Y€ur4NE35 Variety DOUGLAS RENE Margaret Walsdn The Lady with Dog sit beneath the fountain during the Gay Nineties Central Park 5min ms TOWN or um AND coum or wagon Since I864 MIMI rn MI elm I7 ha om mumam dunt production The watchml policeman is Wil llnm Lloyd BARRIE ONTARIOCANADA WEDNESBAYgMARCHfZSI I955 Jean Appletop and Douglas Skating carnival CENTRAL PARK Flower Girls andthelr wares Susan Bullock Vickie LnVerdlere um cm CJIJIJ ml mil law chmnun Tor fTllflEn me KITIRNM Gall Preston JInlI WWnlthornnd Pam Carroll Centre Bundmen numry rhyml human who winportrayed by Bllly Carpenter Paul Mar lhull Gregory 0mm and 11m unelurovo uouom Wen wu llc WInkmanonnlt munund and Dougla Colr wlth arm nleï¬lmom Andrew mmhuu and Tom Tum moprerI mikflrunfduund hum Wu Marjorie ï¬lnck Lyn Beesley mum wioNBoAt and FRIDAY 5c singlé copy Snelgrove and Funny