or J4 ii ©silni auburn wars Meeting The monthly meeting nrvst Johns United Church Womens Missionary Society was held March latthehome at Mrs Elmer Fiegchen with 17 members pres ent The president Mrs George Dickinson opened the meetink within reading and prayerI allL owed by hymn Mrs Percy ankcam conducted pie worship service an the theme Let this plrit be in you Mrs Maurice ell read the Scritpure and the service closed with prayer tor aur missionary Miss Margaret liallday In Angola Mrs Gordon Giticn gave the study book on India and Mrs Drinklrgavs the current events topic Who Is my Neighbori Mrs Loughesd gave repart on the quilt which was quilted in February at Mrs Bishops and sentto an Indian boys school in Alberta Prepara tions are being made to get two moreiqullts made Mrs Giticn librarysceretary reported that to books had been read since the last meeting Plans were made ior heanster tea when Mrs Merle ergusm iormerly Miss Verona Clemence oi Stayner missionary home an turleugh will be the speaker Mrs Drinklc closed the meeting with prayer The host essnnd Mrs Ms Bell and Mrs Drinho served lunch Mr and Mrs Coutts and two children at Brambrldge were guests at Mrs Alvin Archer dur ing Ihe week At Welland Funeral Mr and Mrs liarvie Rowley Mrs Alvin Archer Harry and Bert Rawley attended the runcral their aunt Mrs Thomas Rit chieoi Welland on fob 2H Mr and Mrs William Johnston at Aliandalc visited on Thursday wItIer and Mrs Lionel Player Returned lrons Ilorpltal Mrs Manning is home after her recent surgery In To rnntd hospital Miss Marion Drysdnle ot Ottawa spent few days with her par ents Mr and Mrs Russell Drys dale Visitors with Mrs Wallace Eell during the week were Mrs will lam Webb Wycvalo and Mrs canard Bell oi Tsronto From Florida Home irom holiday In Florida are Mr and Mrs Verne Beard sall Mr and Mrs Coe Mr and Mrs James Beardsall Miss Lois Rowlcy oi Toronto spent the weekend with her par cnts Mr and Mrs Harry Rowiey Mr and Mrs Fred Oakcs and two children oi Toronto visited over the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gosslind Mr and Mrs Norwood oi Tor onto spent the weekend with the latters brother and his wlic Mr and Mrs Date Mr and Mrs Allrn oi Mrs shaId Mrs Walter Middleton Mr and Mrs William Furle cott oi Allandale renewed irlcnd shins here on Sunday and Mrs William Slbbald returned with them ill couple or weeks lieopening of Milk liar Elmvale Milk Dar rcopcned on Saturday under new management of Miss Margaret Watson who trcaicd the children to Ice cream bars In the aitcrnoon Lionel Player entered Icneiang General Hospital on Friday On Saturday aiicrnoon In the parish hall the Womens Associa tion oi Wycllite Church held II ichB PROGRAMS DIAI 1230 111i nutt mom wrannaav loo Ran autum Im County near Is sports Nut to Bulletin posts on BhoItl no Boar no Nan IiuoIinu ua Mid Wns unotIans Ia Aunt so mu so Iiqu 00 Dullrlln oa nuiuaAI no muster Minion You Ind Ilendll is no sa Iiuminm eo Minis ca Put it no Mallnn cumr Is mun rum Inlshlal Touch 10 loan mm and mum not also on IIIIIDAV on Ilh hr ms News mini Cloth ninm c003 ggggoaan 383 nhaouu Mustrli nhovvlaa aZaS oo Olllca aloe IIta II eCwntlrRIie 15 Ilndllaos 1min av use on no In Ira man on mth successiul bake ing sale Gearga Dryrdslo plan In Prunes Word hasheen received at the death In Paris France or George Drysdale former Eimvale boy During the ï¬rst world war Mr Drysdala served overseas with the lith CMR and while in France he married Simone Dubost He returned to Toronto in mi Ear ly in the Second World War he was taken prisoner by the Germ ans and interned near Paris until the carrot hostilities lic leaves his ville anditwo sons James and John In Paris sister Miss Ella Drysdsle Toronto brother totcr Drysdale Hamilton and many relatives in Elmvale st Johns Sunday Services The morning service was well attcndcd with Rev Dr Reynolds conducting the service Also at tending wero the Girl Explarera group with their leaders Mrs Reynolds and Miss Florence Manning At the evening service membersiirom wycliiic and St Andrews churches joined with St Johns tor the Story or the Prado igul Son Dr Reynolds gave briei message on the Lost Boy or Prodigal Son Lost Sheep and the Last Coin Mrs Guihrio read story or boys llio brought up in Christian heme illustrated with songs by Mrs Arlie Sibbald Benny Archer and Eddie Rum stcad Jack WhitilaldvMervyn Cor beii and Mary and Karen Cab bctL The chair and mission band assisted with many numbers Rev Reynolds closed the service with prayer This was iolioweil by social hour and refreshments Satirist WI Suurln Wamcns institute me at Mrs Earl Farnalls March with 22 members and tour visitor present The president Mrs Parnell opened the meeting In the regular term it was an nounced that leadership train lng school will he held at Waver ley March Is and members were urged to attend Letters or thanks were received Irom those who hsa been 111 or had received ben cilts donation or $10 is to go to the Red Cross committee was organized to collect tor the Cancer Society quilt Is to be quilted or one oi the members motion was passed to buy 10 chairs and committee elected or the buying The CAC blliice tin Is to be ordered or another year donation oi $5 is to go to the Elmvdle Fair Board and $5 special prize for the Hi Homemakers Cottans May Br Smart clubs Mrs Howard Rit chic and Mrs Jack Whitfield IN committee to have shiny Ir readiness tor the annual meetina The program Citizenship and Education is under the leader ship oi Mrs George Johnston comic reading Now You Know Your Husband was read by Mrs George Dickinson Mrs Gordon Strath read is more serious piece when Royalty Rides the Rails Mrs George Johnston chose the weighty subject Thc Unlico Na tions for her paper The meet lng closed with singing at the Quccnu and was followed by our used clath SWENSD Hospital BOWMANin loving mcmor Always thinking hi you line As illlli as lite and memory last thcr skiers and brother noRN bizazwAt the Royal Victnria Hespitll Barrie on March it 1055to Sgt and Mrs John Dinzzo so ldth St Camp Borden son Joseph Maria NAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on March 1055 to Mr and Mro Bernard Swensan RR No Allision daughter Deborah Ann DIED DAVIDSONAt the Royal Vic torib Hospital Barrie on es dIY March 1955 Jane Mchrmott beioved wiie oi the late Edward Davidson In her 80th year Dear mother at Will lam Toronto and Lorne Baru rie Restin at Lloyd and Steclt Icy Funcra Home Barrie until 10 am Friday tor Iunersl ser vice at St James Anglitan Church Port Carling on Friday MsrCh ii at pm interment PortCarling Cemetery Casket will be open in the church iroir Mn until time oi service GRAHAMAt the Royal Victoria Barrie on Tuesday March 1955 Pearl Bunker be lotocl wife at Garden Ora am lovingmother of Joan desr sls ter at Sarah Mrs William Hatherilll oi Barrie William Hear and Herman Bunkers oi Orill Resting It the Janneti Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Friday March 11 at pm interment Brampton Ceyl eiery SARGEANTvAt the Royal Vic toria lies ital Barrie on Tires dIty Marc ti 1055 Joseph Rab ert Sergeant in his 79th year Resting at the Lloyd and Stock Isy Funeral Home Barrie Ior service on Thursday March 10 at 230 pm interment St Johns Cemetery Craighurst Cards of Thanks GOODCHILD Mrs Elizabeth Gondchlld and the iamilywlsh to express friends and nei hbors who were so kind during long illness at Mr Goodchild and for the lovely ilarsl remembrances at the time sincere thanks to the li the iunerat WALKERwe wish to extend our heartielt thanks and precl adan irisnds many acu oi kindness mcssages of sympathy tnd beautiiul iloral tributes during our recent sad be resvcmcnt or dear husband and brother Mrs Maycs IN APPRECIATION to our many reativcs snd neighbors tor their Mrs Walker and 21 Mr and Mrs Alvin Eyers and Allan wish to thank their many Irionds and neighbors for kindness shown Allan during his stay in the hosplt 29 recent IN MEMORIAM til dear dauchtcr and sEtcr Hazel Louise Bowman who passed away March II 11151 And wishing you were here You will never be iorgaticn Luvlnglyremombercd by ta CRAWFORDIn lovin memory or dear wiic an mother Elizabeth Crawiord who pusst awa March it 1053 Sunsh ne passes shdows Iali lunch and social hour 05 brIn rssmm sa Accent nu Vartrly nimy rat To my nmunan Balri to sea author us cums Rorasl some Int slutt n4er asu Musi thin or llulllilb lam Rhett The Canadian Red Cross maln tains an Enquiry Dureau to trace missing persons in all parts oi the world total or 507fl000 hogs were slaughtered In Canada In 10 an increase oi 75000 over the previ ous year so no test Clock outtd tla It laud ii mu 10 lieadllnu as ï¬rst learns ca wutacr NM an lintl room nonus so nan smatte News at Trading Post so Mid Mornlnl varieties In on rim Ices Alllrldlil ahuum iota rim out thn wmon to 7mm ran iiou Mu ital ltt lifltbor 1110 IlaIr Count am Im Inc he Retaliat Width llama iln the din Iloundvp uurry suit irontal mus In no Luncheon ad You inn littract vuhion Tip him nr no my Womvhl Institute rummuy cases rr Lenin CIIIM mm In new aIiIhaiy trainr mum irnri husu units usmt Maest tr stun la Whoa your car pots tired we have the prescription in midst ii icIiI good MAC McKEH tIhap formn Loves remembrance outlasts nil Though the years be many or low All are filled with memories oi you £ver remembered by husband and family Iii MATTHEWSin loving memory oi my lather lionry Matthews who passed away March ii toss Loving and kind all his ways Uprigt and last to the end at his days Sincere and true in his heart and mind Beautiiul membrirs hc lctt be bind £ver remembered by his son George 21 WATSON1n loving memory oi Emily Watson brlnvcrl wile oi Arlhur Kent at Siaynrr WlIo pantit away March 105i Gone Irom me but leaving mam orlrs Death can novrr Inkc nwny SaIlIy mLsscd by iltl husband0 Education Is EverybodysA Business run is Education Week in Can ida and it gives us chance to pause and consider how we are arcgressing throughout the=rural parts cl Ontario in innisiilthcre are still plrï¬ty stiltttle red school houses Some these are very little changed xccpt tor the wear and tear they save endured over the past crn lury They have ben equipped Nilil electric lights and perhaps Iave some type oi inside toilets nstallcd They are In most cases rousing marc pupils thanthey did iince being construeted Crowded with seats lnycvery possible corner cachors are endeavorlng to teach is many as 80 pupils in all grades and doing their utmost to start hcm on the road to adult educa tion School costs go up and ratepay ers rant about their taxes while the municipal councils load the blame tor the nigh taxes on educa tion Most oi usspend more to iigarcltcs than we do or educa Ion costs has been said by oiiic als oi the Dcpartmpnt of Educa tion In Toronto Recently while attendinz trustees and ratepayers meeting held In one oi Barries new schools board members and ratepayers were given an opportunity In spect modern school and realize the vast improvement In educa tlon the pupilsthere have otfer ihose attending the outdated schools where many countr chil dren get their education The per pupil casts are probably very little higher When we realize that this primary education means the whole start In liic for our chil dren nothing should be too good for them Teach Safety First During this Education Week the Ontario Provincial Police re en deavoring to show saicty Iilms in many ct Ahc rural schools 0n Tucsdziy ihey made the circuit oi IIIILII contra MEETING Thursday March 10 730pm at Cit0P BARRIE CHAIRMAN FRANK 10131 Director Ontario Milk lraducer League Wc have arranged ior Mr James Deming at United Ce oporalivrs oi Alliance Ohio who are basic distributors oi our Unico riqu Milk Cooling Tanks to be on hand tocx plain our Bulk Cooling setup to all those interested Slmcoc District looperative Services Ilarrle Ilalsrlo roa rastsc0NOMIcat ausk MILK tho OUICKEST dlln oi mills In lrnroitsnt cool ngtanlis All punts HANDLING Easiest to Clean BULK TANK on the Market Frat cooling law hartIII count and ruins and ill illfl lli vantages oi Unico liiilli milk contort with mIIli use pulllint stain Ina steel law to atesiilnrsn steam cleanril You rlni lives ltrliiiim mil 1m lstmr Put on ptllsgs nv ItIrlinl Ins4 musl psynienl in butt mills Inn The Ilni linirn DUI Mittsnitmisi it at top price It In that with In to na Nu mills handle mi nu lollanIn mumi nimnrit mi and quantity at mills It the lam lonstruvtlim amt leiiotmsnro MI KIIIOOIJNII IANIII trial or uul the DISTRIPUIED by UNITED CflfliEIIIII IVES DEBIITIIIIIO rnruihro IIIIIU which parents can assist incdii THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 13557 cation beneï¬ts or their children The new school for AlconaJrcu modern building will talk and showing Iliiillllii union suns tat north innisill schools giving Iliilm an the subject Teachers should endeavor té take ieyv minutes week keep this subject beiare their pupils Many children meet death annually through indiiicrcnce to proper safety cure New Home and School Club Formed Alcono Ratepayers at the Alcona Beach school which Is at present operat ing In the store hall at Cedar Harbor held an inauguration meeting MondJYVOVclling during which they heard Mrs Hanlan who gave details oi the advantages or parents arming homo and school organization About 110 attended all of whom signiiicd their Intcntloh ot sup porting the dew organization Oiiicers elected were Allan law resident Mrs Charles Stu art st vicepresident Gririlth Ford 2nd vicepresident Mrs Peggy Fordsecrctary Mrs Mary Law treasurer Mrs Rankin oi Barrie who ll county organizer tor Home and School told at the manyways In be opened during the Easter per iod it is expecteri that the Club will have part in tho celebra tion oi this advancement in the community IJack Webster mem ber or Aha area school board was among those attending The club will be known as the Alconaiiicaclt Home and School Association Thcwriter would be pleased in have information on any other groups who may in considerlnu the tanning or Home and Sc orJ In their scatters This is Educa Ion Week and now is the time to go behindyour teachers and schoill trustees and help to make the dollarsrpcnt tor education are ducc proilts BIRD 0F PARADISE The male bird oIparadlsc like the peacock raises its plumage during courtship TENDERS will be received by the under signed up to 12 oclock noon on Wednesday March 23 mentor oroctlenur Centennial Gateway to be constructed principally oi stone and concrete Same to be erected on the grounds oi the Ear rIe Agricultural Society Plans and specifications may ba obtained irom the undersigned awest urany tender not necess ucccptcd iiiAwomsoN SenaMgr BARRIE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY NIONE 373 41 DUNIDP ST MARKET raters station less noes cams sons POULTRÂ¥ As quoted by First Ciroperative Packers at Ontario Barrie Manda sreeeillitt Hogs 52500 Sows $1900 EGGS Large Medium Small CHICKENS Over It lbs Grade ii to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to 51bs Under lbs Special Grade Grade 11 Grade 45 lbs Under lbs HOLLY Several ladies rmmruis district attended the cooking School in Barrie on Thursday and Friday Mr and Mrs Kcnwcll and Johnnyvlsited withMr nd Mrs Caron at Calllniiwofld Fe 27 We welcome Mr and Mrs Myers and family to our commun Ity Dont forget the euchre partyat the home of Mr and Mrs Lackie Saturday March 12 Mrs Nelson spent several days last week with Iriends at Bramp ton 51 pouan CHIEFTAIN FLEIITLINE COACH Custom radio alrcandii loniag many other extras Sold with the Iamous Dan gcrtield warranty Business goes where business is appreciated DANGERFIELD MOTORS LIMITED USED CAR DIVISION 231 Bradinrd SI Dial 1931 PLAIN 0R PIMENTO CIIATEA CHEESE VALUED AT 95¢ Itllil EVERY SIMON LIQUID FLOOR Willi HEINZ INFANT CEREALS SELF POLISHING SPIIIIIIETII CHILI SIIIICE LIIIONH ICKEN NOODLE EOETAIILE SIIIIP MIX IlIlG or CIIT F001 15 OZ TIN r9 27° IIIIMS IIV TIIII lllli TINT ANII IillIK SIIIISIIIIE IIAIM BRAND PANIW With all the marvels oi modern science no one has yet Invented machine that can smile Only people can do that people who are glad to see you and want you to feel welcome Youll iind peoploliko that at Dominion all through the store at tho Irult and vegetable stands at the meat counter everywhere Thats why shopping ls so pleasant at Dominion Thats why everybody says Folks are more iiiendly at DOMINIONI ll rnarumzi aoz PKG 31 SPECIAL OFFERI FREE PACKAGE SEEDS OI Tin $119 Bozpkv 23 HEINZ TOMATO RAIICE COOKED 15 oz no Is as btls 39 HR TIALLARIIN CHAMPION BY THE PIECE BEEF BIILIIIIIIII BACON PURCHASE NONASCUFF FANCY EATING OR COOKING IiiII CRISP itchNTOSH APPLES c330 FRESH GREEN PASCAL CRUNCIIYk CRISP FLORIIIA FEATUREI CELE IEATUREI SIZE Alis RY FRESH GREEN TOP CALIFORNIA NEW carrots 29¢ Itllii SWEET CUIIAN 0R TOMATO vkvl 25 lllEUIAI lFFHIll HAVINIIH AT TiliIii OF PURCHASE ORANGE IiZKUF TENDER LEAF TEA BAGS 10o err 76 PKG OF 00 Guaranteed Meats DAIR llIiANI llflliAKlANT Iu 69c IIIHAL Ftlli MEAT LilAI III IIANIRIIIIIIIZR LEAN MiNIIEIl BEEF 29 25c IIIIZHII LINK lb age e49 iiiscuirs 35° GREEN IIANT FANCY illT Willi BEIINS lilliIii IlIIIIIEIi KRAFT REGULAR IAlllilt MIIIIIIIIIIINE HEAT ANII lililni YilllK IIIIANII LIIMII STEW IIIiINZIN IilMATi NANCE WITHOUT lliAT Vegetarian Beans nun ANIl Hill liNthAlIlIi iIINIIY PEIIS lillIillITfl PAM IIIPLESAIICE RIIIIIUIT IEATIIRIII Willi li IANNI 29 PINEAPPLE 29 hPlIALi 15 as Tln 15 ii 71A 27c itllltilALI lb phql 67c NIIIAII 15 or Tin 25c HIEUIALI 215 11m 35 NllittlAlil 3r iiiliIAlil 31° llllfli lll llllili VARIIITIFII Nilll Simcoo District Cooperative Services IIARRIE rovn timtcunr LINCOLN rimson Drawn Smlc St BARRIE Phone 5513 nongNIoIi countryman