Midgets Juveniles Win 0M Openers 0m Owen Sound Barrlemlilgeu rolled over their xlvgls 51 tax fourlull edge and Bank Juvbnnes trounced Owen Soundfll in he niihlcapu The ldzut Vlflbly was the his surpx of he cvenhm Owen were rated xrcmundopg Vers 101 he OMHA crown but Bankl paced by Ihe mroqoni perlormancws of Don Dunsmnre and Alvinthrcna ume 1mm hehlndln Ihnucand period to wln the lImamham opener gma BARR gummy 55m manual 251955 Bane juvenUes and midgets captured thelr ï¬rstround OMHA playoff openers Wednesday night at Battle Arena against Owen Sound but Barrie bantams face adetlclt tor the second and ï¬nal games Saturday nlzemoon Owen Sound banmms produced thelr best offensive dls play oflhe season to whip Barrie 114 Jn ï¬ne ohener at playott tripleheader here and carry swangoal leaQlnco the windup the goalstocount genes nt Owen Sound Dangerfield Motor leltcd 05 Calllcr SI Phone 2481 Thats Ed Hagan our Scrvlce Munzen In our Indy and palm shophc has mu mm com blncd truck cxncrlnncc 01 man Ihnnfloo yam Theyre prnud Ch work they du So are we We ca rejuvenate your Iruck for leg money lhnn you mlghl think when we in re uvcnme we mean ma uDk like new Well ding out the Radar flx he all rcDIIr lhï¬rim 1min lbwpnko lleam Drlvc In many or Inmnrrnw Well glvc you an csllmnlo an huwtmuch will cash and how 101mm will akc ll wfll pmb nhly cost you less in both money and aulafscrvlcc lime lhnn you lhlnk Try us You wouldnt make 11 call on cuslomer loukln bndmgglcd In just as bud to have your ruck on me mad making pick ups Ind deliveries wllh palm scratchrd und faded lenders demed Collar meedr Cull Scufled WHETHER ITS INSTALLATION wk lhe lieuplayed comm EIJNSULT NEON YOUR TV ANTENNN NEEDS sum by CANADIAN HOMES consmucnon co DONALD 6T PHONE 2110 Almll ONTARIO HEN Mfllh OIIIUIINE MMnll BAIIII IWlwIII MIOCIAIIIIN Thc ECONOMY HOME IHN IUll YOUR INEIHQTION DAILY IIIOM ll NOON 10 Ill pun lloxul or run of no Dunlap Wut For Prompt Efficient Sovvico PHONE 2363 THIS menu 106 uomun 5mm JOHN KELLY Or just Ropair Home Tadd Thwmmon centre Vnuanf wlngs mus Lnnlcrrc Inllnmnm Han Maxwell Parker Clnrk Keeling Smnrl Rourke Fcrï¬ sonuDrousc BARR Goal Fenguson de Micev Judd Fraser ccnlrc Adnml Wings Camuqnshnnnon altern moLPcncock nnycran Coopzr Johnson mum coal Cockbum de Jcncc McBride Graves cnnlrc Narrcna wlnp Dunsmore Jerry Murphy ullcmntrs Kenn Neal Ian Garner Walton Lynn Now mu 1ch Murphy Smnh Chris llc OWEN SOUND Goal Gray dunnon llinchlcy wllllam cen Mulr wlnil Woody Playtord nflcrnnm Graham Wilson cum Prlng Dmlnnrd Bunny Bell OWEN gagpm GEM mu dc Barrle were never headed al ithaugh Owen Sound came hack le ho scare 11 at an palm In the ï¬rst pcrlod Bub Quinlan opened lhc scoring for Barrie Clnrke rebounded In Ivor the visitors but Bab Chrlatln broke deadlock lwa minutes lam at Zl Iran and the start walkaway at the evening wllhou un Leewary muuhnml Muir nMch ccl the only 3an the ï¬rs period to give Owen Sound 10 lud but Barrie rumed back In in second Dunxmore scored xwlta wflhin 40 ponds envly In the slanzn and Nunem Mlowed with ml or cumlnrlntie 41 edge Alvln 5mm scored the cllnchu Inh ln lhe Ihlrd poxml The juvenile contest was ml ged altalr mm 12 minor penalllu 141505st by relaxcc John F31sz and Burnside Quinlan who Ilrcd hrEe goal Inr the local squad established hl ganlaperlod pace with he only marker or he second chapter und lhnn Barth ripped home three un answered goal in the thlrrL Wayne mcknng non Butler and Quinlan he marksman Dan shahnon wllh two golds cav rind he bmnl or Dames scoring wlumn wlh Corbett Adnms and Norm Rnycxjan llrlnn sue each mntnml OWEN SOUND Goal Jordan dclcncc Frmer McCamb cnnlrc McLelhn wings Buddy Stuck nllnmulcs scnbmok Frock Cni cy Nichol Hnlcmw Murray Hen Slrlnwn Owen ound p0 an scoring eye In 1110 first and lhlrd purluda ln wnllop Barrie They hcld 52 he and 11 IE llst mred he only ï¬nal at the wand session and outscored Bar rlc 52 In Ihc thlrd Jlm Manllan wun lhrcc goals Nld IIalcxcw wllh two paced the Owcn Sound mack Nichul StuckY Filler Frank McComb nud Boddy sank one nplccc nfmmz GonL DAmbmli Juvznllel Newly Organized 1Town League To Open Saturday The nunlc Mkch ann Llflkuc wlll gel undcrwny Monduy Feb 21 nl Bdrm Argqn TM newlyom ml uroup whlch prov kcy fur buy bchun lhv an at 1411 vhu um nul rcKllIcrcd 0n OMHA or DNA club In coupnmnrcd by llm Hume mamNun Council and he Dnrrln lunch at me Canadian Lralun mecnur or lhc Kmup ll Wall Smllh um he hopes lhul ncxl Icn mm In mun mlnur I101th Iyl vm wlll be mvlml Iu Include lhnn uc uruum Pratt Edward Gravel Moore Chrklln Butler Mchnn Tom Garner Tomunson Kincthv Quinlan Vln Illcklinfl Hay whu an eligible vlay III III lruuuc nn Ilkcd conlnrl Mr Smllh Ill 129 Burton Avenue 0wan KMIHI Irv nulwdulrd or nm Mummy nnmc hm nvehoal cdgo second game Juvenllt Emlon Cnmp Burden Benton wln round 151 OIIA lntumedlue Alllshn Thornton Vorwflcnï¬SoinuVi mm seven36m edge fur Incond lame Mldnt Barr Owen Sound nurrle bald four10M cdlc chond lamp Juvenile Eagle Owen Saund DUE To MUSIC concért at BDCI audi 7orium Saturday evening the second and final OBAJntermediMe semiiinui game Jebween Barrie DeVilbiss and Hamilton Mountaineers will be played tonight at BBC gymnasium starting at pm DeViiblss who npturcd the GreyuSimcoe cage champion ship iuce twopoint deiicic which conch Ernie Petrimouix hopes to wipe aside on his home floor Hamilton scored narrow 5250 Bum£1 Owen Sound 11 Burrlu b1crbymaaswm cégérléigyoff5mg7Pi£éf1¢igh€f lllyofll Minor $7673 CMI IOlll UTILITY 00M KIICHEN MN ILASIC TILE IIAIH IIUUM YOUNOISNWII KIICIIEN lIIJLIAI IIITEIIIOII DFLUII ITOIIM MINI N0 30 zmcrmc HOT WAT tumm on nmmm nnv wm CONSIHUCIIUN GUARANTEED Ioor umowum 11m noon an wvmm mac am mxm uunrr 0N cowcnm sum ml JOIm mumm1ch no vomitmo 0mm And min Deluxe mm or OHA Junior Standing SI Culhurillcl Guclpll Marlboro 8L Mlchael linmlllon 6m Innis Kllchcnur Wrdnudlyn llunll nrlbarol SK Mllhlwll nmdnyl nuullu On SK Cnllmrlncl Guelph Kllchenrr In AN EXAMINER WANT All flla cllch wu purely In Ac eldenL Ila wu mhln Iwr while lhh lhe more tnmmnn wlnler utch In lhll Izn wllh mlnnnwl uni Iprndar on uponnd III llnz ll wn mlde Ibnul um um look In Ipvmxlmlle 20 mlnum la hrlnx Ihe Luke Trout up Month the hols Another Weigth lake Trout Out Of Lake Simcoe 11 mm menhm 21 Inche lI laugh and hulrlr lbln II ha and hum Luke Tram brought lnlo Iho Burle lxlmlnlr omen In Aha pul Meek mm rlcurdcd was 10 pound Ind I53 Pnhndl Jcnnell unloldad bnuulul llpannd len Trnul unlht bwveen lhu lrnn Blldxe Ind Fllhmmnl Palm In 91 eat wnter Ihou lull mllo of than lt Inuked the Inc Ilmc red Ind brought hkn Trout lhrnulh um In lmuh he hu nude numeroul Inch ulthu during Iha lummer Anuflm Ina exlmpla of lhe Iplendld Illhln belnl enjoyed on leo Slmcou Wlten lhll wlnler wu dllpllyed In The name Bxlmlntr omen Thun dy by lllrnld fled Janna farmer mule Calllunlo defznco It WITHOUT Irlm Inrlmlrn Flml Handing mumph 1n the opener at Hamilton last weekend DeVllbiss have been practising constant ly for this important engagement especially on deiensive tucticsns the one pictured above Big Doug Moorhouse attempts to stop dribbling threats from leit to right Dalt Nesbltt Laurie Spencer and Irving Ciroh All will be prominent along with stars Doug Kettle Jack Hare and Neil Gleason against the visiting Mountaineers One 01 thus was pm at L0 L60 ind wax sold In mo Villa 01 Emdlnrd or ml of only $1716 The nlhcr parcel wn pm at be 111 which wn pleEd up by Wnl or Howell nn Slmud or com $1098 d3 were prchh IndrjusQ Mo 17 mel we 1M from he Iurmer Low Bids County Adiourned Sale and for Taxes tax sale land held on Tucadny Feb 22 In Ihe umcu Slmcoc Cnunly Treasurer 001 mnn at the county court houu It 212 wnslvery quiet few Md 53 on Naidny Feb BULLBBK MOTBRS CUACII lully nndlllnnld Ind lumnleed COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY llllllu hum np 795 hwy huy lladlu hulfr ullp N0 90 HIGHWAY FEBNMLE 49 MONARCH 52 PONTIAC 25égrd=35$1095 PHONE 5526 nlxmy other models lu clxouxc These Cars An Recon Trades On New Models And An Outstanding In Appoumnéo qnd Value Fayr ï¬res 11 Faces Pdnfs vWin YOUR FORD MONARCHDEALER IN BARRIE Ever Hear About um IUZUHNT SEDAN landout In earnee Mu rlnnlully umm mu Hill CONVENIENCE Irmu 701 um convrulmcc we nrc 01ml cvrulnlu until IIIZLI TIMLII lrnlllo buy II unly 1952 DODGE 50 CHEV 7mm Ih lmmlnn Almlvl P1095 SEEK RELATIVE RAFFIC VICJM HN CALIFORNIA chy Tiyts To Atténd Bigvvin innConvention Ten members of the Barrie DISj er bungled Imfllute Board in dlcaud at 115 weekx monlhly mending that they would be at tending the urban Ind nmal Inu Mun Imbelle Brawn of Pa adena Culilfarnin ha sent The Examiner newspupcr clipplng lullan the death in mum accident suddenly on Dec 30 19M cl Mrs Mary Poole Her rusldencc was listed as 1030 Nomh Maren Almch Intermem was made In California Mrs Brown as 1mm of lhc late Mm Peale slate that she is anxious find rclmlvu and he lluva were mlgm be mm in the Barrie Inn Hn mun shark But annru flrnd his lhlrd counter and sound the porlndan the npcn net to cllnch the victory would nva mm the clip ping that the 123 wlll nnrdi actions or he dlbpasal er pro erly The Slate of Cnlllur holds the eshle or one year and ll no xulzvllvn Shaw up we to the Stale Mrs Pagin at me lime lived here and had Wm uncles now dcusd The widow of one believed living but Mls Brown doc not know rm name Mrs Browns nddrcss In Pasadena 1688 North Hill s895 CPRAIRIE SCHOQNER BREWERY LIMIITED KINGSBEER mm saunas mm SIHMN mil1 hum lnp cav en dltcrllonll lllllla Numb bum lIlW ur YOU PRESENT JAR IOUIJI HE Tllli IOWN PAYMENT FINANCE PM PHONE 5526 1951 NASH IHE INVENTOR OF THIS SKIM MING SCHOONER was probably retired sailor who couldnt get used to landlubbtr methods of transportation tbm coï¬vémion qt BIzwIn 1mm June llto 224 xwuendlngwdfl beFuA SlncWr1 chalkmun Grifï¬n William Mrmnbemn Empke ma Flynn RankExluinsun $390119 63 JnhnswnyMZPP Cliffon Watt Bhlrand Felt secxe fly at the haunt EASTWEW OnL CPAbout 125 mldenu this suburban at Law town were torcedila melt snow forthelr water supply when wam main bmke Aflnwst 21 hours war needed to lmle the brink and rawh arybf bhé bath THE FLATTEQY OFA FRIEND IS LOTION Bl OFTEN THE CRITICISM OFAN ENEMY IS CURE SNOW ileum 5995 1860