Thu runnly mmluul mm In mun mu mm fur llm mummlhul lhu mn null and nulnllnn In may mm ulclvvlwnxnry mm In lhc mmm In uw mm cmnlni vuvumu mmmu wfllu vucrlnnllm Tun nunmm mmImr hullh on Mlvklmmn rmnuu mmny nylnunncrvl mrll prvuuuu buv Inn pllnnrd ll nun only In Awn or up In mm mum gum mum vnrclm wlll In uvnnnbfa lur Ihe rppluxlmnlrly mom chllxlnu llw mun Mlm lhll mung lulnu MIKE new man In lrmul mull vulnvublr you hoyml lhnl III mmm nul mumm unmnrd will lend null mmpullhm In he Imnl hullh nulhullllu llml nu ml um vanln mly be mum on gugdlllnuxly pnuflblg 11 Dr Icon him um may umvldl Prulrrlllm mum vnllu lnyelllll Barrie Sl John Ambulance Made Splendid Record Th1 Incnl brifludu 11th St John Ambulance Corp has been doing oxullunl work In wldn men on Darrlc or lhc past your nnd wuh mu pun yvnr we must ncuvc The omnnlznllun cnllrc 1y voluntary Cnnncqucnlb Iunds urr alwnyl required nnd Hwy hnvc dwldcd lo rmm mm Ihnwlnfl un lrldny lurch 25 pln ln Trlmly Pnruh all In conjuncllun with he Drllllh Mulnr Club An nx clllnl lurkI vvmlnkcn nll uvcr he world deplcllnu um ne Ion and lpllll In both rnclun car and Innlurcyclt nuru Ncnlx nllvcr callaHun will he nkm up and Mn LImdy luld by lhl Indy mclnbrrn lhc bunch win an undcr Hm Ilrvcmr Mrs Hood SuperlImndunl of 111 hr lndo hr the pull live yeurl Hnr old Murulun Dell Trkvlonl pa run nl pm put In mil ï¬mlm lmvmu um lmnul hrml Hark rrcrnly lnrn lmnrhncxl WI 010 work llmu HHIJ Ile Iml ll Hum Ilul ml In Mllnu mm wllh aumlncr YMCA cnllnp mlr mum In alumLI llul flu uwllu may by up ConnHIM num Imln or Uulvmuy Tomnlo In lnln pnwldnl wllhum ml tu Pupils in First Two Grades To Be Vaccinated for Polio MOH Asks for Parents Cooperaiion ï¬st YearNo 35 BETTY McCONKEY ieit and Patricia Ayers two or the young members oi the cm or the inurth annual Btutie Skating Club carnivni present houqunts oi rosesto their two instructresses Miss Margaret Nieid ciub proiessionai and Mrs Suzanne Emma right who supervised iinni cnr nivnl rehearsals under her direction Miss Nieid who had Just been released from hospital when she was ill for in days wnzéhédthiiciiinivnl tioih Wénind press box at the CA cnllnp tum Iummru lTurn In munv qu plIuuI Clhb Prgfessiohé A5isan Prééeï¬tedwiihrflsiï¬ï¬qefgKftéig¢$rhiï¬l twmvmmmaw swh nu own or AND coum 3M0 Since 1864 Wlwn ounmnuur army bu rum Cmnn lluudrn nkldavd Inlo yvlu at Orlllln nn Mondny Mlmh 21 ll calupultrd he hydro lmmlmnwt hrmmh Ih mu Hm but Extent lmnnun II uh Imnlcu ul $100 11 ml wul lrlvul by Im McKnL HCASC Schnul Ihu wuuly lmrud mun ma bwu jnnvcn mumlm In mu In Unllml mm 1m ym whm mom chllxlwn rnrrlml mun pmnmu In 011qu lllll llllyr Hull 11 III llu Mth UIHHI rllml nurrxlnln on fill IIIILI vuluv Irl lhv Vac clmn Tln IIINIIUII mum Nil cxv uhlrml Nut llu Mun Mvrn In lhnn lulrcllmll by mncmluw IlmllAr Inl uml In uhlul dlphllmln Imulrl Ihr Ilnxr II lrlnllvrly mull11 Ilrll Iwu In rcllulu no IWH wrck Mull null the 1mm ll uvcn lnur wrrlu an Ilm mmle would like lu mlphuln mu ulln he Ill Ll llhll pulln vmlnc II humluu ll mll my be ml ll ll lb nlwu In been leeklnl In flu wlln pm Borden Bus Skids Roof Damaged In nuvhulvlnl um wIKr nlhm Invulmn pumnl mum In mu um mum lnruu wnum mm mm mm luv nnmlnm by pmnu or luulvl Im nun ur man mm minlnly wmu um Nu GM would his prnneted leh th lha luck Mr Vlllcy lï¬lflh Elllnlan Ave nua lnfl wnuld hook up will Io punmm Hnldlm Aunun exlemlon 19ml 80 Clnlr TM prov em 1le ho Iplll Into man lonn Illmfl ll ellmlmllnx uppnrlunfllu lnr mm by kume In clan onch wlfll queml hflflrhll lludqul ten wlll bu AI Iornnto lan don Klnnlon Nurlh Bay Ind Inrl llllum Till wllIJIoI mnlllnl with tho menu 11 ML mlnlnlrnllvn Infltk Plan EXtend Highway 400 To St Clair llun Jnmu Allln 0n hllo Illlmnyl mlnlllen Ith week announced In the Lellr Illnre um nm anlnmca In on mm the northslut II In dulxn gll Alnhlrlnl In all In nu ome Mumc an mmy Hm In COPACO PAY N0 DIVIDENDS ANNUAL MEEIING AT BARRIE CONFIDENCE IN MANAGEMENT By It Manager James Simpson took the iuli responsibility for the loot that members otthe First Cooperative Packers of Ontario will not receive dividend this year Storage of merchandise to the value at over $40000 placedthere on the anticipation that thére would be the usual decline in hogs and as result ademand ior pork products during the Tourist season last year when these supplies could have as usual been marketed at proiit did not materialize As result the Copaco along with competitors took loss on this which ieit the plant without iunda to declare patron aue dividend this year nrilht Propoet Give us another year in nuke DLrpile thin the 100 member aloud Mr Simpson laid hi mem who had assembled for the Inn her unpluyem Thin lI our no nuai unrelan in Barrie an Seiur om year and we have accomplish day Maren iii Ilili expreseea llIclr ell mmlderable In iar We will confluence in the monument nhuw you that we can make 100d Arena and come down on the ice at the end of the evening tor the presentation As choreogrnpher director and pro duceroi the carnival she was responsible to large de gree or the overwhelming success oi Ice Varieties of 1955 which was viewed by an audience or more than three thousand Mrs Emma also professional performer form criygknp with theIce Follies mm wnn AN woamu who mm in mm an opened an mm mtlnbombl Minimum wow Emmiy evenings lco carnlvnl at Anni PM Dell lefth 111 In bloklround It ma onnotlhqfaunmntmho had so many chlldrcn mu man know vim to do Th muted In pumnl nu ma Wm 00311 number was the cluslng one In b1 my um um they could mun mmer rnym production by vrlmary Ind junlor Ikllm The Old Woman in The She and Her Children Carniqu Highlight NTARIO CANADALWEDNESDAYMARCH 23 I955 le0 us another yrnr lu make mod Mr Slmpsun told hl mun brr rmployrrn Thll II our no om year and we have accomplish ml mmldurublc In We will nhuw yuu um we can minke 100d The dlnner or dclcgnlcs lonlglw will be addressed by lhe Hon Wnrrcnder Mlnlslm Plnnnlnx lund Dcvclnpmenl and will br chnlrcd by me ohnlrmnn 1hr lluronln and Gwrzlun Bay Devel opman Cummlsslon lndunrlnl com mittee Cranatan 01 Midland In address to the member he showed that In $91 at the loss mcnllnncd he plant hclelca hnvlng Installed many new mn chlncs and made several nlmn on which brouzhk me plum up to standard had shown small proï¬t of 51795 Memblnhlp lncruu moon held In Toronto recently wllh lhc Fedcmllon of zrlcullure the CHpEMllVe Un and uthm the mnuer or in cmlln an mnmbcnhlp and Hill new memme was dllcuuuï¬ WI thouth ths lhould be rloml mnnynlllhu alder mnmbm hnd not sold or Iranuoncd lhclr sham although Ihey wero not nnw pro ducan hogs aim Wnrshlp Maynr Eldon Gyeur wlll be 120mm rcpm ï¬ntnllvcu Banh meeting wnvened by the Ontario Depart lien or Planning And Develop mpnflnc Mldland way and to ow In discus flu establish Quorum Ely Dayciop Baird plhcrmembcr ol Bunla Town Coyncll and same dlremora thc Chamber Commcmn wlll also he gym mnctlnm Thp pugpusu htproposed Wild the uï¬polnlmcnt 1nd pcrvlslun Lun industrial cam mlsslonerju lhcnrcn H1 uppnlnt mnhHs subjcc the approval thoMlnlsgcy of Planning and chl oï¬mwt and his juucalwlll be toso Halt induslrlca or the Georgian Bayï¬res 05 cl running such bdard wm bemcl by lodpcr tnnllnlevy ah ha urban areas concerned In clher wllh dnlInrIordollnr Dm vlnrlal grnnL Only those municip alluupurllclvaflng wquld be lowgd to call on the servlccs the commissioner 6114 us the volume and we will make the plant pay Drum Mr Slmmon mind mum la mm Twenly ycm ugc your man ner Monhon MBE oak In to lho slut ncvcrnl yDunK men flley have flayed lhmuahom that perlod ind today my am your depammcnul manum Mon Ihue ofllcluls hnvu bun wm the plum upward lo twenty yen Ind lhay any coopcmflnt now to make In culclcm picklnu phnl mld M5 Simpson He paid lrlbulc lo Mn Gallo way lLcrolury Chnrllu McMar un plnn mpcdnlmdcm Bruco Wllmn canod mm manager Jack Flndlny product mlcx Jamel Smith nccountnnl and the aldcll unphycc who lookn nllcr the yards Gordon lmrwood uth Clunu rhnnue the bylnwn wnl Iulhorlzod which will mlkn the number or man Itth lmund Turn lo van nve plum SILVER SPIIONSI=nn inns TEAM gliflmvlmons aunsm 31513CollEï¬lï¬TflrBANOUETTDMY luller lhnnkl torlhu Llons Club or work In connccllnn wllh lhc Senior Ornmrlcnl Compellllnn held on February 23 was also nzrepd In 0n Ille um Glte Club The prlnclpnl hmuglu ln lhu n0 llceof IIII Board the cxccllcnl showing or he Glee Club In he ruccnl Klwnnl Festival Tolvnlu Thny entered our clnsscs and won Iwu llm and two second nwurdl He was at the oplnlon that lhls was probably the beat Glee Club BDCl hna mm to Tnmmo or many years The Glue Club ls scheduled to ms the Citizens Band in con cur the Roxy lhculrc nn Sunday evening March 27 flecomldcnflnn Pruponal requbulrnm he lenthnrl ol the Collculntc for the bond lo ru conxlder mah proposal respccunxz thn chnnulna lock the Cal leulmo wns rdnrrcd buck to ma pmpmy Commlncn on mn Hon put forward by Blair was rwmnandothnl this com mmnc meet dcpulullon at lunch cn to dhcus he mutter Luv Ablence The Board hu granted leave of nbscncu In Mr hnd Mn Lacey on flu occulon the Burrlu Theatre This team victory 13 rmw record or the when in bmketbnll Ind only HI second acculun n5 tar as known mm the school hnl won 60585 chumplcnshlp The last time was mnny your ago when rugby champlanshfp came thelr NE ï¬e pruenmlon 11 lobe madam the honorary banquet for the mm and nmclnh arranged by the school today by the chnlrmnn he heard 5an who to be 11 guest mum of Cunlnullnllon Faunwlnz on he Principals mnnlmy report the board dccldcd In lend lcmr nIanurululmlnn Mr and Mn Howard Lacey who naslalcd no allcclIVLIy wlxh he school play Life Wllh Fnlhq and In hp conch of the senior ulrlx buskctbnll dam Miss Mary Mac dcnnm Pelt was popular chulw or nkm motcrlnl Imam huh nchnnl ulrll thll year In the am nnnull Ilhlun Ihnw clulhu lcwn by Dania Dlmlct Colleï¬lnlu Inlmulc uudcnu he exhlbllhn work by dny Ind night chm on NI any uvcnlnn was um In vnrl mu nhndu when ombroid orud Irlmminl For uhnal wcnr ull mm the llurdy Ind nllrnclivn maltrial combined th rthllulo buy NounI or In lmnrl Ichnol llL It wnsthe ununimous decision or theBnrrie District Coi iéginto Institute Board at their regular rnceting on Monday March 211w present the members oi the Eenior Girls boa kbtbnii tenm enchwith silver engraved spoon to commem Aorote their winning the COSSA championship Th cost oi the presentation to the board wiii be about $35 Jumper Year Felt Popular Skirt Material In BDCI Home Economics Show Mlmhr mumI CWNA Ind Audll umquimmlonl ï¬nllcublu In Ivury oulnl Mu the an lrl mu om nude Ill Imlluur drawnk Ijhu mun nuwlnl rXIII pupll Ind roullml um nu mum how lulu lully Hwy mm 11er fabric color ur Ille II dlxl nuu ur um he lym in wcqu II II wu mlun uqu wu cunumld mm mm mm 1le lhl lubr my mml It nun mod wihokknllmxiwdo rumba ch Imp nlunl cuM mHwlul mlp WMII AM Iona popularum pm Jumper lur smdcnu hnd vcn xnldn tullund Ivy blnxm or mm In unmbhw wlm ullm Illumd 0ch their wmlwbcl nu mull pnuuhu Ilem of npxml flu jump Wnrn nmu or drrIly wear with bluum mrl wlm mm they wrrn luluml hum lo IhI whom 111 rnule uf lhulr llllulnhlllly meI Inllu nuvm lullqu In nhmfl an ucullnn munum llANTlNu mu been an Bummer cnrrlar on villokknllmtiwdo coma ch mqu In the Run 5121 In II In 11 DI Dan up Ana fur lhl pu months she in and ntunds 5mm Mum at Prince rot Wale swoon Innen In MA munml model Hlxnryn bolonu to tho mm 33 WU Dania alrl Julch And In Ilka ï¬w Inumved mung mu um ude up Mary at mum wunmllx Muhnuhl 01 ha mow le lhn IMILMIIICE loverl the Iludrnll with lllllo alum nr Mum Arr whum 1on had mndc clnmhw Thu young model mm ul uulnu la mnkh mu Um uldvr llrll hrnulflully lmmked drum ckud hnuyc xrvolud tho evenn and vLllm wan mpy nmmuml by Ilm dlnvlny work bclnl dunn by lhe young Iludnnl Icnmmmcl Moduli um quI lrnlnrd and Hm cnllre project had mutational louk um Ihuwtd Chg nmu II vms decided lhnl muny mem ber the Board as nsslblc should attend whim mccllnu nl Ihu Town Pldnnlng Board and the schoul boards to be held at 11 pm Burrlc District Ofllnklnlu 1n ammo un TuesdayMnrh 29 At this mccllng la proposed to dis cuss Hm mum planning or Schoull or Dnrrlc Elwood Nit his wile and Injured whan Tho parade or collezlfla uh luux mounted by the home econ umlcx department wnrnuulnndlnx Ivr ILVEfIl rclsunl Thu mun mun rclomhled Iprinl alrdcn 11m picket fence and zrcen urnu and backdrop array or Iowan Ind bullorfllu mnklnu nn ckcdlkm hlckdrop In the model npuurrd In group or two or more 011mm ullul nrcompanlmen wu pm vldod by Frnnm Wildm Ind Sully Jonu at DI and nslllon Ilmw commenlllorl re Both Walsh Ind Kllhy Price on ed In chlln In Ilde of he nugmurlum Ilngc Gullda performance In the Cenlrnl Omurln Dramn Fcallvnl at Toronto during the wnck March 28 Mr 1L Bowman Princlpal the Col lczlnlb was also given pennluxun to nHund lhcTnmnto convcnllun of OnlarioEducIllnn Assoclnllon at Easter Lefroy Girl Hurt In 2Car Crash South ofBarrie Marin 287 early Weather Today Cdntinued Cold Thu put weak nu been ly mild but wllh cmldznbla March wind drum mnw whlch mulled helm long Ind unï¬nmdly llnell locond unusln came Ilnnx In um nunln early In IM marnoon lrnmflle mm em md our Ireu Ira louzhened lo the norm well wlmmcy waxu hlt hehlml the belt and mm llmhl bronxht dawn 11 wlnd hnwavn drled up most of the mnluurb below mm Int nlght Ind adlyl and II Illonl ham norm west with pmnpect for told with Inuw flllrrlu Much 19 March 20 March 321 lurch 722 Tempernluru wen Nicholmn 33 Lelroy anddlulhl Vwcro northboilnd Enr 15 M2 MdNpAi WEDNEbe indERlDAYy ï¬nal copy EOETQITHES Sécuona daughter Imlalncd brak en cullsflnna nnd was lnken lo holpllIL Mr and MIL Nlchbhnn and Ronald DeulyTomnlc driver ollhu other car Involved wuu ucmcd for minor Injurlu LL leond ILIVN hll widow Helen and ndnuzmnr burn Iflcr he fnlhcr hnd 19 fur Koren skidded Into lhelrl on Mondw Much 21 Thu acclvicnl occurred on Highway mlch cum Barth Nichnhnn wa dxlvinK Ioulh If the lime wnro Jumpm or pale hiue with malnlllc old thrud Ind rich mIr can cnrdumy other mnierini variation ware chIrcoal but with cmulld umn rum in prim ecu IUII jumper nnd pink wool mix Another cl clnnImun brown carduroy qu alluwod by modal wcnrlnl lui blue wani NDHQ repnm mt Ll leond 30 ul Bradford wax bum In deblh on March ln bullalnz are ma Cnnndlnn nec tor In Korea The llre levelled hut In the qlflcurs llncs ln Iho manor minutes Seven nlhcx olflccrl ucnnrd unhurt Tho cause 01 um flrL ls nut knnwn An lnvutlgnllun lollum DR ROLAND GRAHAM Creemure phydclan and lurgnnn who dled auddenly thH mck nl mldnlaht durlnl meellnz the Collinnwocd DishInt Col Ibzlnte annrd Mandnynlght Ha hndbecn 1n pour health lrnm hcanlcundltlnn or several yam Dr Graham wal promlncnl Mnmnlc ckclu was Pas DDGM nLchrglnn Dlslrlcl and had the 33rd drum in Scnuml Dr Graham who operalea mlvnlo haspltnl In Clclmorc whnie he may Them In pmcllco or many you was greatly lnlercsmd nlm ln educallon He was chnlrman the CDCI bnnrzl In 1953 and lol this year was Crcemaxu village lrur cc HutVFire Kills Bradford Man On Korea Duty Meet Your Examiner Carrier Turn la page Vtplum Digs Suddenly