tum nsitnta unimportant rampant 25 1955 George Demonstrates How He Made Such Good Time TIIE SANDVIK CANADIAN LOG SAWING CONTEST held in conjunction with the Canadian Hardware Convention at Toronto during February was won by George Fagents of Al landale Hardware staff George while viewing the many exhibits of the convention was invited to try the new carbon tipped Sandvik blade on log He did so not knowing he was being timed and took about 18 seconds to cut the log Because he did not know he was entering contest they gave him second try and he bettered his time to nine seconds which was the fastest re corded of the hundreds who entered the competition during the tourday convention For his eiiorts Mr Fagents received fine handsaw set of chlsels and measuring tape trim the Sandvik Canadian Co 50 Patients Safe 55 EOROS Hospital Fire At Camp Borden ARE HERE 1955 LICENSE ON More than 20 patients were help ALL USED cans soap cd to saier when blaze threaten ed sick buy at Camp Burden last night No one win injured OUII FIRST TRADEIN on now 1955 Ford is 1052 FORD LAKEWOOD CUSTOM TU non Attractive grcen finish low miletire this particular model is the fastest ï¬lman car on the uscd ear murkcl today it has the same lines its the IBM55 models this means less depreciation and more value on year next deal We have several oiher outstand ing values as follows ms ooncs neocsr lOUlt noon directional tigntir iuii inclnry warranty 52mm 1955 ciicv TIIUCK helitcr brand new stoo an int price 1932 CIIEV CUSTOM TWO IIIJUII llltlu ilnisll it Very clifali cur SIIIJSM IOJO FOIID TUDOR it run Iin III 2500 IMO CIIIIV TWO DOOII dont miss this one lit 370000 IOIO FERGUSON TRALIOIL recently overhauled9500 IIAIINA MOTOR SALES 1hr Illglirul INiltn in sittrue nuiily IIitlilc IOI SIAYNIIII The fire slzlricd in storage robin next to medical inspection room on the ground Hour of the two slory iriimc building The bliize was quickly utinguhltrd by the camp fire brigade Damage was es Iimnted at $1000 1955 Skaii Carnival Continued Imln we onrl Jolncti the club llils yulir will lie titriurtnhtu in this ntnnhrr with tknicrr hurt rilllgill hunt xix la la ng llymi chiti Illlilllilllr yllll iltlrsuiy rllymrs lilo wvii lilis Curr Illilllli Show will brim all tlll characters beloved childhood back to you Whirl yell 5t till PI tliilsc be the result or ithiil tUlItOII Ilic purl ll Min Nllltl ï¬libilufl rupilei tiirurinr rnni ttrnlttctr Illm III the ilan at the young lkfllCIl who have Lillll rvltvillil Ihvir rhtttlncs rl ce iltu btelttttlttu of the ytttr iltn iillIIIlI who are IJIIIy wviklnii cutitt in make iitlr cttrttlvnl thh tttntt hiuttillul lo the eye iii any year Illill to tile Illtn with are lllIlIItl wit Iliow llrlliicrtlss ill Illt tiliiill slirtls In their siluie Illllt All hi ihir nnth rm Iiiwiiil untzttrintt it INillltlt llill will xliltliil iinly nutg mt tlllIlIViII tvtllllllt IiuI Illilt with woik in make It iltu MililiiIIIiilllnlilit Illti Illlll tn Iltllllrml innitintz thin IlinI ll nlwiiyii it think that the iii nlc Wintli IIIII DO IT YOURSELF NO DOWN PAYMENT III Material thlltll for Storms Hrrecils Clipboards Iiicreation ILIIDHII ctr IllINS 70H IIIII AHOVII All AVAILIDLE itl IIALI ILININII MILL Olilt SIIIII TAN AI VISIZ 0N SIIIIAIILIi MATERIALS DO lays from date oi application In that itityitiritt Law littcrnt Rate lip to yrnrs to pay 1655 I935 ARS 0F SERVI DARRIE DISTRICT ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE ALL WAYS IIIONII 2496 DAY lIELD ST IIIIIIItlE SPARES MENS TOLVN LEAGUE GROUP lst Division CGE Deluxe Toxi HERO chenJJp Ciiif Brown Harris Tanning No SevenUp Esrrie Tanning IHMllier 273 MO Gen Green sides 243 OZOI Deluxe Taxi Cliff Ban Brown 814 7H Osachuk 313 838 CGE5H apc2 Forth 2341 745 Silverlhom 2112 67m High single Gard Brown Deluxe Tagd 3H hllh triple Ci 7th C65 74 2nd Division Wow Eras Supcrtest Cepaco Orphans Bell Telephone ti as as 30 Barrie Fighters Spoilighted On Irenion Show Four fighters oi Barrie Box irg Club will ripo ht at Trenton shew Monday withrDon Wollace slated for the ilveround main event vgiiinsti Ernie Dlrrcll oi Sinl JohnNew Brunswick bra ther to Canadas protcssionzil light htuvywelgnt chumpion Paul Kenny will oppose Dun Splers of Kingston while Andre Bsuld will meet Brian Domvun at Trenton Lyle Parker out oI ring action for over monthI will mcei Dunk Glabois of Trenton in threeround preliminary PACKAGE DEAL WITH WIIII PACKAGE OEAL 20 AERIAL DialIll Glenn I242 coal omhtntv Bell Telephone Knapp 207 830 Lerbillard 251 cam Superlest Webb Bros Kershaw 304 603 AJDIckey 233 756i High single Kcrshaw Superlest dot hlxh triple Dickey Webb Bros 758 13 GROUP lsl Division Wright Cleaners Barrio Tanning No CN Telegraph Rebels DominionAuto Wreckers of Barrie Tanning Rebels CRohinson 215 Gill How ncss 1250 603 Wright Cleaners of Henderson 287 MD Gar ilty 238 ON CtNulclegraphs Auto Wreck LeGettr 127B 725 Olmsicnd 703 High sinfllc Henderson Wright Cleaners 287 high triple Garncr CN Telegraph 732 2nd Dlvl Duncan Plasterers union Carpcniers CopacoAP of Smith Farm Dairy Duncan Plasterers Exell 253 Ml em 1207 6M UnlomCarpenlcrs Copaco Lee 218 710i Peeler 140 593i lIliuh single Eireli Duncan Plasterers 266 high triple itsLee Union Carpenters above It Division 13X ECAF Mt aohtrt Westons Bread aniield Frosted Foods Kunwnilts Plumbing Bullock Motor Kenwells hair Eokars Reynolds 273 MO Cr Or mistan 297 836 Frosted Foods It Bullock Motors Reynolds 239 350 Halon 1236 SET Westons Bread lax RCAF say 251 Hargreaves soot ngh linsle nrrgrervet 39 88 35 airy ii ll McEach 17 37 Ol iiveéiltérjoday we RCAF 306 huh triple Reynolds Baytlcld VFroslcd Foods 050 Finisys ILA Barrie Examiner Barbers DA Dairy Chrysler Kraft Containers Chrysler Barbers Barrie Examiner Krait Con 259 580 Finlsys BA EA Dairy It Pleasantz Winiry sunny and Cool Good winter weather prevail ed most oi this week but some wtuf colder Iut night vPros pect today Is for cool usd sunny Snow Is possibility to follow There wu lllht full list nlth lite and this morning early save 15 Temperature were High Low 27 It 18 IO 15 Feb 20 Fair 21 Fall Tell 25 Feb Feb 25 early KCIIANGING FUELS ST JOHNS Nild CPDCoal dealers say 1ch coal is bein told ere than 10 years age although tsics continue in rlxcln the out olls where people are changing tver front wood Drap In city rules is attributed to srsdusl wine to oil FRUIT EXPERT DIGBY NS cm1 Harris now resident here claims he tcorccl many agricultural firsts as head of the British governments exporlmcniai action in Jamaica He believes he was the tirst man develop banana seed budavob ads and exocrimcntwiih the crcss iertilizntionï¬ai pineapples 2nd Division Dclauit Barker 240 542 Clarke 230 860 Grantham Carson OH 522 Gillespie 220 577 High single Barker Barbers 260 high triple Clarke Barrie ISX Examiner €00 WE REPEAT FROM YOU SPECIALS wmlsoumla NM Hall sddl lusts omelectrlul appliartenon new mink ranches around the Avalon peninsu SlMClllI Milton riiiinilcrsi LIMITED EBAVEEDBODK SCHOOL ThethIInlIdIltn lied Cross rml rmmmx c9 Imd ulna eight ladies at DVA hos Besvnritrook in Innounced be him throuzhnut COMM it will provide the furnishing and equipment for new school It The Homemaker Service at the Eeavcrbrook NB to be named In Canadian Red cross assisted his or lit lsrnillean it uses ulsamcum newerthy lootieiectricn iii to recuur duties is busy niece 1949 Iloilgeiieiulietouch Custom ntlln while all ilret llp eitvsrs on owner since ntttv Imms lute condition ihrauzhoul gISSZ Routine Ileiulie Seilnll Ollvsnhy incl burltent man Low mllealc IIII to be seen to benppreclsted VISIT SHOWROOM AND INSPECT THESE HEAUTIES YOUR PONTIAC BUICK GMC raven DEALER jcoitNrit sanoroao JOHN srs intone 2449 DUE TO THE TERRIFIC RESPONSE WE ADE REPEATING OUR PACKAGE DEALS FEATURING OTHER PRICES INCLUDE INSTALLATION WITH 20 FOOT AERIAL No Damage To ltooi on Aerial installation No Hooks or Nails Used Special Side Brackets Used For Neat Appearance cHECKmsnSPECIALS liiliiiliilit 21 iii IIKODEL C2395ZX 21 Table Model feutullng new advanced cascade new super giant picture magic mirror Tclcvisiott Drop In and sec LineVision In operation STILL FEW ADMIRAL SPECIALS LIZIT 5249 Emerson rv MODEL IZMIOOZ Here Is the very latest in styling and eiillliecrinx lit the new Entcrrtin lixcrllcitt for fringe arca re ceiltloil Our store elicit til 900 pm Frlilys for your convenience iii viewing LincVision IINII Oit TWO IZhIIZItSONS STILL AVAILHILL $289 null VICTOR I7 rv TABLE MODEL l7TI3I PavlovM ADMIRAL 21 TV CONSOLE ZOXSE manhunt MOTOROLA TV $229 349 PuekoeeDool REA VISEOIIIIT 24 TV CONSOLE muum s449951le 901 MOTOROLA 2i TV Table Model MIiZITIO AOOISOII it it mean 2102 use ALL SPECIALS 00 DAY VAItIIANTY ON ALI IAltTS ls TUIIE YEAH tVAItItANTY IN COMPLETE INHTALIMITION 20 FOOT AIIIIIAI NEW TIIIlIt HIIZUIALR 0N DililllAY sinner nisriiltr COOPERATIVE seniors WHERE PARKING is no PROBLEM 8469 tammzze $339 IICII iicroii 21 TV TAIIllIi MODEL 2ITIHIII IIIASE tiltGliTllY liXlIItl instills hiinrklliix new ltCA VlCTOIt qualityflclcvluion Irfltliflfl Suptr Hellllllvolilllxlc Monitor lotvcrlul Irmll Distance Circuit Golden Tiiroitt Tone IVIIII $299 PHONE 2429 259 ilililsril sr llCIUIIIi TUIIF at TV PAOKAOE OEIIL