RCMP RecénsffuctsHead réajmrés df Unidehtiï¬ed female Colllhgwoad EnteprxseBullecln The skcldnn remains of the un ldcnullud female body which was lound by threw hunters lust Nov 30 about lwomllu east of Calling waod have been thoroughly exam lned by 23mm at the RCMP Ind Prnlessor Aver the Depart mum of Analomy Unlversily ol Ollnwnu Thc RCMP has made an excel lent Job 01 scdlplurlng the head and reconstrucung the natures so much so that it is hoped pnsmve klenmicnllnn mnyvbc possible photograph 01 the sculpmrcd hand Euler In anonln Mni McMnnue and Michael spent over Sunday with Toronin friends Mr nnd Mrs Harvey Hughes spent Enslc with Toronlo iriunds Vacallon In Baxmud Misses Shirley Fraser 3th Thompson sndCnrine McNabb um spending the Easier vacation in Bermuda FIN Cl Thu Flre Erlgnde had busy weekend with he Blgflny Pnln Hnlcl destroyed by me on Snlur dny night also Mrs Andrades urn nae on Sunday nndsevcml grass ï¬res Back From Ilnmllton Mrs Willlnm Gonukllow has re urncd humc nllcr spanning the winlur wllh Hamlllun lecnds Commlnslaner Appointed Glbhins hns been appoint cammlssloner or onlh and nmdnvlls In the County Slmcoe This should rlndcr necessary nervlm slrnud nnrl vlclnlly ml dents Returned me New York Louis Gnrdon hm murmu nnur Vlsllinu wllh his xlstcrs In New Ymk and Windsor Brian and Euchre Remember me bridge and cuchrc In the hull on Friday nlihl hl week See Cnmlng Events mm In Toronlo Mrs Hum passed away at her home In Tomnlu on Man day Aprll Mrs Hun was lhD lurmcr Maud Webb Slroud Funeral service was held nnThurr day with Inlermcnl In Shoud Clmnlcry Sympallly Tn nueavexl nod Duwman pnsscd uwny nn Mundny Am In It Dnrric mlpllnl In his 82nd your The Iunnml service was hcld on Wed nrsday wllh lnlurmunl In Ina Inm l1 nnyncm 5L Barrio Human lmlruclm Dual rnmrolled Cm SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Add ulxï¬llour nml bmuly to your home wltn wnllpnpcr Come In mm see our new 1061 munch hook lcnlurlnu Intent dcnlï¬ns nnd mu mns lhoruu wonderlnnd mm In More for you Has It Lonny Anrm aurmm Haunts mnnonh 82 llunlop Phone 3710 mud activities DATES ts presently lhn and at Cal lingwood puflce ï¬nd when the hand has been can it Iporrpynenlmcd in the same will geshlpped from Ottawa to he Callingwood pollne In aid further in ldehmicaflun Picture above thaws the probable fonturesoï¬ lhe misalng woman ul tar complnllan lhel sculptural renalanon The examlnnllon run closcd 1hr Ipllgwlnl fuels relallyc Io he ysica woman 40 to 45 years deï¬nitely nut aver 45 years helgm In inches normnl welgm in un cardancu with than churnelerlsuc would be 135140 pounds llyv plnl ln SI Pauls Angllcnn Cemclary Before laklng up rail dcncc ln Allnndnle some years n10 the Bowman llvcd ln Crnlg valor and lhclr many lrlends here jnln ln pxlendlng sympalhy In the bereaved llsler Mlu Minerva anmnn It lhls umc Emu Connenllom Large cungroxnllnns nllenéed he Enslcr Sunday church services At the Unllcd Church REV Wunltss preached very lnsplr lng sermon on The Rlscn Chrlsl The cholr chnse us lhulr anlhcm Hlm Huh God Exulled and Mrs Elmer Prat an the solo The Resurrncllon The newly orgnnlzcd Bov Scnuls with lhelr lender Coupon occuplcd the lrantrmnls ol lhe church nuakcls spran laneradccorMcd the church lhc Easier lllles 1mm the WA und several olher baskets from lrlcnds ln memory of lnvod nncs Mum lelion RECEM nnd Sunday visitur in cluded Ross Wnllncc Don MnLcnn and Miss Vcrnn wicc of anonln and Bob McLean ni Pcterburohlh nl their homes hm Rnndn Green of vacnhurst with Mr and Mrs Palmer Mrs Adams oi Torqnln ihe Pursnnngu Mrs Anne Whitn knr oi Toronio with Mr and Mrs Hill Mr And Mrs Frnnm of Windsor III Lloyd Webbs rmweu Evcninz 0n mcsdny evcninx April lricnds and nelghhm ML and Mrs Sylvzlicr Mooney me in the Communliy all in bid ihem inro wcil The Mnamy inmin have lived on he Jncks arm on the Nb Concession or years and mov cd rocnnlly ln Mlncta PolnL The cnrly pm oi the cvcnlnn whyspeni in playing cnrhre ni which Ihe prize winners were Mr and Mrs liar Muihullnnd Mr and Mrs Mooney wen presonlcd wilh lri ligh lamp Ind hc nod wishes at me community no wilh hum In their new home liniled flunk lierinl Mnuu There wn good nlicndnnro nl hl Enlinr Thank 0an moul inu oi lhe United WMS on Wed nesday nilcrnnon Avril with Ltirny and Churchill inclclicl annals Ihnn businus menmm of tho WA WI held luinrc the ulhur mmllnl Wllh Mu McLum prrsldlnx the WMS mllllnfl wn umnnd with quici plum music by Mn nohcrlsun iailnwrd by hymn Sulpture rcndlnu by Mr Palmer and prayer by Mu Gond iullnw vocal loin Alum by Mrl Win10 wnl murh npnrncim mi The Ipcnkcr oi Ihc Irrnunn Mm Corrlxnn ul Bum lhrlliml ur nudlvnw with lllnlnl Ear mrllnuu mwmx Enxlrr Easy Way To Prelly que Phone 3210 According In police it is strong ly suspecind thin inc deceased wo man may hnvebcen murdered and they are followan up certain in formatinn concerning missing woman This case was reopencd on much this year on order of Ihc Anorney General at Onlnrio Thé remains were dislnlorred and re maved lo Ouawa Local polIcu have made Mp in Northern 0n Inrln Olluwa London ananlo nnd muny smnlm cummunlucs witMn loomile rudmsol Collngwon¢ Attention nll malorislsgivn the members at lhu schnalbny safely pmrol break Constable Rlchnrd Bender who has been supervising the axiom of the patrols so uï¬ by he Lions roporu hvn same molnrist nrc nnl puylng Very much ullunllor he ellorlx the pnl arenas Christian Iosllva the your in so much as Jesus was the nnly One who llvcd natural 1m rlled and had power rise agaln She flnlshcd by emphnsmng he great need rlgh now unmisslum ary help in Japan Korea and In dia The Ihanks the meeting was expressed In Mrs Corrixan by Mrs Glhblns or her address pleasant with lunch Schnnl mom was enjoyed by ulLMrsAlan Tadd Churchlll and Mrs Noble Lclrny expressedme npprcdnunn n1 lhnlr sockMes nr the happy nnernoun spent together wonr gunmanrm Auk3knn om Progress CONCRETE Sll0 FREE ESTIMATES MABEE BROS IL OLTON ll lnlle 0th No llwy Phonuï¬l melon mm FINANCIAL supï¬onr Is unounsm BARBIE mm campus Tuamm 19 PHOTO BY DEACON unaqu WEDNESDAY APRIL Presiding was His Warship Mag istrate Hillitem ni Willaw daic Bnlh Crown Allorney Thumpsun nnd Auistnm Crown Miornny Livinnslon were plizsery Munlhpï¬l as Mnrlcy Wrigm was an mun duty wiih fa Bunnycnsile Dlslrul Rdcrcnce wnsmndn by Bl Wnr shlp the nu lhnl changes In the Crlmlnn Code at Canada wum lnlo cum in lhnt simnl Mr Thompson descrlbcq he changes streamlining wuh hu elim lnntlan or nnncssenflals Adjournmems Remand Russ Cownn naked nn adjourn ment in the case utEderd Ho lnnd May 11 whlch wn grnnlud DF Mnanrcn asked an uxmuslau 01 Inc Ros Taylor mama to Anrll 21 also lrnmnd Tho SldnEy Hurd mnn use was ndlourmd April l3 thurgn at Mllnl lo xumnln ngnlns Eugene Glulhlcr wnl be tried April 27 Three pleaded lullty lo Intox lcnUnn In puhlln pines and Wu were ï¬ned $15 plus cons nr iv dnyl The lhlrd mun clnlmrd lhl ho hnd work wallan at Gndarlch wllh Cnnndn Steamsth Lines and was Hum 510 and cost but with allernnlveal ch dlyl Entered Boathouse An mmy vulcruu John Mur gnn wmked lnln raublu when according ovldvnce PC Chnddocls CPD he turned dear the canny homlhnusc Dr IL MncPh=rson me at Cnnk Street on March and wns chum cfl with bmnklnu andnulry wlth 1mm In cummk melt On leave at 20 days and unable 10 wul visit he remained at me am uge fur Severn ways removed buck window and did damage on imaled by ofï¬cers $50 Mr lelngslon Viewlwn that It everyone anlgwe mm Camp dccidcdto alluwrlhe gay noun HAP Mr PEEK 8L Mr FREAN huyé PEP MRAMEZ dkllfltll Ii foriyczu the property In lhh pm of lhe coumry would no be me me sqlullnn was um Marian hnmu pay the damages tn the owne Hi Worship considerinl lhg acuun was taken on nu spur moment agreed wllh the plan hul expialned hm 1h tmlc nuw nllowx up to lite Imprisnnmenl lnr the offence and lake ulm low lhe crlm that Juncqu the soldiers represpnllng olllcer Llrul Waller Sussel stnled ml 110 would Id vnnce the amount and hue It de ducud tram lhe soldier pny Mar The amnum damn mun no cxcced hut value and mllhl pnsslbly less as pLr lhu doclnls usllmale Wurshlpndvlscd llx thur tu slny cnmp on his nox lcnve He was nppxchcndcd by clcvnr lrncklng uq he pm or Cnmlnblu Chuddock who has forestry dc pnrunent lrnlnng 1nd nunng lunlprlnl hruvy led bum wlm clan mark on hahul he Irnckcd long he bunch of Kmhnlnfcll Bay nnd cnme mu accused lnldlcr Will Leave Town lelng ln Home for the pun few years Onnrie Pike whllp sealed lnHrIchAl grjll on April nlcr mum wns vnulncooéérauve cookie wiIh deliclous rich Caramel flavour lapped with cane sugar Youll like it Cnmdlzn llvourlla or In years Mule mm herbs real harks no lumh chemlcals LEI lllVAL Illlllfl TABLETS lleln ellmlmle lea from ynr aya lem lfllllahlell Alk your drugglst lur mm or mIll In Thé Rival Herb Company Depth lgux nlvvlmlsor om cu Tune wuh SPRING OZ PACKET DAYIPIHL 13 195 wilh Consumed munch70m 12 ma 131mm gunman wank In II in permanent ednceAn fmtyvï¬ulnid byJflllmermd olhu afllcerwu with mm at me In chum Pike and that he was llmr Evunlunlly chart vaz lenvlng fur hi home and parents wï¬fn ed an yéuni GARTSHURES Cor Dunlap St Maple Ave In Kingston shortly He was warn Ed by His Worship to keep hl promise firestono STORE Phone 3195