Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1955, p. 8

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HOMELY HUMOR Are you cerluln more m1 nlhcr wny at gelllnu nu DRIVEIOUT TOWN FOIL QUIQKKR SERVICE nr PHONE COLL STROUD 22 Every Home Needs 11 Fence fprnguIv Pgivdcv Prolgcfipn cEnAR PiékéfW DENIS SHEARD LIMITED Milt South min1e on Highway No 11 sis wow Tams TRELLIS MATERIAL Z1 FAN TRELLIS may Mud Whflh rulml MunIon no hum qullo romplm whim Il ulmllvn mum And ll Mu Inmnhn In ploluIlon rhlldun ml Ihmhu lulut nluy Inlmm Chum hum flu cur up pkhl Ilylu hm ln man dly Mlp nu plm m4 mlmm mumn togInd PAINSWICK menu same you nlnn lo bulld hon In ynur basement ddhl many have lo gel ll ouL Am It you plan to pul up hulldinl dont onel you need me heal nulllly IHDPIIE We hlv lhem Ill he rllhl prlcu Ft $325 Bathroom Is Pretty Safe Plage In spite of all chnrgcs to can rnry lhe balhronm Is one lhc sates room In ha home my me Plumbing and HoalmxIndusum Bureau 0mm suusucs provided by Insurance phoioi mite Yo no estimate Ill183 0m 01 pm law that wlpl elm wont Mo mm or Ilulch mummum Ilumlmm um lhal Imp Men In mm MM com Honor mnl m1 many un who com mm In mm MIA Au Al mmlfin It pun haploid do want with all these features Siérégé Wall of Filr Plyvmod Qne Answer to Lack of Spaqe recslandan lwnwuy storage wnll whlch scrvc senen he lwnen filmpink mom and living nrens lhc resull pillch In lhn plnn shuwn here It is engliync cmlble ram every man whlch It serves he slnr go wall as dLsiflnnd is handsome mm clear un broken Duuglus flr plywood pnnlll nltemnunu with bum1n nulls It provides some 300 cublc leek at In nddlllun he open nrbn nbavc he lrccdnndlnz wnll Increase the nencrnl mum at spncloumnss Thls min mum enhanced by unsflnlcd use HuarUMMHM windows ncmss me ronl elevation The windows npen hnlh 11van and dlnlng nrcns to th finned lur race nnd he full sweep mm and unnfin The nrchllcct Is Steve Mnlko ur Mammal lle wnn npcclnl nward fol handsome dulnll storage wnll Kn mom nnunnnl home desianlonmst cnnduclcd by me Plywqod Mnmllncmrm xnnihlinn EC Maximum inun nin allrncllon or the Home wnll Is that It gives lhn whale huuso mnxihlum nscnblc floor space with mlnlmum need for bulky chest and burn49441 pnruclnrly happy nnswor storage prnhlcms In humus wilhgml bustmum ompanlcs and nther unbiased mums show haln maximum of 35 per cent home accldcnls uccur In thl balhroom lhe bureau says and add lhal lhl includes cuts raxn razor blades mistaking nne medlcine annular and other incldcnu for lch the user sole ly responsible Mun home accidentsGo per cent at the totaloccur In the kllchem dlanz area while 15 per cent on cur In the llvinuIlccpmu quarto and 12 pcr cent on step and min The ml or he hounahold accxdcnu uLpurlbuufgl to 010 yard base munllu ly ioom alfnnd unr EEC Euler Dulllu Clled The ducrcasc ln hmhroom Inlur £23 in not due lo the lnmnud via ilnncc or users Percentagewin lhe home accident me gun real lpdny wnI 15an nun ya HIM lhe low cldcm rnla 1n lhu hnlhroom hugely due lo the mom plumb mz lelum mnnufnclurcr who are unrulnmly reklnu Inkr design or phlmblng lxlures and lulu Ovvr me years more and more saluly salutes have been Intox pornlcd lnln bnlhroom llxlum In cludlnu bathtub with Iowcr Ildtl und nutter rim and hollow hm cu handle me made or chromlum plnlcd hmu lnucad ol brcnknbl pomlnln Grub bars have been In lmduccd or addlllnnll protection nnfiiml all In shower and bath In 11m nm poslnuo Ilmp were no Issued In Ihc NEVIan Brlmh Ndrl lcn um um ancnmdhn mm Inuk llnx um oh problem cl not cfloulll Jinn Imce In lhv luluIn Imll homa In come up wlth new Imwu In um arm at eeltn Hanan can urnhpd vhlch ha huuse plan Evolvu menmud AMIs Phlind Included In ll are duks book Ihclves drawen Acupbunrds udlaTVphonuxmph null and splice or recordal Interlor Illclvbs could he alnlcd In aolld calm la contrast ltcllvely wllhnvsofl rub down palm Ilnlsll onln1nrvcnlnn rll plywood panel bonus alhmz Ipnm spread 9a hul uvcry p3 gunle My xenghui The Bcdmnm lldc of lhe wnIl has Ilmllnr pnhol alternating with my wood cupboards and drbwm So gnyhgg of Aldlrpl lnyejghroplqs slnrhfie of bedding lnweluhronn mg by Maury hpugchnld no hulllln bar between am klt chm uhd dlnlng nrcfi open but whale side all hnusn from kn ehnh In élufly Thls onlurohclns uhhtmbe hb nehrrnl Impression nhnclmmnm Bedroom Unlls The architect has provided fur lhhr ahswm lo lhe unrnuo prob lem In all lhru bedroom Under wlndnw with Me burmudrcu lnulnblu Ilrrplywand Clalhex wardrobos nlm bum Into the roams are filled wllh lmyl or linens him and small Mch of apparel mnsler bcdruom feature of null la the prlvnle dour oudlng to bnlhroum Incflmesu Note the out olwny convenience entry kll chen 9nd ullhly mom storage Rwnnrnla work benc wllh sluran sfnw for ma II In udud nlunl Hr plywnud locker 05 gen implcmcpu you can cmpm bulld lnzn new home In the near future or not many Mn Mnlkol Inlenc Ion and pruntlcnl Hr plylond nor nna ull could he ndaplcd to your pm home Rack of PlyWood Plays DUaI Role canvcnlml wnll hauler or router lhul nuds only nw and and crew drlvcr to cunllrucl can btlmndn an evening It help keg 31rquan pfusnd and MM us we rn may in lncnlu Not only lhnt but Ihc hlnlnr cauld rcndily he ndnplnd tawnl rack or either kllchen nr bnlh room The wall bracket cut lrnm piece at Inch Douala Hr ply wood In mics Ilupl an shown Arm nrc Instantd In each Ilcn wlh Inn and counlrrIunk flM hend mews rubdawn pnlnt or Ilnln mnlcli woodwork of walls can bu nppllld an NIH Several pnln lrounra or towel can be nrnlly draped ready lnr clncllon Keep Cellar Sweet mully ndur pcrlhll In lhn bnmnrnt ur cull1r homo Jprlnklv chlurlde nr lime load dendnrnnl and dlulnlecuml ovu he Hour In lhn uhlnrlxlc of llmu nay unul nll mule unappcm lhrn nwmn up mm mm dry he llnur nm Hum lmhutry wu inlmduc rd In lklhul me lhe worlds 1qu Mn cvnlru In 1031 FUEL on USERS USE PHONE 2481 THESMJEHNI £0 Eliminate Soul Smoke Sludge fldouts Ga MORE HM With LESS Oil umned Mary sum Ill cmme Idsldund Ou Thoroughly modnrn and unux unlly nhnrmlnl hum Inllda Ind cm The anla lndnyx pruenln Ilon mm he Horn of the Week Plan Service contain IEVln gaud nlxed runm Includlnl two relulnr hadronml plus In npllnml room whlch can be med as den bud rnggn or gumfim ROOMS SEVEN BEDROOMS THREE CLOSETB SIX CUBAOE HOUSE GARAGE IMO Fl DIMENSIONS Mcuurlng flax The Purl will require at 1m DoIont lu Cuban the home propel Kitchen Ventilating Fan Gives Comfort One tho mun nnlclonl and economical way to rid xhe kxychcn Lhul mom nIr durlnl mltLghm mar dnys II by menu at an eihlull an nyl lhu Plumblng and Real nx lndullrlcs Bureau Various type me made are lVlllb1e or Inmllnllon In nw ll clllnn or in window The rqcc mended lucnllan the spcl where he an will exhaust the bulk of flu but given oil by canklnl and dlshwnlhml Summer hunt Intcmlflod In he kitchun by Iuch lulonnl cum cnnnlng and preserving WMIL nneleclrlc ventllullnu an In mm nppreclnud In the lummcr uscful all me year ll crukl In woodan huwll can be Had bypourlnz Ihellnc In me openlnl Km lhe Iurlnce has been horouuhly clunud Ind dried shrl chkl In vnrluulcolon are available For lnue crnckl um mlxlurc Inc mwdun and Inc BPECIAL ROBIN OWEN SOUND Cll rnhln wllh whllc lmlhm 1nd whlu xpocklnd brmt rolurnod In hour by Glnmmln or the mend yur 1n raw In whlle outer wlnl mlhm Ind mu nll mlhm thle ummu mm WATERLOO ONT lCll Isl vbr Lake In Wnlmnn Path be mm by luck Iwnm lhll ynr Dullnunnnn EM Pnlnlm altered In buy the swim ma clly wnulrl hulld pen or wlnlar Imm and lha pith hoard nmmendnl lho one be Icctnlrd Expelln numnle Um mllon um Amman lull nl Nlnnm roll whlcll drnppnd In Hm wmhtd mom lum MEmed W601th pom TheLPARIs lunlm Sand vlu on natal bull CLARKIS ELECTRIC BELT SANDER Mk uu About rmvvnuom NOW HVHILKBLEI Plnnlinu In mm at he llvmu room add to the cxlcrlur chum Thu mm as wnll lo the dunmlve Ipplll at the Hvlnn room Take into consldernuon bolh me pluure window and the plnndnus ulccllnl 1hr lnlcrior decornucn llvlnz mum as well as In nllnnlh the man mcn at lha furnurc 30 cubnge ol lhc Iran 3800 ml Thu nrchllcclum chum nl lhll house will be most cliecher nmphnllzcd the Park In plac Id good dlllnncé buck ram lhe land He llle lo mac xlln when you can map lull ncenle benelm from the benuutul mu plclure wlndaw In lhe mm mm mom wnll Small but wall llxhlrd nd plcunm the dlnlnn room 13 Jun ncms he cenlm hullww mm the kilchen lhnl mvlnl mm ln this room wl in us convunlenl pnnlblc you prom dinan mam oi larger ma nun dulln md In Ihe Itcflmplnylnl plln you cnn make lhc Idlolnlnl pnrch Miller In urea and um hll mm In the dlnln room he kllthcn Illell hm umklnn nuuk whlch youll mike good we ul or mlny lumlly mull and bclwunmcul mlckl well or bmklnll Tho ml at the kllchrn planned slrlclly work cenln wllh all npnllnncu wuhlrluly men lhphuxy humtmlkcr Dunn lhc nmnrou Imuunl ol nlnm pmvldcd lhmum nul TM ln lhe Inmlly whlch llvu ln lhll nllncllvcly modern hum Ihnuld have lruuhlc keeplni cvrrylhlnl In ll plum Thu bmmbnl wlll lllo prnvldu exv In Ilurn Inn wlll the lunar 1M mm In upculnlly well Illllt rur umhrnd Ilnrnln at menu lc All bcdmnml Includinu lllu rm tlrmnl on wall named and vcnlllnlnd The Ihundlnco wlnduwa hmuuhuul Thv IIrln helm mnko MI hauxe bulh chgnlul andplmunl Fur nnvcnlmcn lha mmmy I1 lncnlrd um um um Hour at 1an1 Hfll llnnr Iman lur Hm Inuhdry mm on mull Ilr hnulnwlvu The only IrqulmlJnIlIllIHon In llm In en pnlehlml DAllnuhlnt lob wIII mum on ItIu mm ulpmn Inn Hm Ina mm In at II MW Mmy Ina lulu lurnln Ill squint mu mum luluemu CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT OUR RENTAL PLAN INCLUDED EVERYTHING YOU NEED NA 10 BEAUTIFY TIIOHI 0L1 FLOORS ll YOU IT YOURSELF WITH CLARKE FLOOR BANDINO EQUIPMENT PHONI YOUR RESERVATIONS or pun prm wrltn he Home nulldlnl Edllar Barrie Ex nmlncr C12 and enclose 11 Ml uddruuud lc alnmprd envclnnc Allow to lo am for reply balnmenl Um henllnu plnnl lh0ud bn Installed under the Inn man BLUEIRINTB AVAILABLE Campluln plnmnndspccillmlum or this house and an ulhcr Home the chk dullnl are nvnillble ntimudexjnte cox For Dependable Eleclricul Work Shop 54 Sophia Run 193 naymm 5r flesldentlnl Ind lndumlnl Wiring new Wnrk lehllng Fixtures OIL BURNERS SALES SERVICE PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CORTRRCTORS Sula AumonTiE can thl MV

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