fly MOI Llndl Ind lnrelll ï¬ll The lurlnu plnnlmu ucrlud mm nunln nupmnrhlnu and pro uccllvc ma vlnnlm may nupru chm low hlnll mm hu Incallnnn In man voulble nner llLlhN they are In bu norm or cw day keep mm In cool Ihudy IllL and dump wnlvr an Inn Imrnlnl and nluhL Whlln plnnllnu curry mu mullnun In bulkul pull Du nut lrnw mo ruull nxxwml bul raver Ilium wllh MN mun or In cw Mm wnur wvnr me man Even cw mlu mu Hpululc on windy wrm dly nu be Infllcltnl dullcnlv lhu ruol mm and mun In Hm Invflglllyol Iu Hch Cnck Ipfllhl Xiulnum Ihuuhl Illnlnllunl be rllflhulhtd uclnnl nr len than 11m In lnhlu lur Chxlllmnl lrm and or lhuu1d br Uw Ipnclnn other Imclu Wlndhrrnkl 01 count uqulrn mum you lur Iluv dcvulupmenh If lhu luwtr brnmhrl mo Irwin um much Hld III In Ila Ilflllllrll wllh lhn ruwu Ibuul nvnrl Whlle cudnr Ihould luv plunlml ulb umclnl nvml III wlndbruhl unmnmlml lroln uumm lhr Iml Roxy Théatre F5934 nnnnu PLUS cAmokoN mm YOUR OPPORTUNII Innu BOGART 14W HEPBURN WW HOLDEN TIPS FOR TREE PLANTING El GRANADA PLUS CARTOON AND SUBJECT MAGIC For Movie MorryGoRound Tuna in CKBB at 540 win Daily MGNMY MDNDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY HOUSEifllTS runs WITH THE aasr IN mam DAY TllESllflY WEBNESBM THURSDAY MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 230 pm EVENING PERFORMANCES AT 650 C1 9pm ACADEMY AWARD smns omno TllEMSELVESAGAlN IN THE YEARS OUTSTANDING SCREEN stony JOHN rows EPIC OF THE FIGHTING CAVALRY EVENING snows AT 650 p111 PLUS cAmooN YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO wmm SEE THIS GREAT SHOW AT maileru dry lwrlwdl 91 July nnd Aumul wurdu nnu arnml rub lhe young run mulllum unll Iunllum To ullmlnnla lull plum lhe Hm In In 11mlan lurrow or llrh lhu Ion ram ll 15 clrclo thm In In to be plankd no mo lhu ruuln are In lull STREETCAR ENTERTAINMENT MHII MTINZD cunnlly rlmlnl drmonllnllofl ol Ih mlh NIIII Mv duh for In MIAu In loo Illlll mm In lImIh lulu mam lhn Hulda lnr unnqu In flu mt pvnml In Inluml n1 IInrmImlI mm no In Illul tn meln mum Inlnvlu Hun when um Imulul mnl the II Ihr nld mvllwtl ol or all Inluwd Imlnd up um Copter Catches lniured like Fish REGULAR PRICES kiWcqm calm um um ulr In ulhcr wordv din hnlu fur Hm Irrn wlllch wlll not huvv any nlr puckcll when be null In rrplncufl Hound me rec Hlnmu vlth lhe luul ha luv lo achieve the muxlmum yanking Pmluct rum nrr Thom uno plu Innlnu oul plnnlnllml cl lav orul lhulllund um would be well mlvlml In Mch main or flu uunml Thur nrv Ilmpl made Lruvu or 20 umHnm nmund DIM Audit Répdri ShoWSGrothtvT Simcde Counfyf Indlcullvn or conï¬nulnn ex plmlon Simon County Lt om phulzcd In the tudltorl rep covnrlnu to the year endlnzD 31 19M pm Coleman county lreuurci Ind accounlunu hr the tenor were Glondlnnlnz Jam any Ind Rebels Tom nxpcnduurcl amoumw to $95300535 Anal were mud 1an 51159520 may Hem 1m eluded Roma $55006305 charm Ind wcllnre $318700 ndm llon and chem slammo Id mlnlllrallon lumen umoo On the tanllnl acqounh reterencl made to $150300 for an nddlflonl lo the courthouse and lurthcr exw pmdlture nl 031050 on Slmc quor Homo IO TAXES Apparent willlnuncn at Canad laxu In llve Ottawwona dolllr out of everyfour they nun dnuhum aratlflel Finance Mlnlttcr Harris quite much In It anonllhcullm The act mnalm that high taxes rcllcctlnu thamlelvo In high prim are one the chic reason why Canada II loslnl out In world 1markall and why many canadlam ln conu cu arg amply are aivzn for cnplmf Ind hnlnnco xhnut revenue tundt balance the rcycnu nnd ex pcndlluro necounl udch Manama murmur outsmndi lnl dwomum ulmunldpnmlcl and Imlemcnls Inlurnncc In force Childréhs Aid Budget Allows Less Than $14090 Month In 1955RunningCose to Line Thu hlldrenl Ald Soclcly al Slmcuc nunly wlll malve llulc lmlhnn £000 or rnch of Lhn 12 munlhs 1055 mm lhe wunly Wmlr the county made urnnl SIMOOO to he Ioclcly for ma your lhu nucncy hnd an exam tx qundlmru uvur revenuo nmnunl lo 31nmauo the 0nd of Deccmhm 1054 Thll duflcll wnl pnld and me amount wnl taken rum the my cognw grgnl The Innncinl Ilnlumcm or lhl munlhx January and February prusmlod In weekl mccllnu In bonrd dlrcclorx showed in bxcvm revenue aver cxpcndl lure mnuunling to 3191 he and February II was dccldcd that uw Koclcl wn running very elm lo lho line and lhntY dun the lncrcuxcd numbm at children In cm the anans lhown In ihu um two munth of the year or HIV cm clolhlna might well in arcally reduced when spran nnd Hummer clnlhlmz uro purclmlod al Mhu chlldrtn in cam mu plnntutlun nnd due plow or cultlvnln m1 nncu or who your to kccp run and wood from umwlnz Mlnml mil provide no us and are occurrlnl on ud Julnln rnpcruu no llkcly to Iprcnd nu ma plnnlnllon unucr nurmnl condlllonl II noted vllh antlslnctlan by Cnlvcrl chnlrmnn ut the In ancu cummllloe that there had been an Increase In collections from olhlr mtlnlclpnlltlcsnnd rum par cntl or malntcnunru chlldrcn ln lhn cure the Ioclcly Du lt wan also mum or concern that there had been an Increase In the amount the aoclcty had to pny un jhrhnll of the County of Stmcoe In other munlclpnlltlu lnr chlldrcn lnppmmndm ouuldc mu County 01 lslmcnu nml chnrlcublc ta thln munlclpnltly thounht then was chrnl knawlcdun and accept lnCL ot the Ian lhnt thll Item not It controllable account 714ch3 room or toflfll Fre quonlly lnrï¬u mm of pllnlnllon nro cllnblll ed with my mum ol nccul To Icllhnlo hlnnlnu and provldc new In all Iccllonx or lho fortl rcqulru mid rand mum Plnmlom Ihould be brukcn lnln block 10 or Inc oullmum ruulll Thcle nvcd only bu 15 wldo and over route um truck or mm can be drlvnn 1m yeur mu cohnuy FAS unn mwnoa Manx mild 0d Wllll 4W children In care Slncn Ihnl lmc 31 have been ndmlllcd and 33 dlxchnrgcd At ho end DI Fcbrunry there won 500 chlldrcn In cnru The grculcn Increase hm been In chlldrcn ln pay cure There ware cthron In my care at the cm January and the and of February Mlsx Dorlhn Jack sun mnnnglng dlmclcr cl um Ia clcly mmmmlcd nu she prescmcd flu flnld report mm II Important mm the suclul worker commmute lhclr llmc and mom on me new yMld coming Into carem Hull xnllanclory ndjusunbm would be mudc In chnnnud surrounding land 101le child would rcmnln In cmpornry boarding home Ihunuun 1h mlnimum length ultlme In the unmarried parents dcpnn mcnl more were 20 new uppllcn Hum or iurvlcc during nu 11ml two monlha the your nndlhcrc WC 100 cnsu pronan In in ycnurl wnrk Them were 11 ncw rc quusu for ropcru 1n lnvcslllnllona under the Malmnonlnl Cnum Act Ind Tl cnsc owned durlnz the ma nmmhs tur nmlly mvlm Thu caseload nrc partlculnrly henvy In he Cunm Simeon Soth Slmcnr and EM Simcun dlnrlcu 1e wrrc Lhil ml crd on ndupuon during lthwo months and 10 ndnplluns were cnmplelcd and MI order prcmncd he ndupunu parcnu MONDAV MARCH 28 I955 Because he Incrumd num ber children ruqulrml boar lnu homu cm more Md be ln crculcd ncllvixy In ï¬nding Iuhnblo luster bolgrdlnu hompn ms decldcd at the board meet lnl lhnI almullflnd form the ï¬nancial ualcmcnt and ï¬eld report and mlnulcs uf lhc board mcclan would be sent aul to he townlhlp counclls at the cuunly each month along with any other Hch of In lnrul The mannglnl dlnclur an nxkcd lo wrllc covering lnuur lhe lownlhlp ckrka ndvlllnl lhcm lhut member lhe banrd and Ilnfl would be randy come on the councill lnvllnllun In one of ma councll mucllnzl ll lurlhcrln urmutlon or nxplnnnnnn of me Io clcyl work wnl needed It wnl fell hnl 1n lhls wny Um lvwnlhIp lnlurnllnm Imlmcllvo Ind much out lhc unlllll wnl lhu vml lo the Llunl Club flurrlc on Ffldfly nllhl Mnxrh ul WHIlnm Mur dock Hrhl urrclury of lhu Can mllnn anllmnl lnllllulc for flu llllml fur 5ch mmy Ind MHI kukn dlllrlcl who Her In llu Web lurk KIJII unll AI lluhl runlrrvnllon and uh lu mo hllnd hm burn mu In muur ncllv Ill HI Iv clull lIII nddnu Wul llmrly Im MIM 11 Hr mu Innuduml by all prrlldrnl Ind Illlrlur mm K31 Il lnuh III mIIXIlIIln work Iur Iho CNIH Mm lulu IM walk lulnu ncrnnuyllnhul Huuuuh mlvln ury rmnmulm luuud In vmuu IUWHI whlch HIP vlllled Iruulnrly hy Mr Munhuk II llnlury ll hnNrIllnl Hum In film In lull Iluhl nl Hm no new lhrunil hum wn curly Irnlnlnu nl llllnlhml III hluh Ichuul Ill Hr llll Ilul emhnl hll HA and Jprr nlllrd in mnlhwnl Ilcl lll myflll ll lnlrrkd uul hu lurr tlnldrrn Iwa ul whnm lulu bun load Mullnl Vole MI Muulnck mu wllll lurnkllll wlu wuh car well ya mum uul he I5 with rumldvnw nlvlnu many mum of In Work dune nml nlw mulllnned Jlul lhlu yuvn rnmuliln wlll be Mull In Mly Ha wok of mu MW bulldln In mum at uccllon ln Tuwn bu my will Iml romplllcd un Field Secretary William Murdock Holds Allenlion ol Barrie lions 0n Work ol Blind lnslilule THE WORLDFAMOUS SYDNEY HARBOUR AND BRIDGE form the setting or thls photo of the Cnnndlun cnllser HMCB Ontario on the ships arrival 1n Sydney 1112 Tï¬arriv Examiner Cruiser HMCS Ontario Arrives at Sydney Aushalia Church Service Church scrvlcc will be Wilh drnwn ncxl Sunday Sunday School 1030 nm Vlllllnx Frlenda Mr and Mrs Fred Conley 01 Toronto and Mr and Mrs Dunn BtuHev rpcm lhn weekend wilh Mr and Mn Manbb MnDnlcs Sunnidnh Corners visited insl week with Mn and M51 Dogma Mop MrsT unï¬nuuhcr is vlslflnu lrlcnds in Toronlo Fllm Forum Lu Meellng The Flrm Forum held their clus lnu mccllnu for the year at he home of Mn and Mn Cum on Monday nighl The subject din cuucd wn Surety on the High my Monday nlght um chcrnxlun of Alrlcullurc will meet 1n the hall Picture wlll be shown Wedding Conintumlom Cunnmulnflon lo Min Tun Rum and Frank Dunlap who were mumpd in Toronto In Snlumn Mr and Mr Ram and Mum nllcndcd me Weddlnfl nownt Grunt caunclh wuuld be made nan huw money was being spent In Children Ald work It was an that many people had no real cun ccpflon what tank place inside ma Ioclaly and that It would make or grum accapmnce ol the azoacy may yarn cnllzhlenoq Advcnc crlllcilm usually arise out 1h crlllu luck knowl edlu lb aoclulyl ncllvnlcn It was remarked by board member Jame WrIzh Cullingwood and Shcphud of Crccman are being naked wlth Mk3 Jnckwn la compldo $hu rcvhlon ol Ihe by lnws the socluly to bring lhcm In llnc with It requlrcmcnll of lhe 10M Chlld Welhnc Acl Pmcnl at Lhe board lneulinu presldcd over by Cullpr Druldcnl were Mu Cum cron Mn Honk Mrs Mnflhcnun and Nul Fisher Dmlc Erna Cumberland Don nld anp and Mn John Dcwnr Allmon Mel ernhl Jam erzht Jnmu Inwcoll Mrl Al lhur null Schncldar and John McLean Culllnxwocdz 11 UPI and Cnlvnrl Mldllmd nnd Dr Knowlcl and Novmnlwr 1933 or poulny Jun uary 1056 In cunnccuun wllh lhu cumpnlxn lull yrnr he nlulcd lhal lhv Liam Club had done mun lhnn nny olhcr nervlco club In Auv pun of lhc lmnmuluul WM pm Irn Au ornnmulkun bu nruud he laid The CNN bcrommg world hmqu nn urnnlullan fur vhunlly hnudlcnppnd and rum Ill uvtr world coma cl or In rll prnonnd II In up ulllnlu unl mum Alon um nmo llnu Imhleml ol lmlnn Ilu anvu lumc Inlcmllnu Inulu pmblrlnl which nu Ihc omn lmlun Inch nl purcnll who nm klmlnnl Mlld lhllr Illhl 1m chlm mm In public 0mm ncl lhnuih uhlmnd Ind Ilmu luck up Iha unlurlumlu our III In would an ml rnn mnum cmm Hmll mute IIHICHH do H7 lIlnll whlch CImu nnluplly lo Um norm lluy unnul lrnm by wmhlnl ulhm and cmumuenlly Iouwllmu lnwlvn pocnllnr Immu Ind nun rrlum whlch Hmnlnl chlCkcdr hlu ll winre In levlmry bum cum In will ha cklnl at In Held necrmrr Ind mull he 1m lnlunnlllon In from lhe dmrlcl vllllur bul with all wmklnl ulhvr flu chudlen MI mum in mvuw nouny hm Turl ML Murdock can II lerrl Iury not only In Blmw Ind Mun hon lam Aha In Pu Bound Ami unmmlnMrJulh um EDENVALE lelunz Friend Mr and Mrs A4 Calm spent day Mllh Mrs Cuckbum Dl Edgar Mr and Mrs Thomas Chase and nobln of Toronto xpont be weak and WM Mr and Mrs John Luv under llly lrucnled The play Calm YourmlflJrum Grcniul was presented lnsl Tuus Perhaps but law or us reullzn that there are 11000 blind Cnn ndlun and lhrsc are in Sim coc and nbuul 20 In Dame Huskies hose anolhur group comes under the palunllally blind Wllh these by eye cxnmlnullnns cumulwllbm mm In mmc can by opemlons one pauenl who we 70 car or age hrouah surgery on proper alums had nlmusl normal vlslnn rcxmrcd All If lhuse service were vllhoul charge nnd ln Inch chnruc cannot made pm wm hns und nvallnbln he or she may make donnllcn the OMB nbrhlne Norml Pmcllcn ln lhc old diyllids not p054 alble lo plncc mimics pcnvn behind machine bur it 15 nuw ncccplcd nurmnl prlcllcc Iul help in motamlz the ï¬eld suc rclnry In the oullylng sections The maucr or pcnslun or those without sigh has been taken up but If the recipient wage carn cr he or she is mind lu ctr lnln amount and my nnl drnw he pcnsinn in add Flold Sccmnry Mmdock asked hi hearers It dulrou ol helplnz In years campaign Io Contact their chnlrmnn Llnn Ed Myer Extended hr Ihnnkl the club to Mr Murdock Llun Iruldun LL Mncnulcy ndd ed his quom and nnllvc or no glnn himself commented that onul birthplace hnd much In do va milky wch lhnwn 01 TINKLIN The ILCABC School In uhml by the family Llog ln urcallnx hln eldest son Cpl nob Tlnklln RCA 80 an Inn rcconl return from In our of duly In Korea and mum Cpl Tlnklln him accn acrvlcn wlll lllc nCDm three yours prior to lrnnnlerrhm to the RCAHC nml tour duty In Ournmny nnd rcccnlly In the Fur limit VOl nnd Mn Iluklln hnvc younger non 0mm rlnklln at Royal Mllltnry Collcuu In lemalon VACaum mum Clllun Austmllu The Ontnflo vlsltcd Sydney In this course her current trnlning cruise to the South Paciï¬c Nntlnnnl Defence photo courtesy Mnrltlmc Studlns Sydney DUNIADI 51 FAllMEH FIGHTER COPY WHITE CLOWES WELCOME HOME Vow lawman cum hm nho Imlnnd would mu lnmd Ia buomc nu upovl In thnm lmwnnn MI vhm umpime qvulmod In My you uh whul and whu Io Izvy leuuM vu yaw lmvlanu ll vp duh an Ihal yn In my mun II plowhu ï¬vldl hulking ovl oppounll 01mm duo pron mm who hm Iralno lhl Iaugul wovhd no4 Md lumod mull will do IM lull lei STEVENSON Section Pages to If day nlxhlul Edgar Hallflsponnorulh by Clnwcs WI was well attended lllu nclor dId hclr purl very wcll Mn Gordan Jory Eleanor and Darlene were supper guests with Mr and Mrs Fruur chLcnnnnd mnmy Barrie vlmcd Mr and Mrs Parl nqgc Thomas Parrldue and 50 Wicklum or Enrrlo lellcd n1 Oah nwn with Mr and Mn Paw rldke 0n lurunlo VII Mrs Henley and Run worn In Tommn vlslum wllh Mr and Mrs LInIouL Snddcn Death Gwrgu McCunll died Iuddcnly al Painswlck Mr MECunw wnl born and spcm hls childhood days In lhls communny Mr and Mrs Sampson and mm Ray and Om Sllllou vlslled wnh Mrs Sampson Delln my xpcndlnl week at Richmond IIHL Mr nnd MrL Humhlnson Sly Canmrlnu Mr and Mm Dnvis Noblnmn Mr and Mn George Hutchinson and turnle Ginvcnnum Mr and Mrs holomew anq Iunuy Guthrie vh Hed wlm the Hulchlqmn mules anlly vmu Mr nnd Mrs Trash and Deb bio Mrs Cnrrulhcu and Wendy at nnrrlc vlshcd wnh Mr and Mrs Ken McLean DANGER SIOTH The nlghttlmu him that Iwwl Ihroulh our shops underline un he more clearly how nccusury if 1m slop he laken in Rauyn clear the in the illmxy wooden munlurus that rcmnln mm the early days of the locality Fm are gradually rcduclnu the number places that should have bcvn 10m doyn luqu ago INSURANCE iouï¬Nornndi bum Press PHONE 5101