VENETIAN BLINDS AII Wéatlier Coat Sunni Walkers spring stock beautiful Bates spreads are now on display Trent yourseu to one 01 these flutes bcuutlc value un surpassnd STOCK SIZES WIDTH IN INCHES 21 20 29 31 32 Ill 30 AI lIEIIlA SLATS cosfuma JEWELRY 6i hullhrhnflul by ulna nny mlm BATES HOMESPUN BEDSPREADS To 1495 490 HIKING YOU TS nhmmhlv Vnulllo Ila Dual Chum lwvy hemulrul rnlu he In gnM llhor culnml mun PRICED ullfullylired and randy fonruinor shine 39 PRICES 95 READY TO HANG THE BEST VALUE MONEY CAN BUY Take advunlaga of Ihln special value early and be ready In lashlom ncwen for rain or xhlnu Nover have you men to much fashiun In ruln or shlnn uah wch llny prlca Made ay leading Cunudlun munulurluwn especially lor Walker Stores of handsome Iprlng wzlghl lmparled and domesllc fabrics In sevoral styles of whlch lwu are shown have lhe new balmacun will ll mug ulna collar bull in mannle style lo keep uul cold we wauxhcr Shes 10 10 hul cpl to genorounly tho 1le 20 will In 40 All wall are lully llped have new cacklnil alcoves new collar Iroalmenl and Back lnmau Mark are iisHopfAT WALKERS THISMEEKENDWALKERS IS THESTOREWIIH THEHUGE STOCK OF HIGHGGRADE SPRINGMERCHANDISE Hunt for vvury use Yuull lku llw Imnll dulunl nnd prclly llplull 49c 59° 79° PRETTY PLASTICS SHOP AT WALKERS FOIL waler repellenl lhrw Orlnu Muuflumnu am really wumlulul Ihry Immdrr Vny Milly nml wrnr Lan llmr mum VALUE OTIIEIICiJIIYIAINb mu mm DASHING NEW HANDBAGS PRICES lo 14 CURTAINS unrnnwnv mum muons swoon WATS llllï¬ WEEKS HIHUIAI srnmu TONH Foul WINDOWS lllETTY NEW Drop Into our sputu wcar icellnnf Icthnsu lelsc prï¬lllgs Very lrncllvc new styles Ynu wlll 1011 Inc prclly cnlnrs FASHgON FLOUR srtdml Com wllli he newallhoucuc prcvluxl cl ngw 55 Inshlom made much lorua by lendan rnahufnclurcr and c5 pncinlly prlccd to make an ex ceptional value SIM GLAMOROUS W0 3100535 SPRINGS WALKER STORES SPECIAL PRICE 225° SMARTEST 98 45mm ohmic WALKlIllS OWN BRAND NYLONS GIVE LONGER WEAR ANI LOOK NICE T00 anuer nu mums IN mun nanms IT WALKS DOESNT rams cou mow 90mm 1mm 11 smooma DCmNT ROLL com iNTouAY FOR YOUR BARON GIRDLE cosmwna smwlcz 500 TM II mlrllu nl hravlrr lunu wrnrlnn lypc III llll Icllcr www Wnlklnu nlurrr nylunm You wlll like lhr wny um prruy lmn rum wonr xhnr Ilmr nr tvmlul Mm uml Wnlkm Havr mmla ll vny pop ulnr by ullrrlng ll l0 luw In mm STYLE coNscpous AND THRIFTY ASK FOR WALKERS OWN BRAND GAUGE DENIEIL GO MUHII 12 DENIHII Exaï¬c dazzll amid rose Apleanlnu xKixlï¬re oi flayed and NyloxL Wide satlnx r11an binding In am BLANKET NYLONS ATTRACTIVE LOW hum 50 NEW FRSHIBN COTTONS MUM lllv Mulhwl mp rwlrvt rvn shown Il hn rufllu nylon Mm Mine 11ch Tull rmmy mm mm mm Lvunl lnry prlnl collmm mu nummrmrnv uL NYLON IAN 01 Illllmi nvw Inn lvlm ulv lull mu lyl1 IHVDHIIID WALKERS IISATHEISTORE FOR ITS WALKERS FASHION FLOOR HALF SLIPS NEW mu smumz CHARM COTTON EXQUISITE LINGERIE MINTY AND NIZW PYJAMAS COTTON IIJS SLIPS or $100 FOR 298 98 98