W4 IHEWllSQN lullDING inhm aa nAnEIE Phone Mr iluioil lioildly Len Wednesday March Mr Huioirflniidw French movie witnessed by members oi Â¥m French Club ran arriving in oronto hell the pnriy decidinl In reniiy mix their iorcixn rein llnns at dinner ni he Scandin nvlnn resinuranluLmiq Denmark The omen wen to Ln Chnnmiere and enjoyed themselvel immunw iy during French Adinner fihe highlights at the menu here were the lpccinl beverage4 and he hm dneuvruis diflerent kindh inciuninx lnnill which are alien We ï¬llet club now preparing aconcerv an Sunduy Much 21 wllh the name cunem Band Punch Club The French Club eyed ry interullnl trip oronto week Here In an account 01 ll wxMen by French Club mem hgr who tell me her an de Glee Club The BBC Glee club winner of two am Ind two second 1m Klwnnh Muxlc quval hm received ord that the club under tho dlr oh Mr Rona ha won Jhlvu monef awards 75 doll ar min Dumlnon stem 100 aollnrvrmmblyn award and 60 9llnrawnrd mm the Wm 1hr filoflilwunls Club Conlmuln pn Quantity of PINE Sheeting 10 16 Also Qunnllly of mflcn vnrlnul Ilns nnd levimu prlcul right or lmmcdlnte mle DRY PINE HEMLOCK TIMBER 20 10x10 30 12 x12 28 Hm you ever thought bi mount of money 11m an Inn dad up In cut er hlp youhlve bul do you Imnw Int your cu repro ltnl mlng nome plupll all In up which an bu uud by you or credit Well bel eve lhux ml Ind II II the rclxon we mute lulo loam Ia vuy quickly oumedmu uku anly lwenly mlnum to complete kilnI very Iimple umlfhh omrd may an money Lnl It you In llmue cud Ynu glln rul udunuxo when you borrow Ix Nigm or 1mm to 31500 In lifehunted no um can you and if an camplu mu you will nd Nlngl ll In luquenlly Iawer0l cum on of our olhzr loin plum un Ml on If IhI Ium Ion daunl your nu Sn If you Med muney Ind ll yuu IMO quick hm dmp In 1955 FORD 0W 0N BISPLAY JOHN mmm folks about JOHN By CAmamNs COLEMAN Fast way lo get money AIIIO DANS LUMBER BULLOCK MOTORS LTD PHONE 5216 GORMLEY HAVE YOU FOR SALE MARKET SQUARE The Drama Club whth to ex press It npprcclauon tomfl mem ber or Ihrh vnlunblu nxsimncc he ccmmmccs Congnlulmlnns are exlcnded to 1m BDCI Drama Club on lhelr veg sful play Thnll now Io until next week hardy hnr hlr hlr harl DI lhll cruy mixed up kldn The play followed the everyday Min typical amlly in the 1300s However the Day iamlly mm apart from any other iam lllna at that parlad because ol the captivating pemonalitica oi the Day householdrather portrayed by Jim Hansen hattempered but not unkind Mother or Vlnnla Juno Graham lovable person but so aiuhhornly inaiaknt that Father art hlmaeli hapuzcd sun Clarence Jim Muir whose rna¢ Hon to Mary Skinner Madge Churchill spelled Laveand howl John Day iAian Cowan typi cal dashing teenagar with all he lCDFL of those around that age Whllney and Harlan Day Frank Madlzan Nathan Graham the smallfry the Day household Cousin Cora Pat Hlmllton Highly lamale relativ alwnya haraan lnon the Day for pro lnnucd loo lonaed vlalLr Dr Somcra and Dr liumvhroys Paul Channcn and Jerry Hancock lhc solemn MDs who attended poor Vinnie who was more dead than alivo alter dosan oi John Days wonderlul cureall mediclno which he was selling or dollar hat tle around Ihe ncldhborhood luv Dr Lloyd John Powell very seriousminded minister who got along famously with Vlnnle but acnnllaly not wllh Father Mar garet Carolyn Payne th cook who knew all the ins and mm oi lha Day iamlly perwnalillcn Annl Betty Stallord Della Jun Travia Nora Llillaa dc Lam Mania Jennifer Hawklns the petrlllcd maids on whom Fa thera violent outburata produced leaving effect Th cnure ncflon mm plum In the marnnx room utlhe Day Muse un Mndllnn Avenue New ank CH Dunn Club On Much and he BDCI Drama Club premnled Life With Father dimud hyMr Howard Lacey capacity crowd ï¬lled ihe BDCI Auditorium nnd watch ed ha lidEIpmllnl comedy with growing enioymeni Janus ï¬evf Weflman nnrl Carol Rlx may Lloyd are theiguard llniup Joan The Anal name will be pllycd In the BDCI Im unlucsdp March The umplonshlp Wm he mining in the mm with he hluhen number points in he Iwu games Good luck kids The winner HunleLSLJra 31 21 Iy to lol In the lo11 dnfmlment Mara Slmlel moun far 13 points Ruth Dunner Mld FayeMlllar Incl Lorna Mc Lonn wimï¬ aylecc June Ayers with and Janet Clem The lunrd played In excep tional lam nlnlwuys azalnsl HIP deky Aurarh players Bukulhlll On Friday March hum unim BDCI llrli4Mskecball tum qnd cheerleaders rbvtllud lo Aurora or the nu playou nma of tha marlin 39y dlllrm champlun by pulllnl than out or their shall wllh pin for haw the kitewhit you thlnk about thin depend on who you Ire Rle movle whose action took pllce at French seaside resort was hll arlnus It was rather unique mnvle slnce the leadingnclur lncque Tall spoke only two ward during th whol penlob mince and yet he kgpt the Audil 3an In lauzhter the whole time Th entire evening proved lo be very enjoyable am far the French Club members AT SEEN THE New Gmxuw 1amlllu Imvo Mlled or New anlnnd whvro lhny have bun recrullcd lo work or lum ber wmpnny Tth will my Ihuo ll 1mm lhrte yum MXXED DOUBLES Nicklan and Srnxrnm defeated Ducklnl ham and Emmanl Annmrnl Ind Smllh lost VHKtM and Vlnccnl Smllh Ind milllck lost to Becklnnhnm and Vln cent Carrulhm and Machd lost to Achuon and Mdmllnnd Illmllmn and Snrjcnnt lo Awrynnd Ferguson Blenn and llrkllnu ID to Trunk and Dobblc McKenuu Ind nanny dnlcntcd Klng and Tromblay Stngram and Jewell Inn In Mclsanc and Arhcson Surlonnl and Whllby defrnml Ayn nml Ayrcs Plh Mid PlIc Mch Vlnccnl and Soymuur Snrjcnm Ind nylu damned Vlncrnl and Seymour ammo and lawn Ins lu Mn and Aynl nunk 0rllla LADIES DOUBLES Hick llnz and Armskmng dclcnlcd Acheson and Bocklngham Smllh and McKenzlc denMed Trnsk and Awry Hnmll ton nnd Carrulhcrs 1m to Vlnccnt and Acheson Nixon nndM Saman dcrcalcd lsnnc and Vlncrnl Scagrnm and Andaman dcrcaled Ayrcs and King We and Cam eron defcalcd Trnsk and Mc Isanc Ilnmllmn and Daley lost in Vlncum and Vln cnnl Barrie 50rllln MENS DOUBLES Scumurn and Doug Smflh defeated Ran Em met and Ferguson Ross Hick Hing and Bob Chmlck lost to Vlnccnl Ind Vinccnl Ron Pm nnd Harry Halley lost an Dabble and McLelIand Malch and Juwm 10 In Acheson and Tremblay Doug Snrjcunt nnd Larry whllby lus in Vlncnm and Vlnccm Ken um and Bud Brnckwlll lost Seymour and Ayars Barrlc lOxlllh Hy nlmnsl whHewuthg lhc Enr rlo mans doubles cams Orlllia Ganson Budmimon Club scored 14 win In an ï¬nlcrclub match at Barrie Armcury Friday cflnlng CANADASLABGEST and best boot show will be one of themnny features of the 1955 Canadian National Sportsmans Show which will be held in the Coliseum Toronto iromMnrch ii to 19 under the auspices oi the Tinonto Angler5 and Hun tres Association Profits mm the show will be used tocntry conservation program of Canadas resources of forest iieid and stream Been here steering course or the boat show at the sportsmens Show are Joyce Landrynnd Hilda Lnng Orilllia Gérrison Dominate Men Win Badminton Rcsults mo malchns Barrie nnmcs flr 5129 2035c mï¬z =ZAHN 3H2 Oh Lac HOOMINU TRADE HillIn wnduccvl rrconl hulll nl 13360011 mulnr whlclrl In 10 nu 200000 1mm IDJJ lloylll Inn 13 um ï¬lm um Hnmmcll lWLMJ Evmu Emmi mu mu Cunllm IIncmrmA mm mum xii Mnuhnll Illdu Humml 137 high rlplu Gland VIlIdrVIn IlnuklrlY 717 Eiiwx Mnrlhnll 17 071na1nd Vnndrrvrrr 2m 7m llqynl Inn llnl Shun In Ilnn 12117550 swim An drqu 712 my Mom ID CM Daredevlll Greenback Ilcoklu llnchcr Mae Hunmru Wallnn Na Alum me Munder 12m 157 mtnuu 001 DZIHIIEVHI Dick Knmht an aim mm mm can Hr cmz Gmnbnc aunn sundry uoz Jami amny Mil Mun llunnru Hockch Terry llamlllnn 592 mu Willlums 211140 HoLnEarb Klbllzeu Ralph mm 1235 569 111 CW ln 190412 Raunh Coaklcs Hully Slur Don Home L324 7707 John Tur ncr l250 €159 Weslom Cuop Run Chnnllcr 201 598 chk Luchcy 234 615 Huhlllnxlc and lrlplc rwcre lukcn by Don Oillc Rough Cockle wllh 324 and 770 respectively Weston No Conllnrnlall nuynl blurs Hal Shnls Weslo 41 Coop 43 Non Strikers 42 Cmckun an ally 311 30 Rnuzh Cuak cs 35 Deuces Wild 33 Dumlnlan Stores Bills Acts Klblllcrs Lablawn Snlpm Syanysinnu Im 490 Marla Grocnsldc 1279 no nun Are Deuces Wlld sum Osnchuk 5771 nod lenncll mo 051x Crackers Damlnlnn sum l1clnm by nun unnum mu phllcnlph Ihu Ip pen In lhln nlllplp Irv nulllluh In Iny print lull Inlmnlllnl Ibnl 0t pleIu you win SPARES NOTE Tho llama Examlnu Phone 2414 BanIa Bowlln MIXED TOWN LEAGUE GROUP Allen STRIKES bémlnlnn 5mm llamlllnn 582 212 010 01mm Gm ELSWORTH BLONDIE POGO yam we ATDUOH mm we mama pm To wmr THROUGH ALL m1 snow LUNCH mm on READV mum MAwd MUGGS AND SKEETER VOUNG LAW BEING 50 015035 YOU CAN BED WIT ALLme rummane comesvdumasomu anAcxuuL naveuzamevouuma WAGOVEANQEAI vounc LAW same so msoBEmEN you CAN sow BED wrmoun SUPPER YOJLL HAVE ATDUOH TIME mama HOLE To BURY THROUGH ALL THAT snow WHEN mo Mb mum STAND My pm A9 WELL COULD ON anTr THEBARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 195515 le NOTMM 3° It 46 N04 LOY INNER DO WHEN DURE LIYTLU WAN WHEN YQIRE GROWN UP or mu mum maswmsona IgHiï¬fAmmwmm YOU car Imng 8y Wally Bishop By Chick Young Wall Kelly By Sang