ook an active Imam In Red ross conlribullng great dealnl milling during both an She was member the Lde Church Her husband pllfl her 30 your ego Emrvlvm are me sun Clare on the hmnc plncu daughler MIL Dunnln thon mum at Elmvule also slshr Susan Torunlo bwlhsr hints of Moose Jaw Snsk There are nlsn 1th arandchlldxcn and seven grunhnrnndenildrm cl Mlves and friends In very lam number xnlhernd on Frldlxy Mur nnon April lu nllond Ihv Iun service in MM Un Church nnducud by Hi Dev Dr Insiiluia leies Aid and Eimvaie Presbyierlnn Church Hcr nus hand predeceased her on Aiiril ism She is survived by iwo dnuzhicrs Mrs Wesley Lnngman Lyiln oi Eimvalc and Mrs Srigiey Zelin of Si Cniharinos also one brolher Wiiils Turner Ind iwu huii brothers Alonzumnd Morvyn oi Elmvnle here are also iiye lrundnhlidren and ciuhl greatgrandchildren The funéioi service was held on Thursday March the Bishop Funeral Home and was conducted by Rev Cooper inlcrmem wss mnde lhu Eimvnie Cemetery vniiii un li inier date The palihenrcrs were ivnn Cnrmnn Lloyd ond Lorne Srigley Lloyd and Vicinr moon The many iinrni iribuins were Irom friends and relatives lhosc unending from disluncv mzrc Mr and Mrs Gibson oliingwnod Mr and Mrs Roz 3H Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Srilluy and family Si Lnlh uinvs and Mrs Kidd md Kenny Moiion Hutuflhurch Service Si Johns Unilnd Church was mad for he marnino scrlvr ul oclock Rev Dr Reynolds Iiiicinild Hls sermon Wu Th0 and Who Raise The bond Spo slal music was liven by tho choir Ind solo by Jack Whliciiuizi Rcsurrcciion Flowers placed in hc church were in mnmury oi Mrs ulchur Mrs Jumcs Gxcculuw nmi Viiss Susan McGlnnls The Late Mn acorn Furney Mlss Ann Marlo Hnrvle annnlu sprndlng he hulldnyx leh hm parents Dr and Mrs Harvlc Mr and Mrs Mullwm and children Cnlhurlncs Mls Enrbnrn chr and Lorne nenrrlsail Mr 11an Mrs Clnre Knlpv Tu ranlu were guests on Guru Friday oerr npd MIL GrnLNmnk Mri cimun Benn Purl éox burnc spent the wackcnd with Mr nngerg Ggqun Sprirg7 Mls Nancy Onkchlrcnm spent lha weekend with her nunl Mrs Onssunz M15 Linda rumm nd with her on Monday In spend he week Mrs Joseph TownsMs snehdlng Jew dnya Hm home Mr and Mrs Garden Thompsoq Hulsdniu Mr and Mrs Oscar Srllley and rumlly Sudbury are vislflnu melr pmrenlsv Mr and Mrs Ray ï¬rmley qn Mr am Mrs Sr Manmnï¬ 3M urc He and flu Hyman at Aurura renewed lrlcnd ship hen ongmfedngxdny MubEmermn McQuanl and Mlx Edna McQunrrle sï¬ent Ihe weeknnd wllh Mr nnï¬ Mu MalMn DunIn Reynolds Interment wu In Elmvlle Cemetery nukeMrs were James Welsh Ind Howard Rowlcy two neighbon Ind luur nephews Vnhn and 3mm Dickin son Waller Bunmln Ind Ynhn Tub man The mnny hcnumul Haul mbule from ImlIy and lrlcnds Includad those mm Johnl Churchv flu nelgnbnm and Phelp stnn Alhlcllc Club Relnlivex and Mend were preiEnR from anonu Slnyner Barrie and Ed lle fiygtflgm Aw FOR CANCER Burl VIII BREWERY llMlTED KINGSBEER Campaign Chairman for Barrie Mr lorrie Clarke Chairman ofvlndusï¬ry Mr Simpson Special Namosg Mrs Jean Gable Campaign Chairman for theCounly Mr Doug McDowoll CoChairman Mr Brewer Thumn Edlsnn probably holds the record or numlur of palm sued gm hwcmnr sump 1100 is mifcnls Sunday vlsuorx Mr and Mn Lluyd Ponrson were Mr and Mrs Keith Bornum Barxle MIN Doreen Pmrsun olhlnrumu Mr and Mrs Vernl Slewuu and dnuvh tars Brenda and Jun Shel burnc Mn Whnlley Tumnlu spent the wcukgnd wllh Mr nnd Mrs Maurice Bell Mrs nu Mlller Tornn spam low whh her me or er Kerr Mr and Mrs Gum Slubhx Heather and Sandy Forbes of Hum llmn pm me weeknnd with nrv um Mn Cv SLubbx Relativeswnh Mn Rowul or the hnlIdnys were Mrnnnd rs Mel Rowul Leland and Barry Aultsvme Mr and Mrs Rov Rawut Jnchnn Paint Mr and Mrs Paul Rpr nnd dnuzhtcr DI nno Hanover and Mr nnd Mrs McCulLmnn Stnynur Aulhvllla VII Frnnk anncs lelt on Monan In sycnd few weeks wnh Mr and Mn Me own at Aullsvme ML Ind Mus Juhn Usher Hamil on were with the lurmerz anlher Mrs George Usher for he lbufldays Toronto men lhe weekend wllh Mr and Mrs Vern BurdnlL Mr nd Mn Smllh Clmemn Ind BrlInul Port Colborne We vim ink with Mr and Mrs Fred Grlu XPZ Her Fur mud The ann Alnide Cole Post mmer General today nnnnunced the details or pnslqge sllmp whlch wm commemorate the low anniversary oljhe Inltrnnuunal 51le Aviation Orxnnlxuuon nnd whlnh wlll be ï¬rst Iolrllo he jphlln nn June to He we dnrlnu um The Internntlonnl Clvll Aviation Olnnnlznflnn Is spcclulhm Agency lheUnllud muons lhe nlynucncy ml kind wnh Ms ï¬endquurlm lnCunndn The new amp belnjluued mhule to Ilhc york Ah orlunhnuqn ï¬ommemoraï¬ve Postage Stamp on Sale Jvhd MHINB MUSfllES FASI BELIEF Ingprnnthnnl Clvll Aviation iiiin lglued work ml or humus 10 your Immin ldmunn AHM annrds the Improvemenl of my Ind rez 2mm in lnkmltloflll Iran partition The new poalue stamp will be 5c denomlnlflcn and blue 1n mm The mam was desllned by Walkr Lahle civil enllneer who in uslsgnm director 11 1am prlnllnz cumpnnyln Montreal The tflnflnIHQOItEOmPHMESJImITEDf GflSOLIIIE Word West Mr Gordon Spiing Ward East Mn Frank Bayes Ward Mr Bob Ward Dr Bllkoy Ward Wm Mu Pounlkofl Word Contra Mu Doldgo Ward Eu Mu Syd Money Wold We Mu Nobla Word Eu Galbralth Wan Eon Mn Dobton Order of In Eomm Sun Mu Edwin WUInn Chairman BARRIE DISTRICT CHAIRMEN BUSINESS SECTION smmp being engraved and prlmcd by me Cannldnn Bunk Num Companyollwa anenl mums Crllzhum Womens CRAIGHURST Innllule extend an anlullon to all the ladiesyo the communky and lo neighboring hnnchas to amnd short caursa Treasure In Your Ame In the Community Hall on nlesdny Aprll l9 hrginmnz al 13q pm EXAMINER WANT An