LAN 13 Tm BARBIE AMIN FRIDAY MARCH 11 1955 There new Irend educa tion to let such affair open houses take the piste of report card one the local public school principal was telling me as he reported on Educaklnn Week activlues ln his school He was no anogelher Hr ever his treeandeasy methad or maxkin pupils and presenting progress re pom to parcntsLHe dd so so er Mu as to say that he mlght approve mmMnauon of report card and frequent open muse even ingg dgfing me The idea comes ram numbzr at psychnloglsts and rememberlng the zany that some children have gone through when report card tlme came ubeut they may be right with ï¬le open house melhod Molher and Father would really see what thclr child WI dJIng had Eduqllun Is Just about the mastucuntroverslnl subject you can launch on In town hose day what with variety of cpinmns bdng expressed in Heard toex Heahh Unit Supervisor Addresses WA The Mamh meeting of the Junlnr Womans Assoclnï¬on Central United Church was held in me Sunday School rooms with lhI presidenl Mrs Giuham pm sidins The many visitors wern welcomed whh an lnvununn join wllh the members Dales were set or and rummage sale The meeting was in charge Mrs Colts and her group Mm Cole led in prayer and Mrs Grccnough read Ih Scriptunz Mrs Bales gave reading The Man Sormws Mrs Trï¬bblr read poem Five Minutes Mrs Pratt lavnrcd ihn clan by singing two lovely songs Little Bit of Heaven and Song My Mother Taught Me which vcfy much enjoyed Mu navcr ntmduccd lhe speaker Miss Scott who sup crleor of nurses Ior lhn Slmcm County Health UniL Miss Scotts Wplc was What Is Mammy The clns enjoyed lhu ulk very much as It was most inlormnuvc Mlsx Scott was thanked lur man Ilrm mAcomc nndAspenk 1p hc WA Mrs iéxbhlepxaynd numnn knoyn mm nlrs Ionmc plant Mrs XL Cole and her group scrvnd dalmy lunch and Mrs Young thanked the group Dr lovely wellplanned evening The meeting closed wflh the Mlzmh benedlcunn GEORGES iunnullrnl home rcpnlru Wu chrrk Ildlunl your cl Imrlm IN1 umn mm IIqu mum Tlmmu LINEIIHIY MOUNII HTAnlLlllNU lully Mmllrnrnl Trrlmlllln In our Ilun II III Hm III TM nlrll mumum lorllcd IllI liI uur lllllll mumm1 you llll valnl your Itllvlllan will In In Inlpffllm Ilr PHONE BARR 6231 lur um lucun ANTENNA NEWS WEI llIZN Tlmmu 50an an TV lruuvl TV Nuyor Anlrnnl rnllnunll nwclnlly lvr our HIII Helm II worm hue In lllll Ihln Im all muhl Illl wII valor wlll Inllnl mun Ind ll trlllly enmllurltd luv lfllfllo ll lllml IINI II nmmln lelnlmu Illnle lluflnlu llvduulu umnm IIc Nw ylfl In In lolnr Mmpllloly Inlllllul an yuur vaM mum hr 150 1M1 In nnnllm TV Um MINIIL 701 lnfmmnllun all um um Illllfllp HI ur phi In ml GEBHGE and CBMPANY 124 IIUNLOI EAST lIMllllli PHONE 02 HlliClMlZlNU IN TELEVIBION ONLY mull mme of the supeviar character of out service ads as saw guard or families wha ave lnexpcticnccd lntuneval mallevs Seek out Eï¬nsel as keely as il is ollcrcd ï¬blié knowledge hlmtuu Tnunty hnntcr Iclnvlniun nml Anlcmm Hrrvlce spring lea tending local hlxh school maml let the meetlnl of munlclpll councll representatives Inuthe dlstrlct collegiate ward last week Reeve William Glbhlm In nlslll Tawnshlp brouhgt upl matter that has been botherlnzl several summer msldenLé clan the south shore of Lake Slmcne Several of the ratepayers In his townshp pay taxes toward the Barrie collegiate but as they re side in the are only durln the summer months they also pay taxes an clw school when they go back to their winter homes Thercthey are supportan two schools whlle Ihclr chlldrenIru nnly ntlcndlnz one They hnvn nothlxu tocnmplnn about countered another mmbet the nthering Why what about bachelors and other people who pay taxes but do not have any children toattcnd high school And anyway sald former ranve ot the worried lawnship Cllfl Lockhart now collegiate trus lee anybody who can afford two homes can Alford to pay two sun taxes Whoever my ihn bill and whe thcr or nul they should are ac turs that do not seem so importanl when you walk through our schools Those at us who were educath in the gloomy iothld ding buildings that nnce huuscd Barrie chllurcn can only thank the schol archllecis whn have designed ihe bright lmmuma 01 today with their good design brilliant color schemes and pm ilcal comioris Our children should be developing good task as they learn Next wtek on Wednesday evnn lng March 15 me Evenlng Aux Illary 01 Bunon Avenue United Church will heholdlng its second annual ashlnn show 11m yum1 nmal man by the group was such success mm the members decided to make the review an annual cvnt The parade spring sly cs will he accompan ied by norm party There wm be H1an reviews eight nclock Elï¬n1th and nine oclock Suits c0315 spring fur and law spring dress s1yle wll be modelled new number he Ovcri Nlnoly Birthday Club is Mu Thnmas Dowlnr The former Clap pcrlcn Street resident who is now pnlicn in Innlswood Con valescent Lodge mPnlnszck wxu nlnclyonc new at no on Auesdnyv and The Examiner lolns wnh her many frlrnds 1n Mend ing Mrlhday congramluflons to Tnmurruw Already Herc by Robert Junxk The mm in the Thick Ltad 551 by Dude Lung As US currospondonl for Swiss newspapers Robert Junzk former InnNull underground Igmcr bmmcs alarmed by Amcrlcan ounhound clcclmnlc technology by ll cllccu Dn he Hbcfllu and democratic rudl llnn In New World Ht un lold Ihc lvmorrow In II Lulu 01 tnblcnux bflscd on his ï¬nal Ihmulh Ihc tochnuluxlml Jungle of the US Ila explores me twemyHve own and mm when lhc Amcrlcnn scicnllsu and en glmen are bullding up MW world and nl lhnl mme llmc mak lnx prcmmlluns lu blow up In Mcxlco hr nxnmlnu the 1116 where he lrsl AlOInIC bomb wtnl and men hurl1m to La Crucc In no rock nth Ilc nbmnu II in lltfl dlvc In Cal lhtrnln and lnsptcln llll School Mr Avinllun nnd Sync Mullclm Tcxu no nlxu mm unm um prusnuclorl nml nmumc fuc Incumpnrnhlc lcrvlcu Buï¬ori AVenUeI EVeIning Auxiliary torgfélggf Fashion Shovy limS ARMSTRONG one at thevmo dels in the second annual fashion show be lng staged by the Evening Auxiliary of Burton Avenue United Church in the church Sunday School rooms on Wednesday even lng March 16 models two at the ensembles that will show the new silhouette ior Spring 1955 At leit she wears grey Chinese kid Jacket over plc pic suit in blending Kory workers aswellnssclcnusts Ills reports are packed Wllh ln trmulng lnfarmnllon of all sorts Om learns or lnslancn that ln order to not much as an per cent ylcld uranlum hunter rnurt nnt only llnd uranlumhcarlnl rock but must be prepared to take lt nwny by the tan hls mlnlmum equlpmcnt Include truck Jeep good roads dlamoncl drllls pneu mntlc hammers and portable compressor Mr Junzk also ln arms lhe reader that fortytwo storey ls um ccnnomlc lllmt la the hzlght 01 new lkyscrapen above that bulldlng can too much to éonstruct amjl manxaln Mr Junflk ls lourlsl out the ordinary He seams to callvcl evidence um um saline and lochnulncy of he New World arc dohumnnlung lls lnhnbllnnls He bcllcvc that by he conccnlrnllon an In malnrlnl In nrnblllon wln complete nnd nbmlul mnslery nature In all ll up almost mm doom hlnka mm only areal xplrllual change wlll ï¬ve the mum 01 ll gvcnt will bvllcvc In Mr Junxks pm phcsy And whnlnvcr Ihu mcsfllc the bunk win be enjoyed by many for its lively 5111c le humwr and ll lnformnuve vnlucs In Thick Lend Sull by Daniel Lani Ii ll collcc Hon xlorlzs which origlnnHy nppcnnd In the New Yorker Mn nzlne They prescm Um rcwlu 0L rcmrlcrx lnvcstlzlllun Into humanunrest Input he nlnm bomb and lnclqdu mmo behind thcvsccnu norm the men connected with ntomlc develop ment Ind obsnrvnuons on um work There LI lillle nllcmp made In prrscnl the material an scrlously Boyds Paint Wupuper WERE MINING I9 Clapponon 5t Within the next few wookxwu yill be moving to our now larger location divoclly anon the road at 2224 Clapponon Shoot We have number of dkconlinuud Ii of wall paper and point which mun be clcalmd before moving MUST BE BLEHBEB PRICES GREATLY REDUCED The closest approachto tile honvy side of the atom il trial chnp ter treatment civil detenco in tareatomic name at reterence Must cl thr chapters evolve Itnund the unmbie atom without dcivin into technicalities The author rathsr writes about things outside the atnm the inbbratortcs at the Atomic Energy Commission 1h nuclur physicist and the was peetora hunting or uraniumi There is In anaiyxll of flyint sauce and vivid picture at an atomic bomb explosion at Yucca Flats and towns ructian to atomic bombs in mg backyard The Iuthar interviews rwa du llnxulshed sclcnusls and mum hcm wurm human bellAu In mcad the cllhlrml manner they are olgcn beUevcslvm be He pruwls lhe Roékic with new breed of prospcclor who are numlnu or unnlum umcd with chmmlumplnmd Gnlgcr counter and cnm gadget few nrlkg rlch and Mr Lang rmuunL lhclr ndvcmum In VEly lively style Those axmlnmï¬pronlcs an account are he result of some nulstandlng reporunl and make nn cnlurulnlng reading LAMP SALE zs4uaow 69c DIALJBH sounan ST BARRIE shadenl bluegrey These llght grey wool concnt rlgm ls styled on prlncessllnes the son shawl collar and batwlng sleeve styled oncomlorwble wear over elther sult or dress The show belng held ln conjunc tlun wlth an cvenlng coltce party willbe heldl at elght oclock 330 oclock and ï¬lm oclock Mission Band Enioys Slides Life in India The Comnnuon Mlsslon Band Collier Slrcc United Church held In March mceunz under me supervlslon Mrs Ronald Pile Barbara Burbldgo prelldcd and Donna Johnflnn read mlnulu ol the lpsl mtelgnl The work an worship wins Carol Shepherd and Susnn Rod gers rend flu Scripture and Joan and Marlanne Fricke assisted by gauzxumx wax sun to mnmbcrsMlh mummy In March John Ough Judy Slddall Leslie Coxall Jnnic Qulnn Donna John unn Ind Cam Quinn nncr whlch the group continued work an scrap books on Indln Excellent mdcl on We in India were shown by Mls Murgarcl Smml to bran lhc mccung clan 1111054 more lhnn 160000 Can adians of In um parlchch 1n Swlmm1nx and Water Salcly pm jncu of lhc Canadian Red Crass Phonc 5106 Helen Doreeri Alleri Becomes Bride of John Ivan CaldWell The manlax at Miss Helen Dor een Allen daughlpr Mr and Mrs James Allen Thornlon to John Inn Caldwell son of Mr and Mrs Ivln Caldwell Thanman wok pllce lurday FEB 20 1955 at three oclock In the Harman ml the home lha laxMes parents In cercmnnywuv pert ma RAM Martin mi Max3 Caldwell played the wedding musk Given In marriage by her father the brick wu warm waltz lenuth mwn at ylnk loathell chmnwspun Ind carried bouquu white mas and blue mums She were malnhln headgresz ar ne Paterson Churchill iha bridex litanduni Ware waltzdeny lawn of blue chromexpun Incl carried pink rose ind white muml mm matching headdreui Mex Enldweu cl Pembam we grqomannn to brother recap allowed at the ham he brides mums Where Mn Allen received In chilly role crepe she wore carnage of blue carna UOM The rooms mnther also celved in navy crepe wearan cormaze ol rgd roses nvlnx wcddlng Mp Soullvwenern Onmrlo the blldt was wearlnz rust knlued lull wllh teal blue can and cor sn whlle zardenlu On lheh return Mr and Mrll Caldwell wlll be maklnz their home in Barrlc TecWeGwill Wl Members Entertain Husbands at Party Members at TecWeCrwlll Sen iorWomenn Insllma entertained Iheir husband Bond Head Com munity Hall on th evenlna Much The venlng stifled wllh court whlsl Prlle wlnneu were Mn Juhn Fennell and Mn Suther land Ind Rolland Helmer and El Sulherllnd The Etheran down In lovely IUDDH caleer by the Band Head Womenl lust Mule ullcr whlch Mrs Lawrence CuueLmd and Mn Slewm Um rord thanked the lldles Mu Broderick lhcn reï¬lled Ind John Fennel woke on behalf the very lholl business mcellng IoHowed wnidmldugl 13 cllu 30 the lush armm Farnmx lehl or which cammlllee hII been mmud bottle comma EAT BETTER LIVE BETTER SAVE MONEY At N0 EXTRA COST to YOU Your choice Valuable Toaqpucks EPLETTSFREEZER FOOD PLAN TlllYOUGII SAVE FOOD DOLLARS EAT BETTER LIVE BETTER SAVE llllE ol EPLETTS E00 PllEllS will be given EllEE yes lllEE In all NEW MEMBERS ol Eplells Freezer Food Plan PROVIDING lllllT Yllll lluulily lor Membership YOU GET THIS EPLETTS mama FOOD mm snwmn PACK VALUE sso zsnom MB ROASTS PKG HAMBURG LBS GREEN BEANS ZBLADE OASIS K05 ETEW LBS BLUEBERMES ZlfllME RIB BOABTH LBH WEINEIIS LBS HUBll IPOT BOASTS LBS EAUSAOE Kq WAFFLEH lCIIUCK STEAK LBS PEAS Pl FRENCH FRIES lTENDERLOIN STEAK LBS MIXED VEGETABLES 2H GAL 0F ICE CREAM SBIB STE5 LBS CORN ll Lilli IOflK LOIN ROAHTS CllUlH LBS CUBE BTEAK LBS IIADIIOCK LBS VEINERS LWL HMJSAGE L119 SPARE HIS Call Barrio 644 or Mall Coupon cm of our Food Counwllou Pu Frooxor Cull Bonlc 64 for our 0R THIS EILEHS mzszm FOOD PLAN BUDGET Ilch VALUE 50 uunmumnu ETLETTS FREEZER rooo PLAN Barrie and Dmnu Him Cnuncflwu nulliï¬ed lbw le years are to promqh flkn unlim tion in me cmmnunity The mem berth of the council hu grown wnxldcmbly since and Includes trail number church amupl ervke clubs and commercial or ganizations Th council own two Lllxntpm mm which are rented to cranni mlons m4 Andlvlduau me public library companies wiivh tho ï¬lm wuncu It nerves as renhlde hr the mm Indyrojecwn aid the promotion of mm and helps withlhe lelpvtlon 01 mm On March 1955 chm 0112 rcprmnlguvei trom vlrloun or nnxmllon completed ch prosec uonln cnuneunder the wane Sid Stark of the project on Ilce commune Anoihcr cnum vul he organized thanH maul npmtger applicants Following Is list5t mm mm dlmm me Much collection of ï¬lms 1n the llbrary 31rd of the ljnlljlu Mnnhu xr ran llh Barrie and Dlvtrlcl Fllm launcllwu annulled nbout le enrs are to promote flkn unlim lon 1n the cwnmunlty The mem wnhlp of Lhe counnll hu grown nnxldcmbly since and Includes rut number church amupl mrvlce clubs and commercial or xnnlutlons Th councll own two Lllmtpm lecture which are rented to urlnnl mlons oml lndlvlduall me puhllc llbrnry cooperates wlivh tho ï¬lm sauncu lt nerves as untold nt hr the lllmx Indprojectm aid the promotion of mm and hlelps wlthlhe lelpotlon 01 mm On March 1955 chm 0112 represenlgllvci lrom vlrlnun or nnlmllon completed ch prosec uonlxt cnuneunder the wane wlld duck yam other ï¬lm lawl It the Delta Waterfowl Re mrch Station onLknldanlloba Double Heilun 15 law an man TM glam shows how English and French tradltlops have enrlched the rural arensya Dawn Qucbcc tawmhlp mun to mcjfrulrlu 25 MRI musiml prosénladon the Manllmn Muslc Festlvall Th1 Ic tlvlty wan lnltlmdbythe Wlnnl peg Mens Muslcalfllub and our 130er by many community groups Plano vlolln and choral gmups cuntrtbuke to thlgprozrnm Theleopl Chlrkr mow15mm renew the United Nullons pgciml towards unlveml toler ance undzrstnndlnz and pure Qulllt lmt Color 23 mln Here we are glvpn survey Conndos cattle Industry wlth par tlnular emphlsls an quallty ln uldltlon th housewlle IhOWXI Std Shark at th nmlecl on ser hcrw to select flood cuts of beef to be an tom 01 the rum bm who wn gnnblq to Allen Blake Conalnble at the piano no company Mr hulbind Prue wlnnen wanrm Douzlu Slew and Cecil th Ion and Mr hrl Bell lucky uni The next meelml will be held at the hnme Mn Kmh Bowlcs on March 22 The election 01 Hccru will be conducted or Mall Coupon Below or an appointment willv Counwllou Parson already IIovlng Home lu 64 lo Food Price Llu Tnéfnr 511mm Prmm nnlnfemunl study Llcemul Inslruclnn Dull Controlled Cm 11 Bnyfleld St Barrie scnom or SAFEVDRIVING EIIK1H HIEEZI F00 ILAN UNLOI ID LBS PEAS 10 LBS MIXED VEGET AIJLBS LBS CORN LBS GREEN BEANS IS BLUEBERRIEB PAIL BWAW Ellmls Phone 3710 you CAN smwuz CAN smwuz More Food BETTE F00 and YET Lusmluu4nn IKO fllENCll nuns PI WAFFLES ML ICE CIIHAM TINB ORANGE JUICY TIN OI BLENDED JUICE Accordingh guy who hin lo vuyono but himNI