Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1955, p. 17

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REASONABLE REETRICTION According to the law Canadas lamily allowance payments must be spent exclusiver lor the maint enance core training education and advancement or children ROOMS Hill ONE Solve space and room dividing problems with Pupils Proiect Codrsngton Gazelle Oil Press This year for the lirst time pup its ol Codringtan Public School have published newspaper The Codringian Gazette which came all the press iust shortly belora the Easter holidays began Through the upon publication which is special project in imslish pro vtding group activity Grade Vli pupils endeavored to dsveio their owerr ol organisation an abil ty to work out assignments re quiring mutual assistance and ln tegrated planning Although the editorial and news columns have almost entirely been composed by the students them sclch there are such guest col umnists leatured as Principal MacLennan who also happens to he the lather oi the editorin ohiel ol the class paper Miss Jean Machnnan Scott inspector at public schools lar simcoa Cen tre and Charles Newton chair man at the Barrie Public School Board uIIoM liNl rsoM limit beautiful modernfold doors Motlerniold Doors llOVliIG the Ideal movable walls lor ciIectlve room division In commercial buildings homes and Institutions Sinrtllly built and smoothly oper ating they can be iniiilt to At any size opening IIrc uvallabio in ten atlrnctive colors Call us for unnplcic information III addition to the Morlerniuld IItsiImiliIII Mothrhinitis llgl ler5 nec nInittr lodlng Doors me now available in standard door slvos You on quickly lttaial The lront cover or the little mimeographcd newspaper leatures drawing at the school made tram articles used in the schoolbooks ink bottles etc Codrington Gas ettc is printed in old English style and on the back is quill design symbolizing the art oi writ ng Each room has contributed its quota at news iioom ll reports on the iaet that the lather at one at the puiir has provided the kln dcrgartcn with tropical fish and plans ior its aquarium and ltoom it tells how one at its pu II had special Christmas holi oy this yearwith his mother and lather in England in Room 10 iour boys played legion hockey this your and two girls take piano ics sons and in iioorn her classmates have welcomed new pupil who was born In SouihAlIica and has been hail way round the world or more itoom organised lor Junior lled Cross last Fail under the presid cncy nl Linda Couch and Room unintd box social on St Vai cntlncs Day Room iollcwed the story ol trip across Canada by the that transcontinental train on map marked in red chalk and Room It has been working on on Australia proltct and the pupils are going to write letters to chil dren in Australia This your Noam has done murals oi Magellans trip and Canada at Work and Room held puppet show as Junior licd Cross protect Room otters puszie that reveals the names ol all its pupils and Room Grade Viiit was kept busy vrlt lng stories getting the now doing cxtra art work and handling the Ilitllt tlilittll wills Ii screwdriver IvuIsIIr InIounI tsunami visa 053301 5ch Ms Mrs GO llayiicid St business end ol llIe Gasctte Stories essays rind poetry com prise an Interesting section oi the paper Lyn Sneigruvc contributed II review ol the newest sport akitt diving and Barbara Kashnor sports editor gives complete coverage ol volleyball and hocksy news handprinted section con tains an original story composed as group project by pupils ol itoom 10 Bunny Boy and tha Carrot Two story contributions have mirrors Mary Sinclairs The Brownie Fool tells the sory oi the mirror belonging to troupe oi Brownies uscd during enrolment Phone 2400 service to symbolise pool and Jane MacLaIcns Visions by Mir Black Label GINGER ALE LARGE 30 oz BOTTLE ILUN IILIUHIT sow spmml by SPORTS COIIEGE ror is similarly written in the drst person by mlrrnr that has watched three generations Joneses lrom its station in their lront hall Members at the Gazette mast hcad included SubEditors Carol Bailantyna stories Barbara Holl oway poetry Susan Butler news Wayne Sykes art and JudyBrob Iey humor Heather Bio pub lisher and Mary Desgie business manager Army Catering Interesting Topic Auxiliary Address The Ladies AuinIary to the Barrie Lions Club held its regular monthly meeting Community House on Monday aning April The presidenthMrs Bruce Sar icant very hbiy presided with 11 members present During the business session the auxiliary voted 325 to the Cana dian licd Cross Society and 50 to the Canadian National institute tor the Blind Mrs Urry and Mrs li Horn were the lucky recipients al basket oi groceries during the evening Mrs Charles Agnew introduced the speaker oi the evening Liaut Lindsay catering oillccr oi the Royal Canadian School airin isntry Camp Borden who spoke on Catering to the Canadian Army Mr Lindsay explained the detailed planning ol the Can adian Army catering department in making up so dilicrcnt ration cater lor the needs oi the individ ual soldier and the planning at 03 menus in advance Special attcn tion is given to scientiiic bal anccd diet making sure that one green or yellow lealy vegetable Is served with each dinner so that the soldier gets the right loads at the right time to keep him lit The fact that the Canadian Army caterers wan lirst and sec ond prises at the recent hotel and restaurant association convention speaks well oi the importance the armed lorcer today place on cater ng Mrsltobcrt Lelshman thanked Mr Lindsay tor his most instruc tive talk The usual social halt hour was enioycd with relrerhmcnu Woman Minister Easier Speaker At Central WA Miss Ftarcnce Hunter of Angus an ordained minister at the United Church was speaker at the April meeting oi thc Junior Womans As soelation oi Central United Churc held in the Sunday School room Her talk entitled By What Au thority Do Thou Do These Things based on the Easter season and was most Inspiring Mirr Hunter was introduced by Mrs Garner and thanked by Mrs liook who prerentcd her with memento on bchall oi the pro gram Convener Mrs Givens and her group Mrs Gillham presided at the meeting Following the singing of the theme song Let the liesuty at Jesus be Seen in Me visitors were welcomed and Invited lo ioln with the members Hymn 112 was sung allowed with prayer by Mrs John Part rldiie Mrs Sieve liincs read the Scripture and Mrs Diack sang solo llcautilIIl hit at Somewhere rcadhig entitled the Resurrec tion was given by Mrs William Sarisant An asnuslnn contest was oniayed by the members and rclrcshmcnll were awed by itlrs Givens and her Itroup The meeting closed with the erpnh benediction Mrs Iilnton expressed the thanks of the members to the group tor very pleasant evening You dont discourage easily do you psi patient training ol their lo al lca CRAIGHURST weekend visitorswith Mr and Mn McMuter were Mr and Mrs Roy Grillin Toraisle Mir aners Watson and lamily Bond Read We welcome Mr and Mrs Boyd and lamily ol Orr Lake who have moved to the Oades house Earl Collins or St Catharines is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Collins Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Bert Caston were Mr and Mrs James Fraser Aglncourt and Miss Betty Caston Toronto Arthur Brown Barrie spent his holidays with Ern Castons Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn are visiting in Hamilton Mrs Dun will stay lor some time Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Ern Elismere Were Mr and Mrs Bert Elismerc and Miss Gwyn ol North Bay ahd Mr and Mrs Murray Bell and family at Orange vllle Mr and Mrs Nelson Tatton and lamily oi Paigrave hnd Mrs Finn and at Aurora cat Saturday with Mr and Mrs wis Tatton Mr andMrI George Coultcr and children and Mrs Richardson oi Toronto srent Friday and Saturday with Bai wins and liodgsons Mr and Mrs Pedllngharn and iamily spent Easter at Midhurst Mary Ann remaining lor holidays Mrs Burbidge and Mrs Rogers ol Cundics Mr and Mrs Pea cock and ohn oi Midhurst and Miss Genevieve Pedlingham at Barrie spent Good Friday with Mr and Mrs Pedtingham Marilyn Oades Is visiting In Ear Vesksnd Visitors Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Harvey Oadcs were Mr and Mrs Alex Johnston and Paul at Landan Mr and Mrs Gordon Johnston and lamily oi Burks Falls Alex and Margaret Oades rcturncdwith them for visit Mr and Mrs Herbert Johnston and Don Mr and Mrs Russell Mow wt Arinuat Meeting The annual meeting at the Wom ens institute will held at Mrs Camerons on ursday April it Please note the change cl date All the conveners ol committees are asked to have their reports ready Roll call will he the pay mont ol ices The theme is Start where you are with what you have tipecisi Easter Service The United Church was nearl filled last Sunday lor the specie Easter service it wa eautiluliy decorated with dallodiis and Ear tcr lilies The Junior choir sank remarkably well as result at th dcr Mrs Howard Campbcl choirs opening selection ws Lives Miss Marlon Grays spring time was The Lily The choirs 0nd anthem was Open Week Oriliia Mr and Mrs liarvey Codes and since 1947 Carr forth of Barrie George Oades at Toronto and Mr and Mrs All baby spent Easter witn Mr and MrsCurrie Baldwin Mr and Mrs Lloyd Martin Bar rie visited Mr and MrsDavid Sommcrs lor the Easter holidays Fern ilo son cl Barriewas home tor long weekend Mr and Mrs lvan Cairns and lamily and Mr and Mrs Ciamnce Brown and children at Mldhurst were with Mr and Mrs Ralph Hodgson Elaine and Eraser Cars or ier onto were with Mr and Mrs Lewis turns rxrrarir FINISHED THYOUH SHIItI LAUNDEHING GUARANTEED RESULTS WRIGHT CLEANERS LTD Dial 5531 Enquire at your the Us or at in Temple in which they werev assisted Mrs lvan Clark as Ioilt it Mr Wsrr preached stirring scr mon on The Resurrection ltaek From Toronto Mrs Gray has returned rum months visit In Toronto ilolidsy Visitors Iioliday visitors were Miss Mar Inn Gray at Toronto at Howard Campbells Mr and Mrs Walker and Miss Jessie Maxwell all at Toronto at Masons Mir ses Jean and Susan Bartholomew oi Toronto with relatives hcrc Miss Eleanor Cowan of Struud at lvan Clarks Mr and Mrs Doug las Gilchrist Anita and Paul at llamiiton and Miss Isobel Walker oi Toronto at Glichrists Mrs ii lluaoand Anne llodser and Kenneth spcnt the holiday weekend in Toronto one voacANo MountEtna In Sicily Eur as active volcano has had more on 50 recorded maior eruptions transmuan Weve got what you and to miss yard tars cosyl Need us sood1A new hoe1 Thai that in union apart as hand tronil orne all Were In and garden sup iy Mada rim And weve get Im ever mom Rea the Tom Mslwlnd ill or the Tom Hnwtlnmt YIA snnricaa No mityps powr nusst NOW is the to to think at llllrsr ler Your iAwn Apply as soon as lawn Ia bass WE RECOMMEND for details about the 7dmaad Em IIEAL NUT ILAVDHI YIIIIK IIOIIlIi PEANUT surreal IIEDIZIZ YOU We COUPONI llIJIIZIiDIINI QUALITY IAIIH CLOTH IR TEA TOWEL IN IACKAIII Iurgo pirpwilh coupon 32 Giant pig with coupon 73 HQDIN IIIIDD WHITE OAIIE MIX UlVlliilIiIlNI2 iIIHAM KIVLH liOLOEN OOHN Fruits Vegetables Fill IIZLLDW HIIII BANANAS 2m 35c AIIIIIVINU IIIIINII DAILY DNTAIIIU MI DISTANT BASES Australia has maintained re search expeditionsIn the Antarctic NUFAC THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 1955 11 see me EXAMINEII roa PRINTING Nesos armor RETIREMENT without worries with the regular income provided by life Insurance carefully planned NOW THE iNSURANCE COMPANV 83A Talkiioverwiihthe Men from Manufacturer TURERS LIFE in it illetasy wayl USE When you cant shop In arsen Issath aiyourt HEAT AND SENVEI CLARKE IN CHILI SAUCE SPECIAL BEANS WITH POIIII 29 SERVE CIIILEEDI CLAHKS FANCY TOMATO JUIEE TOMATO VEGETAHLH OIAIIIIS SOUPS 23 CLAIIHS CONDENSED FEATURE OIIEAM OE MUSHROOM SOUP mam31 LAHKS IIIISII SPECIALI 25c IIlAlIlIiEI CLAIIKS BOILEI CLAHKS ASSORTED MEAT srrwxs ZOOINNEiixsemZB SpreadszaumZO HIECIALI Io oz in box 39 QUIZNNH ROYAL STANDARD SIIOEO PEACHES 15 oz Tiny 37c AYLAIHI CIIDICH Till BIT PINEAPPLE mfzr EIIIISIIL IHDllN IIICIIMEIIO COFFEE 97s IlIJLKIST Ni VIlilii IIZAIUIKLI IIOUIO HONEY 12w 33 hllNKIgiT IEATIIIIEI LEMON JUICE on an 25 llllitlIAll AIIIJIFOIIII Illllll HAVIIII 29 wax PIIPPII wiz Guaranteed Meats rnrsu PoIIItIIIIII noasr as I°45PZ55 IIZAIUHIZI i5 as aha 49 Inturn rIIImIIuI Iumszuzas ALIFDHNIA illlliill IlliitifiN BROIICOLI 25c NIZW VALIZNIIAN FLDIIIIM JUICE VEIII auasr Jar cttmrr nrrannm 25c OIIANOES Dos 39t FLORIDA NO MAylltll MIIEIILIIWI GIIAIEFOUIT 5a 33 MANUIIE Oulfil all your lamily Iodoy with than new low priced slrmon Stampers We now have romplc loch ol Scampsrl Canodos lovowita play shot llil popular moccasin styls with comlorlobla loom ersps sols tor that walkingawait ls Ina all summer Sal th so and many other popular styles tor the whole lamily at our store tcdoy WALKWEL snoe Stone as tumor Hrltirt tvsrrmr ms lill 100s IDEAL IDll MEAT LOAF Ill lIAIIlllilIilIZIl LEAN MINOEO BEEF 29c VALUE ItlflitfliVE Mn IATUIDAY Ah ll DOMINItIN ONE LIMITED IlAlilllR ttNlAllitl set ma DOMI ION MILUIIOANIIIH NUrIIIII hit up In various sired bass awesome Pears soon

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