Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1955, p. 10

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bannl=o=o=o=a=onn=¥ ISAAC BIQKERSTAFF Akeln the old wolf thought he would take the young cubs swlmmlng In spite 01 the March winds the feel spring was inthe air and it is good mm for cubs to swim alter the long winter 15 due course the biggest and shlnlest bus marked Import Flamly Chartered drew up at the lnlr and the cubs em Lbarked in style three to seat or the Blg Pooh Arriving the cubs erupted Irom the bus and in less tlme than It takes to tell it the Big Pool was filled with more mo tion than pond full or tadpoles and the air echoed and re cchoed with shouts and laughter and the splashmgs or water The old well as his custom was stood on guard beside the pool He thought to himseir today must remember to remove my glasses before plunge in The memnry oi the previous year rose uneasily beiore him His guard duty over he had dived from the spring board hnd felt the skill of his youth iui years tingle in his museies ieit the thrill oi the long graceful are and the cleanly out water As he broke suriuce cubs all around were waving and shouting For moment one intoxicating moment only his heart was liited up with pride ThenALcrashed They werentmppinuding the divefYour glasses they yelled your glasses you had them on For the benefit of those who may not know there must be many things more conspicuous than rimlcss glasses at the bottom nine ice of shimmering wnten And when the glasses themselves are the means by which you see them The old well pushed the embarrassing memory out his mind as oil such memories should be pushed All around the cubs disported themselves gleelully The posslng or time is most convenient dispensation he philosophlzed to himself Such disturbing misehunces pass into oblivion with the dodo No one remembers Thus does philosophy restore the spirit to its rightful dignity 0h please slrl troubled vdlce sepnmted ltsclt mm the general am The old wolf looked ubnutnnu saw beside mm the smallest cub whose land was plcture or troubled concern Please 51 Oh slrl Akcln bowed down to hrlng hls curs closer to the small volcc 0h slrl suld the sinnllest cub enrneslly dont go In with your glasses llkc you dld Inst year 5g=unv Responsible for Guthrie Cemetery Selling Up Perpetual UpkeepFund Norman Cnmpbrll nf Gullulfl trcrmly was hunuml by Churrh 1qu the community Inr vurk mmpnulng wen uvIr mu muury ml brhnl llw trmclvryv whhh ll lacnlvd hr HUMIer mer Highway II and UN llll Inn 0m Tuwnlhlp mu mm mm mn mu 3mm Mon um mum Up lnyllull Upkerp Whlh wn rrnlln Han llw Mk Ircnllrylrrumrr rnlnlll In wmk and unmmlblllly nml wt nnmmnh your unllran rlrum In lhll Hint II In If 4th III Hu pupelunl uvhtcp mu of Hip mummy or whlrh yuu wlll wow ler uunmnul kllnwlldn llw plunnrl at nm community nuplnl wllll your lhlllly In In lIuIr dmcndnnln ml yum dm Inlurrn In Hm wnrk Im Mm an lnvulunulr mm In It rllablllhmz MI rnduwmlm lumI In uur Inam hope mu ynu my have many mun yun uf hmllh and upplmu and HIM flmu wlm allow Illnr yuu In un wmk mly mw lhr Illmfl umuun lo and inn yuu hm Huan Hm wel pl Oulhrlp liinrlivrrlhllryénr rmxved um ulluwluu lrllrr Irnr pmnvhyn In lhommunl macllnu nur rumrrxnllnm uu pcnp unan lmuully upwma mullun nlklnu Im mmvty to you mm mm luHIm Im your wmk arcrrlnry humlrrr Nu iulhxlr lvvwlrry mmlery may rvrr be lifelibylnx to yuur Wm 1h mun up Ilm rnduwmenlr tund Ilm rnduwmenl tuna Wishlnl you num III venpl he Iml at inllhlnl In ll yum Nun He mud at you Ynurl Ilncnely Ilnwml Clmpbell Bmelnpnuum lulhrll UnllrdCMIrch Hm gamma Mr Clmpbdl bum in Au Norman Campbell Hipqored MAIN SPEAKER at thenoon luncheon at the Kinsmen zone council meetlng was His Worship Mayor Greer of Barrie second 1mm 10 He chats with Gerry Connoll Mt Deputy Governor Irom Lindsay Hurry Hap Mayor breer AddressesIIZone Meétihg ofiZKihsmehv ClubisfinllBarrie mm mm no In Imm Inll Mn Julm Cumanv plnnrrr nlllon mm Stullnml lle lull Ilm on Hu Jnmo lnnn whm he Wu ham and Ilmlrd hlnmll ulllll mum lovnnl yrnu no Ihr tum ll now npornlrd Ivy hll urphrw Nummn Camplwll Nnnnnll EL Cum brll Wll mur Ilrd Murh Wm 10 HI Inrmcr Calhulm lllrhylul Um IIIF Dr Phil Clmvbrll Mm wnl llnn Inlnlllur nulhrll Klrk Tilly vbwlwd Idr 45m wuldln nnnwmny walk An F1d In In lrubyltrln Crunch lur 441 mu Mr Clmvbll euy look In In um In Omhrlé Commtry When he llm umde he mpumiblmy uu unlcler ml no In mm wnIIllonwhlch mun chnnud In or many yur ml mun pint Mr Om Mopl hn bun modal um and km NORMAN CAMP magnum Frinndlhlp Circle MI The monthly meeting at the Friendship Circle was at Mrs Cecil Tinneys with 18 members and two visitors present The meeting opened with the theme song mi luwed by hymn and The Lords Prayer short devotional period was conducted by Mrs Pater Clule and Mrs John Ferguson Baby spoons were presented by Mrs James nawn to all the mothers in the group with babies born in 1954 Mrs Evcnhuls gave an inter esting talk on gardening and lluwer planting Mrs Jenn Thomp son capably lhnnkcd Mrs Even huis contest wns conducted by Mrs Clute and Mrs Ferguson lol inwed by the theme prayer Lunch was served by the hnslcss and the committee The next meeting will be held at the church April ill with Miss Edna Theodnrc the speaker Her subject will be travelogue on Bermuda Firemen Called Olll On Monday at noon the Fins Fire Brigade nnswered Call to the home of Herbert Draper where there was chimney lire On Thursday at MIL lllD Elmvale Fire Brigade was culled to ehirn ney lire at the home of Mr ionde at the earner at William and Yum streets Road superlnlendenl From 14 ppmqu received or Flos rand superintendunl Lorm Graham wa lppoinficd to fill the vacancy Sold New Dwelling Sam Johnson has so his new house on Pallerson strutt Mn IL Black vllllllll Here and There Mr and Mrs Fm Lanxslnue and daughch Cmdy or Orillln vin llcd ovLr lhc weekend th Mr mu Mrs Wrighl Mrs Whlllon nnd Mrs William Fleming ancndrd he un Hal In 110 Mrs Lennard UI Suoud Gucsln wlm Mr and Mrs Bunrdsnll during lhu week were Mr nnd Mn Gram lyburn and dnuuhlcr Jnnn Lac Pulm lmrouull Mr llnd Mrl Duncan Mc Culvmnn Stnyncr Mrs Jnxnu Smart Tumlllu Mrs 1an Slmclulll and Mn Ivnn Slmrhnn or 0m M4 Fred El Mnnford Spcnl Sun MISS Virginln Chapmnn nnd Lloyd Fltmlnl Tornnlo snunl lhu wzckcml with th mlora pnr lnlsV Mr and Mrs Vllllllm Firm in curxc Terry and sun Wulln Drncnbrldxl Visfled flccntly with Mu W7Tcny Mrs Alum mm Sunday mm and Mrs Wilmn 1mm 1mm Mr and MII hn Vlullvd Mr Adumm Mnu Mnnnlnu und Iluulh lvr dlhlo wnl wtck will Mn nml MumJul mack Mark hum MIL Wnlmn Tumnlu II vlsHlnu will hvr Hlulhtr Mn Ihnnlsnll KIanlh mum of Mllllnlul xprnl rnupln day lrnrwhul nuumlnlnncr hm nl llw rml llw wlrk mm Imm llnrld Mr mm Mu 71er Hmhlwll rrhmlrll nflrr lwu muqu hulldny In Hum Lowe of Barrie zone Deputy Govem and Eilc Mc Cualg North York Nntlonnl Coordmnl 3L Kinsmen mlnm run The Wul Mr nml Mu nuunld Jacobs null leu xlnuuhlru lrlunml Hun llny mm mun hulldny In Vlc lurlu IIK Mu he Vrlllflll Im vmcu Whllr away Py ullrmlrd llu luldrn weuhlln mummy nn Mnrrll Ill Mr ncnlu mulhtr nml nHIrr Clubs mm Cluh tumulmd Mr mm Mu llmmmml rlIullIInnl Ihr mllnl lull Illh un 11mqu pvrnlnu Iul Mn llnmmuml Iml llury lllnn held the lally lur hllh mum Mn Mmuln Ilulu To wm Incl From Tnmnln Mr Iml Mr mlc Stun lumnl lrum lmnnlo on Turn err wrmllnu umnl numlhl hum Mr Iml Mu FArl Drynlnlp of llnlnlllnll IWM lhr wukrlul wllh ML um Mil ll Dlyldnlr Tha munlhly mum of he mm vIe lmhylulnn WMH wu hnld the hem ul Mn W1 Mc Guln wlth In mendnu membm Ind viallorm The pm Idml Mn In Illml opened nu mnllu wlIh mm ul uuu and cud Ipl mm mm mm emulatin ELMVALE David Adams and Hun Plumnun and Mn Emnmun Arrangements were made or the Easter thankottering meetlna which will he held in the church basement with other WMS mem hers invited and msperlal speaker present The gilt or money from the Presbytery to Miss MeMurchy will be at least $200 The roll call was answered with verse on prayer Following the collection here was prayer by Mrs Steph lensen There will he Presbytery Rally at Allister in May The study book chapter was taken by Mrs Hill and was on health Mrs John Cooper told story at violet xlrl in india and her lamlly and Mrs Fred Ritchie the story of Rape male nurse hymn and prayer by Mrs Currie brought this part of the meeting to close The hostess with Mrs McGuire and Mrs Blatn os sistlna served tea and sandwiches The Late Joseph Wilson Suddenly on Saturday March 19 1955 Joseph Wilson passed away at the heme ht his daughter Mrs Sidney Jackson stroke was the cause at death He was in his Bdlh year Mr Wilson had been resident or Elmvale for over hall century He was native or ireland having been born at Kneekatane an Aug 1871 cumlngtaElmVale in l879 lie resided in Cookstown in 1399 He returned to Elmvale in 1922 employed by the CNR as section foreman He was Prsebyterlan and supporter of the Proeressive Cnnservatlve party member or Elmvnle 10L Na 99L llls wile the lormer Edith Guthrie pre deceased him on Jan Di He is survived by live dauehte Viv ian Mrs Jackson Dalsy Mrs McNeeiy Toronto Reta Mrs Sidney Jnekson Elmvale Velma Mrs Red Stewart Espan uln Della Mrs Erle Cellingwood at Emuro and sister Mrs Robert Hunt 01 Marquette Michigan and brother Robert Wilson of Barrie who were warm or the luneral brother Sam Wilson resides in Port Orchard Washington USA The unernl service was held lit the illsth Funeral Home on March 22 conducted by Rev Cooper lntermenl was made in Elmvnle Vault The pallbearers were Wil llnm Archer lierb Flemlnl liar vey lluwley Sam Mannlna Earl llcwntrec and Bert lluwlcy all melnbcrl 01 LOL The many henutllul lloral irlbutes of silent sympathy were lrum relatives and Iriends the Presbyterian Church LOL No 0M and the Brotherhood of itallroad Maintenance lure wax rmd nllornnlcly with Mu Smnh louder Mn Bell unvu he prnycr Irom Good Tidlnks Thu NIH or he bnle wnl un display nnd was much fldlnhld 11 work was danc by Mrs Cuopnr and Mr cummlucr We nhmt rt mulled le Im Implu um hm mm all my In In Inyelll PBESCHIBES Your Pharmncln DISPENSES Your Phyllcian CasStrachanls Blast at Ponrs IllConceiVed 19 Edimr The Barrie Examinen Dear sir it was with considerable interest and no little amusement that rlead 1etter 1n your issue or March from Jimmy Strachan confine the Ereeehrldge Bear hockey elub lnthlsvaluable contribution to hnckey hteraturc tn cannectlnn with the local seené Mr Strachm lstatesthat rm attempt an the part Mr Valley 01 the Orlllla Pont lac Senior hockey club to gain entrance or his chnrges to the northern hockey Inop would be something In the nature pm sumptlon due to lack of top can dltlon In his club Noone will deny that Jimmy Strnehun tn the days when he tended goal or the Banla Flycrs was we of the top netmlnders in the country However when Mr Strnchnn coach he sadly out classed Brncehridgc Bears set hlmsclr up In the public press as hockey Judge and tury he makes himself more thnn slightlyrldlc ulnus Hns James he Judge over looked the lack lha own club Is merely an intermediate club campnscd medlocru players more than one whom failed In an nucmpt to make the Orlma Ponlincs wh the latter club Senior calibre featuring player wilh years or experience behind hem Surely he has nvnrlnokod he no hat the Pontiac are touched by Jack Dyle capable individual who devotes his undoubted inlonls to his lab and leaves the writing illconceived mm lo the loss successlul mEmbcrs at hh pro Icssium tuQ Mr Strachnn Youre big boy now and such lnlnnulc prntmngs do um 01 either yuur Judgmem or yDur dignllyl Very may LARRY MCKINNON TM arm annrny mumm lhlr lellrlnnl unml Inc Huumn lnmlly Inclnu wlm know 1er vnllrnh and mm urchinnu Imluu rly nuy bellcve In mm my mum Ivnlllblo Inclmllnl nlvuu numr nml mmhull lhruvy hop Ihu pullen Illn lllmvol Ilnlc laud mun 1y yur Immlmr mm muulc fluyulzlqn Illor hm por od ll nlnln Mn nudy IH ter llan HN Illtll In mm new In nlmulrru am muroluuu IIIII wyrhlnlry Nrmnlnllvly dlulnly Infl malnlllm llowtvur lhp lmlc phlhmohy Ulhflplnly luMn lhr FDQCIINII In In Mr pgllvgjn Fch unglll mm Illmlhm 11 um IHQCHHfl lhn vnlenl Ind II In In Mu uu ut mm mm rnr InInnu III mlaupln Ihl mun my pmcrllm mnnt II lumpy mm my mm ind yulwmllvr we nulence Ihown um um II pulltulnly oumm In ndncln hawk muvcln mm palm In urlmry dyhmcllun oltnwlng urlmu ovaHun EDWIN WIBON 1111 PIIldont Onlaxlo Oulwpnlhlu Ihmlcllon SUNDAY 730 pm SPEAKER OSTERTAG SUNDAY SCHOOL 230 pm Hum nus sznvxcn PHONE 5376 the hymn Ilnglnr No nohl dmmncu éveryane Wticogrle pmWHAT MUST DO Mr Moor We preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lou and ourselves ynur strvunts for Jesus sakc Ghristian Science Services Lam TRUE BLUE mm 29 HIGH STREET BAR 5222 22229 328 pa 2m $805 BHLVABY rmowsmp cmmw LOYALTRUE BLUE IIALL 29 man STREET HILL GUSPEI PRAYER GROUP Barrie March 23 1955 amPROPHHIC TRUTH THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN INDEPENDENT Cor BERCZY Ind DUNLDP HTS EVERYONE WELCOME WHAT IS Mr Haul FEindsfOld People Willing to Léarn TORONTO 14 CP Spegking Ike 1de annual meeté In of the Taronw Aged Mens 1nd Womens Homt psychiatrist Di Boolhroyd dlspuled the truth the nylhg Ydu cant teach an 01 dog new tricks Too much mush micon this theory he said and many pepple think uldsmu cannot betauElm new Ideas and Jusz because mé mgelongeéjn learn things deem mean my cant learn and hn recopllve he said He also crilinlzcd what he sought is an increaling lack of respect shown peoples said it in dicaled pom adjustment society has made to the growing number at vldcr citizen other speaker and hapialneds and security are precluus words to olderpcflplc Miss Elizabth Mourns prcsldch the group said old people must leelavtense at security they are who happy And we thlnk 1th am happlclyin familiar gurruuudlngs like those than perhaps In rural 3th Away 1mm gaming and relnflve EOTAIO Tommie cmm Ontarga department nixculture wnmed axmen to get their and warm early bl year Thcdeparlmem says there strong demand 10 holler quality rolntoes especially the Sebuguevar ely 3de scam DEA Ahwnys spmy 1m flnwcrbou tonnlcrcs with aprnylor two perfume tom wnlcr and cologne Inver springmne touch 01 he run thing lolend lnkeflowm Anulhrr lrbqu lmlll bul Mlth Immunle um brilllnm 1I lronnlhle phynlrllnl dullcflfll lu IIrm Wulk Ill hl Illlll hII mu pnlltumly rawmlln wllh In Hm drum Butch num ml Mn flrVuhd chrunln drlIMvnllVl dinnu um Io pol luul male Inn um MMIIH All lhm uuupu belnl dulltllul ta me ulvnnmmn munan In llw nrvlte Im fallen and mu pllbllt wnrk to lomlwr TM Imuer muly mam helplnl lo mu nth mw mu ppm bruug pwpgrd phym bum LNDIVH me In ml momo In lhu Iaorllll umkh 0n 1mm cllhmn wuh lunch menu armHon and IN Inan Arnold Bulllhun mm TI 19 if MIMI pmblnml clung mfih Barrie Phone 64517 mm mugs yum sun m1 OFCANADA Llle Plan Ind Anhulue ANFANS YOUR 10 MORROW humus on wan mu no TODAY BARRIE THE BARR EXAMINEIVFBIDAY APRIL 17195 mt mm anER omzun PALM SUNDAY SUNDAY APRIL 1955 ms munCHURCH scuool ll urnNumry Mndgrnmn umflhe Coromuqn mad parInc Cross Chris in the Modem Wand Apgllcanl 24 Comer Strégu My man mama LAhl mom Bhenlnx mo v11 Endth figment cnulrnlum LENI Vl PALM sum SWDAYAPRIL 1935 Pllm wlll he dlllrllnlled III Servlm 300 mmllnly Cbmmunlan 930 munHoly Commnnlom sermon The Rev min nunCommunal Sunny School 100 mumEvening aha Semen THE WAY OF UHRIST VS THE wmr OF THE WORLD The Rector lo munSunday School um Annnary Common Sermon um INFANT BAPTIBM Bowman Prlmlry Church Sghnnl Ind Nuner LW pm KNOW YOUR BIBLE SERIES Sn They Wenl Dill Bring your Blbla Prepare Io dis cuss SL Mnrk Chapter 515 LnYoung Peoplal Melllnl Evtnlng Scrvlce Ensler Sunday The religious dmma For He Had arm Possuslons Dunlap Ind Toronto Eb Rev can menu ILA Mr erm Malena Ornnlu SUNDAY APRIL 1955 Luv4r mien Ind 8r Church School Im fllE LORDS SUPPER ALLANDALE Rector Rev NuwlonSmllh BA Loo InnHOLY COMMUNION ll ArmHOLY COMMUNION AND BliNDAil swoon pmI2VENING mum 600D FRIDAY 130 meEV smvxcn 2W Blylltlfl REV BRIGHT SUNDAY APRIL 1055 noSand School 00 130 ml rnnr Mecllnl every Wei II oclock EVERYBODI WMOMI TRINITY CHURCH CENTRAL UNTED CHURCH COLLIER ST BAPTIST METHODIST CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SAINT GEORGESt MOB PSYCHOLOGY 600B FBIBAY SERVICE Friday April 11 um ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FELLOWSHIP 0F EVANOELICAL BAPTISTS REV NULLMEYER PASTOR 945 nmlllfllll SCHOOL mm and pmMR CARL HARVEY AN oursnunmo mvmumcnm Eyuynne Welcome SPEAKER REV ROBT BbRGESS SOLOIST MR5 WESLEY SPURRELL Minister Clapputon Wonly Strut Everyone Welcome Allond Thu IN REV wsmn Mlnme RAYMOND mmms Organm 5mm APRIL 1955 tumSUNDAY scnoon mJammnms min mpmonmna wonsmp lem Sunday and Slurnment of Hnly Communion Dlvlna Fnrxlvznzsn L15 Linal1le Sundny School yfileClUBCll SERVICE uniEVEN NG WORSHIP SUNDAY APRIL 1955 950 AUNDAY SCHOOL 11 THE LAST SUPPER pmaOETHNG THE MOST OUT OF EASTER Broadcast exam EVERYONE WELCOME Citadel co COLLIER 9mm Sr Mnlar Ina Mrs Cqunnr SWDAY APRIL ms gmnouNEss MEETING 230 IMPSUNDAY SCHOOL pJnrEvnllellsllc Meeunr Tuesday pJnaFellnwnhlp mid Pnyu Wednesday pmlloma Lunn Warm and Friendly welcome awnilsyau The Salvation Anny rmsr BAPTIST cuuncfl CLAPPERTON ST AT WORSLEY REV LUCK EA 84D MInlnu MISS CLOUGIIIEY organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY APRIL 185 11 HuMNxNG SERVICE THE CHURCH SCHOOL HS MILJul Senior ma Inm mndllle Depu ll LmKlndernrlen and lrlmny2 Deplrlmenu ll lrnln Wlldmm Hausa Num ny DlpL Md Blby sum or hcNuncry Children pmCommununls Cllu mmEVENING SERVICE REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Mlanr QRAWFOED Mus FJLQD ulnrBEIlOLD YOUR KING The Mlnlslcr at both servlcu Hum11 CIIUIICII ECIIUOI All Deparlmcnm Ill llJlIrVJflfl Flrfllde Mlfllllt COME TO CHURCH Andrew Pralbytorlan Church COLLIER 51 UNITED Th6 Sulfuripr Anny COMMUNION Communion And The Crou Mlnlller Rev Lewis MA ED Ornnm Ind chairmqu Lloyd Tuflard Coma Ind Wanhlp with UI BURiONAVENUE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY APRIL 1955 MILTHE CHRIST PAL SUNDAY Broadcnsl CKBE Mlsn Munnl llnbbnd Guell Bnlolfl Owen and Womey Sta 0n Mlncle In Tho llnn

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