Delete the ï¬vepower United Nations dlmrmnment subcom mmce talJuapened 1n Lonan to zduy Brilnln nypcurcdio be as unwilllng to zve up hyng or Iinlcrnmhnnl disarmament the Unilrd State appeared willing to gun trylng Savlot rnprésentntlve Andre Gromyko was expected make the same nld Soviet demands or abandonment by Ihc West of nuclear weapons on whch re Us to keep pace WWI vast Com munlsl armed toms without any serious offer reduce those Sov iu turcbs Before flying to London or the meeting Henry Cabot ladle Jr United States delegate to we UN admitted that the wan slumhllnl block tu disarmament plln was the distrust which the free world necessarily real or Communist imptriallsm He felt that tb clusuddnnr mcctlnzs in Landon mpena am eh that tbu clusuddnnr alumni in Landon would reduce the lemplamn to make propaganda At my rile wesern powers cannm afford mm polltlcnl propaganda viewpoint pass up any oppnrtunny to make some pragresï¬ award 1115 nrmamenL it was exneclLd that the Sule Union wauld pm its propaganda that it is atomic and hydrogen bombs oi ha West which alone threaten the peace It is repnrled that ihc Soviet Union and ii stu cllilcs have built up Iheir armies to total 01 six million men force that could sweep across Eur ope but or the deterrent power or possible western retaliation wiill nuclmr weapons The most vigorous mover peace policy for Britain Leil wingcr Annurin Bevan is mean while ompinyinfl he inrm oi lhl II bomb Viih new Vilma 2711 31mm gymggmnu manna 25 1955 the ï¬vepower UN dlsarmament subcommittee talks opened in London today the old buttleot words between the Soviet Union and the United states seemed likely to re lopen ANZAC forces movedï¬d pledge themselves to play bigger part in defense arrangements in soï¬theastAela IA fourth man was chosen as candidatepremler in Frances jgovernmental crlsts TESTS PROVE THAT YOU UT DOWN MORTAllTY INTERNATIONAL NEWS REVIEW rm II In llllnflMN Demhmtvnlon Yum canmanlly ynn Ihl whtn rhltkl Ilul Ill HllulMIN hlrl ï¬hflu multllty In Ith In mlnlmnm hlth on lllllmMIN ulnIly my lulu mm In nun And mun hill munmm fhlel Hlutu in Mflhllflfl Irnq ma nunp Id wllh hand In prolnln vlumim In mlmnl pudnu vlmou hullhy murqu mm In um You III mummm hlcl Burl Inna whn Dreu Ilp your why no wim gaynzwcovuinloveuPillofnam cuxhlnn Thu Ire cm pllecl In yum hum mu can ha mad tqunll comfortabl and lnvillnn wuh llofolm mxhiunln mm Vuioul mouldql Ilzu nle Ablo we can lite you rrquile So any wqu Mm xo lnupcnsivo III old in luxury yum chlehu Inlvl HILLSDALE FLOUR FEED Neld vanlly seal pad Ha cmlomzul mm Plllo FOAM BARBIE TENT AWNING CU GREAT BRITAIN CLARENCE CUMMING 31 Bayflald 8L PHONE 4514 IRA WILSON By EXAMINER STAFF wmans ooourowu lIILlBDALE llAfllllK anler defence burdens 1n but mnnpnwer and money semed cer tain far both countries as Ithe nlw Sauthem Ash Collecthe Delencc Trenly SEATO cnmc mrrnally Into area last weekend and dol egaunns at elxm Shirawry powcrs converged on Bangkok Thnlland or Ihelr first tundress cnmerence The elm nations Involved are lhe Unlled States Grnal Britain France Australia New Zealand Pakistan Thailand and the EMI llplnes all whlch taymlly dc positcd Ihe Instrument rallflcn tlon nl Manlla Feb 19 The only wag slxmd lan Scpl Among the resulh expected tom the conference are permanent secretariat to admlmner the Man Pact council of dqpullox or the arclgn mlnlsmrs or the eight powers concerned uni even delenco arranlements in the Eastern Hemisphere was reworked 1y made by Sir Winston Churchill at the retent London Conterence utCammunwtnith Prime Ministers in reply Prime Minister Sidney Holland New Zealand hnl unnmmced that his lbvernmeni will send two air squadrons to Malaya as its ilrst instalment lu ward Southensi Asln defame and is discussing further military measures which hls country might be am to undertake An Ausirll inn ilghler wingrecently with drawn lrom Cyprusis expected to be moved with the New Zoninnd squadrons strumreï¬or 56ml mmmy command An dppenl to both Australia and NewVZtahnd to play pin pm The lamIan mlnmm nankok have other importam mmch discus welL Those Include nn lncrcnse In western ecnnumlc nld and rlbuuan 11 Southeast Asia the current unsatisfacwryvsnumun In Indochina growing nnxlexy In Thailand about the buildup subverslvc pressum and Cam munIsL Chlnn latest mavu mll ilnry conscription The Inunh ml chosen by French Prcsldcnl of the Republic Cmy lo lry lu ï¬ll the vnancy Inn by me overthrow of the Men desFrancc government Edgar Faurc RAdicalSoclallst Ilka Pierre MandaFrance In 201 he was me oulgalnz PrcmlLrl only oulsupding Cablnct mxnlsm Atlcr the Assembly musnl Invrsl Social Chrlsllnn Plnlau Cmy called on Fnurn or an nflcmm lo mulva Francrs polillcll dcadlnck name minksur the new candidatePremier has worked an chr both Jmnph Llnlvl and HondaFrance hiding his mu Dr 18 mnmhs unlil ban Iorh night brrorc he uovernmnnt fell Ho mm swllchm over In lhn Intolm utlnln mlnlslry when Mnndrsanncu announced hls In trmlon mklnz versonnl care nl Inflnclll and ccnnnmw mcnlurrs He was frmucnfly hlnlnd at SOUTHEAST ASIA FRANCE MISS BARBARA FERGUSON of Camp Borden was crowned Queen ox Lhmell when Camp Bordeï¬ Chder Corps entertained at 1the Publlc School on Feb Miss Ferguson 1appears here with her proudfescorVCadet Net Scavenger th Conservation oliicers nrc attain in success in the currentcam puign io rki local wnierl of ling Over 100 pounds the scnvenzer iish which destruy the eggs of game ï¬sh were nelicd in one day recently at Atherlcy Narrows curdinl to Goldwater Game War gcn Horace Salinws SherWalké 1m pnnclkc and maple syrup supper provided by the Fellow ship Group at the Anglican Church was well attended Master oi cer emnnies was Rev Churchcr Mr and Mrsi Don Kitchen mid Mrs Bunker omun assisted with musical cnierinlnment Local Anglicans inking pan included Mrsl Earl Dobla Mrs Irene Bur nic Mrs Reg Tlpnlnz Frank Wllllnms James Kltrmcn Victor humor and Russ Hawkins Caldwdter bummer Hnrry Mann veIerm an Sim merchnnk observed vhia 33rd birthday on Ftb 12 111 granddaughter Miss Joan Martin hnd hcr birthday he Iollowlnl day and birthday dlnnor In hon or bath was held at the ham the lallcr parents Mr and Mn Cyril Mamn Mr Marfln Sr has been Coldwmr resideni over 00 year and taken leading pm in the developmenl at hlslcummunily Except or cold In xood hrnllh and conllnucs to lake nn ncllvc pan In upemucn navclly slore neslrm superintrndenl llnvinz reached point when she on necessary lo pass on her dunes la younger leader Mn Shcpplrd resigntd us Iupcr nllndenl Cnldwnlcr Unl eventual successor in MI awn mlcr when was obvious MandaFrance was due to after the Christmas vacullnnx Some his support mny come from Ihc not 117 he will not apply the Item Lcanomlc measures of MnndBSFrnntl nrtmdinu hl supporlcrs bcllM land hccuum hl llnnndnl ME um all nrlh odox Princess Mnrunm wan nlvcn um 0n mun onumslnstlczccvollms PM West Indlan Iour Munda vllle Jamnkn lnrut crowd children aanx Alnl $hc Smwl The ubhfl lhdr Idmlmurm wnre wth mk um wnh nd anal drxlxn und den Inlum ntck HM and II red mrnw ML An Hum Pancake Supper By LORNE LETIIERBY BEAVER UMBER Your New Number Observe 51rd BlIlhthy BRIEFS COMPANY LIMITED Pr that all ted Sunday School and presided inr thclnst time on Feb 20 Mrs Sheppard was taken by surprise when the scholars and leaders paid 11 iribute to her service Rev Ross Cumming called to gclher the ienchers and pupils and requested Miss Edna Walker in read an address at npprcnlntlnn Miss Walker described how the superintendent had been exceed ingly iailhlul in her leadership of the Sunday Schnol and all pro iccls She snid the leachersand oliiner had derived inspiration rum helrnssncinilun wlih the superlnleudent since she hnd as sumed her dulles June 20 1945 xiit at an illustrnlcd book eniit led the World Albert Schweit xer whspresentedby Mrs Eplett whn movcdhvme oi thanks Two tots irom ihe kin dzrgarte Reggie Bush and Mil dredCummlny then presenied basket oi spring flnwers Mn havering inducted Mrs Sheppard thanked the Sun day School and sin for the gifts and commenied an the suppnrt and cooperaiien ah hld receiv ed rum thgm durinz her periud of service She requested the slime assistance or her successvr Mrs Waiver Loverlnu hilhllzht in Mrs Shlpparda memory was at the Moihers Dny servicenbnut no ynnrs Ian when Eurm class yaunz man presented her with heauiitul banquet ui roscl Mr Burns who has been nsslsinnl superintendent iar number 01 years brought Rev Mr Cummln nnd Mrs Wal ler Levering to the ironL cer emony inok plnce inducling Mrs Loverlng us the new superlninnd grit She rcqueslcd support in carrying out her responsibilllies mm 5T BARRII mun haw mixed my pmuml TO BUY LUMBER Herbert LaVergne llankedby Corps og fleets Cadet Lleuc Justin Prescod and Cadet Capt James Curr Mlss Olive Somervme last years Queen presented the bouquet roses Camp Borden Cxuzen Farewell Ceremony At Luffehham NOEIIy LUFFENHAM ENG LAND 11 FEB 55 Mr Marshal Slr Dcrmnt Boyle KCVO KBEKZE AFC Air Omcer Com manding In Chicl RAF Flghler Command snld farewell to the RCAFs Not Fighter Wing at North Luflenham yesterday He arrived by air piloting his own Devon twlnengincd aircrnct nnd spokcttn all the nirwomcn nir men and owners who have been 5tnllnncd at the ccnlrn England nlr hnse since the RCAF Look melstatlnn uvcr 1mm the In 4d Vice Man Crlshnm CB CHE Mr 0mm Commnndlng or 12 Group RAF and Group Cnp mm Snmervllln D50 DFC CD 01 Toronto Cnmmanding 0mm 31 Fightsz Wlng Alr Marshal Boyle sald wont ed to say laruwoll pnrsonnlly and lhnnk you nr threxcnllem work you have dunfl in Flflhler Cam mand slnce younbrrivcd In lhh country lime over three year no He continued with unlit your flying hours prove that you have mustered he English 1weummVwhlch nkes nom do In Alter pmlslng lhc CA or excellent nbllflos and rcmlnlsclnz about his dulicrwilh the Cunnd gns during In war the OClnvC sold You have mkcn ha right nulludc and become part Ind pan or our caunlryslde and have not dlvnrzcd yourselves from too will Air Marshal Ihnn rcndj farewell mommy wrmcn by he Secretary Smc or Mr lard Dc Halo and Dudlcy VC the text which follows Just over mm yem ago we welcomed me nrst gnhs be Iguyal CarlinHan qr and the me war The RAF smlon North Luflcnham WIS hen handed over In No Flnhm Wing Thcse were he nm ï¬ght ur squadmns sent to Eurupe by lhu Cnnndlnn government part or he ucncmus conlribuuan which Cnnadn mnku he SirDcrm9wn 1119 by 93 rim nL erMrnii mm 4awa 494 pa in gun It luv31 um The Ladlu Auxiliary tn the Lion Club Blrrlu Cooklnz School wlll be held IL the Roxy Theatre on March Ind 151014 There will ae Round and Old Time dancinz In 00 Temple Comer St Banl2 SnQurduy March Admission 56¢ per petsun 242321 Dancetu the western mush of Georgian Bay blunders on Frldly nights and the Music Mak ers on Saturday night Plne Crest Dunning every Friday and $aturdly ZSWFII 5pxlng ten and bake sale March 25 la pm Collier Street Upl lledChurch under the auspices the Comer St United anlnl Asoclnllon Adnhsslun 252 Wramenl Hospiui Auxiliary Annual Hams Niamv Tuesday March Numerous draw be made over CKBB between unu 1030 pm Forturther innum iion cull 3WD 212 Cominz 40 Alimon Unnndnl memos Hypnotist hosiler ha Arenl Audiinrium Tuesday March Doors open pm Dance in ioiiow Admission We Siurienis hi1 prlcc 2424 strength of the Treaty Orglnlznllon The RCA has been dnubly welcome as pmncrs In NAKJ as well In he Commonwealth On my own visits to North Lunch hum have admired the way in which claws and men have made themselves ham nmonl us and have made lasting frienq ship Snthc neighborhood know how welcome you have been in Fighter Command where your squadrons have made mos efflclcn and valuable com Irmutlon the nh delcncc or Ihe Unlch Kingdom many you In Join lnn Cnnadlan squadrons now deployed on the Conllncnt ï¬ller you ln the name at me Mr Councll and Her Majestys Government our thanks lor the cxcmplnry way In much you have upheld he great repu tatlon of the RCAF und nur but wishes or he luluM GC Samcrvllie thunkcd A1 Marshal Boyd nn huhhll of he no and said We are som to leave lhln cnuntry we have room here which we have pull up Following three rousing cheers and n1U12r by Ihc Cnnndlan nlr tom pcrsnnnel nr in Royal Air Force Sflr Dermal drove to he otlicm Messfla meet me No Fisher Wing 15 moving to Marvulc Frnncc to complete Cunndnscnmmflmem 11 1e squadron for NATO The cIIl hand uver lo Ike Into March when RCAF Slnflpn Nnrlh Luflenhnm Well 07 71h Birrle Hotucultural Secler flsz SMITH SON HZ SMITH and Still Furnilure Limited IM DUNLor mm EAST LAMPSI BED SPRINGS KITCHEN TABLES FEW PIECES OF QUALITY FURNITURE WASHERS ELECTRIC RANGES LOVELY PLATE GLASS MIRRORS FLOOR WAXES HOT PLATES ETC WE CLOSEFIIRVGIIOD 0N MBNMYFEB 28 lln Match and null further nollpa an alike will he openedul 123 Dunlap Slreel Alsco Slow or the purpose ol receiving payments RE INSTALLMENT CHARGE ACCOUNT PAYMENTS BUT You can any Till21600118 um REMAIN fll SECOND HAND PRICES Narlh Mlanuc Every Single ilem must be cleared all our flours here isnl much lell FURNITURE LIMITED invm mnunlï¬uhnry Hull Wadngldly MIrchJ pm Speaker Joym Bradshaw wenknown radio spen ker Ind Toronto sm garden ml umnlu Evexyone welcome 23 Nonh River Young People will present melflpxay an Frxday Feb 25 830 pm at Crnlzhum Hall Auspms at Princes Ann Budge layup 50p ghlldren 25c here will lunch counluer zrfpe Alsuclallnn fur Relaxdad Chillqu will Be held In Klnz GeorgcSchnoL Elke SL Manday Feb 28 at 880 pm Spu clal wanker Mm Inn Dickie Supervlsnrot Public Health Nun lngltnr Slmme Counlyvflcr nub Jecl will be Child Health Evan one welcome 1425 WWWVWA WPutmmmvmw5 Februéry 1an or the Bar and Mme Alsnclnlinn cm leely hymn slnflnl No nah inferences EvzryoneWelcoqne DONT MISS THIS DYNAMIC PROGRAMME Approved by Dcpnrtmam of llllhwws Fmed for when and model cm and trash 85 Colller St Dbl 2H1 Bunies Codringlon Schnoi fludilériuni THIS COMING SATURDAY 745 pm MOTORS LIMITED BlflECIfllNflL MEETS BHNIIERFIELD BARRIE LOYAL TRUE FLUE IALl 29 lnGli STREET FULL nosm PRAYER anon mLmToN mm151 cnuncn muomo pLus SUNDAY 130 pm SPEAKER OSTERTAG SUNDAY SCHOOL 210 Inn FREE BUS SERVIéE PHONE5379 THE EASTERN PENTECOSTAL COLLEGE MIXED QUARTETTROM PETERBORO PASTOR PEIJIIEENHT SAINT JOHN NB CPLPm cammfslnngr HJ tummy he has been nuurgd expan sion prqlgckyu the war reflngry hen to co between 32000000 Ind 900000 Moonstone who has been ap pointed DishInt Manager valï¬a 017an lnsyrance Association for Ihe Counly of Slmcoe the nor them pm 01 Ontario COHHYVnfld he mm of Muskokn Mr whitemns completed sixmonth lralnlng course in gale and claims adjusting in Automobile Inmrnnzc Adv NéwAPwinfrhent PHONE 5557 on Emnn Mm JOHN pn Wilma