THE BARR EXAMINERJVED SDAY APRIL IS 1955 Mrs Chnrlu Wllun nun 1m nunIo lnwyerl wile wll be Cc many the pupil 1mm 1h Itudla III of Garden Hullall pllylnl In piano recital at the concert hall all the Royal Conservnqrym Mu 31 sh ul Taronlo on Friday evening Several friends ram tpwn wllllhe 1n the audience un he occiilon er wilsun phyan the nm movement of lhc Schumann Con curln You may have 11000 publll ully plmtu or rcmnrklble chmn lhnl appeared ln Toronto new paper lust week durlnu um Emu Smls Cnmpnlzn lhe Onlulo So ululy lur Crlpplcd Chlldrtn It slmwvd Small boy wlth brace on Ills left leg and cum duflle hug shan over one xhnul or law unlunl will unnui Loopl hlghly ulna uchnlclml are fully qunmed mm nny radio or televlalnn unlnlud In In you nllumlnn Ind me you money 259 mmsm 51 RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS mm vmm you wmT smmcnon munmm IAHY nunun 1mm llrlnz In your tlll EVE only KEYE ur any KEY and we will duplicate lhrm rur yuu vrry low Nut as BAYFIELD mm BEDROOM FURNITURE OIDUARD KNEICIIEL LANE KRUO AROUND TOWN lot 49 further Sander sel vico on rental balh CLARKES ELECTRIC BELT SANDER Mk us about rrnervntlons KEYS NOW AVAILABLE By MNII Barrio Television Expgm COOP ma The lmle boy was nyen ur ald Babble Cunnlnzhnm vcum la lune perm and compln Ion win his ulster threayenrnld Colhy Tth um um childun at Mr Ind Mn Bab Cunnnlhlm Codrinmn strut The picture wp nken when the hmlly went up In Collnlwaod for Bohble ma ndol the lum mar clmp Hit 11 no liner nn up he hh hind Ind who pabilclly phntosruphu annpmd the in Blue Mnunuln Cnmp nen Collnawood with Imflln um um hnldhrm gm hind llII plumb had nut won tho pic1 luro mm It poured unldcnul fled in he vnrdmmcm The good new ll um Bobble mny Icon no uuu nuna be nut hln brace allhouzh It dld not keep him from runnan around nnd phylmx amp1n you can ml by hln tracklud and sunburn are The Blue Mnunmna In lnmnul or muny reason new besldcl htIr beauty They nlwnya were Scenic show spot more up re clntcd by vqung than by 050 of us whn were alsan wlthJhn mm on nur weslcrn hnrlzan In recent yenrp hnwuvcr hny have becomc known as hh lucmlon ol the crippled chlldrenx camp JO but Ikllnu like In Ontario and fur the WWW mm is mndn hm The sklbnm Jum Welder nml hlx pollnry wurkAlmp cnmc In or bll of publlclly ln yeslrrdnys Toromu clshe Mmlrm or thr blueglund poll and jun and ur llsllc plum and nrnnmcnls lhal he has been lurnlnu uul hnve won dered howvlhc mud belnn washrd dawn rum he long lxlll llann had In Wall Nu lung to lu nnllml He Just lhnuuhl It looked good and couple or ynnn nun beunn to prove that ll was Thu but nine ï¬nd my In CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT urnlullnnll ntlnuhInt lob with III oomph Clnh Rental Euulwtn Sm In an AM your loan nnw buuly Ind lulu with anlpmenl mumI Ind camplflo lulmellm WI hnvurohlllnod nddmnnnl Hoot win at 45 MAPLE AVENUE OCHISTIRFIILDSUITB SNYDER EM ODUB OWN mnn Input HOME FURNISHINGS OUR RENTAL PLAN INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEED ITS EARN TO DEAUIIIY THOSE OLD FLOORS IF YOU DO IT YOURSELF WIIII CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT FROM 2429 won YOUR RESERVATIONS Kinéflestill Hold Spring Dance Saturday nle Klnmu areponsorlnl sprlru dune an Sniurduy Inan In me Masonic Hall to he funds or he Icth or remdad chu drcn It was announcedlollowlnz the April meetlna at In home Mrs0¢atlrey Glenn Codrlnxlon Stue Thelnlnrrhai ï¬nfly Wm in bpen to ho public Ammunth chum Mn Hcdylumb Mn Hurry lawuwn In In chnlr for the menï¬n whlch wnl ntlgflddd by rnembArI MIL Funk Bemrose 1131 pruldenl Mrs nge Ind Mn Earl Cm wcromppolnled nomlnnflnl com mmae 1o brlnl In mm the May ulccflnn meeting Th wlll ho dinner menu wlm unnu xmonu In chum Mn Hurry Mlchle Mrl Henry look lnu gllnr ha prof Mrs Claymn Wilxon moved mo Aprllv mcnllna lhll lhu Klu me xlvc 50 toward work wlth retarded chlldren Tne lnyme Lhnlhn bean mldo by the mem bers labelnl chntolhe Chll ronl Ald Suclely the bad 01 creek conflduuMxJ Welder In the Helm Tho anlyl problem um enterprising new can ndlun has hemomm ll 10 cnuuxh halp Iomnke enough pub my to mpply mu dupnn Onldey Park Hom nnd Schnul Aswclnuon II pllnnnlnl It nm Gnmu lehl nLxt Wndnudny evenlnl April 20th mm ID eightmoan oclock Thuo will be wvemllucky draw prim xlven out whlln lumen Iunh nI hrldle euchm cribbnuo nnd cinnlln are plnyed Tho mberl would llke lo have njpn numhu mulblo tho canplu maklnB up table are asked la hrlnx able unwrap nl tn Rdmh menu will b0 served Chaplain Easter Speaker aTIWMS April Meeting The ruulnr monthly mcellnx the WWW Mlsslonlry Soclal of Colller sum Unlltd Chur was held nn mundny llmnonn Aprll at 230 oclock ln lhesun day School nudllmlum The meal lnx wan opened wllhllymn loo allnwed prayer by Ina pruld em Mrs Allrrl Two new mtmbm were wel comed 1n he mom Mn Dnlchar and IL Scull The Scrlpluu md nl was mm by Mrl ll 6110 cmon and must dullxhllul l010 Open the am at hv Tonwhï¬ku nun by Mn thsh Mn Allen lnlrodured Major nrv mm chaplllnvln lhe Cnnndlm Army II Cnmp no den who premmd mm Th Slury of llnly Wrek um Cruclllx Inn and llemrrullbn Thu FAMOUS MAKES Feature Prices FAMoUfl MAKE lulu 000 VAluo mm VALUE Marshall Mullmss Buy FEATURES furnlture andflfqlfphlghhlng8 by some of Canadas nest makers nnhnmmnfllln mm mm Iormuly handled by umlm CareerHbUsewife rhguunfou qnc Tclgvblanl 0n ma poï¬ulnr vocalln phyunmnmnms mum camblna cnmn and mm anher and houanwlla nsplte at tho hnc1lclchdulo rehenrlnl and brogsnsu Hm gnnln Imam In Xudu herhusbnnd hcndnnihler Shawn acwma momnkcl mod her lulpvillnn gonqmgs Ram bowling nnd courlé falnfllnu 5hr 13 uranddgtlghtcrothm Millme Mlllnu Honry Slrm dcnpliunovlnn mn nndono no min far gheEnsur moth Birrlp Mrl Rnheruan cxlendtd hunkl to Major Euunr and thuso num ln 1mm WM lhu Hum 01 Hymn 984116 mucunz wnrcluud wnh prayer by thu prenidcnl Stbrkflime Sfyles WM wurl Momluv dung worry WthLup IN Ma wuu vr In may wth hll lowmy paw urnl For mull wur Icw hm rhncked vmlnn wllh or wllhnul tho Pem Pan calla Formal com un on deee choon lho stoopedneck can pm my Make In ullmor In nc Ion tor bycnlnll Send nwl Inlum 41m Mllsu Mmrnlly ï¬lm 17 I1 10 lo Ella Iklr HQ Mlnch On Wflh pockcusynv onlrm Sena flimnlriiu cum In calm llmp cannot ho nccnpb Gd or lhll nnlttrn mm 11 or hl nuern Prlm plnlm ll NAM QDDBIHB RT NUMlllJl Torontordnl Bend ordrr lo ANNE ADAMS cure Thu Burrlo tulmlnnr Pub on front 31ml Wul mama 2943 3a Illl In that we my mom out Hock DI Iumnuro nnd ncc uuu ommodm new line Iormcrly handled by MATTRKSS 6v BIDDING MAMIMLL MALY Mérslgfshaeswske Qn Continental Look New Colors revoluuon In men Ihoeou dramnlcnl chlnle Lha and World War from high Ihou ln axioms4m been the hiking hen put hummus and the Iuiu now on View In Emu In mena than ahop dum mgm Mm across 01 Auen Dnme Lhalr mphMon mm tho than design of mly ud Spain Canudlnn MI minufnclur huvl mndl radical chum In wn 1h wnrlm Ind weight at mm mm Tha mm mm mm nr luv Ildu hnva on or two In men of Ihc convention or ï¬x ml in mun um bun 11M wlth thin inward It the prelom trend cdnlnuu and IhOWI avldenca orlrowlnl Aha mnnl than we hnva known or In pm hrs decndu will mm ouunoded hlhhu Wnlhoq dad lmphlul hn bcen xlvon um um rend by llzhw um then or both upper an la well wpvoand panorama1n Ahm The new dnvllupmenfl below the ankle In anmplnl mm the and IM by the mgnq npplrel la uxlry whichucllve1 llihlwclml Armknnd awn alhelulor In 1cm alx Man at It nl ddsupugrtnlnr comfort for me Cnnndlnn mm thlIIprlnl and lummorond or many ycnr to come The new Ihou ue un belleubly 1111 on ma feet and tho woven and perturqted lmhul The new mm which were um Introduced ln calunl Ihnu am now nvnllahla 1n dml than well In fact tho waym leather Ire pmly much rcpiaclnn muh whlch many men hellmn lo wear for huslncu The swlnn the lowlap llne has been no meat that In lcmvhlll tho mensflum In the mop an em way down law under hcnnk1u The on and twoeyelet Ihou In every lInLher you can think oh Illlh II Ihrunkm or ralnul cull med leather Ihnu whlch II Ind cowhlduwllh Iuedc llnhh ion vclvoly llavn lenlhlr Immlh tall and vnrltly of pefloratefl nnd cmbomd lmlherIIro lPrab nbly the popular Ilyln thll law vyln wllh theIllpon Ind tIuel mo In or um pm in mnnjl mm mm wnnl mm cniuand whnt molar nro nllo nywonplnl new lhh lmlnl Mmn on shoe hiya blouqmcd out wl laid he olmpe Avoeldolrun and more lnk Mp not mod In ovum panama but or trim on nhlrconl rm hmk and whm won no new rogldo permanent nr con PA 11 BISCUITS OM SmhIrommcoym brqu 9nd bluulu will do wonder or menu Ind budml we Cemlnly mere no Mm mud mun than lander Huffy yuunlled blmml Evcn an lngx tr mud cook an ton thzm om Ike veteran Thue p0 knudlnl Involved AM my va than or In hour meyra may to be Ipoon Id 1m mulfln DIX Ind pupved lmo ho ovan Yuu an hllnr mom wlhn mu Ineclncnuom at your Imlly ppmm unmixed mono II to be nervcd with humpbqu or mu Ipma It tha Illemoon tel or com hour or merom Ilnd Illnlrl Io lnhlr cln pul more Ilulllnl hem when no Ipllll hem in wt 1th cm bu ramlea Ick llml lnd mul um or rully mm mm own Todays Recipe Iblupoon mm uplluklwlrm mm plckue Icllvu dry um 9i cup mlded milk cup bum Hawaii mu HI bulen Wucupl IUled nlbpurpnu flour Dmolvo mm In lukownrm wmr Md yum ml in mud to mlnulu 1n mm lrea mm arm Ihon ulr wel Buld mnk Add bumr Ind IlH untll mtlud SUI In Iunr hulan ml mlxlun Ind flour um V0fv aully olnlher or two mlnut smuruy styled In ma wmlnx plum covtr Hollywood Couohes 11M mscum CO OOLFUM HARDING CARIFH DO OflflLOIll tummy mm mun om FURNITURE hsur Oomnhun The church wu ruled on Sunday nmrnnon or thuspeclll Euler Mm Rev Guam was In churn with small mualc by 1h cholr Holy Commnlon was nhxerved Baptlmll Eorvlnla llve chlLdren were buntlud ne dung Ling Dlrlene dulan Bar Inc Ms Mooney aevnrhymil dingh In at Mr Ind Mn Clmeron hurl can at Mr Indhurl cog papal Mr and Wood Danni at ur Cochran rynn of Hulkan nolldnquut bobby Dlxon Toronto upend ln lhe Euler hoildnyg whh hll comm Eddy Roblnum nahm To Btflavllll and MryD Dulflnwem to 0th on Monday Theh quzhler Sharon who in mewnl 001 new murned Illempend 1mm weekend with her pnrenu and Mn Mnnnry Ind eh am Sunday with Mr and Mennry Ornnuvllle and Mn Broekwell of Van ent Sundny wxlh ind FNvllz Ind nur Toronla Rubber 15 week with Mn Hubben manmy nmn vuu Hr lnd Mu unlwn mm nhuwukmdl emu 5h 06 Mchrlinh Couwn npcndn Dum hulldnn wllh hu Iumh IL Mouth Home mmhlmn cam Mary Denney who nucndlnu Tonehen Colleu In Tomnlu la ML rhe an hour In nwurm pl Km from drum Bent men moan lnlo lreued mumn Elke minum Ir 42 oven Makes Iotloml llxhu lllhu numm udln Ilr condlllonInj hnlen mlny mm utm Ram wllh €ng HearAbout minuti 54 cm BEL All CORE Dflï¬ï¬llllflll morons uan BAXiER man or Itlenflt uaxncnn DIVIRION 233 Brndord SI DIAL 4031 DEAL WITH cAs ONE or THE EARLIEST IhlploIhore communi cation lymmn Ihll Murine Alnrum and Slgnnl Tminpn Ind fournow ml that could carry In mlchlf the wlnd vnu In lhu rlglu dlrccllnn héswanv lIMIlED KINGSBEER THE MARINE MLARUM winding me holldlyl with her mother Mn Florence Dennuy Bowler flu mullet Bowlan ï¬nished or annulu Iuwn Inc Bum buwllril lcn zua intend hlvln banquu on Wedneidly April 70 Trophlu will be presmied to me winnen Mrs Rawn of NEW Lowell Ipnmflnl law dlyn ha home or her dlughm Mrs Cochflne Juï¬e Denngy Ind Annedndlcy an lpcndlnl week wlth lrlendl Weflon To noone populnuun lmmh In the early dnyu otanch Cun ldl rather wu unblock to In ll he had Ion unmInled nu 20 or daukhler unwédm ï¬ne 16 59 DUNLOP ST PHONE 4348 mums mosr FAMOUS nousnor mnoams JACKSONS DEPTSTIIBE mu ummp Mum cmwnms SAN Iioxan JBANB med aox Reg 0003 Jacksons Price 690 CHILDRENSLINED NYWN GAB WINDBREAKERS um SflX Hasnt ncksnnl Price $210 mums LINED NYLON GAB wmonnmkans mes ncksonn Prlue $33 MENS FINE QUALITY DRESS SHIRTS colors sizes Reg 298 Jacksons Prlcu SIM MENS FINE QUALITY WORK SHIRTS BAN Reg 240 Jacksons Prlee LBS MENS wonK mm in an mes aanmnzcd Rem440 Jacksons Prlcc $21m MENS NYLON GAB DRESS PANTS PLEATED Self Belts Fine Quality Reg 898 Jncksons Price $488 MENS FINE QUALITY SUEDE JAgkaS all sizes Reg ncksons lrlce SINK 51095 MENS NYLON GAB WINDBBEAKERS all colors and sizes magma Jacksons lrlcc sum LADIES FMNNEI BLACKS Reg LADIBS SKIRTS laws styles mnurlnl Reg $493 Jpcksona Price $380 PLASTIC 30 wide Mg 390 yd PLASTIC TABLE CWFHS 34 Join tho rank our satisï¬ed customers NO ONE CAN BEAT JACKSONS IN BARGAINS SATISFACTION 0R CASH MONEY REFUNDED pcc aune conalntlnz 01 Bed Drmer and Chen Ile mnmcu sprlng bedspread plllown mm bandolr Inmna efsropfountlnf ROOK BOTTOM PRICES ll pce Bedroom Bullit m4 Jacksons lrlce 51m $508 Jacksonl lrltu 536 159so Jacksons Price 19c Kit5 350