Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1955, p. 2

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BIKVWE Inlnm mm nr 010 null rum mun ul lho wundl whlrh on Mirth III bylnw or We layinl nul Ind lvpenlnl Un wlrr lnl In 1mm oynlx 81m wu punML uynwmnhmnmg mum My lxlrrawlni mu M11000 1hr cuan Ipenllflufll of Du mr runllon um llm In filmed mu also Inqml The mllan by Anlmmn wa lu he vrlccl um um uhoultl lw mm mvtr mm whul bulb Iwm reqnmrd bylaw for their lwlwlll wu Iwmved by ouncll Tho qumlun or lhu amount the rhuqu wlll be dull wllh by the hunt mmmllm lnofl 21111 3mm xxmsnmm WEDNESDAY mugs A1955 mmcll inpmvw mo erccllon Mun mm by In Tradln Newu llnnl IIymont Fu luwin Ihr upon of the men lnl mm mmmlueu councu um la mlkn mu Itlllnnem or new Wm plant mm mm Klmle woo huwy to rrwrl 11ml ll hll bun mmpmnl $3870 under the mlmm Cuuncll amcd Hm lhl Illrvhul should In Im muvrmmu Io nu plmu In my cum Inu yrvr of llyllnv Trm It Amelln sum imiénfmihmdrom 51ml ym ummed ponnhllcn lo urcl 1pr nver lrocrry IDIE fom 1he regular meeting of In Sim coe County Service Extension Cum miilec oi the Canadian Nuliunnl insiiluie or he Blind was held in Oriilin Chairman Bacon presided The Service Extemlon Commu toe brings Mother represenmtlve from each of the Iour advisory commmec In the countyBarrie and Dlsulct Onmngwoad and Dis lrlcl MidlandEmma and Dis trial and Orlllln and District The cammlueea purpugu to wardin nlu the mlvnles the adVSsory committee and taJmpxave the Sigices lo the vlsually handicap Mr Ennun gave brief report on the inst meeting of he CNIE Div isional Board of Management which he is member He Ilsa outlined the prams being nude on the new residence and telvice cuniru or the dishm whlch be ing built in Toronto It is puped that some oi the bulldingl will he in use lnie all although the centre will be completed until early in 1058 nlalrlcl Report Report were presemed tar much the advisory commlllens Miss Bemrlce Kelly and M15 Douglass reported lhnl the last mccllng of the Colllngwood cum mllloe plans were made for Ihe 1955 campaign for tundsl The 001 lingwaod commlncc provided Christmas remembrance for all bllnd person In the urea Walton repelMd or the om la cummmea Christmas co and St Valentine party had been sponsored for me blind the Men Foch seemed be vcry much on on All hmrlnu the recommenda 10m drpuwllon from Hm Inv dunrlal commluce Barrio Chum htr of Comment It was nuned um Mayor Greer lhould attend 11 mLLHnK at Midland on March 23 lu dxscuss Lh uuinn up reu lnnnl developmcnl Donut Thu mayor wan authorized to any Lhnl nnrrlo would welcome the nppoh Iunny lo bemmc pmlntr In such lxmrd for pcrlod of three mrx Annlllnr depumllun plmucd lhu rm at Amelia Ind Albert mm They amended that m1 wus Ihc luv naml rrnlly blflu llful nu ln Darrle Ind lhe own lnu ul Nnolll and Albert ltrcnu Would mun the dcsuncuun 00 wtr com he Inn The malln nlrrred lo the pruperly cum HUN lirfttlgn 91 03sz CounIyServiceCommilleelorBlind Hears Reporl from Each Dislrict Plans Campaign Io Slart April 11 Pugh reported that he Barrie cummmee had nlsu supplied Christmas remembrance for the bllnd group of hllnd persons In Darrlc had formed bowllns damr The Ornlln commmec had sup plied Christmas remembrance for lhn blind at the area well Ior blind mtlcnu In the Omarlo Hospital was reported um Lhe MldlandrPenclnng commune hnd smnsurcd very succcsflul Chris mns puny as well as dlslrlbuumz Chrlsnms rcmombrnnccs Thny had nlsa commenced phnnlnz their 1953 campaign to funds sullxuc hennled Murdock dish1c Held sccrmry presumed stunsuml rc por of sorvlcu lo the Vlsunlly handicapped ln Slmcoe County Al proscm there are rczlslmd wllh hc CNlB 1H blind persons An oLhnr Db11nd pooplu inrc Kr hcsv Conflnund lmm page one Hume nnd Scrum Assuclnllon rc spccllnx the dunlcrou condlllons rcsulllng lrom open wnler course on Dcrczy Gunn and Davldson mods In In hnve he immcdlnle mmlnn he Mm cnglnccr IItune n1tllphona 111m The Dell Telephan Company roqucsl to end ckphone plum on John Slml was approved by cunciL LAlcr In the mccllnfi byth was passed nulhorlzinl the Human public lclcphuno boolhl nn mwn propeny lluhnal Dayelopqunt nflfnrxdfixclvc vlcc through the advisory commit lucs Twcmysevpn arc rccelvlng Town Council Briefs ResldenceServlcu Centre IMBolton Blind Work Mr Murdock introdnced Betty Gulliver who works with the pre school hilnd children in the area Miss Gulliver gave most interest ing summary at her work She spake oi the adjustment ntcessary or parents and relatives and pntience needed when it is is covered that child blind Ilhclr development is naturally muuh slower than other children She nid that Iightcd child want to see what is going on around it end will stretch and raise itsell to try nnd see what going on whereas blind child dues not have this in centive and as reruit does not develop as quickly The one thing they find hard is to get parent and other to let the child live in lite as nearly normal as possible With proper help and nuldnnce the blind child can catch up and continue to develop normally Mr Bacon ex pressed pleasure at having Miss iGuilivcr present Campllm Aprll llMly The 1055 campaign ior lund was discussed in detail Campaiim dates were sct or April 17 to May The next meeting of the service extensian committee will be held in Midland during the lat ter part at May home aching In Braille Moon type handlmm etc filmyour blind persons are recdvlnzlalkxna book records Bull or Moon WM books Ymm the library In mid tlon employment has been lound ltor several blind Vpeople whue other chum material 61 handl cran mm the mesmom depart mcn Those 11 sent the masking were Barrie Pugh Bak er Magoo and Murdock Colllngwocd Mrs Malcolm Miss Douglass Miss Kelly Orlllln 133an Wnllcn Davies Ilupomlhll Eulerprln Movrmenl Th0 Ilnpumlbln Enterprise Move mcn was loundcd or hll purpose 12 your nxo Ill purpon II In mvc public welfnrc It regard wnxu nnd snlnrlu nm churn an pucrnllcns Metpun lhr mm of labor and the procedure of col Itcllve bamalmnu ruponsible en lcrprhc luuks In labor to curry on In vblinxlom Th right mun Iucmrm manage II lmhlcd on and It bellcvu lhnl my com pcllllnn and In men an Alrrnmh our rte ysmn Thll rude mrrcl drflnlnu lhv IDDHLUOH of Dad cluxcmhlp In Hm conduct of bus ncm mnnnxcmcm llrwnllhlo cn Itrprln now lncludu powlrflll tmu Irdlon ul lmluxlry and bull nu lhrcmmoul Canuh flflun Conplnllon Sum mug runnol mmmnlu nunm can Itlp but lho com ulcln rum or onuny nqulm lhu mfllrmllcn II clllxcnl who helluva In frrcdmn Evrry urunnlxnuun nxrlmllurnl mu Indmmnl mm mm uwn pxuvllton drlnolulull to In nuvplnyru and tullmnlrl how Future Freedom Responsibility Citizens Canada Conunucd 1mm page one solely on money wage Th1 rave blrm lo the Wcltnre Stale wllh old my pcnslons lckncss benefits nnd the llke for the in édémr an udcllllnl thal the problem Inc wlrcd by me alumna Protection Prlvnln Entarprlu The Communm hard of he Krtmlm rccoKnIzt basic 1mm Mmy know that hey mus crush modem or will ultimately 1n spm revolt among their eight hun dred mullon vlctlms flow In privuln enterprise Io be promoted and nlrcnzthcncd 1n late or the lormldable force thnl nlllnd lo brlnu about In de lrurllon TM ll only on wny and mm In by cmqu and con unuoul nubile cducaflnn Muung lhe Demand The qucstion no lonzcr whclhcr lhtse demand will be mcllhoy must be met bul whclher they will be mm by mn ngcmcnl and trade unlonl unar xanlmfl waxken and Imymnce mmpanlc In mopornuun by he Welfare Slntc lhmugh new 1nx ntlon or by camblnallon of all live hillmic lnlcrvcmlan by the Slate would tax the substance of wmmunfly savlnza and would qulrc Smo comm or nzrlcullure and industry would destroy most of the lrccdom of our mes umcn Xr cum eANmIn Dull 0t In cm MAPLE WALNUT Ice Cream Bricks IIUMKMMIH EXTRA RICH tuck critical stage hns urrlved In the controversy over new publlc school to Goldwater Monday night ward was received by the village clerk Jnt unlen action taken qulckly not final approval tor cnnskuctlon the mum and cuntraclor may with drnw Wlohcoru rlrlnm new contract mlrhc be an considerably higher price and there would he urlher drlny Fllday night cuuncll huld special mcetlnl to decide whether or not to ask for iinal approval or conslrucilon plans from ihe Mun lclpnl Bord Th1 could have been donc the sllc hl hccn enilrcly paid for the inn slap necdcd be fore gelling permission to issue dcbcmurca nnd execute the con lrnci or ihc buildinz Thna Vucnnclu majorliy of council decided to wait until the three vncunclc on lhc school board have been rillled Ind complain board take stand km whether or not ii lnlend lo proceed will prcscni plans Critical Stage Over New School for Coldwaier Accordlnz to the School Ml new rustecs may be nppolnled by the school board at next rud hlar mullnx whlch ll April l4 Chnlmum Allan McKay ls walling or word back from hr depart ment at cducallon or permlglnn to hold an urllcr Ipcclal mccllna bran the lruslcc up to lull strength Freedom Ball of Vlchry Commentinl on the possibiiliiu oi nnoiher wurid war Giudxlcne Murmy said that some pcdpic were inclined to regard ihe dilcunslun oi ncnnomic freedom In mm of alien Yet it more were an nihcr world war nur vicinry would be nuurcd chlciiy because of the Inspiration that draw in liran30 tram irccdom and faith The only It ngl nm of mo spirit and lht an ulcrnnl Far lunnlcly they are open In all who comhunlly apply the Golden Rule ln lhtlr Ialallona wllh lhelr fol lawn Them hr only lnlalllhlc unrnnlec at UM mum at domi Delay of Mnnlh delay of nearly mnnann gelling procedure under way might result In withdrawal at the mchlJ mm and contractor The contrac tor was raporled under pressure ram subcontractors Thu nrchnccl indlcalcd he would try la maintain lelhllom of Frndnm However ll numary to keep In rnlnd the llmlmlan freedom Thlx term rems only In Inter humnn rclmians man rec he can be he can 1leY nnd proxrcs without bclng Jub Jtcl to Srmuonnl arbitrary deck Ion by other people There no such thing as ndcpcndcncc In any society cvrryunc depends upon hll fellow churns and why It Is not only an cfflclent lulu Lso nn cnllzhlcncd organiza on Cloudy Today And Cooler Slippery Roads Walker yummy came Imrled wlh mllder nln and then wu muw whlch rule Int mm ltlvlnl Icy hunk mm in pebbled ellecl prospect or mare cool wulhar manly nlmuly toduy lhh whme villages nru thln nlnl MIL Much ll Much ll Much urnll It on roll It on or my II on PAINT Illlyl Iddl lmh ulncllvo look wlmever you apply ARTIST SUPPLIER llOTUllEH MIRRORS 82 Dunlop SI Phone 3270 Tempufnunl we OATES Ewing W69 Hllh Low Baritone Stephen Kemalyan Given Warmesl ReceptiolifofCommunily ConcerlSeasoniFine Perlormance HI prurlm curred veril 11051 sample fir Kemalyun inn baritone voice Ineludslnz arlu 1mm Olello Andra Chen Ind Caymen Anna of Schumnn Schu hm and Grieg and variety wellknown conqm selection Hi goodnumnred performance was tha at liner who love to flu and he mnvmmed hlr awn Dlmsur his pudlpmm Mr Kemaiynn slnn leven Encarta fin all durlnfillhe evenin and obvi Dullv chjnyedrrspon In to the pnlhuflmlc appxnuxa his 1m Cnflll The JMM trom California mowed Mme able to WM rein variety Ikykl In mood lnhi mullAu ulfihmmh his love for opera wu apparent mm the How lmpuu Ame Present menssn arose whtn Trustees George Kinzsborouuh Frank Buchanan and Melvllle Wy ley reslzned alter they learned plans initiated by he W54 boprd were xoa fur advanced In cancel or rvvlse exlsunu nrmnxemenu temporarily but wnl himsell consideran lerm Innfilon service unless action was taken It onct Demands by the health uni for lmpmvcmcms ta the present school were Mid 1n nbgylnce when ltcp were muted Io provide new school Since prams towards construction was held up by the new lruslucs the health unit has Intonch Ihe bunfc lhn ghg pm enl scfiiol Janna he used be3bnd June 30 1955 beer 31V 1055 for completion of lhe school mordlnz lo the enn Lractors Mum it would can the bunrd another $1000 to have con blrucuon movcdnhend to firm number of ratepayers blame this slluMlon and pmpecllve addition outlay an the menu me rus jlces who hnyc rcsllnodr uteri Innmm Onenl umso al the lpoclal coun cll meetlnl who enflafied In hezlud nruhmeanuh Reeve Arde Dun lap wan Lawrence Davina Mr Dcvlnc cnunclllor hut year run fur the mth thla year on campnln tn delay schuol coh slrlucunn but lost out by three V0 Cl MITCHELL SQUARE WI 0n Educlllon Womenl lnnltulo mu ll Mn men with nod ntlendnnczl Roll all will Answered by nnmlnl my ln wnlch pnrenu cln help leucnm Mn Fl Mlller eduu llon cunvenhr lava pper on Tno Rcllrded Child Mrlr Slurey rend ha lddrcu whle Mn 11 Jermey pmsenlad Mrl McKly with gm Ippruln llon nl her pul sucrchrlnl work Ilalam Curd hny On Marin ll card puny In nld Ed Rnblnmn wu held Om Town 1111 The winner wcré Mu Plrlrldxc Ind Clark Consolnlnn prlze went to NtvllCunlc Ind Ind lllrl Baritone Stephen Kemnlyan was the Igvorlte nitfstln this years Barrie CommunityfloncertAssociation series jugsr 1m mm the warmth othis reception For the nudlence of subscribers which filled the chy Theatre on Monday even ing his popular concert brought the current season to close onn mostpleasant note Gear Price was pruen lo or post lhclypc hmlng Intended far the ncw schooi and Hurry Cowan clnlmcd materials prep cdwore loo mslly Furnilti Baumcum Contrlct The motion covering who can trnct or construction nllow Ill The mem lyrlclsm mend lmupv Vacanu th Schu mnnn Dcdlcntlun and includan Schubms and Grier nchy songs The Trout and Drum displayed anblher 51d of me am talent Intelpremium houxhflul Ind 111 tune xmoolh Mr Kunniynnlhai powerlul voke hi Bmhwen movlnl In Questn Tombs 05pm hl tone we evenly sustalnnd nnd hls voice eeplg exprtssive and filflln In Lhn uV Dtxmdashun Ind Gwlne to Hehbn in his list aroma he reached deep human nude thatwnn most ndtlccable Vin one rot khll encom Old Man Rivar The lnzerh sense opum dram atic as In opera star wnuxhibltcd In the famous moltsue 01 Pa Iancl most sauszylngnndluo His other program micdb Wet Preach not me younmusw rules by Thom Arne burly Englhh composer mmm Slrnuu Dcvmlnny Bonjaur Suzon by Delibes Gabrch Nuns Les Ber couuxSylvln Brlucns arrange mom ol the Enxflsh nursery rhyme ollvu CromwelllV and My FriendJ by Mnlque His encnm Included aerard monologue from the minnY Andrea Chnnlcr the Toreador Song from gnrmon Smllin Through San Sung ok Sixpence by Mnlofl Annle Lnurle an Lord ye The linker Md nn exceucm nccompflnlst 1n the person nor ncc Martinez Whorplnycd group piano 5010 Exam In1crmcuo Op 1d No and Chopinsflhlrd Ballade lnlA lat major Durlxw the evening question nnlm were dlstributod with con ccrtprozmms on which mvmher Ihu Amoclnuon were asked to gun lhulr concert prutercnccs or nexx season Ilgnewnis ml rlptlnna Were also made on Mon fiynllhl and will continue to bu ndc up to xhe openln of the 19$56 membership campalln week on March 28 Anrnctlvoly nlyled with Pluld Coven CONTINENTAL BEDS 6950 compma wllh uphillurea landward Conlinenlul Cauches BUY 0N Clarksnuncn PLAN SHOP DURING CLARKS GREAT MONEY SAVING oh mm nimhofi drum UNINIH Clllfllfl nj renal 1995 2195 SALE ENDS SAT MARCH I9 2395 lutunl In 5195 Imm mm In Churchill Communuy Hun Frldny Maxctr la Ronalds Orgasm2 3243 Danceat Baxter humiliate 18lu the music otPudnn GKBE Haylott Pmy Dancing lrum PM to L30 32 Rummage Sale March 10 the qulan Hull Owen SL Donn open 10 am Under nusplm oi Lud les Auxluuy 303143 Get your weekl auppls nvwly ma Isz andfarm praduce It the Furmon Market 38 Mul caster Open tom 12 noon Every Saturdly 52 The Barrie Horticultunl socie tymeullnz hmy Hall pm Wednesday March 23 sunken er Bacon Ind sun Mr Bacon Colamd alidas 3243 mnce March 25 Avenlnz Com munuy Centre gorchesm Music Makers Colllngwnod Lunch coun ler Admisshn 509 32 Dance to the mule Make Calla Ingwadnat Gum1e Cnmmunlly Hull Friday MAIch l8 mm 930 Ego Luth cnunler Admisslm Grand St Patricks Dame Thursday Mamh 17 nt Plnecrelt Bananas lucky upou Admlnlon Mc Dancinx every Erldny um Snurdny 303 Dnnce at Ivy Oranze Hill Sul urduy Mn ch 19 Old time and modem nnclng 11 new Orchestra Lunch count Ad mlulon 50m 268239 Rummnie sale under the sm Irlnltglzvening WA It 3mm fagL1 Hun arch from pm7 an Marc 011 Rummage Sula ILSL Georges Anglican Church Pnrlsh Hall Al landnle Friday March 18 to pm nngi Samrday Much 19 It mm Ausplces St Guorizen Even ingGum 3032 SL Patricks dance Modem Ind old lma Friday March In pm atStmud Community um Lou of fun and prim Good music Lunch providedr 3032 GulasL Patrick Dance Thurs day March 17 lg tthuslc Mak crx DanceMac Jones and hls Hnrmanalres Friday Much la and Friday March 15 la the Mel ody Men and he Muslc Maker on Enlurdny nluhISat Plnn CrcsI Dancing every Frldny and Satur day SZWFU ROUYN CPlA new Infle cnble nverhend lram line is hung Installed bring base metal are out of Dufaul lgke Engineer say the irolley runnln 57 miles gave cutting ma through thick us EASY HANDEING Hero II urenllonul vil ue you mu lllh wllh Ilvlm LAfzpr CHAIRS HOSTESS CHAIRS 4995 RUGS pce CHESTERFIELD SPECIALS P05 KqTCHEN CHROME sats 15 muncqu med 50 mule nnd chnlr nu chain Mom FOAM RUBBER BED PILLOWS 69 culhlon 1er 3255 14 95° 2n1795° Opposilion To Closing Rail Branch line Globe nnd Mlfl thacks In n11 service between Beelnn and Colllngmad andcum plate ahafidonmem 02 he 135 mlle sketch CNR llne betwqen Alllslun and Creemore nnz mg 9059 he will face mu oppoaition tram municipalities aimAg the mum when he raiiwnyx npplkntlnn unebeiare the Board 013nm port Commissioner nt Collingwood Wednesday March The AlllmnCmmnxe firm was bum by me Hamilton and Northwestern Rnllwuy in 1373 In condmon ls described as your and the CNR brie claims he Area Idequntcly covemd by gmd sac nndnry roads I4 clnlms Individual hucker are nowrservlng he vul wc on the roulz Opposmnn expgcted Ia mm from Amman Tossurnnuu Town nhIp Cnemoru Nanniesle Tonflgpang Calllnzwoadn Township and Calllnzwoad The 11 plan to drop Ill pass man and xpmx service on he entire line from Beeton to Call lnqw One basis at oppnxiliun nban dnnmeni ihe Aiilmoncremur section is the original iimncial nrranznmenis oi iheiinmilton and Northwestern ergend is that he compnny built as much as it could with the money at hand and then went in the municipaiiiiu along he route or help inr is known there wereno ions ierm ggrer menu covering the whol iine bu individual munlclpnllfles such as Crmmore which donated $46000 were guarantee sorvlcc in per Alllslun is served both by bus 1an and on the main Ilne the CPR Crecmore not to 10nunnle It has no bus survive Those wlthom car or other means of tampon wil be Isolated Fur the villuns Evencu Lisle Glencalrn and Avennz lying be tween no two larger lawns the out In servlce will mve them at loose ends MmelAweek night proposed ram Breton to Aluslon weekly with 1mm Creemore Callingwand also plan twicedaily truck service Sundny excepted over the cmlre roule Theta will be another dilly trunk service between Cnemon and Cogllngyogd The CNH brlcl claims therearc only no people In Everclt 150 in Lisle 35 In Glcncnirn and In Avenlng Residents or Everel lay the flxurfis pr inn cvrmt No Evvrm budnnsmcnuhmu Aldersnn who sluncd coal bus nm with yard crved by the CNR nqd Barney Gibson who or onto grnln elevnlur are need mm the possibllity they may uve lo close An 11 ux of Cnmp Borden per sonnel has swelled Everett popu lnllnn ncnrly 500 they say Total populnlinn Iossomnuo Township through which most ll IMYPIILD 81 GOOD WOOL sz commas 495 litre double duly urnflum at rtnl prlce Invlnk Bed Chesterfield uncnmd uch BIG SELECTION WIT HASSOCK the lBmlle flntch gheduied In helcngped mns Opposing municipalities do not dispute in mt am the CNR may be losing money ax the line but they nbkct In the nzure to be Drgsepled nly he years from 1950 to 1951 amuulllncd 1n the flnandal mature to he presented bylhe tompnyj Municlpnl umclnls claim much at the maintenance work lhould hlVE bean don over lheyearl rather than let thing at Into such stale thafi wil requirevexlenslva work term he line In The CNR lists rrevenue $50 413 or 1050 ngainsfl In expendi ture 01 $06015 mung no 1m $20002 In 1051 revenue 1n crensed tn $05304 bulms we mm by $100751 c051 picture lot 10 $35331 In 1952 thelast year listed revenue totnflcd $43 148 and cost 51115212 wnh $54 Bfiflllusl Included In hesc figures how ever were maintenance cast 01 311570 528100 nnd 349210 lorrihe three yum Unnmcial Mum hr 195 show rcvunun 01 over 3100000 And for 1954 close 101390000 along fine rullxoads Mllslun can poulny let along wllhout ton much muble lheproposal gnnled but Everell Llsle Glen calm and Avcnlng and to large exlem Cxccmmc well are so lnz ta be lelt In very dllllcul posldnn CORNER BROOK NHd CPI Durlng heavy storm with wind gusts up tn 80 mlIcs an hours wt huge canard arms each wellh lng more than 20 um were lifted off hrldzebullding she and swept down the Humber river un Ill coming rest near the bal tom The forms measure nbuu 30 he by 20 and 10 cut depth They should uve study ovtr the Inst 20 or 25 years Mac Baame reevn at Al llston sald While it is unfor tunate that they are lostnu money And perhaps we merchants who an using trucks have contributed to sump extent tuflthq losses the CNR has In obliéaxlnn lothn penny erved lg Rune 2x3 Bndfoxd nm 4931 heater Used second on Radio cunlom IIIp covers MOTORS LIMITED DANGEHFIELD um Car mum 149so $450 46 BMW SEDAN REAL GALE 7950 1250 PHONE 395

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