Presbyterian WMS The spadoul home Mrs Bruce Cownn was the sailing for the March mnoilng he Pxesbyicr inn WMS on Wednesday evening March The president Mrl Campbell was in the chair Due In the nbsnncc oi the score lnry Mrs lllnd Mrs Dwighl Nelson ncud as secretary for iim meeting Thanks or lnllL HW or and parcel were lendercd 1mm Mrs linnd Mrs Third MN Gibbnns and Mean SumerinndY Days and Muir it was decided to ask lerll Unlicd Church Glee Club in Riva performmt in ihe Presbyicrinn Church Slmud conveninnl am about May was decided in send donnlion in be used or Kill for Miss Mc Murchy Mrs Campbell dixi played the qum on Dr bale quilt to be quilted during he week Two new membership wcmm ceivcd Scrlpiurc reading from liue New Tnslnmcnl was iokcn by Mu Dwight Nelson and Mrs Junie Cnmpbciil Prnynr hr the urnEm pmblcm and missionarlcl ui lndln WI oiilred hy Mrs Wl Cnmpbnll llnli which Mrs Muir look hu audience on an imuin my villi lfuililll vilinge in in dla Slurp £5 per cent oi the pm ple oi indln live in villages Ihl cmnprcluMIVL View oi nn imilnn Vlllnau will mail wnriliwillic Mrs Millr cnllcllxucd by ailing lhu llory ani bll ll wzmln ni India who became Chriilinn Hi the lemlinu Mlsxlun Hospital In annl Sim rciurnmi io hrr nniivc vlilnxv chii and inlet 10 blpilsm ivlllflcd in her Walk wann mi llic miracles pH lnrrmll by Jum while here an mm wnl cumxuclm by me pru ixirni Mrl iiruu annn nlcr lnlnull wllii well wlv The medium wnu timed wiih Ihe re pmilng inlrlillr oi Um Miwuh lifllllIiiLiiulL nllvr wiler lllre limi Iï¬lllilll by Mn liwnnV xcrved rclrrsinnrnil United WA lull WMS Despite stormy weather nondi lions ihere was good attendance inst Wednesday afternoon nt the United WA and WMS meeting The meeting was opened by all singing the WA theme son nil awed by Scripture reading by Mn Harold Wallace prayer by Mu Herb Beelby and piano insirumenlai Imprumptu by MrsWInlessr Correspondence in cluded ieiter lrom Tarante Cani tercnge requesting donnlions tor he Home or Senior Citizens be ing built in Oriiliu It was de cided in have special Sunday service with special eoilectian for this Finn were mmic quill three quilt in he Sunday School room on Wednesday March 13 and the dale set or the Easter Ten and bake sale was Friday April Several more enjoyable Mystery Tea were reported Wills Meellnt The WMS meniinx was opened withn hymn and prnyer by Mrs McLean Announcement wns made at the CG Ten on March 19 and the Easter Thank Offering meeiins on April when Mrs Corrignn will he the speaker The miss innnry program war from the 51h chnpicr or he Siudy Book Inc Church In indie and was given by Mrs MeLcnn and Mrs Email The meeting concluded wiih an enjoyable seciai time nnd lunch Mrs Leannr passed nway In hr Barrle hospltnl on Sundiy March after an Illness oi lwu weeks The lunenl servlce was held on Wednesday wllh Inter ment In St Pauls Cemeteryl Mr and Mrs Green and umlly Gravenhurst were Sunday vlsl hrs wlth Mr and Mrs Palmer Ben Mulholland is sporting new Chevrolet Earl Purvls has sold his farm tojloherl McKinley Bradlord who we Mn Leonax Mrs Spence returned home on Sunglay arm spending several weeks with he smel Kn Hamlllon Her many Irlcnds here wrre pleased tr huve Mr Flam Bun mz of Midland spend last Wed ncsdny visiumhere mum Phylnx Hockey nomamx received nasty cut on his leu elbow 1n the hockey gum 1n Bnrxle la mesduy nlght necesslmlnz several silkth by datum He lel be out the game for he rest an scu sun Cyril McDonaid is under the daclur cam in many trlcnds hope he may scan be enjoying gnou henlth again Mrs Runnkd Fox attended the Ualled Flcrlsls Convention and gnnquul in Toronto last Wednes Ever Hear Aim THE SLENDERIZING MACHINE Us POSSIBLE um lhc uprtulnn wnuml up urlulualcd mm one If the human mull WIN Ilml lulu machlnc timid ï¬ctiviliet Mmul moo ifrmh llnhmCllley Wl HobartCaerVomnnl Innllme mt Mu Juhn anhn Inn Wu ncxdly when nllnl made to serve lunch Il Auaun Beard 110 My nl Ihu ladle wishlnz la and old wnolhn away In have made Into hlnnkcll wan Asked lu hm lhnm the Ilnan before he nu Mm John Hunt Cnlllllon an no wukrud wllh Mm L01 Ganzrumlauom to Jannu hac key mm on once again being lhc wlnnm the Lovcrlnz Memorial Trophy Mr Ind Mrs almé Mlddlolon and chlldrrn Ind Mk Aldlnn Johnxlnne won the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mervin Frlflck Minxsin Mr Ind MEL Allen Dun Moon tone were new VllHDll with Mr Ind Mrs Orvllln Armstmng Mr and Mn Dob Richardson Incl chfldrun Mounuwyhcn vh llcd recently wilh Mr Ind Mrs Lorna Beard Fedenllen of Agriculiure Jenn Carly at he Rural Hydro Oiiice in Barrie was the speaker at Ihe meeilng oi Stroud Federa tion oi Agriculture on Feb 28 By means map he explained he set up the GeorgianBay Region which receives its power lrom several seumes He said lhal there had been marked increase in mrul customers These included inrmrrs domesile users summer resident and business places The speaker answered mhny qucslinnq regarding rntes and Cqulpman Mr Curry also shwwed illm oi whal might hnp pen ii Ninnm Full wem dryr Llayd Cumman slnied unit the new venture oiihe Credit Union in opening an aiiice in Siroud seemed In be wnrkinz out satis factorily Leadership Forum is in be held in Churchill March 17 An neiive member oi nny orznn lmtion would beneil by Iilendinz this meetinfl To Meet Mani 11 The meeting of Simud Wamens institute will be held on Thursday March 17 under the agriculture and Canadian Industries with Mrs Earl W120 and Mrs Frank Jones as cnnvencrs with motto He who till the soil wnrks hum in hand will God The roll call is to be answered by iruit or vegetable the name be ginning with the lelter your given name SpMill speaker or this meeting is Io be Keith Mc rltuer agricultural Npresentailve vial South Simcon Rev nnd Mrs mm Rumble ox Korea will be the Predbyterlnn Church here on Sunday March 13 Mrs Joseph Bowman vlslled her son andm daughterlnlaw Mr and Mn John Bowman and helped them settle ln BanIL alter mov nz mm North Bnyl Weektnd Vllllon MIHC MCNabb Russ Wallace and Donald McLEan went the wgekmd lhelr home mm Mr and rs Matcheu and daughter Toronto spent the Weekend wllh her malher Mrs Reynolds Mr and Mrs GSulherlnnd of Brampton Visited with their lather Sutherland and other relnuvcs on Sunday ML and Mrs Campbell have gone on Toroma to vï¬sn relatives Al Pregbyluhn Church Much Al Gond 11m Cormmlon John Cowan rond supervisor and Campbell were in Tax onto one dnansl week and 5m landed the Good Ronda Conven uon and also represcnltd the Township of Innlafll Mel Ammxhhn anan Wlll llm Cnmpbell mm to Con Ianuod Bonsphl an Silurdny when theymrl Hubert McDonald Crcemnre complete the rn nnd Ann Mrs Alex Visit their the weekend Dznlnl Unlted Glee Club DI The ladle the Prcmyterlnn Church have booked Wednesday May ur musical evening pm entcd by the Central United Glee Clcb lickeu gwlll he Ivulllble rucher on 5m 1m Schml uu been chml 1m um ywk dun In the luthcr uom any May Mr and CARLEY Mrs Fraser Campbell accompanied Mr Ind Morrison and 50 to sister In Buffalo nvcr the laï¬ie hem IIEWERY LIMITED KINGSBEER lho be nemnu Irnm West Wilbur Pcarsan employed by he Cooke Carla of Barrie has Just returned from business mp through the wagon province as was as Victnrluc He sold he had luur days bclwucn his trip lhnrc and back Kenneth Black wcm with NHL Irlnlly WA There Wu quilc sallshcwry mundance lhe meeflng Mrs Martins last Wndncsduy oner nocn wilh the prcsldcnl In charge As always the dmallunal mm was Dnm Festlval Compemlnn There Is lhc marPresbytery Young Peoples drama esllval mmpellllan an Friday evening or 115 week in lho Churchill hall be lwccn Aurora nmi ChurchillGil fmd Young Peoples Unfun This shqud be wry Inmeslinl to all yuung proplc or lhls mmmunfly who are able nncnfl Mr and Mrs Charles Moonny and Mary Louise mm SMurday In Toronto vislllng Mr and vas mownrd Irwln Mr Vernon Jenna nnd Verna spam he weekend Feb 27 In Torunm wllh Mr and Mm Ivan Jcnnm Vlslt Bennved Flmlly Mrs Vernon Jenner accompan led her father Crnwlnrd Ellls and Hugh Gronfcl and Ellls lo Millnn on Sunday In be with Ihl bereaved lamlly the late Joseph Ellis who passed away very suddenly on lhe prcvluus Frl dayl They also called on Mr and Mrs borne Blggs Emmpton SOUTH SIMCOE JUNIOR FARMS de bating team won the declslon from Huron County at Thornton recently Létt to right Mme Scott and Mrs Huwurd Pym of Huron am 01 Balls Mlulon Bind Trlnlly Mission Band will meet on Thursdny aflcrnoon of this week two oclock In the base ment of the church with the roll cnll to be answered with gm or the halo Mn Dave Blakeley and Mrs Wlulam Cunningham Alliston spent pan last week with rela lives herb 70001nsmlls now cus tom GM radio In 1953 and 1954 Chev WATSON MUTUHS With the new bundnq llnlng Chem Ford Ply mouth Dodge only $10 60 SPECIAL BRAKE HELINING N0 BETTE SERVICE 0514 F0 MARCH ONLY Sluyner Ontario flawsof Morale mn IIIIMM Aumm During 1052 L402 persnn died in lhe Pravlncc Omar lhls number 0610 dlcd cunqer Mnny n1 mesa death could have been prevented patients recog Mind the early symptoms at In disease and uppncd or Immedi nlc lrculmcnl The First Allnndnic Tron Bay Scouts has received the am on at cabin ram Grant Mayor lu use pntml house The Scouls sold Christh lrcca earn money to purchase mmrxal or the wcckrnd mcellnu hnusu 10 be localud rm lhn th con cession and will now use lho money In udd lu 1he bulldlnz The cabin which will be taken apart and rcbullt on hu me will he nboul 10 by 12 cc In 110 Plnn lnr mmr flhc business part consisted mlin ly oi planning and distributing ma terial hr the bazaar work and the purchasing or the requirements of the pulpit and cummunlontabie in lhn church Way of ropienishinz lhi Iunds were dlscuucd To bring in new members was to be spec ial 0mm put forth for the next meeting Them war the usual so cial haur with refreshments Patrol House Donated Iojst Allanclale Troop taken ï¬rst which mnsishd of the proEmu message Man at Sorrows Mn Mdmwheon read the Scrxmure and Mn Wilson read the lesson thoughts which con tained he deurlptlnn at pichu Chrlu hanging upan the Cross in the anlannl Gallery The ple turo pontmyed qu In he buck round His face full of intern suffering and wilhhl ympaihy and sufficiency very real and very won der ul REI MISS BLITZ EAMPAIGN TUESDAY MARCH 15 pm mu Eon emum SWIMMING sum BLOOD TNNNSFOSIONS INTERNATIONAL BELIEF The Red Cross Bliu Campaign wlll coMmoneo 500 pm leave your outside light on unlil the canvasler calls Treifyour caanmriyddflaipslyhé lg giving his time so that Red Crois Wit wl boIyiiilabloitSWé ï¬lm need should arise If you are not going 10 ypunj Mlghbgr County MlséRuch Ireinnd and Arnold Bunting South Blmcoe LEAVE YOUR LIGHTS 0N Walkerlon Office Of Rural Hydré Moved to Bérrie Walkerton Hemldlfllmcsll Kenth army chlel zone clerk the Rural Hydro Conslrucllon Dulce It Walkman recelved word hu Aransfar lo the Barrie nfllce ofrthe Rural Hydro Wlth the announcemeh at Mr Besseya new Ippolntment ls Information the ellecl that lhg local olllee will be dlspensed wllh in purpose respect in the extemlon ol hydro xervlcu in rural areas havlng been renllzed The Walkerum ofï¬ce wlllbb moved Barrie on March 11 and Mr Besscy will be jolnnd by Mrs Bussey and Inmlly when tunable llvlng quarters are available They have been resident of Walkzrton or almost seven years durlns which time hey have ncqulrcd 11 real mnny friends who wm sln cercly regret their departure Cancer lb lending causo lln ypmen between the use SUPPORT THE BARRIE BRANCH Need Manéy BiIlB to Pay Call HFC today ousmotn mm CASH Gel 50 000 In pl doctor Mlll qu replin lnel clolblng Single or nuni peugm my borrow on ligmlun EuyIomeez requircmenls You chem your on re lyment plan Come In mdfy forluz friendly onedy nniur ll Dunlup svwu and floor phone 5529 Will ONT mun Anal Wuhu mumA um um ml 4mm by mas WMB Meellng The WMS 01 the United Church held melr monthly muting at Mrs Arthur Thompsons on Thurs day March Mrs Henderson was Mn iilyKeozhvnem NW at by In week with Mend In Tumult mum VIIth mm Norma and Evelyn Gra ham Kitchener were recent vh Ilou the ham of thall meIer and slsterinbaw Mn andMn Murray Grimm Mr um Mrs Thomas Barnett Jr nnd my Charlie spam the werkend with blends Tutor9 Pond Clanaims Memo Tatkenhnm and district hawbeen busy dentin stump mid dzhrh mm 1112 had the aid mm pond part at the destrumpn hy Hurricane Hazel when the dam broke The pond was on at mum beluty Ipotl 95 wall 513 play mund for the children In summer and winter wk nlsuused for power tor the mm and Lure pro epflun to Lhe own The Wémcns lmmme aervéd hot wiles and sandwiches tn the menatvyfolk Mr and Mrs Wllmer Pabher Ind Mr and Hnrry Elnn at tended the tuner on Wednesday hat Lhalule George Pauerson Part Mchcoll M151 Bae SloanY back home from Stevansnn Mcmorinl Hoaillal lsmn where she had been mienttar the my ï¬x weelu Reeve ma stroke Reeve Jnmca thrdy suflomi stroke on Saturday memoon 11 mi La patient in Stevenson Memoflnl Hospml Mllston Mr McCurdy wus unvmu he tumqu hemn or Anderson recurnlng from amneml Uh me He had reached the vlllup and was drlvlng slowly and dam the hearse was slight CKBB an In the drqw on Nesday even ln has CKBB Banla for ma Womens anplial Auxiliary all mlenham ladle wun prlzes Mrs Jack Cull Mn Rhee Carter Mrs Wllllum Prim Mm Agnes Walsh Mrs Dpnald Smith and Mrs Stew Thnsc ladies were zucsIs 01 home Mrs Thompson and Mrs Anderson when elghv table ouch at cuchre and brldie war In progress on he afternoon Rh for any good reason Ir Calm rdnENHAM summed rm hospital pm AI km mumgxnmm WAyhmncnjtussJg Head Nbisy River €Telephpne System 5mm reuxea edllor The Crermorc Star was elected muslch the Nalsy mm Tele phnnas Limlledal the annual mm ng 11th tnrchuldcrs In Smyncr Legion Hall on Feb 23 Mr and Mu AE1Freéngqn were host and Malian to the Mixed Euchrecluh on Thursday ï¬veninl 1m ngh genres were won yMn Jame TdughpndA 51 Feeman In mm 311m James DblHun 1mm chapter of me study Elected Lu the board of dimh Car with Mr Smuh were Flynn vicmpresldenl and man an Stephan Glerxclr nmmcan Rumor Cubm 5ayner Durinr the ï¬veyour period 194M952 ona Mih Ali cane deathin woman was due can cer at the brensi TheCnnIdinn Cancer Society ndyiser that any iump awciiinz oinhbbrmi in Va danucrgiunflnnd silquid be re ported to dnclor immediately IFETIME MIME my young hpallhy and mu an going on cum hall path hvlm mm oypodvnlly udvommm plul adv mm on lawn In glad lolnll you all about pvwd Cnnadlun mum Anny ma pay an ullowuoul our mm plan dud mu dlfllnnl mm cl oppnmnny Cunudlan Amyeum Ihtvlnhl kind at man wt hm Io gm you on lamand 11 you qualwy Canadian wldlnr than hen yum la main up my mind wm yull am mn hum mm yevu In mu anyway50000 IINHI CANADIAN ARMY INFORMATION TEAM CANADIAN LEGION HALL FRIDAY MARCH um Opep 1000 inn 500 351m msnsnzn SERVICES vmnm smvxcas +JllNlCR RED CROSS CIVIL DEFENCE VII the Werein town to tell you about Must lndhn phnnu 10an $1 ICE VCREAM CANDIES 22 Dunlop Plyan 4562 Hammad he Cram Pineapple Fruit Mnnhmnllow Tnphed with Cherry PINEAPPLE DELIGHT swans Elephanls seen In zoos are animals the Mrlcnnele belnl hlrdcr to handle DOCILE TYPE