EQUIPMENT such as thls flowered by dlesel locomoclves wlll enable the Cnnpdlnn Pnclllc Rullwnys new strenmllner The Cnnndlnn to slice 10 hours from the pres ent westward trunscontlnentnl schedules when the all stnlnless steel trnln goes lnto service Aprll 24 The new lruln wlll travel the 2881 mlles from Montreal to Vancouver ln 71 hours and 10 mlnutes and the 2704 mlles from Toronto to Vancouver In 07 Stayner to Vole On Local Option pdlllcn signed by 221 voters has been led with Emma town clerk Culham asklng fur vole on two quuanns under local option Th1 pelllion contalns the required 25 per arm of the valet sled the last provincial cloc Ilon or he munlclpnmy The Clerk 13 now following 4M procedure as mill down by the Liqum Comm AM prnmramry lo the holding at such vnle LAND PROGRAM The Repubnc ul India in the last three your has rcclnlmcd 300000 new or ugrlcullum 1mm wasteland The pelmon asks for valvlor he cslnbllshmcnl novernmonl slam or the sale at liquor and for the cstabllshmcnt nf government More for the sale beer only for residence cansumpllan CHINE PARTS THIS PROGRAMME MEANS HHMTEII IllOlITS Till NOW Fm MllllllvflAlN Row Illllon av HIIUIDHMN Nun mlx umenlnln Inhul in Mllh you lulu It All mu Yuur nmflll An nun Ihynu nln pl wnnul per mm LITHIIK Ferd NllllflIAIN Ill Haul mm IA ol II to IO wtell In Your llcmlll Hllmllllwllnllnll llul will uh mukel monlh anon IEUWIBIU Ill Frrvl NI MAIN lo lrnmr OrNIIUIK nnh no mnlulrmlirdi th nil ynur cl unlll Imn vulth no mum Your mm um um Ilmluwl luaumural In lull llw um pnlod FININIIINU ID MMIKIJX Ft HIIUIIAUMN Ilul llnlvh 07 ml mummm vnulllvllo In HII ynur lulu mm In pound In nlIVllPI ulllll YIN IIIIQIII Illlll lnllhrlrll uh and link till Inn It HILLSDALE FLOUR FEED CALL FRENCH MBTURS Phone 597 15 BRADFORD ST Mt us alwcuu your lung mam yrqulmnent For genuine SHUROAIN SIRENGTHENS EVERY lINK IN YOUR HOG FEEDING CHAIN CLARENCE CUMMING CPR fTheCanadianCtitsTime 10 West Coasf IRA WILSON COOKBTOWN HILLRDALE lMlllllfl Mm flank Toddï¬returned home on Mnndny mm mm weeks v15 lo her mother In Icronlo Toronto Fullerl Mr and Mrs Robert Kell and Mr and Mrs Frnnk Kell and Clnrcncc allcndcd the funeral on Monday of the late Harvey Saw yer 1n Tomnlo WMs MullI Postponed Thu Womens Mlsslnnury Soc my mman has been poslponcd ur one week WHIIII Workers Meet GIlIord Willing Workch Club Girl Stnnds On Guard me an FULL nl Mrs Sawyer wilh eight members and one Visitor pmsan Mcnllnu opened wllh the club verse lullowcd by Llldfl Alk rundlng her nnlcs Cumc1 menus were practised and com munls wcm made Dnmonsuallons Dn aIanlal Expiration and how lu bandnxc irncturcd bonus 5m dy nn pnlsons Injuries spmlns burns scalds aiming and ï¬res HOUSES IN OUTSKIHTS Them growing lcnfluncy lu bulld homes outside settled com munllics Just because the num mobllc has solved the Iransporm llfln problem It does not In HsLIl however solve the prublcms of pullcu and llm prulccliun publlc hcnlm pILlllan or somdlmu at Chuullnz Cohnmr Ont Narthland Past Mr and Mrs Owen Dell and Inmny vlsltcd Mrs Leonard Boll nlJWnllEn on Sunny GILFORD hours 55 minutes reducing the trip by full night in each directionThe latest in accommodation includes deluxe coaches skyline coffee shop dome coach in which meals or snacks can be obtained at popular prices modern electricallykitchened din ing car new Manor and Chateau sleep ing cars and the newest thing on Canadian rails scenicdome loungeobservation sleeping cars Allislon Fights CNR Withdrawal The Town of Ailistun th sent another brief lhc Bwrd of Rail way Commissluners promstlnl against the CNRs prupuml In dIs cantlnue service on 133 miles of track between Allistcn and Cree This scuond brief palms nut Ihnl nq mcnlion is made by Ina rallwny revenue derived mm Express and lclogmphs Il also sugars ed that Igurcs should be canalch od for larger period him since 1950 and 15 guod porccnlage mo heavy muinlunnncc cosls or re ccru yum ls due 1n the fact um mum hvavlcr equipment meant primnrlly or maln Inn rnlfic has come lnlu use on this branch llnc number at Mend from here spent Samrday evening with cxgry nl Barrle Mrs 11Gnulcy Ts spending aw days wllh daugMcr Mrs Cnmcmn mi Town Mr nï¬d Mrs chrze Maynard Conksvillu were Sunday vlsl urs wllh Mr and Mrs Rough rncro was It good ntlendnnce nl the dance 1n lho Oranzo Hull nn rldjyfvnnlng The Repuhll Vcncxunln on flu mth culls South America cover 352000 square mllu Co il Youml Gardening with Seed Costs Less Grows More Easiest and mu economltnl method or growing nnnull new on Ind vuclnblu to low sooth dlrtclly In lhe Klrden vhcm me plnnls am to mow th most vnrlcllc analn packd 01 tends will urowmv crnl lmu nl many plant Ill even lnrlo Knrdcn hlu room to mature Ind me can the seeds lrncllon me lum rcqulml Io purchm Ircdllnn Wllh lama vnrlulu hnwovar lherc II In Idvnnluc in mllnl out well developed plnnll mun In the wulhcr II In in under to map urven dly or rvcn wcrkl uxllcr lhln wnuId be ohlnlmbln from luwlnl d1 rcpt In lho lydcn unhr Inno Wllifllr ukur eicup llxmnlly 11ml lumlnm and ammp nluw unllmlnrl Imonl the Mer mum puunl 1m unnpvllazunl an mer Ilnyl um mummy Ind vubmll lml Unwln dlhnll mnlnlu In In Illyl nr lul lull mnluu Iu nluwly lhnl unlu llnml ully lhny nnwlr In lllo nmmw or ml lllL hm or lplllll nnwulnl would lllllrd In ruhl hull In July fur bloom lnllmvlnl lur rlmu would be llllltd In Imenha hound whHrImu or In Indbox Nfltld In Iunny window In the home By Irnwlnl yaur nwn plnnu you will nu only II yum dell of many but you an Iclccl lhu vnrlcllu you now rum cmnplm 1m wlhou bring llmlml In HI whlth lo cal pIInl Imqu my on Vulnllu which nln molt Imm In only um under wn lucilon In hon which Innut In suwn oulduorl with ulnly ml 111 dInKu Ilnl II ov Inn III nnmul bu vwn emwr III we ludm or In and bum Mmy uvul l1ll1l ndmul In Inch Iml lmxu mum ll ennble my swillnl plml In his ed In Im hunt ulcily Whirl II dulml 11 nu Ihlnnlnl oul ml nu nun unl Uxu The Iced bum un pl when II couvmlrnl 10 mm llmn um lha pllnlu mwd In the ude nomad In mxlna bulb nr pnennlllv thh hm quad lo bloom BAXTER seemudwhe most namrnl bhlnz In the wvrld buntow had mme Ihouillv could ml at that stageu the meal Imamber an unly mink my hazing we mm by my guests having in 31nd on shawlnz me how In 1urn my one bmlle at hmndy lnlo bowl of puflchiand vcry good punch that hnugh dant as rule have puth In he curly ncrnmn Came to lmnk mum Beg have punh My suppose my an the fam llyhud gone iMn Lhe athgr mom 101191 to LherndIaln reudï¬nus or the Queansbmndm What ver cued we were alone he and Irnplele utter mIddny Chrlskmm dirmer had lhuvzh it good dlnncr The soup ndmn had game out Hln but me turkeyhnd mm mm Nortolk and the Chiism pudding had been homemade pro perly surred In the process and tarnished wnh one mdulonal tumble button andsixpcncqs had managed to sprlng couple bottles Amtrallan burgundy there had been boulmi ale and whatwas Ion auhelbmndy mm the brandysauce home had vague lmqpreï¬lon thnl me little man wuh hhc nee flee the My cut whiskey and 112 very fancy vmlzvtmnst had been the Ne and soul of helnble and did not take it min when aver second gins at the punchrhnt he hnd so mudjenloycd making he said mu nbiuptly You dine earlierthan we did 1nd much lighter suppose you leave We biz meal Im supper when the servants come In lo Innull flaw II mm or Idvm lllnl ventbl 1n ham um n1 Iqu vulellu width ubduu Ill uIHr Inl vul In lawn IeVHl wulu Delm my mum in pllnlul mullooll Amnnl hue lend nml nluw lmwlng lamIn lewr ml Illplum hmly uh lllowlr whlch mull mum Mun lwl weather ml lhc ulnw nowlnl ulny hp 10qu ml Inllh onions 11 at which du we hum MIMI led ully Ind mm ln th kn Ah he mm we didnt make much 0lundlmnmbuhl mm newfungicd Bu we dined nle amcrmon Them would be muse an one and at the table lurkey the other lnlnt at but Ind one of pork with of course cold pie land cut of hm hm Lhuse Wm wantvd Ourpud ding was much bigger aflnlr and we had mare mimu plea But then you see we sat down nbuut twenty to table He was so completnly bamed that it look me some mlnulcs lo explain llls kccn mobile ace blnmd wllh excllnmvni ovays ma New cxmalned that as rule we 11d not dan 1n the mlddny but had lunch than and meal when reached harm in the evening about seven Hc bmodcd uycr Neither told hIm We shall all be listening to the Queen To the Queen Yes And the mundlhcEm plrc grueling The radio you know Dul whnl marvellous lhlnl cricd all the race one great Ng fnmllyl It plly ynur wxmdcrrul Imuglnutlon cant In lraqslalcd lnlu rcnll Whm happens when weve In mod the punch he asked Do you joln your neighbor or do your ndghbcm joln you to make up my In To Mum Ill Shaw you that his been nzsund hlm explained chat the slug mod em houses um cos modern mumy mvcl the luck sun vnan the can of foodstuffs and wines made big family munring mcwhm difï¬cult DICKENS DINESLWITHTME hypoumï¬nooxs Wellkmwn Bruldculu mg chknhn Unlln lhhlln Verimn Pam Pewl accuse me being sentkmnmlst about Christmas he sald but Isnt lust amply sentiment The wine daylxn the year when Lhe menI women Ind children whahave becn waxkm twelve to gunmen hnur day can make merry because the more fob tunnle remember them In their wnm Ind misery But nszurcd hlm men wunm um childrendont wwk thruuuucl hours nuwadays chu dun under 1mm dunllwblfknk all Andwim trade union mm and nnllnml health Maui and public ussblnncc themyis no reumn why anybody should be In unlunl wgntat Chflnmu or any ouner um And Chrlslmu Isnt the an day In the ycMHLhere nm the nut bank holiday Ind Good Frldnrnnd holldnyn WHh Agcdn his look of bkudumont cawcd mu to do mm humgd ex plalnlng ll mmcd my urndo nsku questing um Isald Ihn In your day nuhouzh ghey made marry nl Dinglevy Dull and In human human like Bob Crmchlla whom Sewage took that mcmnmble same there was Info 94er migry MIscxyY Budsqualvr and brain drunlmcss WJLh gin at penny glass at mum by way what 60qu pay qr ah smnll win It bar X3 around wn shilling He whlsuui But thenfurm house butler Xs tegflshllppg pop nu wmsue wns louderand more pmlomzcd Banana Unnnumied Whnl Are you charged flnr 1111 at shrub Or 3139 nl burp yhuryfl ustggd It you asked or ellher why tho publlcans probably wouldnt know Mm you were talking about You could an dry Mur um cocktail for about three shu llnxa HI Inca umch min We got 1110 wcklulh in America sherry cobbler and mint iulops and the llkc Very pamuble bu Ml suit for mom mcn mnkjng Wonder of lurllo stopped for hl cycbrow seemed to be climbing up his are hand Imnod iomud idly hm be gun to pool 11 banana Are those edible he nqulr ed Iopklna glmely an mm mouzht you had them or am ament he added But then Im told 10¢ 01 people first thought loveapple were inzdlble hove apples Mr Plckwlck would have cull ed them tummoes oh tomatoes You shall have some In your salad to supper He finished his guns of punch suppose that mlwilhstnndlng n11 thls prwperlw and social rt orm youve been telling mu nboul charity and the living presents husxjt nllcmgi Charlly lhlnk has changed It lurm bux we still live presents Space nuns and scooters and that kind of thing 01 um children nyloru packs and so an or the womcnrolk iil expinin and dcmomlme iaicr Come Inio the other room In hm lhe Queen Weii ill television by next year You see my wife doesnt like the never ncvcr At that hln cycbrowu had limad disappeared flu utiemd Tln Tlrns lumnus God bless us an and every one And then lud dcnly added But the spit ChrisLmnq lhni mnhus my boy no mnflli mm form it inku Pmcbe on earth goodwill award ma flopped la open tho door for him Peace on cnnlh mld III III doubtfuuy Ind lhcnv unnqu round fuund 0m he had lone Wukm up mo Queen will l1 MAILI AVINUI 119th Then Ind phone write for free osllmale FILTER QUEEN SALES 0F BARBIE plnllc llle lhul wipe clnn wont lldo thunk with lpllnl lompmd nlumluum mu Ihll my back lo lhlpo um nylon com mam wont fly nmllp nu conltol om Ilwlyl In mch AnnMe In rnlov rombmllnm Unl In the IIIHeulum Hm an mm In Mmplnel wlw mlhlml szwblind with all these features ION In TIM Wflx general rcduellon In world grain ylclds last your sales Canadian groin tar export have lmpmvml Rush Grain To Edy Ports MidhnqFru Pm Herald Ham rush cl Inln to the Gear lun Bay ports 15 likely use ln um um sub navflzgtlan pneqs wh the Vicar 1ccally wm remlvcly lull and mum cxpom slow pran will su nearly all clgvnlar ln mdhni uni Poo Mmmn amply Canada Slmmvhlp qlfinlnh atmln Lust your lonzahoremen and mar When In um dmrm hud sllm ymr with many mu lhlp iald lame pm my supson In Enlerlaln Cnmmunlty Womens Insulqu wlll enlennln the commule ln lhe school h1 dny March 11 01 515 pm There wlll be sllde taken in the enslam pravlnenl us well In the West The school chlldmn are helplnl out wllh games and comm are bean nrrunxcd Proceeds are no lnu lo help nut the Red Cross and ll ls hoped lhul he evenlnu wu lhcr and roads wlll be mad Abla Illle llama Glad to report lhal Mrs Charles chkllng ls min to ha back home nller her recent opemllon She was able lo spend few days with her molhor As hr we know carrier will be luhu month or next ny rlckzon which Is much caurulnu than mu We pm with amp mcrytsol ngn In lha Georzinn Bay lust at Man the ice goes out he added Vlrl In Taramu Mr and Mn sm Money spent couple any ln Tornnln and at 1lcndcd survch In Ihe Church of lhc Comforter When Rev chcncler Wrium wu the wanker Thu vlsltod Mr Ina Mr George Troyur of Waudhrldxe Mrs Troy er lhr former Memdn Douay cachtr of Mrs Monty 2nd Llne Mldhunn and M1 well known here she mm for your Nu Anomnr TV antenna in ma com munity at Mr and Mrs Dan Kenya Mn my Hickllhu mm Sundly nl Warden Roy lllcklinz Become nelllllflll Elechlclln Conzmulnuom In to Ross Wall win on complcllnl his apprentice ship at the Trade thool Tqmma and through wllh flying colors obmlnlnz honurs Ross 15 now rumored dcclrlcinn M15 Joan Rcynuldfl Pnnulnn In the weekend with Jonn Wnflwln Wntch Bkllnx Mr and Mrs Wllbur Dubson and boy mulorud the Blue Moun lnln Sunday to wulch lhc akllnz Wellhcr Report Well March mm In like lamb but cerlnlnly ncllnz 1ch Hon nl lme cf wrlllnu thnm to Sehnol Audrey Money back to school siltr her recent nccldcnt and doing well DEEP ï¬lm mnln uh descend IMO he Ink one at Clmdll hum unn Ium mlnex at Eldarndu In nonh ern Snlkllchnwun penklnl In three minum came my wllns chce mm the other very much wondered what we Qucen 01Mr1 plclggqn day would KM hide CENTRE VESPRA nIvl hulk out ml Hond mcre en 11133 mm EXAMINER wsmgnspn RURAL HYDRO cruaws have adopted the nbovu mechlnu for the dlsposnl of brush whlch his been removed from trees plans power nee Thls brush chopper will take tree up to our Inches th dlnmeter chop the brush and wood Into small particles and dlspose or lt along the Ience The chopper ls powered by an automohlletypeenazne and hauled along the roadby truck Three men can dlrpose the brush which tormerly had to be hauled nwny undburned Mm Joy Bertram of Toronto was weekend guns Harold Adnmx nlsu Mr nnd Mu no chnm and Mrs Snider Elm alc went Sunday at theAdums om Mr and Mrs Mluhlan Mums and Corbctuncompnnled by Mr Frnllck and Gnome spent Sun day with lhllr daughter Hvlnn andlamlly nl Brnrebridge Mono Cenlre Vlauun Mr and Mrs Stun Thumpsnn and Mr and Mrs Carrlck Young or Mann Coner spcnl Sunday with Mr and Mrs Clnlr Prim lIrmcrl Union iiieallnr The Furmerx Union held their meeting in Ihe Ornnm Hull on Thursday March wiih nn ul icndnnze 30 Wniier Mlilun nl Tani Viceprlsldnnl ho Farm en Uninnwns the Ipenker Hr spoke on this Dnminlnnwiuc or nnninuon and messed ihc im portlnce of having Ontario luily organized informal ducusslnn mowed in which the weaker im swcrcd nvmi quuilnm on tho inrmm prnhicms The member decidvd to hold nnolhcr Invoking on Thursday March no when an oinnlion at niiicers will be held lailnwcd by xauiui uvrning with lunch Funk Mliil nl Fovernhnm will be spank it in hopcd to have noud ntiendnnwindic especially invllcd RUIalIHydré Brush Chopber MINESING human LOO 0mm Ipwu Imd lull lyml zoo vII lrm in mm no II BIA him In mu on 14 or mu my 001 11m to hinl IMOmm km Mun Int Ln EQNII Inï¬ll Reeves Jewellers llu Um mnlfllrl man In OMIII lll llhmmllll In in Own 7v LE inmown mumms om InnI mu Ioo Dlnm 1m um um no out In no 14 Druy ulv 100 It Kw Mn Slreb ol Snsklloun whn has been gum the home at WlLIun or the pnxlvlhren weeks ll 11mm vimlnu wuh hcr sistrr Mrs Wllxon Bar Mlu Minion Maw nnd ï¬lth nrdwn annnlo aptn lhu week end with thu owners molhex Mrs Wllllnm Maw Plhillï¬ï¬ï¬g JENNII HI My um M1 LHEE CHIN lLM WERE FAWNV R°°r7ssmnmum In mm Wm nmvnuvflu innmm NI null mm nun llu Putnam IIY Imll um Only 4mm by mm cum mm nu om New MI 00