Jimmy mmmm WEDNESDAY 1mm 19555 Blurrigy Theqfre Gdild Presenfs $1er Camgthheririgf This Evening at Hart HoUse Festival Tonmh the Barrie Theatre Guild is competing In the 1955 Central Onlario Drama chllval Han House Theatre The local amateurs pmduellan at the Phulp Klng nnd Amhony Armstruna Inrcn Hure We Chme Gnlhcrlng one of Ihn 215m tulllcngIh unlrlc Acccplcd Ilur this wcnks rcglpnul compul an Barrie group Is one mm parlicipailng in the utivai this gear er the Hm lime Clnylun nrd production and the Piny Aciors both mm Toronlo are also newcomcrx Thcl Sudbury Lillie Theatre Gulldis making its second appearance in the lesiivui while the West End Piuynrs are appear inz Iur ihe lhlrd consccmlvc your Sonia ui the groups in nniccinxinn Stranded by Storm The wnckcnd storm gave the road dtpnrtmenl their hurdcsl work Ihls yang Many peyple who came lo the district for he week end unnwurc me scvirhy or the storm In the shclurud area along lhe lnkc suaer or home only Ind lhnt the road WCLC lmpnsmblc The rand supnrvlsar worked nearly all nlxhc Saturday and again all day Sundny trylnu nArqcct emergency calls One City river was suund ed down he am line had miJFLd zemnz om when the mad lncl been upencd carlltr Sunday new In Ind when hcgvz slggkulle the show nboul nflle 1mm Ihc hiflh wny he was forced 10 take shzllur In arm home jArc you gain lv kflvn us here Io have he phoned me suvcrvlsar in was deemed Impossible to He Mm nm The News are illll workqu hard in the roads open nllhough musl are able In act out by allurn Me rondl mm on lhe lJIh Imd om llnll was me big be broker lhroulh by he urdlnnry plow and had to be done with bulltimer The sun will do much help lhe lnuflHnn nllhuulh the to WI hum lhc Holds haslllcd Ihe mow lln mud Olh who had been away no stranded cndunvoring to gel back In hclr homes If ihl chd for mm the northsouth hlzhwnys Whllq the hands other deputi menls wuru snug lmldc xhelr hymns the mad supervlsor was we he skln Irylnu lo klLp he cqulpmcnl manned wllhonly the regular crew nvalinblc Councillor Cochran was among them who had to have spcclul nuenllan from the supervisor who won personally mar 11 pm open road or hlm lo get em with 20 can or mllk Councillor Cochran was am who had taken slund alzalnsl 1hr raise in pay or rupcrvlsor clulmlnu mu he was rcculvlng the ram rule as olhcr lownshlp heads McoHng Cuncciled Whon will learned mm the mall 01 mlcpaycrs lnmroslud In the Barrie and Dhlrlcl Hill1 Schuul Iran was ll be held an Thursday evenan the high Me or lm Innlslll SLhual Fulr mccxlnu this was cancclkd The Inn School nucpaycrs mmlnu lll be held In In Cummunlly ha on Thundny nwnlnx when Ihc councllulvflclhcr wlllx Um chnlr man at he bulldlnu mum Chnrlu Grifï¬n and lrlnclvnl How nImI will lull lnnlllll mlclmyurl Wu nbuul 1hr new uuon needed lur lllu dlflrlsl rulkllmv Ecclvlnry Dun Hulllly at 1Jnlhlu Srhuul Fnlr Commllllc wns unlktldod whm Hut and nwcllnl wuuld bl hvld Ilnlll he hnd nn oppurlulllly lu mm wllh Chullmnn Spruull No Saluvy Increase When Hm ohm nmupmuau wch bnlnu ï¬nally drnl th Mr annn um mu lnlnry ud jnnmcnll my lntludrd Innisï¬l Notes huth Sandor lov vlco on Ionlal basil CLARKES ELECTRC BELT SANDER Auk III alum rucrvnllon NOW AVAILABLE L03 with the Icsï¬val xs the mummy1 Alumnae Dramatic Clubwhlh has appeared In every csklvnl xo dale This gsu mm entry The Play crahsmen nrc close on thH heels wth thuir 13 entry The Nervoc Players 100 are seasoned Icallvql conkcndcrg conxcnncrs Here We Come Gmhcrlnfl whlch was ï¬rst Mugcd In Dnrrlo In Nuvambtr 1m Howard Lanny dlrcclor Member of thucnslrln cludc Bab McLean appearing in he rnlullgkcll by Mr Lcry In the urigEnnl mnducllun Yvonne Lacey June Graham Jenn Gremn nay Frasvr Stan myncs Eater Noy Mnurcnn Bullock and Don Thump Thlz lhcflrst time lhnl ll lucnl ruup has much mm lhc yearly drama Icsllvpl run by Ihu Ccnlrnl Dnlnrh Drama Lunguc which ru vrcscnls the Dummlnu Drnmn Fel uvnl ln ths area The Dumlnlon Dmmu chflvnl was ornnllcd in nm at the urging Excellency Lord Bcssbaruuuh than Governur GLIIcml Cnnndn and wilh lhe uxccpllun HM wur pcrludv Domlnlcn fcsuvnl ha bngn held nvgry year since1932 rum on from all over Can ada wlnnnrsln me regional flvnls take part In me all domin lon compellllon The 1955 event Scheduled for lhc week May In In Cppllglngmer Reilna Sn chlonnl callvnls are npcralcd iv rrpreunlmlve colnmluocs whose hlghcsl award course In the UP porlunny ulvcnIhc winning plny to appear In the dumlnlon evan mn bullmd by the rcglonul Calvert lrophlu There are however ulhcr aiznlflcam awards altered The ï¬nal nlh cf the lcstlval Snlurdny Ad ludlcalor Andre vnn Gyscghem will cheese lndlvldunls and groups to be glvcn iv awards Thuc are vet aphy ï¬nned lu Ihe group prescnling the bcsl pra digglloni nrplay lhq tcnlvnl HuldaHF Awards menu rd or lhn but Indlvidual pcrlurm unfu b1 pp 19ch5 gxm nnnclar The Huzrhr ancï¬ Timphi for the but vlsual presentaxlun In he as Uvnl fablu Trophies or the neer and actress giving me best pcror ccsln supgortlpg 110105 ï¬m Edgar Slunc Trophy or out mndlng dirccllun of me play and cagsirgcxlvy lgndcfshp 9K nclor scl ectcd on lhc bnsls rcpcrl by prevlcsnval screener who lnls ycnr Wm Leonard Cralniord Andrade and Sons At lincoln Plant 99 APPQiJmen Amide and Son have juil ruurncd from nu LIncaln Elcclrlc Company hendqunrlcu and plant In Lusldc where the most denan In wnlding cqulpmom clcclrodcl and accessories and helr npleC nllunx were dumnmlrnlod or phi Industry and tanning The visit In he actory colncld ed wllh the nppolnlnwnl An drflde and Sam Induslrin lmd lnrm welder dealer for Lincoln producls ln Burrlc Newmnrkel Aurora and Iurrvundlnx dlstrlcl flu bylaw Arm molinn pul lo Ihc council to nulnnrlm an increase vuu una ukcn run In In two mtmbcn tar nnd wo ngainn The llcevu cl llml hll vvlc Ihuuld be in thc ncuullvm Il Wfll nurml but name ulicwncJa lhould bu made lnlur Iur nddlllmu work above the rcuulnr wrmlmu whlch may run in MI nI H000 MI ylfll Another Storm Story The Alarm lhll pan Wtckund was rumludcr 01 one some yum nuo thn lhu Slruud hockey lcmn wurr 1n the pine Tm tu play In Drnmplun We WLn on nlnvlm curly ln lln mummu In Turunlu during the nfllrnuun we uvcrhrurd remark about lhc flurm Cunlncllnu he llllhwnyl Dwnrlmrnl wn wm wll um nll rundl hnd lmn clnmL Wu unnl mm day In Ihc my When In Kul home we round lllnl IJInU Illgll wny cruwn hnd bun huivd In uur inn Sunu HM hockey rum llld dlfllcully uclllu bark la Slruud lrum Ihu Blh Hue cmnur Thnl mpprlml mu erch CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT pnhulllu llnlllllll Wlfll IImnllll um llenlnl lululwmnl Hun llm Ill mum mw Imuly Ind lllllln lumlul All uni umplllo lmlvunllnu Ill In In ll mulumenl mllull Ollll llliNlAl ILAN INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NHIJ ITS IMHV TU IIIMUI TIIONK 0l FLOUIIH You DO IT YUUIL WITH LLMKI FLOOH BANDINU EQUIIMHNT PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS Essa Township March Reliéf Bill Ovéï¬gio Accnunu gamed $19163 in hospital paymen and $5 bonus paid to PM Sulunllk or klmng dc Immd warping cup Axolnl $16502 was pnld ou Inrcllcl by Em Towmhlp acuncn at Hg March mcgqng In Ansz Thc tender of CWMnchrlor wnmlc lypcwdcr tor he munld pnllly wns accrplcd HI prlce was WAR pcr15pnund bag Ernest gwllzcr was cngagrd main and Jpnmagma sprayer nlylhc ma nx per hour tender priccRab en Arnold Is to tinsupervisor to Aupcnnlcnd thc wmylng atlhc 819 9L3 an hour and 10 mm mile or hl can Gander far nvmnn wllh lruck draw and npqrnte he apmycr Nero recelvcd rum Caesar Murphy 1nd Edward Aldcrsan and Chmlop Mooney nho tendered or the job Jrjaupnrvlsor Tandem lur pawdrr were recclvcd 1mm Garfield Kerr Chumtcnl Spvclnlllm Assoclnllun Amie Canndlnn lndumlcs L11 ghlpnmn Chemlcah Lid Simcur mnu Cmopcrallve Alllslon Farmers Coopuxnuvn Nlnunm Brand RuKn and CH Warblcldc Nérnes 0f Relatives Missing From Obituafy In 1he Monday March 14 lune The Exlmincr me name of five surviving rnlnllvu was not con lalncd In the cblluary of Frcdcrlck Mason Mr Mason lcuvc tomobrn Mm two sisters and three hrmhcrs Mn Mnrlarcl Denney Uluplu Mrs Lllly Slrtbbcll Detroit John Mason of qulllon Joseph Mason In Florida and Guy Mann An gum Correction In Colwell News Correspondence In rcccnt new column rum tho community Culwcll regard Inz baby shower for NHLAurel Dorian the incl that 01 shower was given by Mr and Mrs Bert Rachlr at thclr home was omlucd Refreshments were provided by Ina 30 guest 1p attendance with Mrs Ralph Canning Mrs Low cry and Mrs Rachar pouring to 200 Robins Make Beautiful Chorus Says Utopia Woman Mr and Mrs Thomas Lu have lock of 200 or mare robin In meadow behind lhclr haun on ma 7m Im 01 FA Townshlp near Ulopln Mni Lev who thinks Ihni the wnrm Inndy around may burn milling ground im the spring crrivuLs is not complaining nbuul he singing the large congre gallium Sh Lhrnw gruln to he hlrds cauac shn lhouuhl they might be hungry and n5 tow days ago they were Ill nround Sled nuu nn mnnufncmred at lhc Incrcdlhle me 4400 in 00 unconda by an nulomutlc mnchlne IYouve never hunrd such Imu Ilul chorus In all your lllc LUNCH Kr I0 CREAM CANINE ll llunlon HI lhulll 4W1 VTIRED SHOPPING CINNAMON TOAST ANl IOT 0F TEA STEEL NUTS 20° SAVINGS CELEBRATION BunuET PLAN Doubie We lnvllc you lo me am Up to I1 umnflu to pay weekly YOU BUY THIS MANS SUIT Down Puymenl And You GET THIS LADIES sun py l¢ Just one at hundreds mens and youhg mens sults featured In our sclectlonfor Sprlng $1ch for every bullll single or double breasfcd madcls In sizes 34 to 4G Dazens or materials dozens of color shedcs alsult 101 every age and Ill Illllc s1000 This FORA LIMITED TIME ONLY to celebrate lh Grand Opening 9f our newly vemodellcd pngmiscs wk againbring ydu this amazing Faniily Clothing Value With the pulchase of any mans or ybung lnpns suit valued at $4950 or mnvo YOU RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE ladys New Spring Suit flfleiirls Good for Limited Time Only Lmlluu pct nulls sins 12 lo 20 llcgulxlr $2305 value lhlt qunl lly Myllng nullcrlnlx will untrue yml he nrc nulls llml 1mm in Iccn In he nmlrlclxunl 70MB IN we luvzln yuur luspccllon wllllout ohllgnllml MEN give Hm lady of your choice FREE SUIT LADIES bving your hulband fohoflbmthu boy Mind BUT GET YOUR FREE LADIES SUIT sms LADIES WILL ASSIST vocu in SELECTION or you rm sun LADIES HERE IS NOVEL WAY TO SHOP PRICES START AT BRINGS wowm Esa SENSATZIONAL rr MANY suns WITH Two TROUSERS