Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1955, p. 22

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ISRWZ Wlllllm Lemmon HMCS HmflnY Halifax Nova Scnlia left Sunday morning after spending two weeks leave with his parents ndMrs Dougxqs Lcmmon nnce at University Toronlo was recent vlslmr wllh his parents Mgnnd Mr Dormnll Mrs Coleman and Mrs Mair OI BanIn Mr and Mrs CHU ora Whyle and dnughm Frances 1mm Bengauzh Sasku were Friday visitors with Mrs George Pnrki the Russell Nursing Manic Other visitor at the Nursing Home on Monday wcrutwilh Mrs Erwin Mrs Ogle Ncy Mr and Mrs ll Burnsldcs and Mrs McKcnlle all Allislon Weekend lellorl Mr and Mrs Garfield Nixon and daughlur Toronto were weekend visitors with lhc lattcrs parents Mr and Mrs Sandy Sulhcrlnnd To Mr and Mrs Slewnrt Ecrllos me Patrlcln Kidd son Peter Sicwurt anlvnd March 24 1955 the Royal Alexundm Hospital mgntpn Alberta chson Mnllnn spent the weekend th Mr and Mrs Frank Drolcy Miss ncnklw McFadden and Home From IlmpflII Hurry Lcaulny rulurncd home sevvrnl dnys nuo where he nrupcrnllnu from major unem Uun prrlllfmcd Tomnlu Grncml Huspllnl lellom From Clmp namn cm and Mn Kenneth Mnyu nnd dnuumcr J0 Annl or Camp mm mm Snlurdny uucsls lhu iurmrrs pmnu Mr and Mn mm Mqu Miss ncnklw McFadden and mm Dnrlmm Pth Tumnlo 6mm he wrcklnd with Mr nnd Mn McFadden Vlsliom on Weancsdny with Mr and Mrs Hnrnmn nnd Mrs Jnmr Mlllor wvn Mr xlnd Mrs Illnnnan and chlldrcn Eugenia Pal Mrs x2151 Tnyxor luns rnlurncd xumw nnur pcndlnu several weeks anu 1mm Imlllule Mun 11w annual menu llw anu rul lnxlllmv wlll mm In lhc wwn hnll nu 111mm cvrnlnu Amll1 Immm ulm and um mum at ufllrrrl le um mam le mu call wlll be muwunl wm luuuulhm anrnn Imllluh rnp 11m cow Ever Hear About mm of toomom II Tl FIRST AHUJIT In all prnlmhlllly Inluucd In hpr Ilue rnllrnad an cllmh nmunlahulxlc wlllu Ihc lid of lullmml Tllli CBALLOON WILROAD nlrth STOPS EM EVERY TIME m9 BREWERY llMlTID KINGSBEER vencr Mrs Hmdlc mmcc has arrangednn evening Vlsllnn Here Jnmcs Arnold Ohm spun El cw days holldnys with his math or Mrs Donnell and Mr Dannell nlrthday Cclebmllnn Congratulallons tn Thnmas Mur Hng who culcbralod qulclly his asm birthday on smurday March in his hnmo Kn lawn Quillln Bee The nnnuai Red Cross quilting bee was held on Thursdny uncr noon March 31 ma town hall wiih a2 mumhcrs and irinnds irarn Cooksinwn the cammuniiy and gnodly number oi lndlcs from Thornton who kindly hcinnd wiih ihn quilunz and me scrvlng ni nirnrninn ion There were clghi qniiis complclcdr Russ Grnuu qulllcd iwu and our olhnrs wan donnlcd St Johns Angiicnn Church one Si Johns Gulld one Unlicd Church WA one was one vuninr st one Presbyter inn Church one Mrs lierh Manes one and one from me lndle imxn xiniinws There was shun wnrshlp rnrvice mldrnllcrnnonr ludiby Mrs Aikinsan and snin was sung hy Mrs Chnnnrnn nccamnnninu hy hiiss Mnrion Webb Durlni lhls rest period Mlcmmn inn snnuwichns nnd rake ware solved by innrh curnmiucn Thrsc quiiis are In bu slilppcd ihe hrndnnnriors oi rhn Onliiflo Division ni ihn hen Crou inr rc iiri nurpnsrr Presantallnn To llrldeerct On Mnnday evening Murch an In member of SI hlms Church Cholr mm or clmlr lnmlicc nl Mlu llllll Durlnu llm mtlul hour clnsc mmnmlun WI PICKUP AND DELIVER YOU NIEHCRIITION You Friendly IDA Drug Slon and com enjoyable RAY LIVINGSTON DRUG STORE HG llnyllcld Nut to Lohlnn was made to one of lhclr valued membersl Miss Zelln Emmy bridesled whose marriage 10 Huston takes place on April 10 20113 rcnclved beuumul silver cream and sugar set with tray The address was rend by Mrs Lcmmon While Mrs Marwond on behall ol the mem bers prcscnlcd he gm Mrs Hurry Cause and sons Larry and Jimmy are spundlng week in Aurora guests Mr and Mrs Fmd Dawson IS ha Gown 1ch on Sal urday night or Tumnta where she will spend week or lwo with rclallvcs WCTU Presenmlnn On Tuesday cvcnIng March 29 the WCTU held mcellng Muv Carrs the orgnnIzer and prcsldcnl of Cookslown Branch Ms Unlun Mrs Curr prcsldcd or the devollonnl pcrIod wlIh MIs Glenna Aylesworlh secretary and Rev Kellogg plnnlst Flvu OI Ihe afllccr 10 dlsIrIct 77K Slmcoc Muskoka and Parry Sound were present In honor Mrs Cnrrs departure Imm the urea Mrs Curr wIIl man be mnklnz her hume In Kitchener Mrs Adams BarrIc prcsIdcnl DI IIII IIvIsIon pNSIdEd or huslnns perlnd and urged Ihe Cooksmwn munch cnmlnue II organizi lon The Scrlmure lessnn awn read by Mrs WJ Vnuxhnn of Barrle um Mrs Punk nI Colllflfl wuod led In prayer Mrs we Adams nave must InspIrInx Eas ler message and Mrs Cnrr eun ducted nn InlurcslInz quesllon nnIra 1mm he cllu shcel and the guests from nnrrIe and 2011an wund 00k mm In he lIIscuslIun ncv Kellogg played lwn plnno snlus Mrs Ponlc Calla Inuwnnd met an mm appre CInlIon nI Mrs Cnns luaduahlp bum us vicepresident nl UN um um madam uI Cuuks lnwn nmnch Duran her IntHod lundcnhln he Tempcrnnm Sludy Course II born Inuxnl In the Sunday School llmI lnruc llon glven In icvurnl plhllc schluls Many chIIdrvn IIIIVC wrll MN Dial 3537 Ftw Daylnt Hanna Jlké Robbins Ind Mrs Monte Toronto are spending few days at the home Iere Mr Robbins has ooughl home In Torumu and alterlng hlx home In Everett fur sale lhu largest Ifithls vmagef We mend human sympathy lo hls vldow suns and brothers and sls Contracting Busy Seuon car cement arrived at Ever ett this wtpk or Den Boer con iraclor purchased item Robbins Hardware for the buildlng of new school Li Orililn and Cbid wnler Mr Den Boer reports hnv nn busy season ahead at him Lifetime nenident Die deep gloom was am over this mum on Thursday morning when it was learned oi the sudden pass ing Simpson Jenkins one of iassnrontioa iimime residcnu Ailing in health for the pasi few monihs Mr Jenkins was always hccry and niwuys had his jokes to tell The many beautiful low ra ihal banked his casket showed the ule in which he was held by all who knew him The uncrai an Saturng prii wasune ten cxnmlnnllons and secured pr zcs certificates and plus Dnn stu dent Fraser Carr receiver hls LO car p11 The pruscntaflon at Those attending he funeral frnm out or tuwn Included Mr and Mrs Garfield Jenkins Tornnm Put ODoncll Toronto Ben Ferris To onlu Mr and Mrs Crnsble Slnyner Mr and Mrs Kldd Slnynnr Mr and Mrs Earle Lem an Sunnldalu Corners George and Alex DodsworlhV Lisle Mr hnd Mrs Hubert Lemon Cookslnwn Misses Olive and Clara Jenklns To ntoer Bcnlllc Cmumurc Mr and Mrs Wllllam Munro T0 nln Bible on behalf the area was made by Mrs Radmrd ol Barrie Mrs Poole closed the meeting wllh prayer Refreshments were surv od during the social huur lhn close 01 me mecllng Bowling League On Friday evening he CoJks town Bowling League sinned the first of heir piaynlis Thnse an as follows Huoilgnn Hayseed iryhards WiidlirLs Ginw Worms Pecwee High sin 11 went to Donaiu Smith 309 Margaret McKee 235 high iripins Jack Beeslon M8 Mnrgnrcl Km 832 Team scares high sin gle iryhlrds 1107 high triple Tryhnrria 3137 Sunday Vlsll Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs and on Klm nl Tornmo spenl Sunday MI Mr and Mrs Hurry Wilson EVEREIT Uud Cur Lot Highway 90 at Fomdnln Ford DRIVE LATE MODEL USED FOR When you buy Ford you gel iolnlly new warheadvalve VS cnginc slandmd equipment in any modd you choose without paying anything mm for ill This gm V4 is complclcly now its the most udvnnccd shorlslroke ovcr headvalve design 11 complclcly pram VBproduck of Ike cxpcricncc gnincd in building nioré Vtis lhan all IIIm IuamIurlurrn mmblmzli You gel TriggerTorque povm from cithcr of two VK enginclfi2llp standard on all mndth IKZHp uvailnblq in Falrlnnc and Station Wagon modch with Fmdomalic Driveproviding lnslunl snluyruponsc In all your dcmamk nml giving you fading olconfldcncc and securily when musing c1le for quick nclion In rvrry 55 Ford you gel long low modern stylinn that impircd by he Inmmu Thundclhird you act lullJoint anl Smpcminn Ihc mvolulinnnry advance In chmis dcsign fur smoulth riding and easier Iltcrinll BULLBBK MOTORS LII Mummummy mar UIIVB 10 an mum cumA nu YOUR FORD DEALER INVITES YOU 10 DRIVI lTNOW F0 FULL SERSON 0P DRIVING PLEASURE Everv Try tolally new experience lulled chunk Sonic large mngregaflon mendzd themnemnan service In 12 United Church Inst Sunday when com munlon was dispensad Mrs Wm mm Today Walked Where Jesus Walked was an Inspiration Rev Mr Wan preacncd fine ser mun Invitation to Meeting Next Saturday afternoon April Guthrie Mission Band member and their mothers are Invited to meet wllh he Hnwkmone group in Hawkoslonc church at oclock Weekend wlth Aunt Miss Janice Humor Tummo spent he weekend with her nunL Mrs Ryckmun Nune mi llollday Miss Margaret Rowc nusen irninng Myai Victoria Howl lul Barrio is holidaying in her home llera for Wuhnd Mr and Mrs Jack DoGucrre childrtni Shncne spam the weekI and Lhyd Cohorns Mr and Mrs Fred Dale and chu iron and Mr md Mrs Vlcldr Dale Toronto spent Sunday wllh Mr nnd Mn Glen Allen Mr nnd Mrs Lama West and children Toronto vlslmd Mr Ind Mm Lloyd Coborn on Sundny Mrs Won who was hulIduylnl In Toronm rclurned home with them Mn and Mis Gordon Stewart Toronln spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Earl Bqll ss Mary Bbudreau Toronto the weekend at Johd Rum Mr and Mrs Juhn 5ch and IzhIsv Torcnlo and Mrs James Spners Thornton were Sunday vls Hers Rniph Houghtons Dunduhlandl Mrnnd Mrs WnllncciHnlhcn and 1mm daughter vlmed Dundas friend recently Sunday It melon Mr and Mrs Bruce Jackson Miss 11th Jackson and BobHnmIllon visited at Mr Hawtnns in Roman on Sunday Newton Robinson We lulu an urellm Icleullon ol lulu mmlrl mul Fouls that hlvo luer In on um GUTHRIE YOUR FORD MONARCH DEALER 22 bananaEXAMINER mnsnfigfimms 1955 You need mile mére than yard or 354mb Inbrlc or ml cool Um MILBURN youn LOCAL runnmn 182 Dunlap SL Ph 1632 Emil repalrg while yuu walk EabricSaver Repair modalllnr Storage and Cleaning Refining LOCATIONS THIS WEEKEND SEE AND shouldn hnkerl Tops everything alum slimLs slicks Trim with easy llwwgr embroidery Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in chin or lhls patlnrn slump enn nal he accepIad In The Bartlet umlner Hnlvschald Arts Deptfl 00 Front Street West ngnlo Ont Print plulnly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER and SIZE Fallern 705i Sixes Smlll l0 Medium 14 16 urge 18 20 Tissue paunrn and embrnld ery translnr Sme she WONDERFUL is flhd wordvfnr nur NEWAllcn anks Needlecraft Cnlnlul for 1955 Exclllng cnchunb Inaour new dulgns are all that and cvpn more Send 25 cent or JDur copy m1 terrific camel Nowz Youll want to order every wonderful design In in for ihosewho want the finest custOmmade venetian blinds allm4m from toptohottoim Will nr yhonu 1m usllmm Noaasz Garage Market Squon Idafr nu lmlma MIN luv1M 71wa In my will Burleu Loul Exclmlve FunJet who make Ind ulla tun nly LARGE SELECTION WIEGINS FIJIIS BBINU ALL YOU PBflBLEMS

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