Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1955, p. 14

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llTflE BARBIE EXAMINER iWEDNESDAY 1955 Simcoe District Coop Reelecl President Cumming Direclow Followlnl the nnnunl mentlnl oi shareholders or Shuts District Comparative Survlces hsl Wed nesday St Josephsfiudflorium Barrie Prank Todd and Earl Ell lou were reelcclcd at threeyear term on board of director serve wlth Andrew Cumming Ray Loulhced William New Kan my Sgrlnu nnd Hunm Russ Mr Cumman was re urn his second year as president the arm with Mr Sprlnl nsm rclary General manager is Emennn Swnln who has held Hun position since Ihc coopurntlve wa urznn lzfid 14 years no Repnrls eprcsiden on be hnll the dlrecmrv and general mnnnzcr revealed cununucd pro grcs Pm lhcso lulluwt new or lruldem It is rent pleasurp presid cnl lo report another prospemur ycar one the bcsl in sale and uuld llke to express the up preelnlion oi the Board ol Dlrec tors uur eiiielent manner Incl his fine slali or he way they have carried an qur business lor Ihe past year We feel Ihat our skull is seeond lo none in Barrie During the year we lnstnlled complete molasses mixing plan at is cost at 3500031 is proving ll real service to customers in eur tom mixes and in mnnularturinu Coop Feeds new truck was put into service an iced delivery In sedan delivery on Televlslun ser vlee and now ieurth 1200 alien tank finds on gasoline delivery house and lot ndleininx our property was purchnsed last yea and the house is renicd to one our emyloyees The lot wlll be line asset when we wlsh to ex pand our iueilities In the future as will lot just purchased south our new slare Our business has outgrown our citice spacesn we are plannlnl to enlarge and modernize our nitlec and provide some healing hr our iced sum and mill our seed cleanan plan would be more eti icicnl in ground floor buildlnl 01 its uwn and he prescm space better used for warehousing Cu1 op Feeds We do need more grain storage and these needs are be ing planned hr Dividend and Debemures Your Board 01 Directors are happy Io declare dividend vi $25000 at rules of 45 an Iced division purchases on hard ware and appliances and 19 on an and fuel oils on all busines dune by members in mm For the seeand year naGv Coap has paid dividend in cash an revelvlnl basis by paying all Ihe balance over 315000 ni 19 dividends Cnup has earned member div dcnds and probably on good reason hal member and Mend or Comp are buying Aop and 52 dobenlurcs wuh cunndcnce Anulhur mason Is Ihal hue 1n tcrcsl rules are very allracllvn on Inund nn mvcstmcnl as Cuvop dchunlurcs Thnro ls sml some Ihc nmuunl we nmhurllcd fur sale of our dcbnmurc 1n bnh me In fiveyour and 57 20year ls We regret than our accounts cmnblc have gmlcn so high Crn d1 real scrvicu to our cus men but it wu du ml at bellcr Enuplraliun In payment from many mm lhnl aurvicc wlll have be cumllud We rumm mcnd Cuvcp Deposit Accounls and mum Cumrucu In IZU ncw member Inm mc Joined nuf Coup We vcl come you new mumburs and also wulcnmn me many New Cnnadlnm hu have sculcd In our cummunl l1 and Dccmu mcmhcn and pulmn DUI nlmbm hnvc mop cruu 1n billmlnll Ihnsc hulldlnv and MI bmlnuss 15 credit to lllls dlslrlcl The cxrrtlsnl at our ublmy In ncwmpllsh projrcl suck my um mun In toopuratlnx In an dcnlmul Ind prujcux um Inc or me mucnmnl uur culmnunly and ll cillztns Gmcrnl Mlnutrn nepon Muy Hwy um nm sure mm nvcak for all yuur fin hnl WL uu proud lu nu yuur cmpluym In 011 Cuuu Lllc In no murl um xu wnrx all um or nomclhan wurlh whllu Ihnl yuu bellcvc In and knuw yqu Ilu hqvc hnl pIrll In yuur rmpluyrc 3mm In lur lhls rwwulllvr Hun we nru nil mman rluvcluxv wv have um you uwnrrx are Inmcmd In nml mum El cm plnyll Our Irurnl AMI mm 51 Ever Hear About nu ll THIS TYPE OF DEVICE II III lmlnu uml In mtnuurc mcnu Imldn or 1mm Th0 my It own nccurnlc enough mch allowance fur lull lmlr cm Iprtad nut between nlllcc mlll end sune hardware alorc scrvlce and lnslnllnllun crew and driver lumen Fnr our lnrze volume ml 3110 mm ls consldemd essen llnl lur Coop servlce and amel cncy For example we nperule qulle 11cc at trucks lhrce hclvy lend trucks we plckup trucks on smaller dellverles our zrrvlco and nslnllnllnn panel and scdnn dellvcry lmnks and our tanker lrllckm Our pnymll for Wig wns 141 at Eileéfcamparlnklavorl ably with payroll at 99 at one at the largest land chain stores 1955 Prospects Though there are clouds in our Igrleultural industry outlook thn long term iuture appears bright Comp will not only share that future progress with you it will also helpln making that future prosperous To our agricultural leaders it is not surprising thnt iarmers conperutives are now bl business rather that our growth not even more rapid Your Ceap has potential tor much more business handled with lbout the present costs Almoet hnlt our present aetive member deal extensively with only one ar Wu Coops three departments though both our teed division and gas and luei all distribution have grown to be the largest in this part oi Ontario it is the cxtrn busine5s alter expenses are palrl that can raise our nireldy sub stantial dividend to really worth while savings tar ynu Especially is this true in your new hardware and upoiiance store which with more wholehearted use could he1 come Ceop supermnrkct us out standing ln savings and service your teed and petroleum dlvlsinns in supplying you the hardware large applianws televisionv all heating etc that every humr needs Prnducllon Credit We must think at Cump in lerms oi promiciinn credit mthr him just nccounis rccnlvabiu Nos ml nccnunis am Jar red med Muller and lnsoiine aii required by you In production ni your crops and livestock Gener niiy speaking we Cuop scrvicn oi Ahor mm producilan credit hm bucn wniimccivcd of real value in pniron and Wei Idminlsicrod However as mentioned by Your prelimm aubxinntlai minorin iich abused um servidb and we in the uiiicu have mgiccitd some aucuums Therciorc lhuse lwn direglivrs Thercforl lhuse lwn dlrccllvcs your Board Diruclun will lulluwud In 1055 Only COD deliv cries will be made to My uncuunl wlun pnn or It NH 90 days und rcgulnr pnymcnls must be made onuny nvurdu bnl uucllon lrcdll ur Inslnllxncnl buymu mo fimpnrlnnt nan at our business und your to be ill uwcd uul ur hand Imvun nnl nrlnuoni whlch wlll makt many or you are Covop dumstl nccuunu and coding conlrncls Jump In Our Community Yuur Cuup more than Jusl Mu Ibusuwu mm in mm wlm nlhlr firm In In Mini the communlly and In uddnm Inp uuru olhlr ann OIKMIIUIHDIIt For unmpll It Fulzmllun Aurlcuhurc Um Coopcnlllvl Un lun nnd lhu Coupcmlun Insur IIHCL Alwclnllun Contrary rupulnr Inhlc Coupl In my lux nu ycnr nur munlclpnl lnxu wc nlmull um and Ilnrc uwnlnu Wu have mm uvrr mm mumm Hun hwme lax The llulnl Cuup NHL MW null In all Sllnwr ANDREW CUMMINO IREWERY LIMITED KINGSBEER Nronla Vllll Mrs Wilsun Elllou and son Earl molorcd lo Tuxunto Ins mursdny wllh Mr and Mrs Price and spam the day wth her mum and slslcrlnlaw Mr and Mrs Frank Inghnm Altadad Funerul Mrs Bentley wasIn Mansfield Monday March 14 nucndlnu Aha luncrnl at her great num Mn Jan Bales who was in her mom yifll GuashConvicIion Barrie Mant son Dlflhdly Consrnluinucn Io Mrs Kali wha cclcbrnled hr 90 blnhdaY Mnich chlex Justice Pickup and Menu Justices Muckuy and Gibson at 05 uoodc Hall have quashed thu eon vlctinn 01 Criminal sexual psycnpalh which arose rum charge laid in Barrie nualnat John Trusseii 01 in decent assault against Ihreeyear old girl in clung reduced lrom thnl cl nilompted carnal knowledge The case was thoroughly investi gated by an experienced ulticer at the Barrie Municipal Detachment and nccnrdlng the eviden As Psychopth dellburnle ollcnce Trussell was held here for Win month on re mands whlle hl hlslury and ur lous record were lnvcsllgnled and was only nllnr giving me accused every npporlunlty that the Xlnal declflun was made by His Wonhlp Mnglsunle Gordon ll Foslcr QC prcsldlnu mnglslmlc and also Judge it the Juvenile and anlly Court that the man was crlmlnal sexual psycopalh ilc had also been under nbservnllnn nt Pcnclangul shone llqspllal ss mus scrve six months dflcrmlnntc and lwu ycnra lnde termlnnle or an indecent assnuil however Trhsscii conviction on ihe sauil charge vns recorded on Soul 18 lusi and an Nov 12 he was con victed by Magislrale Fosicr at be ing criminal psycnpaih This in icr conviction in client meant im prisonmcnl or iii Chlul Jusllce P11ka Ind Messrs Justice Mnckay and Glbson agreed here was no proncr evidence against Trusscll un the psycopalh charge that he doctor who ave evidence only cxprusscd his upm ion Trussell has lcnxthy retnrJ starting with convlcllcn at Ruch cscrNYln1031 when he was sen tenced to 14 years 11 or who theft He was cunvlcled lam oi carrylng cancelledwonpom In IBM Trusscll spam brie pcrlml in nu Snsknlchvwan Men llll Hospital and in I949 Inulhcr short me in me St Thomas Men tal Hospilnl church mviu eva Sunday at pm Mrs Basil Dodd Port Crcdll vis1lcd rccnmly wlm hur 515m Mrs Jnnlx Mrs Basil Dodd Port Crcdlly vis1lcd rccnmly wlm hur 515m Mrs Jnnlx Mn and Mrs Pcicr lunns Ind dauxmnr of SL Thoma wrrc recent vlsllors at David Kcnwclls Mr and Mrs Imhur Cox and Mn Hum HID lhc wackend with lends here Srhool lunar Tim lmchrr nnd puplls hnEd very ulncrsslul bnzanr on Thurs day Mnrch 17 The cMIdrtn look In nflcr 1hr dlflurcm dcpnrlmunu were uv busy The ladies 1mm Ihc lamw and Schrul provldLL lunch and thv ulal procrcd ham Hm bazaar were 17110 llan nu Trlp Thu rhlldml plannan uu laklng nnolhcr 1m nip In Muy Thry urn In be cunxmmmm on hclr zpluuhll work Cmme Iurm numu lhu uvcr 0000 mmnnu nu wnn nrcpnrud by nu Counly rudurnllun and um county mum are paylnu lhc cg Flnnlly my be alluwrd um uppnrunnly rxnrenlnu my pur mnnl hunk lueucn ul uur nan Lr oh wcll dune In IBMum Iu our momlm and whom llmnk yxuyuuru amul maple lo drul wllh Innaum mva mm tnlllu mu nml mnnm II llnurlsMnu lmlushy rupubllu of llclnnd ANTEN MILLS HOLLY JACK nlCHARDéON and hls son John of 87 Innlsm street Barrie are geen view lng prlzewlnnlng photo 16 the OKeetes Weekend Vlslunl Mr and Mrs John Kuxyk and two dauahms of Shghnmplcn spam the weekend 01 March 12 Frank Hindles an Mrs Vernon Ienncl wllh helr duughturs xpcm Sunduy in Barrie with Mr and Mrs Marlm Gall and at Edward Laws New Home Mr and Mn Fred Welsh las week for lhclr new home Woodland Beach 0pm Nilh DDCI Several ram here nllcnded oncn nllhl lhc Barrie Dizlrch Col mm Insmuu on Friday owning an Sum Friends Jud and Mrs Garbuu Million spcm pm of last Sunday here wflh lheir molhcr MN 5131th and with Mn Beul by and Mr and Mrs IL Fendley Barrlu Mr and Mn Dc Bales ShLl burn spam 1a wooknnd Oscar Balcs Paul Cobcurnc Enelnn had v15 here wnh hls mmlhcr Mrs Juan Cobournc rccunny llnd Mn Ellis spent lflfl Smurng In Toronto at the Spurn muns Show They were accom panlcd by Mr and Mr Elvin Pear cmnoue and Brcndw Ellis usu ell Ihclr cuuslns Dunn um Verna nm 1mm Mr and Mrs T0010 01 Midxafid callcd un Mend hon um um Hm wank anunl Ga Survey Elvin Pcarmn duwuur uuul llon to me far recently that sur vrylnu and staking for naluul gas from Wmnrn Cnnnda had rvndy been done lhmuxh his arm Hcruvemenl In the sudden nusan of Allan Duurnu son Squadrun Ladder and Mrs Ilournc hlls IliumV lhv prcplc cl Hxls cummunlly Mm lhc bunMu parents and tclailvc their sincere symumhy sou Mumxcmml was Sull Managumcnl uvu lng wunxarud by Slmcuc Dis Covupcxnuvu Scrvlcrs how 1r llv Oxnnno Hull 115 Friday whrn MrGrmh Held man for SDCSY Wnl pruvnl nnd chulrlnn for Ike cvrn Landon lulu lllNlllllllN mullmny LAHIIIPHIII IUIHINCII News of Barrié Fatheriand Sén View Winfiirfig Photo you can make sure life insurance of culnfnfllllllu urulrm living Ask rcprqscniagivo of the london Life Inn 1le ulnp wurk for goml lmu mlr iINIrumv run prnviuln IvliuImnl inrme Witl wiell plunde nu mII mnin lunhllioll Illornton Inn Willlam McMillan spnclnlini on Soil Management save on rid drcss iiiuzirolcd by the use of xlldcs He had wllh him Din George Coomu graduate the Universiiy 0L llllnolx on nzrlcul urgi consultant who apok on chdmical fertilizer or cash crow and posiuru Dr Cooper look considerable time in answcring questions to help solve important problem the avenue farmer Slncliilrv Ith dlreclor Agriculture Chcmlcals or Norm American Cynnnmld L11 was also presenil Al the conclusion hid mrclan lunch was rcrvcd by llirx lncnl Womens insulate Garry Wilson ihankod lhe speakers or their eilcris of the evenan to pro moin boiler soil mamzuncni AI BDCI Open mun Quite numbcr tram here at tcndod Open House on Friday evening It the BDCL Mr and Mrs Massey spent the gang Wllcnx iusflyndn Handy and Mend Toronto spent Ihc weekend nl hut home here Mls Myrna Brawn Toronlu spam the wackcnd hcr home horn Aullllnl Teacher Mrs Gordon Bldwcll Clowcsnls assisting on tcachcr me school No day each wuk Wlllnwdal Vlsltur Mrs Huzalwome ul Willuwdnlu vislllnu Mrs New and Mlss Annie cho who under the duc lat care Sign Spring hue and crown have heard Mrfnnd Mix Baumy Danie were Sunday caller Archie Janulcswn5 Conxrnmlalc lnrznlu Cunnmlulnfluns to Mr and Mrs hulnpson of Bnrrle an the arrival 01 daughter Chrlxlint Elizllbclhv the Royal Vldnrlu Human snorlumnl Hhow Mr Ind Mn Allnn Brown nl DALSTON Sprlng Lambs roblns been Icon and Photography Fair at the Sportsmans Show in Toronto ended 12 Sportsmcna Shaw Toronto hxtgyvcek Mr and Mn Dpnald Cameron Don and Carolyn 01 Comm Vexpm were Sundny yiauou wnh Mn Handy apd 1mm Unlled lelet Gull The India lb United Church qulled egg n¢ Mm Browu Mn lfidjvlriifiéss Bénrafi and Emily wen Sunday vmlon wun remlvcl here nlrthdny Tu Mn 1an Handy Sn was guest at the birthday ion for Mr Rulscll last Friday at Mldhum Taking 1030 repre scnllng 100 purchanlng power the Cnnndlnn dollar has Vnrlcd mm $0 in 193010 $115 in 1935 10 5115 in 1940 to $100 In 1940 to 73 ccnls In WED lo 65 cent In 1954 LONG CIIANOEOVEE The Iyalcmrnl dnflnl event cnher BC AD wnl flrlt med about 53 Kb FLUCTUATING VALUES triviatreats for PAID TRUSTEES One otlh mm piece at leg1 mum um pmvmcnl lwemmem could bring down would be mlsxlve enuuan whonl imam1 to receive lndnmnmux Expen Ie which trunee mnyJubmlxm not begin to cover In his on obwcket cull 40H Albernl West Coast Advocate lllETIME MR5 ynuu yawn hllllhy and new lo In In an In mar puchd In bvlm with appenan for dunmm ylul adv Inn the Mumr Wlll In glad Io ml yew all uwahl praud Canadian mum Amy nu good any and album ammonia cud IhI dlflIIM Iypu ulcppenunuy Cunadlan Amy In In light 91 man war am you all huhInd II you quumy Cunudlan mldlu thqn Icuvu II to nah up your mind you dwfll mm mm youIIJn um Kanpur50000 Ilvww CANADIAN ARMY INFORMATION TEAM lCanadiah Legion Hall Friday March 25 Open 1000 am 500 pm Visit me Were in town to tell you about Service club and other p21me organization receive great deal credit 10 work they do hm seldom do we henroltho purple who make he chmnab works possible4M merchant and bush nessmenthasc randy target at chnrhy hunterl SOLID SUPPOEIEBB Comnx EC me Fun

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