in ms Emma 9399 whim nmiuumés mH lmhlll mum 9m mu Mu um 00 VlIII In In Nani1 mm me um wmh Ikrunnv ma sun on mu In Tm JARRATT ousrs WAUBAUSHENE txanirnocms urunp 1km Lunuhluh mu 10 5mm DIIIII Ill MN 230 na mun mm Plï¬ulhtnl mu mm CAllnI The new Industriuily Speaking series which goi of such in suc cessiul start last Wednesday night oiier mnm inmresling radiotaro next week The series CKBB Wh iic rcrvice vanium puutha spat ith In various Banla industries delving iniu their backgrounds for in highlights and bylith of their gmthv and ml the story at the mainly play in Lhc Inth and development of Barrie Nexi Wed nesdny Industrial Speaking COIDWAKERWaubaushcne led lo near he and sumï¬nal phynfl game wnn Jamie and looked as though mo wrles wauld be lied up wllh win aplccc but Jnnau SCllEd an opening when lnelr nponnnu were plnycr short to some two guru and eliminate Waubaushcnc 65r Jnrrnn wlll mm lhc wlnncr of the Part Mc Nlccu v3 Nuxin River xemHlnaLI to decide me Ens slmcoc rural hockey chaminnshlp It was l9 hird znmc between Wuubaushenn and Jana 10 mule Ihl best two oulotlhrcc scrlm one much hav In ended 1n deadlock Ioun POLICYI Kellh Johnsan mlllcd first for 13le nl 1058 In me cpgnlnz per ln unnamed Les Copeland Pd up immediately nlcr an Quinns pug Av mo Danny McHuRh mndc 11 for Jnrmu Thnrc were no punamvs Sn the units Talmud mun Hm 105 Inn 300 mum1 5mm Sun madesclenllflc play and puck carrylng dlmculL In the mlddlc chapter Wnubnu shone dominaled the play nnd the tnnln ï¬nished 44 We Three Inl llcs added to the Wnubnulhcne count wen by Le CopclnniKcn Webb and Arbour Goal were garnered by Mcflun and Ammon ur Jarmu Waubauxhcnc wcnl No he load In me last leOd Um 113 mark when In lennd hulxcd xhn mm IJIe Jamm nu on rctelpl from Qulan The hnnpy cheer the Wnulnulhrne an turned to man when Jarer ub xalntd onemun Indrath as Webb wtnt la the prnally box fur mlle Vnny and Anwnlu scan ed tar Jurrmt In the lwoqnlnulo lnlmnl If we fail to back up than moments wclwill pay you $500 dolly En Show 5mm mum at Hm mama Book In ml out 10 Intel rompotllllu my nu by null III nu It won In nll Inulvln llnyln uhowlnl tr II wI mlnm nn Impm IM Irlu TV um In nnm VOUR flATINFAUIION II II Impulna or mnlclll la II Lemon Wu umMu try Oeltvlnlan we ull In hiuiTannTTiIumi Nll can MY WARRANTY wm my llevlllnll loll no new Able to all my wlmnly rnvulnl Iluolulaly III nul 91 IIlIvlntnn urva In cludlnr LAIIOII IAIITB TUNIH In olhu WOMI ch Ind inny luncllnmblo Item In IL2L MK DAV HEIWICI 1101le WARRANTY WE PAY Y0 DAILY TELEVISION IS IIIIII BUSINESS NOT JUST II SIIIEIIIIE nunLor It Ii EPLETTS ELECTRIC To In cuolom in him out how Ilmllrd lu lnry wnunllu lulvlh In mu dvptndem on him oundvullml And IVIIIIM mlunrnlu IV re ull mama wI umnlu yun mm My vln Nn Ionl wlllnl pulndn at lnronunlmrm AT YOUR CONVENIENCE BEE an Plum Hllnlllh In 1mm mu 11 um xv mm nm mu Mwnllm amm anon um ï¬annrlcolu Wuuur km uh am on no us mmlud us may mm am Tim no 31 Word spans In In nu ma cnom 11m us mm nymml mo mu mu mu hum rmuw um cam mmm church Inna ulna Kmum Win15 mu NI mo mum Inlmlu mo mu womn ms nu Church cummu Bonn mummy Much nLEqndly no 000 Club I13 sun at an Inn aao mu Mo un 31 mum Dtnlm cnunly um 1333 am Guzman L45 mwu bl The Will lunflly Hun 11m vmuiï¬au tells the story one Barrlea major mduktries Cnnndhn Gon cral Elcclrlc The thlnute prp gram will go on Mr sum of the mnrcunuual cvenu that occur In Slmme Duflerln and York counllcs are heard on CKBEu Sunday nllernonn program cntllled County Cllpplnks Frequbnlly lhe edllor or one the many llne weekly dklrinl newnmper has some pertinenl observations pus on to hls rcnderu couple celebrate golden weddlng annl vcmry farmer wlns muted rlbbum for hl llveslock entry In an ngrlculluml meel ml nessnnn has unique holiby Thus are but lew ol the mnny valled llama hnl make Caunly Cllp plngs an lntcrcsllni and lntnnn nllve calendar at cvcnuvmmcol whlch hippen rlzhlln your awn uommunlly County Cllpplnza lssgurd each Sunday afternoon at Bfadfprd Curlers Harrisons Mixed Four Win Honors Amthrr ï¬nk skipped by Walter Edncy came mend The Hurl Ion rlnk cullred the annual sync n1 Woodnock Last week and In wlnnlnl ï¬ve consecutive games brought Mme ihe KIM Trophy lap flor mlxcd cmllng n1 Woodslock LANDMARK RESTOEED AYLMER Que CWA une norcy brick bulldlnx landmark In hll town lnr70 yum hu Mon mmrod In place in nu Ilrnlu olsl Plllll mrmm cun ollc church In an ldlencu 30 yam ll nncc echoed Ipuchu or null man In Sir Chur lu hmp srrwgurm Launn The mlxcd curling rinks mm Bradford hlvc bmn cxcclllnï¬ lhcmsolve vuloflown bon rplols Two weeks nzo Manse Harrisons rlnk pmonnol or whlch were Rum anhnw Clarence lineuhawv Vern Harrison and Manse Harman skip took lop homn at Gwmdown Ian Slr nobchnordvn Ana on mura um mu Ina mum luo Tn 1m mum um mm mm am pm no ale To 11 mm 3111 Drum 00 munr 11 Till II IIM 1mm Munr Mnunhu 00 Au Mum Hunt cum cnnducm BMwnlkm 5min cnmmunny Inna Iwm Munau mu mum nun 1mm luu 345 gum To and 100 55mm Amy run In III 2n mm cm snow lawn LI yérnium In 111 lllONfl MM Tail In RCAF Flyerss Méet Stiff Opposition JosmrDANs mm cnh Millcl who has juinad xhe ï¬rm nter George parmun Mr Danswas mined Ryerson Ins HEOl Tichnglaiy and at Tommo Radio College and rm had Ewen your nn lelovlslnn service in St CalhannLs will be mnnngnr for he sempe depmmem and the llrmwlll now be known as TN 6mm and Co MEKZ FRANCE FEB 15 RCAF Fiycn hockey team oi Fighter wing Zweibrucken Germany returned to yes lerdny morning titer hnvi cam pieteri me at their best weekend tour of the season Playing against the two best itniinn team iihny came out with one HA and one loss nd they were viclnriuus against the Austrinn icï¬m mm Kilzbuehel famous winter re sort centre On Friday 11 Feb In Milan Imly where heycncounlemd one me strangest loam on the cum llnenl the F1 on were flowned after grueling contest by scan or 54 For Ihe victorious Milan Inlet nntlonnl all the on for the Italians were scored by ï¬ve Im ported Canadian player The RCA Flyers tap scorm were CyL Frnnk 0nwyy of Bindeg wm Leblnm Pinion NS Ind LAC Roger Dumll ol Troerlslolcs PQ one ï¬nch The game was described Very good with fast motion all the way and real crowdplanar On Saturday 12 rm with Ian mm 30 second in in the lust perlud the Canadian wére lend lnl hy icon or azalnn the Balznno Illllun lenm Cpl Frank Ontwny with gosh by Cpl mug Reid n1 numnx NS1 nd ommy oi Monlrcnl older bruihcr of ihe Moon hockey sun from Montre al recent addition in the team had provided ihu lend However 1h game vm tizg up in the dying secnnds at the game by lhe ilulinn llnm Axnin nil ho When It ran Import frlrnd of mlnn Ilnl mcnlhmml um enum cen wore nxpcmlnenllnz wm rubbtr mad mnuum Oh Boy youll be nble lo bounrn hos pcdcslrlnn like lcnnln 1mm rlxhl aver to he Ildcwnlk No mt qulla Thrra II 10 or rubber In rubhnr road lml not lhnl much The mlvnmauo Icmrdlng lo the purple whn mkn lhe rubbcr and uphall mlxlum II lhnl mud last much lower They nun nrnrly lwlcc much remlnnrc lu hnnklnu and and up mm In cxlrrmu nl ha and cold Erminch have hm wntrhlnu Ilrclrh nxhbcr and nnphnll ruml III Holland Gmnnn Iahncn martch on H4 and he Mllrd nmlu chum Hmn back along It The road hu had hnrdly any work lama on ll In 13 yum ya Illll In mnl wmhllam Expcrlmtnll hlnm only rccmlly Ilnrlrll hm nlflmuuh um Inl rubber mm wnl lnld ln Slnxnpuro In 20 Thure nu lhrec mmhu of ruhbrr rand In Cunmln um know 01 mm Lu Mmhlm Hand In SL Jnhnl Ncwhnlndlnnd nnd lhc olhrr two In In Ibo urovhm of Ourbu arm can wrrr llnl made rubhur both yuuurnl and aynlhnllt mu mmle mo Ilde mmnum On our 10 we make um Ihnl Um Mflmr nu Ill our run In In mum to ulve yuu many many mllu romlannblo lrnvel mrm yuu but to wévry nbnul ml mm Hn nnu 111 um Illnr mm tmnu ol comhlrrnlluu ynu by IoHM wllll Inn Ihnl hu mmlv HI muml by pitnun Iull min and humlrrdl lwnpla up bluo IInluh rullom rndlo wmulnltly cqulvprd Thls rnr mm the cxccllcm mm It llll received 51 CHEV DELUXE COACH mirror DEA OTTAWA cmw Slncolno the post oiiicc department hm has bran nwurded $500 ior his six KIJIlon oi more dcommicni m4 ihod oi culian material uscd in manufacturing mail bugs Tiw money went to hlm under sun gcsiion award plan oi the pubHr service oi Canada 101 ideas which save mnney Report From Town Hall SUNDAY 630 pm MR ERIC SIMPSON Cunnty Aumor THE CADILLAC OFTELEVISION Now on jDISPLAY Lams mun ALL ITTTS FACT CompureBeforeYou Buy as com sr At Prices ThatAre NOT LOW NOT LOWER Bul leadd LOWEST PRICES EVER Why Settle for Last Years Leftvaers WALK ELOCK AND SAVE AT THE meets um sroaa IN rowu BURNEYg HWvemmm SYLVANIA AT LEVITS YOU cANsAVE MONEY ON ANY DEAL 52 NEW EXCITING 1955LINE5 FEATURED ATPRICEsYOU cmr AFFORD T0 Miss As Low andEuen wad Than Toronto Prices FAMOUS NAME REFRIGERATORS WHENYOU CAN BUYVTHE NEWEST MOST EXCITING FEATURES OETHE I955 LEONARD nememnbgs GunNtY RANGES SYLVANIA TELEVISIONS JAKE CANADAS FINEST RANGES