Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1955, p. 3

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BARRIE axnmnaownonasnar more rasH 6965 To KinsCid DR QUENTIN HARDY who has opened an otllce in King City lar thepmetlce medicine lie is at present doin postIsmduats work at Sunnybraa Hospital but will devote his lull lime to gen eral practice starting in July Youngest son at Mrs Hardy ot Barrie little late Edmund Hardy he served with the RCAMC dur ing the war He is graduate 01 Barrie Collegiate Institute and the medical school ol the University or Totonto laws of threee The Lats Willred Milton nunt well known barber Willred Hunt died at his home on Tuesday March 1955 at coronary throm bosis Born In Elmvaie In 1888 the son at Robert hunt and Lnqu Jane llill following his education tun Michigan returning to Elm valc where he carried on suc cesslui barber business mem laer ol the 10°F Elmvulc and George Moore Encampment No 31 Midland supporter or the Miami party and in religion at Presbyterian Surviving are his wile the larmcr Margret Drysc dale daulhlcr Mrs White Lnurol Elmvslc granddaughter Mrs Ernie Kobe Normal oi Com ox DC halislslcr Mrs Chubb at Michigan The funeral service was held on Thursday March at the Bishop Funeral Home conduetcd by Rev Cooper Pallbearers were Tub man Campbell ol Elrnvnle Steers Albert bowie Mr Gray and Mr Thompson all members ol George Moore Encampment Mid land Beautiful llorai tributes of sympathy which bore silont lestlv many the esteem In which the deceased had been held by his many lriends included more ram Board at Trade Presbyterian Church 10°F and George Moore Encampment Friends attending from distance were Miss Drywle Mrfund Mrs Reg Drys dais Mrs Simmonds all or To ronto Mr and Mrs William Cox and Mrs White Colllngwood Itchy Brother Arrives Born to Mr andMrr Ron ltlt chic son Douglas Steven baby brother for Jamie on March it 1955 at Womens College IIdspl tal Toronto Willing Warltera Meat The Irrsbylcrlan Willing Work ero met at Mrs Ernie Browns on Tuesday evening The president Mrs Alex Olrrle presided with 24 members and two visitors pres cnl Roll call was answered by the name at book each had read Dcvotions were taken by Mrs llnwat and Mrs ltugh Ritchie Mrs II Black gave an Interesting book review on Dragons Mouth The plot had its Ieltlng in war torn China and gave insight into New IOWELI Work Farm 0n Shares Mr and Mrs Show and tom lty have moved out to the lawnllnc where they are going to work Mr and Mrs DaSclIcrrpcrs to bacco larm on sharcs Iluy Tohareo Farm Mr and Mrs Vargo oi Darria have bought Mr Itlclts tobacco mm and llch moved in WA Quilting Work The Womens Association quillcti quilt last week and onc the wrrk bctnrn anrl have anrrtllcr one to do this werk Mrs lurlxrt lnughlln Toronto mount low days with Mrs James Laughlln last week Mr and Mrs lliurnhcrron and rnmtly rrltsiurctl tn Straetaville tm sumary to visit lrientia The late titers ltawn The ryrnmthy It the community toes out in him Stave ilnwn anrl tarnin in the lust hl Mr Itawn who msrti away lrlday atier long Illnhs Tht late laul ltawn Sympathy also goes out In the family the lat Ilui ltawn who passed away at IltIntIville Iunrrai was held at rum an Frltloy llir ami Mrs Wes later and Ittnrlly spent iillnrlay with Islrntlt at Martslleiti wt Harraarul Euehn Womens Institute held auc crrstnl euthre on shunty Tit travelling orter went in Mr Me CInn ct Utopia anrl Mrs Lu Woudt IJIIIM high was won tr hlIr Vera lrvmr Mrna high was won by Arrmlrt Another encirra wIII Ire heirt March In Mr and Mrs Dick and units sato1 tin wettrend with the ltlrln era parents ll Milton Wuhand Viellnsrs Mr and Mrs Douslu Dull and Janice and Mr itmnlrs oi Wltrr tlmln spent the attend with Mr and Mrs David Dull branch here he spent eight years in HoughJlng pcaeclul country lile Mrs CRAIGHURST Mrs Strintsghan and children of Hamilton were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Max Craig MmIMmy McMaster antMist Sadie oITiiden Jake and Mr Kendrick at melt visited Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellsmere last week More IleraFrom thesis The village welcomas Mr and Mrsjl Addison to their home here They have been living in Barrie tar same time In Barrie llonpitai Sorry to report Teller Emery iI under doctors care and is at present patient In Barrio hos pital Mrs Dunn rpent lew days with Mr Dunn at Maclicr last week Robert Wilson Early visited Mr and Mrs Ern Carrion on Thursday At llartleultural Meeting Mrs Francis Shanahan spent Thursday in Toronto and attendcd the annual horticultural meeting at the King Edward Hotel Mrs shanahun went with the0ro Mr and Mrs LarneJIandy Jr and children of Dalston visited Mr and Mrs Francis Shanahan during the Weekend EVERESIS IlEIOIII The government ol India now aoce ts 29m lect as the allieial heig tol Mount Everest worlds highest peak lite there In sharp contrast to this book Mrs Black gave short resume ol Still Waters and Sugar Meadows which is composed ol letters written between two young country women who had attended college together and were now liv Black wasthanked by Mrs McAuIey Mrs John Ritchie and Mrs MMeGulre played do llghlul piano duct The meeting closed with hymn and hllzpah ben ediction Mrs George Eirieks group conducted llsh pond alter which entice ice cream and cake were servad by the committee Mrs Patehell and Mrs Mur ray Graham assisted by the hos tea Aunt Nellie Plsya Hera St Marks Guild of Midland pre rented the play His Name was Aunt Nellie to capacity crowd In Community Hall Wednesday ev cning and it was much enlaycd The Elmvale Presbyterian Willing Workers sponsored the play Lightning Kill Cattle During the electric starm on Wednesday night Mrs Leonard Argue had two cattle killed in the barn by lightning it remains mystery how the other cattle es caped injury Sunday Guesta Mr and Mrs Harold Adams and family Mlncsing were Sunday guests ot Mr and Mrs Reg Bert ram Mrs Wallace nail spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Russell DEnthc Woodbrirlge Returns to West Elmer Robbins lelt on Tuesday nor Anerold Sask alter spending three months with his daughter and her husband and liirv Ewart Thurlow Mr and Mrs Frpnk Roberts and Janice Mrs James Neale or To ronto Mr and Mrs ltsy Rance and little daughter ol Earrie spent Sunday with Mrs William Rance Miss Margaret Currwniug Toron to spent the weekend with her moiher Mm Cumming Little Jamie Ritchie Toronto Is spending couple of Weeks with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Gordon Spring TEEN TALK NEWS OF TEEN TOWN JOANNE REYNOLDS Coma as you likeits Iats night That was the slogan lor Tecn TawnI dance last Saturday night lat Wanamaker and his rnmrnlttce are to Its congratula tcri on the very entertaining pr Itram they presented During the evening living contest was held The winners Iat Ilamliltm and Will Copeland were church try the applause ill the audience There was also singing cou test which we mny call Arthur Waaamaker anti lIlI Talent Show ihc contestants were chosen try an elirnlustlnn Ilancc They were required Vto sing lira first tour lian of arsng Tits winnara wera Ilalt Maxwell and Madelyn lino as John and Marsha Tire citapcrnnrs hr the evonlnl worn Mr Ilrll Mrs II Livingston tram the Junior Chamber at Commute We thank them or Cuminl anti we hope that they enloyrtl their evening with III local roerchnnl IlaiJrh Wcay muuih has given It aIlIrI to Then Towns Iicorrri rund We would like to thank him very much tor his kind donation As on Irtsrn rrrurrtr we hart llva music which was en lnycd lllil Chnwn rang sever rotor with the orchestra Special entertainment was also ruvinsd try ruariel at trays on Fruit IIl ans alter Ilrn ltlulr and Charlie Stillrnor The nest Teen Trwn will bl held two weeks Irnrn Isst Ilatttr gay night nn Matrh so erlorl arts is In eha Lgr at this dance Dma la smlr an sweater 4I ItItM IOIMU Tarmwnerl truest merge in awsden amounts in about hall at the notiontl wand supply naTAILnras To THnIrrvchNADIAns Inert7i SPECIIILSI TIES IEIIIIS sIIIIITsI neatknolllng rayan tielabrlcs Wide choice ol designs und colours Creaseresisting lining Priced lar Special Savingsi ROYS BOXED JEANS4A piuytima mustl Blue denim Practical boxer style with lull elastic waist Double inside knees lor extra wear rivettad pockets Zipper Sires to ii DOYS SPORT SHIRTSRog 773 Valuei Santorlred woven rattan lndtouter style with long sleeves Galaxy al plaids and checks on grey Sires ii to ill Special Savings LOOK ONLY 7° each DESSERT SPOONS TABLESIOONS TABLE FORKS SALT PEPPER SIIAKERS CUSTARD CUPS PLASTIC TUMSLERS AIIACIIIIIENT CAPS BUYS37 ea METAL WASTEPAPER nASKETS Oval Sluc ivory Irreen rose TEA BISCUIT FRAMES by by ins Scup sire ZEDVAL TEA TOWELS 20 by 32lns White cotton stripes COOKIE JARS Cmekery with large clock design 147 IIIIIIIY Toutus 37c SIECIALI lit by 30 ins long loop absarbent bath towels Fringed ends llcd slripo on na tural ground CEREAL uowrs Attractive durable Polyethylene Selec tion ol practical calaurl tor 47c TEAIOT STANDS Wooden mosaic Eightsided or star Ihaped 0tins diameter for 47 SAUCEIANH Aluminum Itl pint capacity Wellmade tor long wear 57c CONTAINERS Polyethylene Three oblong conlnlners with covers Colours 77c UTTEII DISIIEH Iioltid ear tap bottomhull in II var ic ot colotlrs 27c PICTURE by IIItie IrIrII nrl country Atlturtlvr Irarurs Ior 77 mos VALUE 167 in Hill ll to II Eisn trtlion hmadtlolh Flatt ring wlu eollar styles Tush onrilitt ltIht and tllrlt SKIRT BUY 277 LIlnIsw runs ll to re linen and lied gray aclt olive IIIIIIIII IIMIUII Bites to II irlrrrmctl with eyelet embroidery liprelait Impulsr eulnurs llanrly retrialshin 97 177 tlprlruamarl rayon in llannet tfiatnrrilna IlIIlrlteI aniurl rd white miton lrrosrl riolh fiiyltll with pullsleeve and Peter Pan collar Dslnilly IIIIIIIS IIrLoII thIIIt sorts V17 srzn ll Superihrllt Friccl Ribbed leg tar comfortable lit Grey with red tip atlheois and toes cIIILIIs sorts 47c neutronDurant woolBuny lon with stretchy Lostex culls Nylon relnlorced at heels and toes sizes to Eli IIIIIIIIS sucks Pr 67 ANKLETsSolt combed cotton with trIpIsroll elastic culls Nylon relnlorced heels and toes Sites to II in while 77c ilIlIJl till ITO it Corniy cottonknit Iinul rlolrcd crew noclr cults Inri walrthanri Neat up Ilccvra Whltr red Innlrr 157 picturehold LAIlIlIi ILAIITIC IIILLVOIJM Choice mall patterns and Iractlcll 57° nIrI rangepursa Vllil Ins timing lrlretl lur npacl VALUEI VARIETY SPECIAL CURTAINSI RAVON HQUIIETIR II is 11 Ina llarerl panit with ltle hem and rrlal urinals Item at Iroblon sgtlrell with rulyilehpmtectetl Colours Also troter with plnmtava acetate shade zaauws on Ianuhtotr rm trriotli It BEDROOM LAMPS lllstle bedlsmo 177 SHOPPING HOURS axon sun TIIUR 915 tun 530 pm WED art ram 12 Naon FRI 915 am pm SAT ALL THIS WEEK YesLadlas your incity number when you shop at Zolicrs this week Just look at the grand selection ottomi and household needs Items at and at prlcoslonding in represent extra savings for youi VALUE 347 BOYS SIZES 10 T0 Madeltorlons and comlor able weall Durable burgundy lerlrtherwith rugged red lull soc TOTS SIIIRIS Sizes CI to Sahlorlsed poplin in solid shades at blue red malsc Buttontrout short sleeves CRIB BLANKETS 30 by 40 inn Gentlecotlml in blue pink multi withd variety ol cute nursery de Ilgns REVERSIBLE WINDDREAK ERS Sins to UK so prac tical lor the changing weath erl Poplin or twill One side dark the other light Assort ed plain shades SPECIAL 2PC COAT SET FOR LITTLE GIRLS Sizes 777 srzaa 310 Pretty lash ians lor iillla Indies in cat ton prints Choose lram four styles and assorted colours 77 97 to Prettiiy styled coat and hat al wool card Beige with brown trim COSTUME JEWELLERY 17° SPECIALI Necklaces bracelets earrings brooches Dainty pieces set wI rhinestones In the lot ZELVAL nose 87c II DENIER Sheer flatleryl Fulltashloned nylons with trlotivo dork lelml Sixes to ll lovely shades l6 Is UMRBRELLAS 377 SPECIALI Practical and pretty array at plaids in Slim Jim and Pagoda styles also sell openlng type PRINTED SILK scsars 57c 32 IIY StINS Smart Spring accessories Grand assortment at lovely designs and colourings Priced for Special Savings LADIES BRIEFS 37c CELASUEDE Sallnystrilr ed in while and motel Niours Small medium large Special Savings oaYIlgnos 67 SPECIAL to lit Ins Smart ob longs to trim your spring outllt Assorted pastel colors ZELVAL PANTIES 77° CELABUEDE With trimly tallorrti culls Larilcs sires arnrtll mcrllnm and large While icn rpre EXTRASPECIAL SAVINGS SiiEEiS PILLOWS CASES Sheets Standard Single tied Sire PI outrunStandard Doublelied Sire III IillowCsIecJo by 42 ins rI MUHLIN ltrrea golden opportunity in stock in on tlrat quality high rrqul muslin sheets and pillow castr lirrnmcrl SPECIALI YARD GOODS COTTONB Mina wide lrlntcd Krinltle Crepes Ihtlloild made at broadcloth in sewright colors FORTUNE 7011th BIOADCIIOIII Mlnl witle Merceriretl tlrtish Choose lrorn white and III asy al ralrIrI PRINTED COTTON DAIKCIAITII Mi with Al lractlvr coloringa in tlorll modern and at IleIiInI PRINTED PLASTIC 304m wide Ill tie and lie 87° so vaiuerl Many homeright ptlmnr Ind colors 27° choaIe Im Lame UTILITY sacs SPICIALI by by Ina SIZES it TO 20 it to is Just see the smart styling at these the line workmanship the lovely lin braulllul coals ingr And lcel the soil luxury of their quality laorlca Youll love the twotoned tuxedo in allwool liIInnel the Velvet trim med wool blend tleccc anti the styleright all wlnrl Ilunllng inn cloth coats in lovely new colours At Special Low Irlcei SPECIAL BISCUITS lb for 57° Chooa tram large assortment of lain sandwich ilnsl In clu In this asaartme ma cal llg bars granny nr snaps and many other JUMBO GUMS Tasty runs with sugar coating 27 lb Llcoruc ALLSORTS Iarty allaria are always lam Ily tareurlta 31c lb rnrrrmcrron aultrumruo 37° vu 57° ro Buys Congoiaum Scatter Mats oonuoawss stbottna In tars assortflmtt cl Mir rm and patterns Ideal tor your home in this muddy smut Too rims uat the mm tor ear lng Ir iluhg shoes etc Itotllmnlaronn black mar

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