Thorn on Meet Beehives in Final at Be EONIGHTS THENlGllT at BeetonCom ietics Abovephoto by Jimy Henry Thornton shows the Combines in Jubilant mood in thelrttaarrie Arena dressing rootr ioiiowlng linal triumphant game against Alliston Beehives vow the Combines wont be in any such frame of mind attcr to nights game but the Thornton crew are grimly determined to go further or first time in history in0HA play muntty Memorial Arena tor the llnal some at the Thornton vs Beaten series with the winner advancing into the OHA intermed iate playdowns The group tinals are all tied up the Combines and Beehives each with two wins in best or five Beeton eliminated Vandort Bruins in the semi finals and Thornton ousted Alliston Ath Felt Popular Skirt Material iConlinued rrom paec encl len Jtimper Bright red allwhile wool gabardine with red access oricsalrnost every color and mat erial appeared in this easy sewintt protect Separates An attractivecnsomblc was lipstick tcd tclt circle skirt with stark white orlan sweater while another model ware green cor duroy skirt with crisp yellow blouse cherry red corduroy skirt was combined Willi it Whitr blouse and tiered skirt at med ittm blue and navy blur checked wool llnnncl had matching stall and cummcrbund Sports Clothes The trim and attractive limit that have replaced the sloppy ensuni air so prtpular in past yeartt wns relloeteri cven insperts clothes Classic grey tinnnrl slncks with navy biascr were popular choice ol the local school girl and tap ercd navy gnbardlnc stocks were combined with bright red cor dttroy jacket Girls in the home economics classes study design in clothes at well its the elicct oi Vttlioul ilnet colors and materials in this way theyhad chosen citthcl that wert right or them in design material and Color llusl and brown iwccu in it Jumper unit It yellow sweater was particularly attractive on moael with lair colorinc and onrl of tlte other bionde model had made charcoal princessc style littmper and it time Nan blouse tzr horse and tor little lrlcnd Childrens ltrrsses Among the Ciliitilt larhionI wnt in light blue tilt at tuk pen lilt with white collar anti cullx modelled by an ctuhlycaroip and willie trirnilne tlrrrs smock Ni in pink yoilotv itnii red It on um Wlil smocked lh pink lu tile and deep Viuiii tor one tiny lmenu and another wore pain yrlilw tlrrst smocked in red and blue lroln waist to yoltr lsrty Drum An important item in carry lltiltini ulrlr wtttiitubr the prtv itlrcsl illtti not count attention at the hands oi the more rxtmt Irwurs mticl in yellow tolli uvrr IlilllItl llttii ttiiiu stole it ilillilh while it down in roiuitutu rttlt lathin itnii it llltlltr Iiylr neckline liIll Dinittlttl KtiliL who hono tltu Colitglitle Itllllit cctuloiulcl tic parilltvni wnl ill charge oi litthiitil sitth nr trimnit assisted by Mist Illiiia Tnylnt utttl Mill Enid Colerltittt nln oi the tcaeltlnu slit llliti one oi Illl itittinxl pupils Elnlnr thilstrr fashion show courtarr Motlelr Mitiitril wlm Isl luiiitwe ltltle IX Evelyn Shanks Johll Mtithvli litoititt Iitliltllil Mariano Dealt Citiity Ytailck Juli hiarilnrh lid Marilyn Cnutpllrll Carol str Noreen ODonnell Elsie lioyti Mnrilyrt Ainliti Mitrltitrri irrlts rsnr Jean ltlckry trtie Elaine islglll Elaine ery Dilur IllliilthIy Diane Mr hiitlicr Itlily Wllils Jilntt Tali Dorothy Atilt Ctlllilllllli Iieirtt hisnow ltnta Jannu Jenn Cun ningham lrhtl iearton Mary Thompson Carol Cttthiutl Ill IitlltitrliI ltvcn Title Joanne Hwitrct Ilitirtrtl Wtli Iillihlnlril litmt Live Iilllltlllll Unis 0n home llllilu XI and XII Allli lchb ï¬llly lliulgllllli Dorothy lllriisy itrlrn Nltltnls Anna Dellit Mary Jsrhtnn Elaine Webster Joyce litinell IIIIIII liichrtst Edna In titliul Mimi VIiItitt Mu Anne timiu llnhltt iltttitut Itnn Ktnnedn Ill Orll Etliilt lttontr sun Faye Millet Anne Webb ilta children will itttwlailrtl were usnnle yViiltlnsun with Mirhart Pay No Dividends Copaco Owners Show Confidence Continued tram page one ten nsbclorc diitcior will be chosen from each zone This by law will come into cllect ncxt Year lnglls who has been re cicctcd the President tor the past two years and whose term had expired was reeiected to the board Andy Cumming was also resciccicd These were the only two rrtlrlpgthis yesr Apitllonage rcvoivhiti ha paid otttlo tho shareholderlio 1034 The cheques or this nmount ing to over 318000 were available to numbers present and will be mailed out to those ulto were not there Revolution In itlttrheiilll Iitlni Sunurinltndvttl McMorlln told the tnrnthers that there was ti complete revolution oi methods oi titles and that the pilint had in make ndlttrttncnts to take care at this No longer were tilt nld meat blocks and the sides or porir and brct iron in the butcher shcps Mrs ltousewile ncw bought her meats in packages it ll to meet this demand that we have in rltnnze attd moiiernizn our rlllllpmellt and plutll ltttitd Mr Mchtltriiu lit told at titt new ntitcltincs which had been in rtaliud iii irit the members should lotl proud oi the Home of their product which wn cottrtauliy be coming more in demand Opening exclelm were taken by Major Tower oi the Salvation Army who uttered prayer or un rutlslitcloty cilitciillinn nt lilo business in hand Open Discussion Mayor lrrr ol Harrie ttnve brirl nddr of welcome when Mr Slinprunintruducen him he told oi an inchlrnt in rrlorrncr to ItVttttti dliuolni titnl hnti been itirccti on the piunl by the hell Alderman Grtlr lltlti vthlclt nnw ltnd betIt tttlilrti out hlityur Gieer llitltd titnl ho Itll that the itttin attutnaul ttnn ititto the Jolt know ing it true it ntcrrrily llc wri itunrit iltc tilrecirtl and vii titnl Itlnrtl will it wtludclllll nilrt ttt linrrle Vltidrn Iiity Iiitklinu who II also liteiuiltl nlrnlhcr oi the plant raid iltllt they had never thpnmt has cirrwhtle titan in the local plant anti IIL trlt that it had paid them well lit manual that it was wouilrttul hurt to the rutlrtiy ilntl district which Ii served it it were lilil lltcxr tlrlrit prttltlttil uttttitl itltiilo lttiikilill oh its lir iiltir ttlitdiltll llt Troll Virginia Orlt with Illi Ill Itl iut Lynn Darlene Nillliilt with her Iilivr lieirn Crrily and Wendy Litrtvy with Mary lnvkltlu nittl IIIlltllllillltlili Torry Iliutltt with her sister Isle other models were liens lltlyvr who showed Illitllitcr Cilliltcl anti Madeline Aynttlt IlitI Lorraine Couttl witu inoticiictl petty dreI $13k tilt MANUFAC an that had the usuai story to tell and this time it was no exception Mr Cumming secretary ii the board who introduced Warden llickilng raid that he had been member of the township council with Mr Hickllng tor it years and dorinlt that llmc he hld care fully nuardcd him and seen that ho progressed to the post at Head at the County The had lived iczelhcr in their distr ct for years and also Ilopt inttbe tame church Following the discussion bus inrrs by the lnanngerand his stall the htretlng will thrawn open with President ingiis as chalrrnan ihoI mitttct or share disposal cbmc in or rhcntioh Several oidl members raid that its they were not now producing hear they did not rLcclvc pntronauc dividend Therefore their shares did not have my value and War ditticuit to lispusc at it was poinlrtl out that members could sell their shatcs to their runs or to anyone who mlaht take over their tarms it these mem bers were paid out then ileouid happen that lcw ieit might turn hn plant which had decreased in value Members trom the district east at Luke Simeon tell thltt there should the some arranltement to ake care at the transportation oi thclrchcgs to the plunl ihey had lolntd when their money was nerdrd to out the plant over and hey got tcw bcneilts trom this lines it was dilticuit to not their pigs in Barrie The manager pro mind to ennravor to have ltrsttulc ments mode to handle this situa tion HAWKéSTONE Cattrel Angllrltn Hervira Setvice was cottrrllrd in St Altlans Anuiltan Clutxrlt last Son riny due to the illness oi itev Dr nglttbourn Nlns Iahlu Cards There weto niitc tabIts oi rants at the hull Friday chnintr Mrs Munroe and Mr linrt tttl winners and Mn Iittitrl LClh and Erlt OIlriut eoniulittlon Operation in Orllila We with Lloyd Lrittlt speedy frettvcry atlcr his epuxauun in Drliiia itnrnilni Tolitliia ieeittnd Mr unit itlry ltwlrt Mtiiinllult Mr unit Mrs Ollrlrn litre iiow Itrd lxupitti nttii Wliltnttt Mr and NIH Itartimrt strtii lalttily Mr Ind Iiirl iicli Munror Ittry Crittt SplendidRecord John turbulence lnVBnrrieWorkl odirom page one rd at Br sane Dalus Lee is uianee olllccr Rotht Conxrlnn sergeant sserel tnryitnd Eastman llrawn the store kroJcr Patrolmcn are Charles Mo NivenJr itatnilton Bttlklwtilm intimerc George Lecolller Andy Watt William Newton etvliie 1o rtson Harry Gard or ltliph William phcrd and Slur it awrcncc Dr Ron lutnbuli ts brigade httrnron and Grant Mayor tnlrtnnn ol mmlt cos To Get New Quarters The blTgnde hail been located in he former town building which as the clerks ottice and mans rates en and thcythttd an ism tulrnee atndeï¬htlilt MJthlclï¬ till wiftttthemunlelpal police takc 11 ovetj the St John Ambulance tr node will have new ottar err in to tttcsett pollcr olttce the lunlclenl building List Events Covered The 5th events covered last car ixlrulysurprislnu takngiu roand Dartlenlutts amount in riilin its and Wanna Beach Hydra lglttttlvoneol Letrt tires at Orililo with H209 present They ttttcndrtl ttll no to event tEdvcnvalc cycle and car and rigadc IiIltI patrol in tone put hours service covering2i eedcntsin wide ranac tram tlnor to more scrioul In one are leg was almost turn all nnd hockey accident the side oi It iayers tree was cavcd in but was scaled sorcessiully Cover liarrls Arena livenls ibcy covered all Barrie Arena Jens except nonlor skating also he Triple Ski Club near Mitt urst with its live slides and three its On May it they made live ips to hospital tour lrom Eden Iale and one trom car accident 0n ancther occasion by tpiitttna he brigade they covered two rc tattns Barrie and Orilila and both torse races and motorcycle races II all are now protlcicht tturrlcane lisssl They were right thero nllto 15 strong litter Hascls visit in Oe titer and took over days duty supplying load to workers nnr homeless item it am to 10 pm it the Bradford police headquarters and municipal bulidlntr Twenty heroic in Barrie task the task oi supplying hot cocked meals etc which were rushed to Ilndlord ng was done there according to laeliitics One hundred and 50 pounds ol bcrl were used or hot meal at night alone Such record should be on in duecmrnt tor lull house on Mar 25 at Trinity Parish ltali tor the Interestina tlims weekend in Toronto ill Patricks Tea Huecsns St Patricks ten hold ny the members the Womens institute at the community hall last Friday afternoon was huge sucrrss large table was covered by lovely ineo cloth centred by large vase of yellow dattodlis yellotv candles vices with abundance at taney sandwiches and cakes The ten and sale of cooking amounted to $3515 The island in the Seine ltivcr now the heart at Paris was occur plea by the hull long before the Roman conquest SPECIIII FOII ltlltlICII ONLY entire nnnn With the new bonded lining Cilch Ford Ply mouth Dodgc only all 50 370001Ilhlniiit new cus tom ClM radio in 1053 and 1004 Chev N0 Iiiitlliii SliitViCIZ 0ll worsen unions Bittyucr Ontario NOTICE The linrrle Union Ccntelrry lionrti owing to the resin ltntlott at tho HcryTrrns ll Ilucltnuatt requests that all eiuntnuulrntliuts nrcottntn ale be torwartictl to Hunt Lorne Whiting Ilnrrle Ilnlmt Cemetery llnrrlc till FlYiNO START in tile ls assured let your boy it you give him tile Insurance Policy when it lNHlItlttl COMPANY its ll young and the coil ll low See It Man from Manufacturers wrapped and kept hot Part cook1 in silver holders and silver scrt TURERS llFEr andrMits Eleanor lielgh spent the GLENN ltd thriller The more particular you are about your appearance the better youll title our smart nowsmonlsulte shirts Ile eh and everything else that goes to malts up your new iaokl tor Easter Featured are the most lavorcd anion designs and tlbrlel and in inch wide selections that you can choose wisely and well and to your own particular taste Mens suits or Spring llt are exeltlngiy new and dit terent and the tailoring well everybody is talking about NATURAL SHOULDERS NARROW LAPELS SLiMMING LINES TAILORED TO PERFECTION BRASS Visits Store ervsa we 13 11