Education Week Puts Spotlighroh Schools Although they have not commanded the publiclty atmrdedlndustrlnl growth and national progress Canadian schools hnye been staging march of thelr ownlwhlch ls coming more and more into the lime light as mantlestation of the progress in our country In 1846 Cannda had about 2100000 chil dren trams14 years at age and about 000000 tom 1510 years It is estimated by 1001 that these ï¬gures will rise to 3300000 and 1440000 In Battle the three school boards are well aware of thls If nothing else this need for greater facil ities nnd more teachers coupied with rising costs has served to create some greater in terest in schools on the part or the taxpayer Municipalities are inclined to shake their heads and worry about the expense Pro vinciul governments are urged to race the problem and take uptheir share 01 the fin uncinl arrangements Building trades and construction firms look kindly on this avenue oi more work for their men and suppliers And in the midst of the argu ments everyone forgets all too often to remember that this largess of children in our national lite really constitutes riches for which the controlled states Europe have been ready and willing to pay high price throughout the lust half century nation rlses over the graves oi its great men and on the hope or more to come Canadas teachers and Canadas pupils wlll tell the story of tomorrow or the pupils of the day alter tomorrow So we must look thls problem squarely in the lace and during this Educatlon Week is good time to start It has been pointed out that in the next few years Canada wlll need more schools They will be capltal investment not current cost We will need more teachers and there will need to be more incentive and opportunity for men and women to make thls their lifes work Teachers salaries have come more into llne through out thc past 1ew years but there is still great shortage of adequately trained teachers for both publle and high schools The natlonal committee sponsoring Ed ucatlon Week says The quallilcations or rtenchlng must be raised Much evidence points to the tact that more persons will be attracted to teaching as career if the qualiï¬cations are raised not lowered Jfhe Greener Side The committee hits it point in most oi us there is the desire to see that our children get the best too few give much thought to seeing that the best nlso includes the heist in education Yet what is mom im portant to the individual child and the mivancc oi the country as it whole There should be more to the parents interest in schooling than grumbling about the tn rate and periodical blowups when Juniora report curd doesnt quite mensuro up to expectations in the little town Cnnniiton north of leiievllle Ont the cow perhaps infused ith the spirit or spring made her woy freedom and romp across the country ride or owner seeing the lust flick ol rer hooves took up the chase in his truck The foxy bossy quickly took to the railway tracks but iell with her legs cnuuht between the tier mliwny hridno Efforts by humane society ouicinis und police released er but she wnn not duly grateful She weaned nknin und nt lnsl report was sttli unming Tho deer was better ncquninted with the Rrubiems of tho roving llie illie hungry unimnl cnme lnto north 1vntrnl Toronto looking or homethinu to uni but noon wua inshilm pmrlovatrlcken Irnugh lynckynrds in the dark kicking nt liverythlnx in night The old adage about the grass always ouklng greener on the other side the men hnd practical nppllcnclon recently In hows stories about hungry lawn and an ï¬dvunlnrous cow The cow apparently thought the grass orc appetizan on the outside Thu lawn hmlgm things mlghb be better on the in me The nwn dlunppmrcd cvcnlunlly but Anna flu mam cumuuu 111m Mnnflu tndlnl DR HM MM 01 In WIND 01 all WWI Wm 6953 WEDNESDAY MA persistent truck drlver who underalopq thg ways or lawns lost In the any drove up and down the street shining the selmhllght on his truck Into empty garages When he discovered the deer hidden in rm open garage it was the work of couple of hours before patient police urned cow boys mnnnged to get ropes around its neck and capture it it seemscertaln that bossy havlns tried the rigors of tree life will have returned to the quiet at hellhull to chew her cud and consider the wisdom of appreciating the greenness or the grass on her own slde the fence The Iawhe exchange of posttlons was more permanent It we carted on to the we where fences are higher and grass Is found sonxcely at all Editorial Notés Wmch side or theténce gréws greener grass It all depend on your point or view Pentléton city of 14000 in the prosper ous Okanegan valleyor British Columbia may Juatly be proud oi the pertormance or its team in the worlds amateur hockey championships Just concluded in Germany The Vs AllanCup senior winners in Canada last season proVed worthy cholces by the CARA to bring the tltle back home Slightly smaller than Barrie Pentlcton in its com munity lltemuch resembles this OntarlO town in characteristics of resldents habits outlook and enthusiasm for the national game Principal Bowman or BDCI quke wisely when he pointed out at the special meetlng last week it the present school urea system under which the district colleg iate operates was abolished it would destroy the greatest unllymg motor at the present time between rural and urban students The wall or dlesel slren ls becqmlng lnl crenslngly Iamlllnr to local people not yet settled ln sleep around one oclock these mornlngs The ONE ls uslng dlesel unlu on most enscontinental running west through Barrle at that hour Itsrn change from the Iemlllnr locomotlve whlscle OPINIONS OF OTHERS II Item mule nm It mould hlva Dream lrlumrh or uclonunc nmrch In dlwovu um lh kpculw wine nuulp 0r Ill humn xpexlrnu hu proved The Inca hour mu nlu Hon wnmrn 1n Ic valntrd Hmu Mrun mu lrlwhmw Few ihln nlmulllu much uthrr caplnn nmlu Ind lnvn lu nlck our mm lo ulnbr wuplel buslnm What Was Behind Strike Inhsur wage increase Ind hospital and median beneï¬t amounting to another seven cenu an hour am not the object at the whan campaign any more thtn battiar tactical objective are the ttrntelicai end wu An Inc at what lie behind the aim in view can be hurd from the Americnn union leaders in the lutnmotiva industry guaranteed nnnuni which whatever the production or Iclsoml dumlndl Petalboroth Examine mnur indiuirlll auikeunuihuriud ma luv poricd by chic union oillclni nml nniended wlih hi cnmpnny And ii dunmind cxuuuve is like mint bnulc complex in Ms nusu its inc iics its purposm And like balfle the lenzm and mm ll an be costly and blilnr even ta the viciors Thu strike at tho Ford punts which began In Windsor ncnriy three monihs no obviously no dun in simple dispute over wages is length reveals the dzpih it Issues Ii hl buliia carciuliy ilmcd and pitched ind ils znncnh know hill ncrucigi pay 01 qgufppnizn Strike are to carry the millury Innlazy ur Ihcr muulex or pow for conlmlllng ponlllom ThLl mm thnm In In men in um Pom Ihlkc and than no doubt lhnl lhn lntcmlnn ta tom ono vlnla point In another until ma control extend nr nyond mulerl or mm and emu cmploymtnL llnut too much In my hat the union letden no mkln comm Industry and mu mu mhomy at he caunlry hon here And the umma Slllel Becumu 11 no so Im mm mo unlonlm hive pruned Windsor ml hard and the company ofllclnll My rcsilllcd llWJhamlg Hue hen scam 10 be lhc crux and ll hr chlnl nuun whg domocml In Canada and most wha bellow In elflclrncy nnd value at tho ptb Lem Ayslcm ul mnlmllcd me enmnrlso must ud Ihe unbnlm can Wlndnr wranL people ol Cnnndn wllh hnvn mlnllwd lnduxlry Ind completely Mnldlud llvln Ihl lmlrumuxl nl ll mould be be xulc nol um and 1M my to nthlnve ll mould bu lhrouzh purllnmenlnry lcglxlnllan nut lndullrlll lelku Ind Ilrlln It II no the luncllon lndullry cllhnr lLI mlnlnmcm or lu lnbnr In chnnn he economlc Iml wclnl Ayn lcm undrr Whlch Cunndlnn work Ind llvc Gossip Prescribed Bull The waum hosplul hu lmUluIAa mlcm ol vuiunlur moxlpurl who pan 1mm bed tn bed duenun upon mm mm mum blrlhl dcnuu Ind mun am London Fm Pnn nrnlsh mrdlnl nulhuxlllu hIVI drcldod flu 3951 ruellrm thrnvy or wamrn In no hm um mum nu mm Id mm 0mm 1mm um MEMBERS OF our Soclely en oyed another flue méean Magch 2nd when John Bradshaw addres Ed the mambgrs MR FENDLEY predded he meetlng and wclcomed ï¬ne turn nm 01 memben He announced he drlve for membership was pro xrpsslnlwell wllh only hull ghe Féturns ln 1mm WOULD like to say Hui many our members have been mused by the canvasma even though sevcrnl can have been made Ib these and Anyone who has In membership In our sodeiy and would like one ml to me at 4543 set an or the evening was the building of nrock garden Ind pllnu sun uhle or He had naming remuks hr many of he thousands rock garden Icmse our mllon that are in his words plies of main without he garden Here are some points he sinaxed Remtmhcr rock garden bus kylly In garden and not Just In vllu THE smNEs 1n mm be undgr the ground uuuvr Inc gluunu In building be sure that pockets yuu cram Ime enuulh Io suflaln sumdml mm make mass at anion Largo ones would be used and no small ones Hones big enough that Irowbar may be Mammy to move mom IN PLACING lhc stones make mm the man nlkncllvn tide of the Item the lace side put to we mm NEVER PLACE the flour In in commie tnrmnunn remember you are Just lrylnz to lmlhne ï¬ï¬‚mrn 11m or salt lowing 5r IF YOU HAVE aumclnnlly deep pockets amunz the rock you can chhnge lhn so common 10 ml the paniculnr plnnl yau WLIh lo grow nnd Um make lane rnnuzh ms at In on 0th can be plum2d lnsmd 01 jun one or Swo klnd THE REAL FUN In rock garden lnl come thn you get way mm the ordinary plums llkn mund phloxAubrelinCcrabl and yellow Ilyuum which nu nice but com mon Ind cxgcrlmem wllh mm he mrer mod liko Dlnnlhul Awnnenah group at he Ilry orchld whim hu he Inme color 111 he lama orchllh nnd bloom in June 11 ppnnd In Apr We ram Ilka Hie pctcnnln border plnnncd an plum Hm Slnn with small one and am unlly umnd II mm lot lflrjulk In manta or polar Olvc lhe nrw baby mums II trial they an very amt Mfl IHMDSHAW made wk aullun um nur muddy take pmjm mm mm pllmlnl nur hlhwly whrro lhu lhuuundl ol luurlm wmr pm our lawn will munnbn lhnle for In Mull lhny Ihry mugd by M1 Bmpsrmwn my ukgplc REMEMBER rr bcllcr luvo le load pockel and nlx mak 1hnn nun rotk nun Dnlnno an be nulvud where nmsmy by un rlvcl or wnpmx Illa HE SUOOES we llnl hm or Iour hundn lrnlln 1111c or my Howulnl nhrub In mm poulny uvrr llVElIl yuan HE SPOKE mwxnl mm at Ihe mm Iludc lrra Hm Moulnu loam Item 11 called II the mom huunlul nude In In world LIEIII lung lived wllh all uxanna pbmi am now 10mm rm llr unnw uvrryunn Iu plum mm um My ollul lhl low In mu elm hm Mulch luu will mm bu limo mm the nullve Imqu In due lu nvnm DI elm mo Mum Ho voc mmumlrd mu Otlrnlnl IIYInId mum rm um lu pllnl Mll HIMDIIHAW llilxl In In nllnl wry mm Ilrip hm by qu lumwr brine Tm nnll In mm ml Nu bmuhl hm bum nl MAI man Ind row lulu II Ind mlllnd mu wlnl lhnun Ulln plnnud Io wild INIqu Thm mu lhn InnnlIJlul mm In rm up um mm len Ind blue puunlu row at VH Wd my mill va Manda on Mills 3199 vln nuuluu plr um um VIM brwn um By mm am 1110 Barrie Horticultural Society GARDEN NOTES poor He an nerentur ihe new machine that gouch ou lune hole In the lawn and allow me air lemllzer and moisture to pe emne the root othe zru Then he gave gondlop dressi in wuh SOEreEn whléh has milonzanm base THE RESULT was lawn like we Rem golf mung Mr Erndshaw balieve 1hue new nercamu nrcthe blgles new ï¬n the garden world In the Inst 10 years HE SPOKE new comblna lion mower and rctoullcr com ing on the mark and also lha Ina mulcher which available or many mowm A11 are vary and Investmenu NEW muss ma calm ountr Club hnvlnz 60 per cent enluciy blue ms In nvlll ï¬blc Ind nllhough expemlve about 32 Wt pound really cheaper In the 10nd run It take 23 days ermlnllc so now curly He also mentioned Marlon Blue anus which evan more ex pansive $4 per pound but 13 excellent ï¬rm send Mr Brown assures us he will ry to secure all that new thinls ur the up 10 date gardeners Mr Bradshaw spoke at new able and lhcrmnstat put out by GE for but bad mcy ml about saonnd withom these Mn Bradshaw zrcw 6000 plants between the Hm Febru Iry and 151 of July The hot beds In about 18 lnchu Ihc back 1nd at the from Biadsï¬nw or in lniormaiicc ud Arm In them and Mo packages with sum bezonlls each were won by An chsm Hurry Morton Mrs Syril Jnckmn Rodgers and Mrs Gordan Dawson Mr Fendluy rcmlndcd n11 mem bar In keep lho folluwlnz dale open at mminxs March 23 April Ilh and Aprll 25 Lucky dmw hr this Mnan went lu Mn Dufï¬e pair leather gardan gloves mm planters yvnh plugl The Nnuulus wErldI flu Ilomlc lubmnrlno can Ihe Unllcd Smu $29000000 Ia build fltm wnasmh mum Mr mm ltrnnlv laying ynu bring homo Sld Thnln the Means lmo lvn In on your hm um ynuvv mu Icuu uuNihm muun mf TRUE AUAIINI hm bun lmlvucled la mm In Hum whu mum ho In tending nmlonlnl IM hwn Innln lo upon now new or and ulalln canIncl unlul mu IM or Illwall punulnl Ia thu prnHmM Lou Imvnnmnt MI mu buy an bitnn M17 lull 1m Mm um ma pm rIIl nun Iqu lo meM ml hm my In uhulned II III Tum clnln am My nun lnlnhyn M4 hn Imn IN InnIr Illhl uuq leuIIIM Do not be hlnppolnltd mule your Ipplluunn mu ATOMIC SUI Local Improvements MAY 15 1955 TOWN OF IARRIE NOTICE Persongl Viéwpfllfl TheFrFendly Natives of Canadq Anexplourfa new boy al whoa Ind an lmmilnnt hava one thing lnmmman Thu aver Important questionwhat am at reception are he 113th going give you Spesklng lrnm personal experli cute cantrulhully lay ï¬nd the people at Cnnadn vary mand iy From Ihe moment Iv landed Hullfgn 1A hnvc that Im among Mandi iMlnd you knnw that some 01 my cum coumrymen would contradict me on lhll buten quire ma unher and youll Ind that the mlr ï¬nal mnklnz They willcamplaln um um Canldlnn altouchy loul brzcmnl haw ouchy the Eru lfsh mumfor ha rnnner any Bileetlve and sum zeimu 1201 um 111 mu Hum mum an 8111de Tlm CANADIAN NAnbNAL EAILWAYB NORTHBOUND No llTomnm to 1mm Bly lelve Tamnio 910 um ArrlveAl landnle 1130 am Leave Bums 1145 am Dnlly except Sunday CALDER clerk mun No lsTaronto to Midland Leave Taranlo 550 pm Arrive Allnndnle 802 pm Leuva Bar 817 pmDaIly exctpl Sun Na slanonlo to Sudbury Leave Toronto at 930 9111 mlva Aflnndlle 05 pm Leave Burt 1111 pm Dally except Sunday No lrToronlp to Vancouver Lenve Toronto x1 pm Arrlvs Allundale 1243 um leave Barrie Im daily NR and CPR Time Tables No A1Toronla to North Bay Lenva Toronto 1130 pm Arrlva ï¬llnndlle 120 3111 leave Blrria 134 am dilly No Bzanve Barns un Leave Allzndale mm Dilly except Tuesday Nu ALLeuve nan1e 45a Im Allnndule 513 am dilly No aLme Enrrla 337 un Allnndnle Dim Arrive Toronto 10 ML Daily except Sunday Ind Monday Nu lluava Banla 420 pm Amanda pm Arrive Taxonto no pm Dally except Sunday FROM MIDLAND Nu illLeave Barrie 719 pm leave Allnndnlc 742 pm Anlvc Toronto 945 pm Sundays only PROM MEAIOIID No MLenva Mentors 645 In mlve Allnndnlu 335 km Daily ex cept Sunday Ind Monday Con nects with 42 In Allandale No laLeave Mouton 215 pm Arrlvcï¬uandalo 11111 dnlly ggcept Sun uy Connects with No No 160uave Menlnrd 590 pmArrlve Allnndnle 7109 connecllnu with Nu or Tor onlo Sunday only No wLmvaAmndAIe 515pm Arrive Mcnford 1005 pm dilly excem Sunday PENPTIANO LINE No mum Allandlla um Arrive Penellnl 115 Mgndny Wednesdgy Friday In pm mlve Allnnduo nm MendLy Wednmdly Friday HAMILTON LIN N9 clFrom mum Irerl Allnndnle mm dnHy except Bun day To MEAlORD No ulunva Alhndnln 1115 am arrive Mumd 150 pm Dilly exccpt Sunday Na wzmvo Allnndnln 435 pm for flnmlllon dnHy except ï¬undny Nnrlhhound urlvu daily No 1ll Im No TI Ml um No 25 Madonna pnmngan dilly €ch mm nund Nu Arrlvn 4M um Na 18 Inlva on Am Na 20 hrnnlo pllltnlcr daily IX copl Bnndly mm Modunlo arriv IMJ 11m CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Elleclln 01 un 281 flnuduy Bent to ma Train Ilmcl II Mldhunl Emlon uy NEVILLE mum sow19m HM You wlll and flea that use parucullr Englishmen Ire the ones who cxpcctw 11nd lmle bus at England In every country they no la had ï¬end who was dlsappalmed In Par humus he mum not get eggs and buconjor prenklusli other mum in the wdrld can be an gelMin plnlnu cannot imagine anything more dyendtul than stcmqtypm same nes about ullihe countries 01 the warid son of approved world patternWn are heading dangerously thxkt wny in mitig emtuuhcnokers and athei aid ctt identical tawime in your ome cm now im mum in the Mmea in other cauutrics The aimsand to degree Itcicvixinn cnst veneer oi civilization which gives similarity to pen pie ol dilicrentnalians But whan we get on nmi bacon at breakan us matter mum In over the won1dv and draught bum in homely pub ln lhé Ilrcel nnndn then the tun ox llvlnz gone cum Io Canada lofxee anew wunlry to met and to know he pcopla at Cnnnda and to lcnrn their way at me It Mr undertaking and nagong to hike quite time The Huh have seen of our country and your way of II have liked And lnmmn believe have tound some omhe Mende Cun Idinnsand mm at the pleasam cu cnunlry WI To Me Martin to Dalston Wamenl Inumuto will meet on Thunday Mnmh ID at mm at 1hr home of Mrs Ann Bmwn Retreshmenln by Mn Blade and Mrs Brown Comment on the mom py Mr Brown 8n rm mmldny Puty Mlxs may Wnrren and Texas Watson were taken by surprhc nn Snurdny evening when number friends crime In in honor them on their birthdny lllmlllnn vhllor Mn Srnnnzhnn Ind child ren Hamilton spent the week end wllh her paran here Merrchnmr marine commerclnl vemLI lxcluslvu ypchu WHETHER ITS IIII INSTALLATION IIIBIIII IS III IIIIIIIIEB FIJI TIIIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI 2433 MEBCliANT MARINE EXAMINER LATE DALSTON CONSULT US ON YOUR TN ANTENNA NEEDS 19 Essa mind or rear or nunxnp Wes For Prompt Efï¬cionl Sovvico PHONE 2363 JOHN KELLY means Lhe muon WAIT UNTIL pm and If your carrier bpy has not avrlvcd her AND COPY WILL BE DILIVERED Io Your Homo Or just Repair CALL 45 Years Service LC BOTIIWELL President and chernl Manager at Canadian Lace Lam Mmfled whn recently re red nfler 44 your mnunuqu Ierylce Mr Eothwcll is wellknown 1n tho elccmcnl Industry am Canada Mr Ind Mrs William Jelly of Bradford Vlslled Mr and Mn Inga Goya onSn11nf Mn ind Mrs Enrl lie andthe 11sz went Sunday with Mrnnd Mrs Morrison in anonlo Relum From West Mrvnnd Mu Houxhtnn Irrlvcd home mmduy mumlng Iner spending scvernl week via mm Mend as far was as Vlc aria BC WMS Meellnl The WMS me Mrs Grenville Hnlbcnl on Wednesday nflernonn wlth Mrs Vernon Connell in the chair The program was taken by Mrs Gordon Halbert and Mm Dan Brown Mrs Halbcn took the study Incl Mu Wallace Halbert sang tale that was much enjoyed Mr Nowell pre sented Mrsl Allen with book far havan read the most books durlng the past year The ladies hope quill lwn quilts on Tue day and Wednesday nflernoonll is planned to send woollen away before the and March for blankcu The usual each hour followed Newton Robinson When You Ch mter 3ng GRAY COACH llNES Your pony lvuvels lo gelhu and everyone en 1011 all Oh un of Ike Mp One proleulonul drivar lake funlregpapxihililxlor us may of You gioué Call 5571 Barrie Bus Terminal