Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1955, p. 15

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Get Seed Potatoes Early is Advice Of Crop Branch lutnlu Iner lu unml by he Illld ruwx llunrh of flu Onlnlu Drparhnrm ul AKflculIxu 01 lauren BABALL Fred MachlRRAY Arlene DAHI Camel WILDE BIittonWEBBJuneAllYSDNVanHEFllN lwmmnsnnv rlwnsmnrg mm Sammy Evenihg Shows Start At 650 THURSDAY lAIIIAY SATUAIJAY commons SATUADAY 230 pm LAST COMPLETE snow 840 pm ALSO LATEST WARNER nzws REEL mus 2ND mr BOWERY BOYS HOLD THAT LINE LAST TIMES TONIGHT WEDNESDAY IANE RUSSELL AND MARILYN MONROE in GENTLEMEN PBEFEB BLONBES nus cmroou ALSO NEWS THURSDAY FRIDAY smunnn AND cmmAsgom muswausuoxw PIANO QUARTETTB AT 840 LII House or HITS FIRST WITHTHE nasr IN BARRIEE For Movie ManyGoRound Tuno in CKBB at 540 pm Dally GRANADA EVENINGS ADULTS 75c TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25 TAX INCLUDED Come on Join In The Fun PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT SKATING make nrrnnxrmcnll flrly 0r Uer lumrly good ma mum Al pnvmfi Ilmny soul nmwcu um lmflnl lhrlr Klockm mklnx uydm mu mmru Indium that Ier In hmrnml xlmmnd lur approved mu chum vurlcly Impur be Very mpulnr um lmwrn In lho la Iunulna HIM lohaln nnhklul Arr Hullh ENTERTAINMENT Sllmur Cuumy Mm uurclnllxu in tho Knlmuun May 41 um they cnquI nml Ill lhu demand or nnnll Ilml Fupndnlkm Ind Crullrd uul 14ml wwl ho defined ul Uml whirl ll nhcrmlLY llllh ylvldlng Irrn Irum dlmm up vnrloul mm and An 00d phyalr mulflllnn In ml way qmllu ln ml wtnlurl dumulenl up much on humble mm IIMI In Irmul lumlm on ulmlul nmllllluu mu uhmnl chnmlm mum at raunmuuu nnd Cum DUNLOP STEEAST Burila PHONHIBS INSURANCE AGEfiCY THE HOME OF GOOD INSURANCE SINCE 1599 MALCOMSONS PROFITSHARING BANQUET HELD LAKEVIEW DAIRY Tuesday flight March Mayors River Gardens saw Aha occasion of the nnnul prommar ilnn bnnquc Lamview Pure mm Dnhy Ltd All gmployne nnd lhclr wives werev uuusu ak Lung llurkvy dlnncr Chalmun the bunqu¢t was Willard KlnLle pruld 11an with Slmpmnra mc Omarlu Milk DlslrLbLflofl sedation Tnmmo ho mnliy speaker The ladies wercpmeml cd with manage of carnation and aah received lucky draw ptlxc Dinner music was provided byBer Clggrchlll arid flurry uglnzston Herman Caumcrx plant mpurv lnlcndcnl gave an maxmin ac count he dalrys history 1119 dnlry In present locallun vm started in 1597 creamerywnh Thomas owner mum David Bishop pumhucd but ness and added dairy operalldn George Wright opamed me buy um ram ms 1923 and sold 10 Norman Incwn whu mcquip the clanLand addcdjhe bulldi vhlch Is now the present giuy at Cccil Norris and son Fredpur chased the dairy in 1945 andan sold the bualncsx ID IL pru nl owner Since then ihc plant has again bun compleiciy rcoqulpped and modernimd Ill milkbclnz ciari ltd belore pnncuriulion ht coalcd by an airtight Amnlnsa me piulc mac migr All aid on value at he equipman used at processing is wuth more lhnn $130000 Four OAC graduates an nmmoy ad and lhu compku line rash Ind cultured prudunu are lurther prolucled by the appllcathm snow Ice during the mmmcr manlh for ice cold dcllverlu Mr Klnzlc bclnrc prcunllng to each cmplnfice cheque sated um mug the combined cum nnd teamwork Alum Amounc to International Scene FRENCH TAXREVOLT THREAT MAKE POUJADES NEW UNION BUSINESS POLITICAL FORCE The Belllama 14 Core all bcnn mm 1me ago In the vlllngc Cure in ho down mcm of Lot 70 mllca nanh Toulouse wulhwm France no Plcrrc lnujldc bookscllcr pu Iundcd lhu clxht councllluu pnu rcwlullnn npposlnu the unnal mx omclnb News tram France Indicates than Premler Edgar Faun with less than 11 month In alike laced mm the anger or small business against me roving army at lnxllnspectors They are dcmundlng the suppression the inspectors and the overhauling the nmlquntcdgux structure Whrn um lax Impmon arrived 10 Impact the memnmu accounls they cum all the diam 1n the vlllnuo Ihulknd Led by um connclllorl 230 mnrchllnh axmud led and colulnnlly Ilrlvr lo en nm Ill our lho thnrnclcrlmu mmuonvd Abme nlmrorc llw um or arm whlch hit the oulclnl ccnlllclllun an nltnohnd la nth b1 wlll null nmmlllly 1n pm Iudnl Illnhtr find at Mum mmllly polnlou nw uuum du lurcncu 1n price over ordlnltv qu dock or blnIlln mum In cm Ilw hm lmhunrnll Milo ruwcr Im muk um 01 lmwrrl In Onhrlo th md fur ullc may be lccuml lmn ulllcm ol Ilrlrullurll rrwuwnll nllvrl In mm cuunly Ind diurch hum olflcluln um Sud IOlllll Ceflflkluun anfico ll Olllwl uclull Umdull Harri and WH nlpcl ur lrum Nu Flrhl Crop llrauch Dnluln Dcvlrlmcnl Aurlculluu Iullnuwnt Hulldln Tumnlo lnlnnuulun NIIHVI In hlllrlnl Inlpmuon Ind rrrufluuon of rum may Ilno be ubmlncd rum Um mun sour imam Examinvr By NEVILLE BARNETT fhtdtd fEiélpl Day Sept 22 Néar Barrie WEDNESDAY MW 23 1955 tarmoL Wilfred Murphy in North Simeoq County nem Barrie am chosen not years ago as the location or théFieldJay Slum that Ume curtain rotation have been laid down and various mtin ily levels built up in nude to dem onstrate practical poiato pmduc clan method with special em phagLa on quality mic program will include specuai nature or Junior Farmer potato club member and agricultural students in blah schools There ill be several éonwsts and every nflunpt will be made to demon strate varieties seed selection ml and blight control top klllinl lrndu and grading and washing In addition to dmwnsiratlon plat than will be educational and oozmnerciai cxhibiw Oencra flmmn Morris Darby Waverley the secular Charlie Scott Barrie Com mluce mcubm lave been chosen or much the vuloua pmJecv Ind furunordth will be avail xsblo later from who Mr Darby or MnScott or 1mm PISB pnéur cpartmcnt 01 Agricul be distribumd WI $55wlfl This he said Wal qulxc an accompulh mum when you consider that both our buying Ind anlllu prlce LI Kovurnmcnl controlled 12 dur lnl the ycnn we lnsululed new pcmlon plan tor rnmcmcnl pur posu which anLhouzh cosuy everyone Igrecs very worlhwhlla In canduslvn Mr Klnzle polntcd out um teamwork begin Vin Ihe Ere finale hnme Ind must continue the place or business hombre Ill no one team and reiponxlble or the dflrys program and pimpcr Ry also far all the shancomlnas uxd mistakes and Influxch It up to everyone here loflmvp the 1m Lm at mlnxmum Ind aim or now 1th In the nppllcnllon of cum to mclwnrkj Mr Simpson told the gathering that the destiny at thin busines wu in their hand both share holder Ind employees nnd that lhn amount at carninu whlch they would xhlrc in ihu 1mm depend ed direcliy on the cflnri and an thuxinsm they put into their work TuBran sales manager pre sumed eight drivers with my medals ranging trorn one ta four ynr nwnrdm In 1951 Lnkmlicw truck travelled 161000 miics with nut xerioul ICCidCIIL Cam cour tesy and common sense in driving was urged by the dairy president wltmn nnd Allcm man Ior the Inspector on 1hvlr km mo closed show annucd the In lnxpccion wluukcw Elghl munlh lnm lhcn more ellboralo return the am lull Police occuplod the lclrpllonc Ind Iclczrlph oUlcu unllormcd and helmdcd mrfly polltu patrolled Lhc illmu elahl them wllh nu mnslu Ind currylni Tum my lulu nm rndln Ihuv wu occupied to prrvem Um vlllllcrl from ullnn loudspeakch la mlly rcsllunte llul local palrim lmmwm In lmndxpmkrrdmck from mum borinu VHIIKE Ind Iva lho wurn In below lhc Iruck WII mind The 5106 lhlfllfll IIMlcd down car dmv up In Um main mud Ind uul IlWMd he ux ln IDNUH In lull rrilllll Ho wcn on hl tour um Howl mum allowed by Ille locum Dollcu tullowcd by Um Iuwnwcuolu Al lunch lmn nu npluuunu Ind blumn mmlnrd cloud Thorn nn food or curnlufl or the anIdlnl Ivrc Ind they wllbdmw wllhvul Alnxlu Ihopkefpcrl ac coun bdn lnmclud mm at Mnnmml The Implo thll unlll VHIIl Implrcd Um tn wan mmhanu In olhcr conununflies Ina wnlu lller mo Unlnn bdrm an Conuvwrruua rl Imlun WM lmlmlrd with mnnhorllllp of noxy Iheuua Sunday March 27 BAND CONCERT 830 pm AuIun Artist lDCI GLEE CLUB MR PETER £06 FLAUTIST MIME CITIZENB HAND LOIS KEASI name Skatan Club re cclves Baqgloy Trophyftmm Mrs Wllllam Hamlltqn at Arena Saturday nlght durlng ourth nnnual Ice Vnrletles Miss Keast ls ln costume for ballet number to follow Irophy was presented by Mrs Budg ley or annual award Mrs Hamlltonthe former Jane Badgley holds miniature cup Nhlch Lols wlll retain Mrsl Badglcy the lrst Instructor ln figure skating when slab was formed In Barrle In 1040 only tp old during war and be reylved In 1052 has always rctalncd keen Interest 1n the art 1000 Today has growing mcmbcrshlp01800000 5mm nullntu mI Tu The small buflncu mm France owu slx mm pnymnnls to his government Pcrsanll in umc Buslncu Intelnu LIX lax he wants paid to mlnrlcgi employers the cmplnyco 1150 pay Lax on hls wages Fl on dcponllcd Legal lmlru ncnls 51ux on amounts ll Social Iccurlly and lnsumncv Thu lnx nn nccuunu full undcr lull dlfltrlm hulls There the in on added value which charm on cmy munulnclurud mick wld mm the inexory lnx on lransncuun which cxlraclul every um he mmhnnum hlllluu hands unlll ronchu the rclnllcr lornl and Halo luxu 11x Inr nuncu such as lmck rental or lho use or an ndvcrllslnu fluency Social seturlly nntl luwmntc tuxum cunuullcnml tachcdule 5mm uf he pnym nw due monthly mum qulrlu and some Innually Turnin plIKu yummu mum Trohhvywwrnsr orlginnlly or skater who Skating CllubMember Receives Badgley Trophy fimunlly Sympathy Syrupmy or his community ls extended to Mn Ruse and James Crnll on he parsing of heir Llslcr Mm JuryY Twunw on March Blrllully lllly Sylvln Frnnkcom cnlcrlnlncd eight her lHHu zlrl frlcnds on Saturday uncrnoon nxcy all wcnl lnlu lhc maLlncc rclurnlna home fur rclrcshmunu Thls wna Sylvin clxhlh blnhdny Bill FunIn Mull Midhursl FA Forum mpl lll the home 01 Mr and Mm Coulis on Monday Marsh 21 Topic wnl Snldy In Hm Highway Whm mm be done rcducc on lraulc urclllenl 0111 Emma VII ML and Mn James Crnlu and Smlih visual Mr mu Mu Hurlun In SlImuL Mrs Hurlon ll undcr In flock mm Hobby Nhnw Kucuu Tlu hubh mow wru HRH Thu rhlllth wnx llllcd Bveryunr lujnyrd Kl llluu nw exhibit wrur mnny mu mm nuallly We hr nlln Mnumm pup will lnr the purpnld cl reotlvlnn the vuloul pom lhu elec llon at dlreelurl amendment hylnwn mu nuch other hullntll mu come Intore the 1mm TUESDAY MARCH 29 83IJ PM um um mo MIDHURST PARENTS AND lUlllyH IIVnl In In Illullulnl lulu an Ihe any Vopation School of Dance smnnnv MARCH 26 230 pm ST JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM Annual Montlng I955 Hoyal Vlclovla Holpital Incorporated BARBIE DANCINE ACADEMY made most progress durlng year But the Judgesmad so many thlsvyear who could quallfy they were unable to name winner Instead it was decided to glve it to the member who had done the most to assist the clubs progress in llgure skating For tth Lols as was unanimous fourth year memb and club counsellor she at tended practically every practice sesslon to assist the prolesslonal 1n the trainlng the prlmarles and juniors especlally and Igave valuable asslstance during the CNA tests or local members last December COUNCIL CllAhllllfiltS NOTICE Sectioh 3Page57175fifg make alt showing at he Lions Isrww Ln Barrie mu mth 80 fllflhdly Conmnlulallun 10 Mrs Rul acll who celebrated her new lbxgzhday on Friday March 15 5c rum lnr lusurxmua AllKlNDS Dunlap HL Ihnnl IZOI cmnum 59mm In ll In 4mm sumo Phnlo um

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