Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1955, p. 13

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Music Scholarshipu iAt Kiwanis Festival SUZANNE WALLS the Barrie Collegiate Concert Band has been notlflcd this week that she won the mu Sonny McGllllvray MunurlnlScholanhlp $50 at the rcccnxly completed Kiwunls Musk Fostlvnl in Toronlol Thls was for flute solo under In in whlch i110 scored 85 marks In class of elght mmpclllors novel feature was lhal her Miler played lhe plane CNIB Work With 145 Blind People Here Describeds The Ladlcs Auxiliary lhu LIuns Club held Ms regular mon Ihly meeting In the Cummunlly Hume on Monany lmirch leh the prcsldcnk Mrs Bruce Sar 173qu1 Mm Prank Craig Convener cl hospllal and welfare Npm ed the renewing magazine su scrlp lien for pallunt 1n the sanitar lum and the mmplcllon or hang lnz 01 new drnpu In the num luryaromn the Royal Vlclorln HospitalL Mm Gerald Vouducr Convener lh nnnncc commutce gave detailed report on the success the lourlh hnnual major und rnlslng project the making schoul which was held In the Roxy The ntrl Thursday and Friday Mnmh and ihc maker fur flu avenan accompanhncm tor her 5010 when Ms comrxeuunn wan held at Shcr gnarnc Srccl Unlted Church on l8 In addition In wlnnlnx the fluu class Sue played wilh the col legiate band in its two Whmlng campelninns and was piano ac companist cr our olhcr members of the band whu compclcd Kn Lhc was Willlam Murdock flnld soc rulnry at he Canadian Natbnal Insmute far the Blinddor Slmcuc County wh spoke the work Instilulc among the NS bllnd persons in hls mun An In teresting pan of his talk centred around methods used by the home teachers who go Into hm home sigmlcss mmhm unch ing them canfldcncc In their abll fly to carry on me dune the homc The Insuluh canIa on hla training unul thc sighllcss are able to aka lhclr place as useful and happy when 1n the communuy Mrs Eiarold Forcslcr lhnnkod Mr Murdock or the knowledge hehad bruughl me auxiliary 711R meeun closed wxm lunch and social hallhour SITE SIIIFIED EDMONTON lCP Snn Dr provostd $30000000 pulp mill has hccn trmxslerrcd 50 chs wcsl tom the Edsnn arpn lulhn Hinlon area ximon mi 51157ch Edmonton The 45 mvechve Sunniy Sept 24 1951 101 um All run than quoted are iundud llme CANADIAN NAnONAL RAILWAYS Nonmnmmn Na llIomntoJo Norm Bay leave Tommo 9120 mm Arrive AI landnlaluu am Leave Barrle ILAE mm Dally excch Sunday No sTornnm In Midland bcave Toronlu 550 pm Arrive Allandnlo 8112 pm Leave Enr rile 817 mm Dnlyexccm Sun ny No EIanonlo to Surlbury Leave Tunonto at 930 um mm Allandnlellfls pm Leave BanIL 117 p311 Dally except Sunday Nu 3Toronlo lo Leave Toronto ll Allnnrmle IZAG um dnlly CNR and CPR Time Tables No flToronlo to Leave Toronto 1130 Allnndnlc 120 hm 34 nm dally SOUHIBOUND No 52Amve Barrie 415 um Leave Allandnlo 423 mm Dally except Tuesday Nu AGLenvc Barm 456 Alllndnlc 513 8m daily No firLeave Barrie 837 am Allnndnlc 850 mm Arrive Tomnm 2015 mm Dally except Sunday and Monday No uunve Barrie 410 pm Ailendnic MO pm Arrive Tornnlu 710 pm Daily except Sunday FROM MIDLAND No MilLeave Ennlc 129 pm icnvc Aliandain 742 pm Arrive inroniu Mi pm updnys only FROM MEAFOIKD No GoLcavcMcainrd 645 nm arrive Aiiandall 835am Daily ex cup Sunday and Monday Can nccu mm 12 at Ailnndaie Nu EZLanve Mnaiord 215 pm Arrive Allundale 410 pm daily pl Sunday Canned Mlh No Nu ISOLeave Mealord 530 pm Arrive Aiiandaie 720 mm connecting wiih No 148 or Tor onto Sundays only TO MEAFORD No tilLowe Alinndaie 1145 arm arrive Moatord 150 pm Daily except Sundnyr No aame AHandale pm Anxve Mcnfnrd 1005 pm dally except Sundny PENIETANO LINE Nu CWTLeave Allandnle 45 nrrlvu Penman 145 pm Mgnday Wednesday lane pm arrive Allandnlc pm Monday Wednmdny Frldny HAMILTON LINE No telFrom Hnmxlgon Anlv Vlnhlud my um Ma mm ln nu nu urdlmu drnnnumu hu mum hllrlmmvlhp mum at IHn but pend moth It Dare Ind Hum now UK lhn hlll laxDre Llh Lm El 61 onnvme Ely Vmcouvuv HC UNWANTED HAIR Norm ieavc Vancouver pm Arrlva leave Barrie Bly Arrive Enrrlc YOU CAN MAKE YOURSELF white orgnndy dress or inncingwhich will have romantic air different from any own sewn irorn the same pattern Simply stitch rows oi black velvet ribbon to the waistline Decorative stitching like this is easy to do on your sewingmachine with the aid of new device the automatic zigzagger recent invention now vnilabie in your iocai sewing center This amazing device makes automatic stitching possible on most straightneedle sewingmachines 31o wzLcavu Allnndnlc 435 pm or llnmllldn dully oxenm undny Allandalc 11 um daily cxccm Sun day White OfgandY WiithqmanfiérAir CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Elleclivn 1201 mm EST Sunday Soul 28 19 Train lime Midhum Slntlon Northbound me daily No l11 nm No 27 141 nm No 75Medumc passenger daily ex pep Sunday Houlhhound No Arrlvc 433 am No 28 arrive 28 nm No 20 Tornnxn passenger daily cx Mp Sunday from Madame arrive 1253 pm cALL nia alumna so COMMERCIAL PRINTING flunk4 Canad my mum cardmo IMJMMJ nr uncut mom um by BRIDGE OPENING HALIFAX CF Olflchl open ina Inc AnnuL Mlcdonlld bridge auras Hall harbor ms nurse for April 18 Mrs MI dnnald wldnw 91 mg Nnvl Scan 13mg will cut ribbon across fie hrxdn untmfice Yofifiafiiqn Thin dun mllpenplt work undu puuule wry mm deep Int 1111 mm to body Ind huh mm mule film min In Innhurl In nu Toms lulu Iivin oiwed mhhnu ourth Hummy ol than my Iflcd mm wpgn map am ol ordu mu And wulu mm nun Then mm mama ml mm hu hudzd tun ullm Ml Tlull may Kidney Pillx wax mm mm It Mum an yuu ml bumu helmwk or may flan Pill RllflflTé my dnu mulch IFYOU HAVE TRIED OTHERS WITH NO succass run Youn ANTENNA unans wa can sum Eon LESS INSTALLATION AND REPAIR SPECIAL PRICES 0N ELECTRIC ROTORS Phone 2353 If you Feel Mfrm 199 ESSA H051 JOHN KELLY TRIBABRlEEXAMlNERPEBIDAY MARCH 111955 13 CONSEBVATION AWARD CHATHAM ONT CF Mani Miner at Mnngllle son of the late JackMIner was made an honorary member the Delta Sportsmenl Conants recently Miner was prrsmted with scroll cornmlmlln him or carrying an hquul luvl on nann or I39 DUNLOP ST Amie Wllnl lound In Oun ada northern waters like red halt 1nd my be cnuxm cer rinkumcs with cranberry on DO conservallon work buun by hls when COJII

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