Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1955, p. 15

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SEE THE EXAMINEE FOR PRINTING NEEDS DUNLOP ST EAST Bani PHONEJHS ENTlNE WEEK STARTING MONDAY NPNJB W5 lllll WROXY FTlieatrefl THE LOST PATROL HANSEL GRETEL LAST SHOWINE TONIGHT WEDNESDAY EVENiNG SHOWS 550 pm LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY For Moviu MorvyGoRound Tune in CKBB 540 pm Dally 15 GREAT SDNE HITS PLUS SIX TBPSTHBS INSURANCE AGENCY Tl IE HOME OF GOOD INSURANCE SINCE 1899 PLUS CARTOON BELLE HOPPY MALCOMSONS THURSDAY HOUSE OF HITS GRANADA IIVIINING IRICES ADULTS 75c TAX INCLUDED MATINIIE IIIICIIS ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25c TAX INCLUDED VICTOR McLAGLEN IN JOHN FORDS EVENING suows AT 650 pm CONTINUOUSSATURDAY 230 pm THE SUSFENSE STORYOF THE YEAR ABOUT TOWN THAT HID TS SHAME REIGN OF TERROR IKE snow IN ADDED TREATS ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY SATURDAY AND mm cm tonal LAST COMPLETE SHOW EACH EVENING AT 845 pm AW PLUS THE LATEST WARNER NEWS REEL 2ND HG IT IN IINICOLUII ernme le Nllflllmll Vn wrlrmlw mm new mllh lulu Mn Ilul Mu My Mn tllll dun ML Ind Mu Jury and dull Inn MI Iml Mm hula Ind rhllvlrvn Mr mum Yuuulhm Rum Iml mum lull wnk wllh wr Vnuuhltr Min wnmm ullurIL Mr and Mn Fr numbl bl lllnmvlun callnl on llmlr vuy lu Mr and lllnmvlun llw Hulll LImuvnlulnllunn In Mr nml Mr Hndilu cm In hlllh llnuflhlnr Jrnn All later Rude Inky Mun Em vlnllnn Illnukul HOLLY Am You will be fur hnnllu mum mu rovrml by lnwllfll LIMIIMW INHUMANCIL nm mmle Inmlly numm tm wlnmul Call In my Mac us FIRST For lusunnce at ALL KINDB Dining Mnlher III nunufln The Ilulmnr lnnflly wow HUN Dunan um day In wruk min In Hu Hlnru ML Hul mrra Inunur phmvdwlm the rccrpllun ru vlvtd nnd lndlcultd lhry would bu Ind 10 rclurn lnvllcd Chnlrmnn UN mccllnx was llrdlry Hull Wllh vulo ul hunk lhc Ipcnkcn thn mm qu ndjonrned church on iundny uml unjuyvd the IUVIXy Inc by UN Mum Shimmll ul llmnllun Crndduck cl Imlllm demmulrnlrd lhc use and admin lane highlcnlllc slzcl bulldlnn In Indumy or arm use The speaker an expel on this sub Inc and It 13 mar Ind lhul more nnnm did no like advantage hls appnrlunny In hcnr be MW lrclldl In nrmlnl Mr Craddock polnlcd out 11ml milk hundllnl nnd pruducllun un um lnnn Is un dcruulnu change In the mud 5mm and llnlcd lhnl cvnnmlllL no um ll will lnkc place hm akcn al the Onlario parlmcni Planning and Devel npmcnl apokc on lndusirlal Ex panslnn Mr Baker prepared an Iniormallve addrcsl showing ihc duvelopmnnl of Canada and On iaria In parlicular am pulm cd uui how any iawn cauid take advantage this development with the cotopcrnllnn of all it clil zcns ornanllaliana and hi local cuuncil 10rlliu NewsLetter Claims lhat Orillln Is losing new Inuuhlry lu BarrlL because luck or cxlcmlun the ourlam highway In this town were lcrmcd mlsreprcscnlnllun by Wllhur Cramp dormer mnynr this week ho crchizcd the loss the Mansfield Rubber Company In hL counly lown bpcn Slatemtnt In an open statement In Me Mr Cramp poinlcd land still bringan Beeton Learns Advantage Of Locql Industry meeting was held April by Bcfilnn Induslrlul and Develop mcnl Association Erncsz Banting mnnnznr Weston Brunch the Nallnnal Employ mcnl Service gave talk describ lnu the growth or Weslun durlnn the last 10 years and haw Weston had hemfined 1mm Industrial ox pnnslon In lower Inxes and publlc scrvltcs whlch Indumy ls hel PfiJhW 19 Wusmn an usfuskniénr 8000000 4051 pald by Ihduskr Mr naming niso spoke on he lulcs towns lo expand and slated hut 4500 new homes are being planned In Genrzctown and on he nmwlh at Newmnrket Ornnscu vlllc etc It is understood that one Ihc lnrgm Drills nulcmo bile manufnclurers Is Iocntlnu plan at Georgetown Ihnl will run lnlo millions dollm The qucla Hon nrusc What has Georgcmwn um ncomn mu nun lndunry wit wolanu PAUL nLUETllNEfl whn 11 replaced luck Callnzhan an accounllnl at ElmAc branch the Bank of Nova Scoliu Mr Bluclhner come IaBnnle ram Hnmlhon where he has been first mimm accountant It the main brunch Mr Cnllnahnn has been trunnionred lo Pclnrborcugh re placing nnmhcr Iormer Barrie accounlam George Lake who now In Manncal Former Mdypf Crumb of Orillia Raps Industry Loss to Barrie STEVENSON INSURANCE New Accountant ulmi Lhn pub Oul that In new highway myuruld mun drnwncd nl lwcluxuuhhund SnlunIy night Iml Illl ulcer and nephew mnnuucd l0 Lwlln Ind crawl to Ice nnd lnlcly Her lhnlr lflIool Inboard mulor hnnl wnn crulhcd by arming luu In Hm bn €an Cnrnvm luxl Illl Illc ullcr llu wlnd shllud and pllrd lcc parka lumlml Mu bual muth In bol lulu The erunl nyuulrd ntrull lho lrrnchcruul luv Howl more Ind cumd nu mm ny Ilmu pullcu nml llmunn nrrlvnl Mr CIIIIENI mm ummcamL PENETANG MAN DROWNS IN BAY COUPLE SAVED hm Imlruclc nvplww llbm Mlmn lu hrlp Ill wllo to Allow Wllh 0w nuurnnce lhnl hu would be all rlxhl The accldcnl mcunnl 15 yard more In 20 ml wnlcr melon World mnk Lec manager the 110an Dnnk or Canada In Boston or he must Ive yuan has been Ippolnlcd to he mnnnxcmcm 01 lhe Royal Ennkl new branch to be built nnd opened in nmdlord Mr Lee ls hem lrunshrrcd he Supervlsorl Department cud Omen anonlo whcn he will be marked we Inspccllon dcpm mcnl untll Ihc new branch ll Brad lord ks cumplclcd Ind ready or upcrnllon whlch cxpcclcd Io be In line nnxl lwo or three monlhx Tucr Xlnrrlxlnn will MC cccd Mr Lu In lncnl brunch mun azcr hm Mr Lee wlll loan cummcncn hln new duliu in Toronlu on Apr as from Barrie io Orlilia In corrn spondencc with an American sum mer resident here prominent shareholder in this rubber cam plny Mr Cramp repnm lhat he as been iniormqp on the authority an executive ol ihe company nl0rillln was their first choice liar establishing branch lnclory In Cannda The only reason given or Kulng In Barrie wna Lhelrvinlbiiily lo nblain suitable Inc in Orlilin liad here no been so much secrecy over lhls mutter ii is probable that suitabiu silo cnuid have been pro vided in or around Oriliin hm charged lnduslml Sim it 1an of silos is true in one in sumac is more lhnn likely to be true of others Why nll his furore over spending $10000 for In indus lrlnl commissioner it we have no lning lo sell he asked NAM why has he Planning Board been so eiicclivcly immobilized ihnt no ciear picture available 01 Jim yvhal industrial INC could be util Izcd New ann nbp new mlp or the town was prc plde cost $1500 by Den Mchice Jr undersllnd Surely this map could have pnDolnlcd all pussiblc 1ch properly zoned HIS lhls been duncl Who pnld nr lhu mnp1 Was ll charge ngqlns chenrmdoing 4h roasmimdnt or was It cuvcrcd up In lhe 19M or 55 csumalns us an extra charge on the rnlcpnym Mr Cramp Isk Word wn received rem Council olthe necessin of provdlnz the Municipal Board with further lug formuunn on the figures submitted or approval and secrelary WHH Will Manége New Branch Of Royal Bradford Goldwater Public School Boards spechLmeetlnz April dam will measure to speed up procedure needed to get construction mod on the villages new fiveroom $100009 school Meél To Expfidile Conslruclion COIdwaler $100000 New SchOoi Cbniraclor IelIsV of Dillitullies Fluent were Chillnun Allan McKIy Trustees Mn Barnum Williamson Murray Johnflon Har ry Klllurnnmnd Charles Daub Puul Pcnflnndnnd Williams atlhe Tvmulo nrchllcclurnl firm DenBaer conulclor at Ev are and his associate wm Ian at woodbrldze flpmsmv APRILIIS I955 Lynlaphom nunon lth HM Blirll III Racopllom Dinner Patti Banqum Convcpflom llomlm Iluplnllly III II Ilium muml mnnhm my mmxmos Ion wmnma curricula non TIONMJJ lmwv Ann MnoNp All lmVlsIu 10 mm unnwmom My It Anyway 112 Eaarriv iExamitwr ANNOUNCING THE BllllNO IIEOPBINING 0F Baystairs Lodge MIMI NOW OPEN FOR cconumlu mlum be filmed umy would In uflnul by hluhrr maln unlncu com The Ircllllcfl wlll cunlcr llcr with tho loam whrn changeonan my be pm lhmuflh denim COMWIIN llnlldlnl lmpeclur Amhln nmkor wu pruuu md Inked nuth qnulfium nbmll mnlulnlx Mm In Iltvndmco or Hum worn Ind Iurwyor Dun Inlbrnllh Ind Culmruuun om ccr lintcu llown to Harry Klllnmn rnlmd mm objccfilnnl to remark mndc lnvuMnl the Coldwnlcr hullan concern Mr Pomlnnd replied lhnl Hwy had every opportunin lo our lhul hullnl Imam mm but would ml dud that com lromod wlm imamcnh In In prcu 1t wan necessary pul um record Mrnlilll Ind he wax anu on Io wllh concrulo lnrunnn From Sc 25 of coal heating wu $10450 per room while oil heal expense was 3113 per ailsth in um period Prater on Iienlinx Mr Pcniiand in adding In hi1 remarks maintained that future Dpernflunl xhouid see the oil mu equal to or less than coal inmn school referred He puian out that he GardonGraydon school whs new resulting in higher cost healing in the rim year When ihe building had dricd out Iucl cars wauid he ninut 207 less he an 1hr ollhcnlcd school can trnl wen manually opexamd nl Brnmplon llmc the tempera ture had been let hlzh mum By use at proper controls the 5113 figure would be cut lurthu It looks as though the sme mcnl that the ouhcnunu xyncm proposed would be unccunumltnl worlh no more lhnn the paper was wrlnen on commented Mr Pcntlnnd He complnlnnd um crfllclsm Icalums of the school wcm general and not pecmc Conlnct Crluduu nThc conlmuur Mr Dennncr also commcnlld on crlunhm hunting and mm wnrkknluru the contract He claimed mo Colu water henflng flrml uolnllnn wu about 310000 Mabel1 In any olh cr Ind thlt thn CuIdwnlcr planing rnlll alumnlu were 000 higher lhm my olhurl that He mnlnlnincd objccllolu nlud 1n volvad poulth sumo hundrch dollnn Hpeclflullun Bivlnn The ntchlkcl prmnlcd Xena lhy lcrlcl of Mom In ma cum allqu whrm IAVlnll mlk bu made but In mm um chnuutl wm nal rccummmdcd nun mm Down sm Amlher development which was expected to reduce an hontlnu cost qu better type of will No rind No grade bean tested by Imperm on In the General Electric Xurnue It was bwuzht cut by Trustee Mur ray Johnston that conl cash or the Coldwnler School are $900 year Mr Phntlnnd said It looked as though on heating costs cnuid axing the figure down to about llon Architect Pondnnd referred lo an Jinn In the press containing alawmtm that hunting lhq new school win all would be unann omlcal Mr Pentlund said he had figure which reluIed this contention The school Idmlnlsmlor a¢ Brampton had Inlurmulon on cosLsoI heat ing two school In Bramptonme new Gordon Grnydon Schnol us In the type 01 on lyflem pru pnscd tor Goldwater and he GLendnleJchoql whidg uggs coaL Four Mnntlu Deny Cnnlnctor DnnBoc tuxher ex plalned serious difficultch result In mm tour monflu delay in stead or the usual 30 days but agreed rcmn his munact on we present basis with the expen muon he um not 11 job under way Lhe nex weekmrAtwa Obtain Lip Advice The Board will obtain legal ad vice on procedure to 1111 vucancy There is some doubt as to whether 1h ona additional trustee nquimd mould be unpainted by the Min lsicr oi Educnuon or whether the Coidwuici Board has nuthorityto male ihu woinlmeng trainee and contraclor were informed at lhv mm 12 velopments which should result In final pruvnl bclnzrecclved soon or bul dingthc new schunl lam Hurvlc was Inflrudcd to pro vldc this by April Call um min In Mann rm xm ONTARIO rum when luluI nrkc 01 New bowel chnlmd mo meeting and war um phnslzlnu the new or an improv ed hlghwny called on Rev anncr Mr Downer stated he had rcpnnzcdly urged the depart ment In du something about his road He quoted uxcerpls from speech he made he recent 305 firm He 19 criticized Simcno mm more main Among lhnso nucndlnz wcrc Rev Downer MPP Cr Johnston MPP Simone Counu Warden Roy Hickling Abner Ruwn Reeve ol Sunnldale George wilkinmnfflccve ma Burns Wnlcs Rccvn Tossoronllo Jame Fulton chw Nauawnsnn Hexbun Barker Clerk of Sunni dalc member of Crccmom Coun ell ExWardun Shepherd and Ernie Roberts represenllni ngmorg Axiom Warden Hickung snld xhn coun ly approprmlon wus limited and only cw ch5 could be hard surlnced any one year The second line hchwon Stnyncr nnd Cnlhlown was on the program or Iurfuclng this year and that wuuld be 1m llmil mom cuvcs Idded huir bl the dlscusxlon and mallun la send dclunuuqn to wall on The special committee sci uiJ nl Ihe previaus public meeting urging the Oniaiiu Dcpmmem of High ways to exicnd Highway 90 mm Angus lu MaplcVValiey held coniercncv inCmemorc on Satur day night Ron Comm nee nntv doing morc wrmdnx on HI particular main artery Mr Johnsmn endorsed Mr an ners Nmnrks and slnxcd same ur gml work had been nuthnrlzcd in me Cuulsan Cul are In Sun nldulc Ho would gladly cnnpcr etc by nccom anylng drininliun lo npproath Minlstcr High RECENT ARRIVALS IN KOREA LlcuL Stency Van ouver and Major Mncdonnld Cornwall and Barrie look over the Korean countryside ncnr the Canadian nrcu Both are members of the Black Wntch RHR of Canada Special Highway Committee Arranges Delegation Toronto AngusMaple Volley Extension Tckeu mly he ulmlnul from my Kinsman Khult ml in Hum Illl Ind antl Fumllure HURONIA 5M mu 16 THE GREAT JESSE JAMES LAST SHOWING TONIGHT THE KIDNAPPERS mun mm mm 14 15 MISSISSIPPI GAMBLE Lunch Kinelté Sprinqllunce SATURDAY APRIL 16 SHOWS NIGHTLY Crcrmore Star Barrie Officer Colour TYHONE IOWEH JULIA ADAM MASONIC HALL prn PLUS CARTOONS flfllll $200 per couple CARTOON GOVERNMENT TAKES THIRD More than Ihlrd Cnnndns nnllonal income is alien In Ixcs each year by me three levels at govcmmlnl Section 3Pages 15 20 The Innowlnx were named an the deluguuon Herb BarkerY Sun nldnlo EL Gray Crecmorc Jack Stcnlc Nntlawhsax Burn Wales Tussoronuo George wllklnsun Essa Cnrman Dawncy Vupra Ernie Robefls Legion Crccmarv flung wllh Warden Hkkllng and Simon CnuMy Rand Cummiltw and H10 two 10ch members of he chislmuw Mr Downer promked to arrange or he dulcgallun to be received by the mlnhlcr on about April 20 Followinx adjourn ment the commluee won guest ma Crecmnm Council or remun menls the Minislrr Highway with 11 representative mm cash munici pnmy on the panel was adomcd COLOUR in Korea WWHIHMWV Prixu

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