Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1955, p. 21

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On Saturday March 26 Robin dalc Inn was the scene 01 the nu nulll 5an lllnnu Dangnrllcld Motors lellcd Gucxls Included Reg Rubinsonl Toronto zone mnnugcmcm assist ant or General Melon Glnd qmnc Currie QC nllumcy or he campnny Hnrvcy Llulc man ager Ihu TommnDominlan 8391i and Jack Fallon distrch represen tative or General Mnlnr Accupt ancc Cornurallnn Mr Rublnson provlded an excel lent llllk an the lmpormncc good publlc relallons wllh lhe mulorlng public He touched on the prescnl condiuon the automobile Indus ry and was conndcnz mm 1955 would prnve lo be snllsfactnry business year If each dealer placed the value of good public relmlon hlnh un hls lis as mus for He advocated Increasing the llllln survlccs Ihal mean so much to the man driving car His talk was timely and made each mm the dinner realize me good customer rulnllons were the mnlnmy he aulnmobilc dlflkl lodny Mr nubmsan was Introduced by um agar Gflurxe Dangerfield president Dangvrlmld Muwrs lelled rc vicwcd Um rnlhur trying your parlanccd In ma by the nulumcbilu denim In spik nf considerably ruduced nLl Imlil Dr 1051 he sllll plans to Improve lhe survicn pmk lng men by invcsxmg mom mumy In my cumpnn present localion Mfl Dangerfield expressed bl Hunks l0 he sin or the iplcndld uupcrnlion during 195 and slncc lhls year marks IhL lOlh nnnlvnr snry cl Malling Dungcrllcld Molar ln Ilnrril he recalled in mlnd HIM in mm lllc cumpany canalslcd of lhrcv mul Um number growlng each ycur untll present ln ll his company ran him slut 37 and um lhc company lhruuuh tllu cllurls Ul plnpll has be cumc wcuumzrd is in mm mm Simcuu Cuunly TWO inlclusnnu Illms were shuwn 1935 on Us mus mhnag n53 hankcd by Ed Hagan snrllce man llnrrlc Ilmeh Fluhnr Mmmucr uranchcl also In neown Cookuvwn and muome lilaMo umlu Ihn Nlinnll Hum MI In our ml cl INHI llmu mhllllmu Ind rrplim lucnlln plumbing Iir mulillollln ml with nymmnndrmrninnulhrrlmpmvr mrnln llul nlcl l0 Ilm Inn mmlml uul Alluuivwm of your homr Home Improvement Loan ROYAL IANK OF CANADA rum nunt Rm Ilvvl WA my lha ml Mm SEE IE ROYAL DSfiééffiSld Mblors Miarléfflothfihh garAnaoalsraff gin1e Why is one man who is handling cancercausing material man likniy la skin tumor than pnuihcr mun handling the same muitrlalsl This is problem final sorinlrigucd Dr Giiman he Ontario Vcicrlnnr College In Guclpll um he nnpiul to nu Nalinnal Cancer lnsiiiuie Can ndu or grant with which finance his cxpExlmcnls Nun working wilhDr Vussnlln ovilch he is mung ihc skin rc nclinns dilicrcni strains oi mic lo knuwu cancer musing ngcms used ln ixiduslryl Thls whole prohlcm olcnrcln ugcns malarial that cause at car Is asclnnung any Dr 611 man uXVlnInL and one mm 1an dim bearing an lhu health at workers In ccrlaln lnduslrlcs II we can dlscnvcr mclhnd 5ch luinlnl man Is good or ball cnncm risk we may be able lu prcvom ccrmln amuum can Iu For many years has bun knuwn lhnl ccrlnln suhsmuccn found In crud all tars lamp bluk and other malarial will in 5mm Xnmncns cause skin cancer Th carclnngcns have been used rx lunsWLly In cuhccr research ducn lunmrs In upcrlmuulnl Imnlx nu haw doés happen Exuclr what chanlcs akc pinco In nzc proteins of mu skin In nurmnx cells Cancer cells Tr are the quLsuans lhal Dr Chlan nndDr Vtxsellnavllch hone in be able answer some day widuly acccp thcury Um chmnlcnln cause can In two sums known us mu lm un ulu prumuuun Ilam skin muusc is painlud Illnlor qullu Hkll nuJHn will OVC Scientists Study Effects Of Cancer Causing Agents mppcn But it this isnuuwcdby moth subflancc Jklh tumor will develop And thcjnlcrcaling min 15 um even hough he scc and step Hugh not come in months or even years mm hnvu the same eflun The firs slnuc of duchvp men is uilcn cnllcd Hm pa ceruus Rage and is lhuv um In which he Guelph lnvusllydlors are most interested By using two 51min mice me that 15 very ustcplibk lo cancer and one Um not lhcy hum l0 bu ablu In dclcrmlnc usl whnl pIHErn lht changcs 1n the skin proIclns 10h to prtccdc the developmcm ut skn mmur Hs impossibIC lo makL predic uons 11 course Dr Gilnmn buy if we can Hsruvnr drlh consistent paucm cxunzc us possible mm some day mighl be able to run cfls on wurkcrs lu dmrminc men suscepiblllxyw ccrtaln types at carclnogun cn munlnrud somellmns Sn Industry TELEVISION AND IIIIIIIII SERVICE 24110111 SERVICE Wilh Difference CE PHONE 3912 STIIOUD Cnllcct ADC POSTING IMissile Range OTTAWAMr Furcc Headquar lm nhnounctd ludny 1h pnsung Squadron Lnadur AR Mn Kgnzic 32 Montreal In Mr De lancb Command Headqunrlers in St Huhcrll Qutbnc SLMacKenzlc was shnl down durlnglhp Korean conlllcl ln Dc ccmbcr 1952 whllc nyxng an ex channc uttlccr wllh he Unltcd Slates Mr Force 51 Fighter In mccplcr Wing over Nurlh Koren Caplurcd he was released by the Chinese Communist authorities ill the border Hang Kong two years lulur on Dec SL MntKnnch being granted an addillonnl 30day leave before rcpurllng lu ADC Hundquarlnrs where he will bncmplcycd an 5qu dullcn He was granlcd mum leave shorlly nnnr hls nmvnl In Canada to enable mm to recuperate qum 115 rylng urdcll Imprison menl ll developed however much at period was mm up by public sucnklng cnmxcmcnls visits lo the purcnu of United Slam flycrs whn were lmprlsnncd wllh him and other asks llc wm cqu In ADC Headquarters In late Afiru Starts Operations OTIAWAFlrsl cunlmulnn crlcs nlr ml on guided quHLs being canled am at the CAPS new alr weapons range al Cold Lake Alim was annuunccd to day by Air Fur Hcaqqumm The lusts will enable Dclcncc Research board sclcnllsls who are developing mlssllc fur lhn All Fume and RCAF lcchnlcn DHICDH mm th Central Experimcnlal and Provlng Eslablishmcnl Dnlachmcnl Cold Lake to evaluate various pha weapon duvelnpmcnl RCAF Hylng personnel and lush nlcal ofllclr have Workcd clusuly with cicnllns from he Cnnndian Armament Research and Develop mml Kitnbllshmunx Vulcnrticr sxncc hr prujyd began Enrllcr tnsl mlssllns were can Ladies SCHOOL STARTS AT 1030um ll°nm l°p COOKING SCHOOL MGCLARY 110 lel COME TO THE THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 1955 21 1115101110 ISLAND Munmu 1h mum Dean was dlwovcud by the Portuxuese Amonn the things that cancnuse Inscnslhnhy are shack lalntlnz asphyxia severe bleeding poison lng blow in ho hand stroke cpucpsy lxymrln lntanule cun vulslon or me cum ct excess lvn heal Sumo less common cau ses nrc cInbem insunn ovordusc starvallun brain tumor or ub sccss mcnlngms or Infantile pur nlysls Insenslblmyloss of consclnns new because of lnlcnupflun the nctlanol the braini grave con dition and even only or shun Hurnuon should never be taken llghtly lays John Ambulance Praclically uvcry one 01 than cause has It nwn signs and symp urns as well as ll own treat mnnl However or the untralnad pcrsun 1hch are numhr rulcs that apply to all cases These are 11 ha paunm hns hopped bnalhinz perqum mlnclalrcsplr nllon if he pmicnijs breathing iny him on his back Wllh his hand iurncd to one xidc so hat hi1 longue dues not all back into his throat Keep his head and shoulder low ii his incc is pflic It the face is flushed or livid bluishred misc lhe head and shoulder unicss other injuries pmveni this Undo all Main clothing nhoul the neck chest Ind waist 4Bn sure he gels an abundance of rush nir Open winduws nna dour it he is inside and rcmnw him rum hnrmlui gasesi Keep mei back an bncn placed in the charge at In cl Nspugsible person Wh he rnlurns con snlousness walcr may be given In drink in alps ll the pulse ls cc ble give him he strong tea or outside move him shelter on slrclchnr goon as pcsslblc lee no food or fluid whm ever by hc momh while he lnmnslhlchc cant swallow and those wouigl anlxchoke Mm rlcd cm In Easlum Canndn bul with the vpcnmg at the new arma ment range the projcc was run urrcd to Cold Lake new flying station has bwn hull here and mproxlmalrly 600 square miles have been set aside as an air wea pnnsl FOR AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON 10 at ROBINSON HARDWARE FREE SATURDAY APRIL take look G5W SQUARE CAKE PAN HANDYNEEDLE PACK THE BEST NEWS ON COOKING IN 100 YEARS McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGE Inlo the future and sec thiswvoluiionary come sweetened by sugar NONP in lo drink cr cut would be given however bleeding mm anlmernan organ appqrenl or suspecled 9A dzslm sleep should he encouraged except in cases poisoning by drugs tukcn to licvc pain or product sleep pallnm who hi been uncon scious or even momenl alter helm hh on the head Ihauld be advised not In resume phyylcnlmr mnnlnl 1qu within the con dimm should always be calll ed as quickly pnssxhlc sent HoEML EVERY HOUR ON THE HALF HOUR uf ilJDlJllm Liquid nundry Stare llml Wynnl in imlnnl All you dn is add 1mm lo 11 llwns blue in Glide In mid wixilcncisand vmx lo Mnuolll ur imninxz As llmusand cl young women are dial Lrinx Gliilu lnaku wrulcrlul dimrcnro to 1110 nxlxmnrunce oi clallmsnnd lo the way they my INNI and 3th Use Glide inr mcn Illirls lulilu linrns curtail hinuxu childrens rocks and comm drcrscsi Theyll be crisp clean and lovelywith llml procuianai lnokl Duo Tlu Mm Tlnm hi the day in cr lmuso is disli mulling lnn llle cluhlrcn and Alma the days mlwnlurca or play lwuily amnion ll all he nicrr nuw aim we use Mk in new woudorwarkinz LIQUID DlllIIRGLNT For iuy lnu deliglillulJrumncr lo brain with mm mmt HisInd washc dishes glas wum Aihcrspurklinu clmm It has cxlm mense rulinx puncrycl is yrnlin on Iva lmmh luv i1 wrv rmnomiral as youll findor one bottle nu Mly dimwashinle Ya II mum in Guyfor the wine11ml any uvlur liquid or pundc ducrgcut In mally gum Ak luxlnriur Liquid Unyl LAWRENCE PARRY an Sunumlinod Dusign McCary 20 Broadway Ovcn Slainlou Seamless Cooking Tog rFully Automatic PHONE 3896 GIMLITY HARDWARE Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed ELECTRIC 51 DUNLOP mm fiHON 24a SOUTH AFRICAN URANIUM The Union Scum Aldca has mven mine producing uranium with plhcrs In various mm at developmenL TRY AN EXAMINER WANTAIX IIIIIlIfl TELEVISION Evcry Installatlnn luperleed by an lcuhnlcln REFRIGERATION 09 DUNLOPIJT MONHBCH SPECIALIZED ALL MAKES 0F Phone 2059 SERVICE

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