Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1955, p. 10

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10 The United States and Britains foreign policy cleavage in the Fm Enst was troublesome aspect of AngloAmerican policy As Israeli was charged brutal aggressor as re sult of the violent clash on the Gaza strip it seemed that Egypt might hold the key to the future pegce oi the Middle East FORMOSA Meanwhlle the NItlnnallstl re pulsedan attack by more than to Communist xunlaaats and meter tzed Junk an an island in the ittatsu group and Communist ar tillery on the mainland shelled Qunmoy The attacks were be lieved mainly tor the purpose of probing US intentions with re spect to defence the islands More and larger attacks may pro vide the answertn the querthn at whether the Chinese Commun lsts are prepared to nelntlnte or will continue trying to gain their objectives by force The policy cltuvnl between the United States and Great Bri taln in the Far East defence against Communismls this the United States helieves Korea Fer masa and Southeast Asia to he interrelated tronu and the basic strategy in that eauntry is to es tablish line areund the rim at Communist power with threats or retaliation it it ls crossed Britain and must at the Southeast Asia natians tear the pulley Involves pusslble saerlnee at Aslan nations to Communist conquest The cleavage is reflected most clearly an the issue if Formosa and the questlan ui Quemoy and Matsu the last twa Natlenallstheid ia iands on the China eonstl In the absence at guarantee that Na tionalist withdrawal tram the Islands will mean that Peltan will nut use hrce against For masa the United States has hit open the possibility that it miimt mui its lorees into action it Qnemoy and Matsu were attack The Eisenhowar Administration in the United Stuiu made it clearer hm ever inst week that its Fnrmosa policy is based on support in cm Chlmu not on the hope that Chiann Kaishck wiii recapture the Chinese mainland The United state has asserted that it wiil not party in an aggressive war Hrimln on flu other hand he llLVm mo Nullnnallslt should wllmlrw mm the Island xe uanllnss nvnxd war ISRAEL Ihll lllunllnn ll 1mm mllrnl hm nnu dnnurruul rum lltllrll VIAWpuInL Imwl mnxnlnlm hnl 1m nrmvd mulluml Arab Ml would ho more Ilrrni l0 Nu erllll nlnlo Ihnn l0 Cummun Im Thu cunllnllon II that lhn only my an he Aruba In Um wave hch ll mnkr Hm Ilmll llrn Mumhulflllr FINN In IHlllllfll In nvwrl ll Icndmlllv lurrllnry alonz ho Mcdllcr Ian was west of Israel held Euypl llncc the 1049 Pulas lmc nrmlsllcc was hr none lhc most violent clash on he lsmcllERyplhn lmnfler linen lha truce ngmcmcnl Thirtyclam Egypllnna and eight Isrnclls were klllnd 1n me blund lrsl Israel mack an the Arabs 51an me II rnld on Klbya In Jordan amtl llnnd characd by lhl United Nullons Mixed Armb llce Cummlnslon brutal ughmar The commlislons rul Ing on Sunday hclxhltnud upccu Inuun UN lucndqunrlrn in New ank um lhe Security Councu wnuld vutu ximnnr censure nzalnn Isrxml next week For months tenslnn between 11 racl nnxl Eflypt hnd been rlslnu nanny nn hnlh Ildu was ur lhlr nxumvnlnd by ovrnll oumdu Gum Egypt nlznd nn lsrncll vu In lhe On at Suez and cm rum lwo 1mm mun Ipch wnllu Luan wrmd she would nul acquiesce lndcflnllcly in the Sun hlorkndc and dcnlnd 1h mm were Kuilly The Gaza Incldcnl nuchnd wave of IIUNHI and hlllcrncu nmnnu lhu Arabs whn proclnlmcd lhclr mlldnrlly lhruuuhnul 1h Mlddle Eu ngnlml Ixrncl Ixrncl rlnimcd hnl FWD Ind launched the Gal ullmk wllh ram no the hard But be WM and Hm UN dllputrd Ihll lerumcmud be way of rndlnu tho PaleHm llwulu ex cm by brlnulnu lhu oppmlnl 5mm he tunkrenco able llul Huv Arabs 10 not wnnl pence lnlkn and Hm Wu hnl lmn un wnlmu lu um um Ingue wnnllnl wlii Anh inpr lnr Mhldln mum ammo mrnL Euynl may hnid thevkoy lo 10 Emma peace the Middle Em week Gun II gamg mp THE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 11 1955 Spmrhmdlng flu dlaplny 1955 Hudson In dealer nhowrooms MM Canada In lhll Wasp ourdoor ncdnn The new models feature double strength Ilnnlc unl body deep coll sunmxmon wraparound wlndnhteld ulr condluonlng and other ndvnnctd cramming and Mylihg changes The 1055 Madam Hormlm Wasps Rambler nnd Monopolllnnl mymmtluc mosL uwccpinz change In the qupanyn Gym old Mum lpu lroni UYYIHKI THE I955 HUDSON WASP among the Arabs mg knell vmence wlth force 1h wnr might be resumed BRIEFS Britains Princess Marnret win the centre at public speculation when lhn returned home liter her Caribbean taur Rumors that aha would marry Grovap Capt Peter Townsend this autumn were air cuiated throulhout Enziim new papers With her 25th birthday approaching this Auztutfithe Prin cess was expected to renounce her right to succession to the throne to smooth the wily hr the wet ding Townsend 40yearoid war hero and father at two chiidren remained silent at his post air attache to the British Embauy in Brussels Baby Band Medina Burn Baby Band hold their first menling 01 this year the home oi Mrs Cooper an Match with an attendance at 21 proschool children and i0 mothers with ind ie of the WM in charge Ihe meal ing opencii with hymn and prayer Lynda Munrve and Helen Gilchrth repeated the 13rd Panim and rail Cali was answered by each child sinndinl and giving his name It was decided la have miie boxes again this year and birthday box inr rcflular contributions Lucy and Bruce Kinx safli Prior to leaving the communuy last Thursday in live In Camp Borden cw lrlonds of Mr Guran unlhnrcd Mrs Russell llalbcrll or suclnl cvnnlnu The evening was spent in Hon1M1 und contests War which lunch was served Mrs Gordon was resented wnh an mam kllchcn cock as gm rom he group lnlhle Starla series Blble stories was In troduced and will confirm at each meuuriz the mug The children had play period wmle Mrs James McCazuc conducch paper or the mulhlrs Lunch was mm by me Inasmscs the clnse the mael ng Toboum Accldent Wynn Kcmlnx son Mr and Mrs Juhn Kentlnu mu wllh nn nccldcm while lobonurung at me weekend rccclvlng cm on the ace requiring several slllchu Dlrlh Canirntulaflons to Mr and Mrs Swanson on the hlrlh of their daughter at Royal Vlcloria Howi in Bunlo on Monday March Mr and Mrs Elmer 510111 and lnmlly spun Ihe wockond wlm rclallvu at Joscvluc Gun and Brnnlford lelu Md Meet Knox hdlcs Md me Mn Marley Lyons chnudny March 12 with eight mum and on nrw member Due to poor mud rundltlom nllcndamn was its lhnn usual Sywnwthy II nxlcndcd In Wllllnm Hull In No 1053 hll ILficr and MM Joncph Slmlh nnd Mn Anhlon Arch In In unulnq ul hrIr nunl Mn Cum hfldland flunday VllIklrl Mr and Mn Dl Reynolds Wymue mum Sundny nflcrmxm wflh Mn IMLI nnfl Mrl Sam Allen Mr And Mrl Chnrlrl Hull and wmmm Allrnwmd mm Sunday wllh Mr mu Mrn 1qu mum Iml fnmlly Miss Lllllnn Sheppard went the wuknml with hr brotherlmhw Ind alum Mr and Mn Thoma XXrIIamy Baum Mnlrumn Donn Ipun Thurs day with her Ilnuahler Mn Har old Smllh4 len Hockey Club Dune Cmulnnd hockey club huld pmnrcmvc mum and mncn In the conununlly hall Cmnlnnd Prldny nlghL Iluh acorn were held by Mn Jnhn Inuzhctd and William Ilrll fluvlln rm Inva wllh lht lmmn munlm number nl in CROSSLAND mln Firewall Party BURNS unuvrmtnll hm Thundny rvrillnl In car load DI Indlrl from Hu dunkl wrnl Iu TrlnHy Pullh all In Apnd he rvrnlnl wllh lmllu of Evrnlnl nrnnrh WA Trlmly Church HOV Ilfml Ihuwrd 11ml Ind lava lnlk on NI wnrk In ll rurll nrlnl Imunll Mnno Mllll wclnl hum nvrr up nn hmunhl the Marlin In rlma hun=o=o=o=u=om=q Rev ISAAC BICKERSTAFF There are few nIccr slghts In church than halt dozen pews 01 Cuba In their green sweaters scarves resth washed and Irened by mothers consclous OI the Iamllye honor and laces trash and eager and we were goIng to say Innocent but there Is xi rule In wrltlng thch dIseournges the use too many ndJcetIves so well Iet that pass The pack lenders bring them once year and mores the pity it isnt otzeher They came this time bearing their ilngs like veterans color party and their with head held high and proud and fierce These they placed by the pulpit where hey and everyone else could keep an eye on them and hen iiied into their nllotted seats with all the dignity the occasion required Now there snt together one Cub who could alt stlll and another Cub who couldnt Whether they got mixed little getting into the sent or some othoi reason cannot tell but the cub who could sit still dldnt and the cub who couldnt dlde Soon Bnioo teacher of the laws or the Jungle looked back irom his sent nhend nnd fixed upon them bearlike bnielui eye Naturally with the opportunities or precise observation ilimited us they are he glared the wrong one Let be understood that It Ls not In any or their text books but cubs normnny take advantage at such opportunit les Our wayward hero proceeded to draw more dlsnppmvlng glances Irom Bnloo assumed an nlr of blnnd Innocence when they came exalted at the mounting lndlgnntlou his Inlse 1y Indicted mend Bnghccm the Panther the nilknowing the allseeing snt behind with thoughtful mlen eyes on the preacher and without the flick of an eyelash or the twltch or shoulder reached Lu under the sent with the out of judgment and cstared the mom order Ml Efilnn Sweuio 15 nKflln up Umulltk ll hoped lhnl Bull llnmc Cyrll Mchnnld hm nlurnul homr mm Royal Vldnrln HUI pnnlv DMHI II the mu Lord BadenPowell had been prcsnnt we are sure he would have chuckled At least one pnlr of observ ant eyes chuckled or hlm ln um Wm wont Gun min avnm SI ryuln Opzn llnuu Parunu and Irlnndl annrmcd 51 Pauls Schoal nrc wolcumu ha open home lo be hlld SL Paull School Friday 130 But he reckoned with anheem ST PAULS Beruvemznl lmdlu Vlnl lndllpoud Whnllnr mm am nomad hint Mumdumb Inlanmu aimIan Th FififiYWdrld II Culllul Chlugn NI llblldl Vllll Brolher Mn Frank Him Vllmnl relnllvu In Chicago Mr llnmll nnd Mu MIIHflIn murnnd home hm nner shun vllsll Ihare iuiil Mn om Snlder Mldlund vmmx Mr and Mn Jack mnrun Thundny wum mu vfillul wllh llmlly an Thundny llalldly Vllh Broth My all upendan manthl holiday with hll brclmn anur and Murray and mm Manon Mu wnxiam Fernmn Indll 59¢ Hula 011M Downlvlzw 1mm hm wnkcnd wnh Mn Ind Mu Arable Wnnlm Mrl Dull vlo and chlldren who have bran nnylnq at harm bmlhu have mnmed mmr llrm Forum IMlnomd 0n Arcuun of the Manny wrn mer Hulhl Brhoul PM Forum wu nonpunrd lll Turnlny ovul lnl 11mm wnl nluo no Achnol N0 11 on Monday Mr nnd Mm William Clark and Myrna vl Ouklnml IHH wtre Bun my vllllnn of Mr And Mn Cllm Rnwn and larry nu Suhhm mu Mm rlnShhh mth Fol Ihl flrl Ilmn Irlrnm IM numl Imv hull nubum Illh llm Dumb Alnlflly In Mni lmnnl lonflovn pun Tlmuululn In bun mllovudawllhul mum hllfllrl In to 11m an uh rmly nlluvlnl pun nrlunl mlurtlun ¢hylnh Mm nmnln ol IllIll mm on thanth pullva mdu IIMIIMIII Mlllmmll Mr HIM bu ml lo pvulvleml Tile 13 In new Imlln nllunu BvDynetllwvny Apalqklrnllflp lvylllulva va MI mm hulln tubalnu Il ofleml In alum lam valor 1M mm Inpavullm Il Ad II Ill dml flourmun Wk mum mu In SCIENG SHRINKS PllES NEW WAY WIIHOUI SURGERY NEW FLOS Mn Cambium1 vmun Hang In Barrie In HMPHII Julius Smith ls mm In Ngw market hospital Mrs Ted Hipwell 93mm in Thromo Geqernl mm Symwthy exended in Mrund Mn Davis Webb 1n the denlh at their lnlnm dnuxhhr Inst Wain day and to Mr and Mrs Hurry Bennett in the damn 0L Ihelr Mum Albert Bennett lormerly Dunknrmn WI Enldfllln Ladies aiinc Womens Instliute mlercd to members of the Tec WuGwill Infliiuta and their hus band on Wednesday venlnz lmllluie Euchry On Monday evening the Insulqu held euchrepafly in ihe hull with inbles playing Prim were won by Ladies 15 Mrs William RaynoldI 2nd Mn William Sum erlnndY law Leila Stoddart genLi Jame Curryl 2nd Sinclair MacDonald law Mrs Hudson playing as nlan Luck chair Mm irene mmer Lucky milieuv sin clair liincDonnid Mrs McLean Mnriiyn Culbert WHAT IS The primary problem 01 medl clne mnn not ust the them he my comma Dhensu are mnnrreacuons or responses to messes crlzlnnlln In envir onngqnt lo mem wgthh hlmscln BOND HEAD Mlulon Band The MIulonBand the In lhu church on Saturday nucrncon WM 32 children answering roll cull Joan Cerswell plnycd quiet musIc EDWIN WILSON 3511 90 Pxnldont Onlnxlu Ollnanulhle mutation nni MAN NOT 11 DIREAHFHDQH about which the patient Eon own Ilrucmml nbnomull 111 to lnlury to hnrmml menu etc Thcrrforc hyllchn must understand man in culture and hip environment before he can undemnnd nnd cnnlrol dileuse Understanding prmm hcnllnz Pu Loo antn he nudency phraichns hu bun consldcr any alum which is but on nrpccho the lilo ol mun MAN 13 UNIT Man II In lndllelble unit When mun Altk lick 11 over Just in mm Convermy uh lolnl cundfllcn of the entire body depcnzflnz upon this prppcr Iuncllon at every purl Tho human body complex mmmunny Issuer orflnn nnd olhnr Ilcml nll lnlenvlnltd wllh nc ohcr Enough me Mr Cunnquenlly lhe phyllclnn mun Ito and mu mu Individual whole 0t jun Vlhgrglvenr vaul and circulatory nymml Each anrlbulll lo lho nlher and mu lo lhe whuh uconllnl lo wcclnl uncllom THERE IS NO CHAIM F0 THIS SERVICE leely hymn Ilnllnx No racial dlrlerenm Everyone Welcome We preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves your servants 101 Jeans snke VALLEY TAXI EXAMINER LATE CHLVHHY FELLOWSHIP CHIIHCH LOYAL TRUE BLUE HALL 29 mall STREET FULL SUSPEL MEYER GROUP neuavmmt OSTEOPATHY SUNDAY 730 pm4 SPEAKER OSTERTAG SUNDAY SCHOOL 23flpm FREE BUS SERVICE PHONE 5315 2433 INDEPENDENT Cor amen DUNLOI 31s amWovship pmEvhngelisric EVERYONE WELCOME carrlcr boy has not arrived lhcr AND gory wm human to Hrom Mom WAIT UNTIL pm and If your CALL wumldp hymn was sung war which Florence 0n read 1h Serlpturt lollwad by mm Wayne Sulherlind Ind Jlmmy Seawall took up 12 collection During the mean the Mlnlnn Band prayer and purpose wen repealed and Mlglon Band hymn sung Prlm weré given lo Mur lan and Doris Suthnrhniflelmk Smllh and Edna 011 who had up ended all mean llsl year Mrs Roblnson Mrs Jcswp and Mrs Watt look the nudy lmups Alter lhe games perlod lunch Wu served Mrs Sulherland Mrs Kneeshnw mm Mr aatémfi part about which the patient Eom plains Mnnl biological nnturo such lhat his natural endemy L1 to play 1n me of hcnllh or when Illnurbed In return to Ha ha lromcndou capacity to mm mnbnl recaver mm Ind com mute or dLlluflmnzes In rll KKK and envlmnmenl However mm nun not lunctlun lnl properly he cannot sum urn well under cnwllonll and phys cnl rlrnlru nor can he adequately 111M hnrmlul cnu wen bacleru vlrulu nn loxlmr firm gauging exuungflm body on um 40 hut been law In Inn lnmduclory latInqude Mans mrmnl and natural mm gm hellthl Good health ll Mien considered Io be merely the Inlnrvnl bchctn illnesses just In Ace Snlxhl be considered the mervn between wars From these vlewwlnu then In undinn the hyllchn Hard lxalnu an ellmlnlln whulever melon lmnnlr Ind Im podo mnnl naluml capacities or and health Thl obviously mwulhlc without doc under llflfldlnl mnnl lrnlhu aptdc Ind In lndlvldunL Or an thy hnl Iouflhl and tontlnuea lu ck Ihc wholn rum Ibou¢ mnn race um unlqu lndlv Anne Cznwell read me caulq Men Women Uld at Wfllwantfien flailum me ldunl GOOD nmmx IS rummun AN ANSWER REV UNSTEAD Mlnlflu RAYMOND DANIELS Ornnht SUNDAY MARCH 13 1955 945 InaSUNDAY SCHOOL ll umBEGINNEES DEPT ETMognmaiwonsm pawlEVENING wonsnn nu Muncllsm Ah Gran 215 pmllnlly sundly School mmCHURCH SERVICE CLAPPERTON ST AT WORSLEY REV LUCK EA 8D Minhm MISS cgguamzy SUNDAY MARC 13 1955 950 um8UNDAY SCHOOL 11 mm Inn wonsmr smvxcss nmm 17m jun Hear luv Devnanhlyam so BIL ol lndll SUNDAY MARCH 13 1935 ll IMFMORNING SERVICE JESUS 0F NAZAWIII III Ntw Hamlin Rllhl Am Wrong rmst BAPTISTCHURCI MULCASTEE ST BARBIE SUNDAY MARCH 13 1955 10 umSundzy Schnnl Ind nlhle Class Pnyer meetlnl und bl 945 InJunior Senlnr And laur medllln Dtpu ll LnIKlndunrlcn 1nd lrlmuy llepnrlmmu ll lJnln Wildlnnn Home Nun ery Dept And Baby Blllln or PreNunery Children meCOMMUNICANTS CLASS IMFEVENING SERVICE ll lmMOBNING WORSHIP World which Trulan Fren doln Far Security And Mini Ham ALLANDALE Reel mv Nawlon5mllh 11A L00 ImpHOLY COMMUNION II MORNING SERVICE pm MINING IllHT WM MdWIlklrnlln Harv1m IM CMld ll lervlu Ind lllm 1J0 Even Ill HenIra INSPIRING GOSPEL SERVICE COLLIER 5T UNITED Belhel Penlecoslul Church QMSunny School 1100 710 lruchlnl lnyer Mnllnl cry Wed It nclock SUNDAY 110 pm LOTH THUR IIIAUI ALL 8111 Sprnkrr OSTERTAO llvrly hymn Ilrulnl wllh luflmuny llmn chem fume vllll mmlul Inulru mrnll mm Iho rhlldun No mm dllluuma Mlnllkr luv Lewls MA orlnnm Ind Chulmusler Lloyd Tanrd COLLIER ST BAPTIST AUL wane Wonderful Word moment Sunday un CKlll Coma Ina Worship will BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH lumen nL REV BRIGHT SUNDAY MARCH 13 1055 Orzanls ma Choir Lendcr Full Gospel Prayer Group mnvnouy Wucom FREE METHODIST CHURCH EVERYONE WELCOME THE CHURCH SCHOOL SAINT GEORGES FELLOWUHU Ol EVANOELICM IMIIIUTU REV NULLMEYER XAHTOR ONE OF CANADAS TOP AOOOHDMNIMEI All In wolruml DIXIE DEAN ll um um mn BURE T0 IIKMI DJS armer Inter 19d Srf jchunh School 11 m5ror mm cam nxnm Elsla Pull Strand Beflnnén Prlmlry Church School Ind Nursery 100pm KNOW YOUR BIBLE SERIES Righteous Wrath and nudsmdy St Mark cnnpm Bringr your Bibles 15 ulnaPenn Peuplel Meeuné Anglican 24 Comer Skieel new Ilud 31L Lin Rev fienno Sherrlnl MAJ VJ Mn Ruben Choir Dlreehl LENT Ill SUNDAY MARCH III 1055 000 unrflnly Commnnlon gnumum and Sermon 110 JSUNDAY SCHOOL 00 lmlnllns Ind Sermon The Farrellen Instrument THE REV SIIERRING pmCodrlnlon Enndly Schonl pmEvensnng and Sermon SHOES THE RECIOR UNDAY MARCH 13 1055 ll Im4ll01NZSS MEETING 230 InnaSUNDAY SCHOOL panEvanxellsllc Meeting Tursrhy LnFellowship Ind Inyer Wndnesday pmllome League Frlcndly welcome awaits you at The Salvallnn Army SUNDAY MARCH 1955 945 rCHURCII SCHOOL 11 ImNuhery Khannun ImPOODS INCREASE filmGOOD NEW AD Mlnlsler REV MUIR EA MIL FRANK DUTCHER Omnm Broadcast CKBB lllv Ind Mn llllmhall hymn II bolh mum 515 umFlmlde hour colored Illnle In leln REV JAMES FERGUSON DA Mlnlam CIAWIORD Mal ll REGAL Orxnnm Ind Chalmnsler SUNDAY MARCH 13 1055 COMMUNION SERVICE II ITIIE CHURCH SCHOOL 5A1 nupnnmonm yumEVENING WUHHHII Tm MIN 01 mm Icrvlru I415 LmrYJ llrrlldo Meelln COME TO CHURCH St Andrew Presbylrovlan gChulch Cifadel 60 COLLIER mm Sr Major and Mrs Cooper The Sulygtiyq Army CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH UNITED APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH Dump annnlo su Rev Cecll menu ILA Wm chlean Omnln SUNDAY MARCH X3 1955 VODDFEHOWS TEMPLE Ml nuuwn la yam flpnhr lutnr Mum Why TRINITY ClIliRCH Owrn gnd Woraley Sm ncv lcny Ilulthlnxnn Tutor ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HUNle HEIWICI 1100 137 HUNIMY SCHOOL 200 pm IM nulmrll sum vrry Fllnlny um AVE MEETING Illllll Inn Everyone Welcomo

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