334940 nly Iluue mklua luy mu Hill mlvrr lard lumw lull Ivuul Imw iully mmllll llul mu mum mu liun hm nl in who mm Ilnlly qu nnl Iunml hum ulhu pulnuo my ull allWgï¬gss may you never learn Clllcr Slrcul Unflcd Cllumh wns documlcd Wllll Hownr and while tapers fur HM mnrrlnxu Miss Holcn Ruth mmnnn dnunh lcr 01 Mr um Mxs Jumus Drvn mm or Hnrxlc Lurry Park Dumfurd sun ul Mr und Mrs Gurnuld Durnmrd Mintslum on Saturday February mm 1935 munlhlrly oclock 1n Ihc cvnninfl Rev Ernest Lewll DHRIMU the ccxcnmng nnd weddlnn music wns played the rhurch uruunlsl HUI Tull nrd who xuccanumnlnd he luln Vlcmr Knox in tho amn infl Th LulIl Prayer nna UL Tlmu Man lem In by her fulhul lhc brldo was wnnrlnu DurhfordBrennan Nupfials are Held At Collier Street IF WI ï¬llW WWII iiIRSANnRHV MARTIN KING and her attendants 101 iowing her recent nuptials in the Garrison Chapel at Camp Burden The bride is the iormer Lieutenant Nursing Sist er Nnncy Cnmpbcii Rodgers daughter at Major and Mrs qaorgo Rodgers or Barrie Her husband Lieutenant An drew Mariin Kin is ti son at Colonci andMrs Martin DIAL GB llrmorlrhlnl Cam ï¬lurue lo Irrlal mu Extlullva Furrler who mnku Ind lclll Inn only LARGE NIILECTION TORONTO nepalrlnx IKEAHONMIL nuucs HATIHFM lIJMllN WIGGINS FUHS BRING ALL YOUR FUR PROBLEMS Unamm mummy annuruunyl LIunlnl Mrs MIME lllnn Lmd Mhmlnu vn nruumsmnn nnd um ushcr wvrc Jnhn Brennan Anmu and Mur rny llupm Hdenvnlr recumlun lur nlnoly gums IolIuwud In Ihc church nnrlun whore Hm lnblv were decomth The Hm girl 151 mm Green Wu rlhul low nylon Iullr nvcr Inflem In an uruhld Hindu va mnlcmnfl puku mmm at mile Sha carried mu Ilvcnrnlud will comma of yvlluw lullunun ruwu llw Mm bvurvr Dilly lbblnv nrrlcd he Illlgi or llm double ran uNmnIIy nn White Inlln culhlun oval mmuo Iv uraniummom val lnnnthmflundlmm III4M igown ui nylon tulle uvrr whiiu min xiyivd vlih Junkui ui pm hruidortd into und ion 160ch with nilnicd cum There worn muiciiina lncu nmiulliunn on line ull rkivl iirr veil ui nylon iuiIu wns iuiiHlIl Io lluli crown or nioihcrnrpmlrl mul wqulns and nim was cnxryinu ncnxcuda ni deep mi brlnrciiiiu mm or Mivndnnla were Miss Jenn Drcllici ui Darrin mnld ni hon ur nnri Mlsx Dcrnu Sincey ni Unrrio and Miss Nnncy Durniord oi Mincsinu bridcunnids Their pwu warm nppio uracil iniiein siyiud wilh Inhi filling bodicnl thrccqunrlor lcnuh nlcovu nnd nil lkiil ni nylun lulio over lniiniai Tiwy wore mnlchlnl henddmsul wilh whlln cibow iunxih uiuvm nmi curried match in muiis wilh cumulus or pink marl uv me lmuupn 1M JUII lzm mm Nnhwnllliuz mi nul Mn 11mm mrIvn rxprmhr Iunl Ynull lull IIHl mir lumh by dur fllw lidmnrhixm Hu mm llmn nny llm buxnuf vl4llllNPlNllL Yul url mnrv1Ivrlm prirrllmu mm ï¬lm HquH erlvl 001 Ma my Ir rulw mlnlr ll lnu Mlm nvHlliII lwuwr mild anl rnllv an my Innulx un rlmull Hm mn Hm Iwu liquid drum lln1wIkII wrmulnhlnh My lmml urnI ml ml ml lulll AL IMIII ur liquid myum unl fur Ihlmmllingobul uuulrm 1wa unr Inn mlur lino Inbviu mm cum hum Ilm ulzn 1qu rinkMM Imr my umn mm Inur Inllnpllwy urn lhnmuwl Imlly mm mm mm rum lur mm Immv mu wk yuur Mnllur tn ml Inlw Ihlm on ynur Mud rm 11m mm mm llkv um luluum tumm ITALIAN mm luv lupin lmmh ml ummu huu Inna um um In um mu uIIIIrII lnlmu Hm lumm hlm Mm IuanHy puma ummnu IIrmml your Immll lmrhmn Imlmn mm um mumm un mm 01 Hill Unc I1uw lmle mm mm Nnd mom down Damn nva on In mmth do Mymonl on Mun at wuhy purpom Now that ml at lb mll Mu mo mama 1mm Am vvwrm HlnllnI no pl mumhm OI amaan min In you Inn yew ham mm In Ind1 Ion your an Lou II on lumlmu chmu was at yvllow lulhmnn mm 0n lhnlr mum Mr and Mn lmmfmd vlll bu mnklnl lhulr home In nurrlu fur ho vrc mll Lalcr lhu bride and groom Im on vedfllnx xlp Io Um Soulhv um bxldu wcnrlnu umd lnllund lull wlh ullmvhcccuurlu and bronze slloll up blundan Hr wllh Imvurs nnd plnk and whllo Inpcrl llcrclvlnu Hm nuclls he mmhur Illo brldc mm In ur quulw wllh nnvy nccunnrlu and curmuu ulnk mm Thu urumu mmlmrv wlm ulsu received was In puwdnr blun and was wmm pink ncnmuxlu and comm pink mm wllh Inpcrl mmhur quulw mm HOHII DII Sil out Vol IV Innd During 1951 lhcOnlnrio Jun Inn carried out many worthy project Thrw dcnlul conch were opcrnlud In nrun wharn hum nro nu ruldunl dennxls nnu Each the children who NIH crcd nu mun Hurrlcnnu 11qu last Nuvcmber wn provitb FAid To Flood Victims Juniqr Red Cross Proiect During Ihv monlh February the Onlnrlu Junior Rcd Cmn hnl bran conducllnl cnmpnlln or fund In nld of In handicapped and crippled cmldrcnl wark Tm aruunlznllon In Incnl schunls and nhoull lhroulhuut the prnv lnco with mnny nppuflunmu ucrvlco has he cndoracmrm department of cziucnucn King oi Hnliinx Her attendants left to right are Miss Mnrynn King of llullmx sister 01 the groom bridesmaid Miss Janet MncKenzie niece of the bride flower girl and Miss Janet Mncklin niece of the bride bridesmaid After it wedding trip to New York Lieutenant and Mrs King will be making their home in London llenr1 ill noun Lllll Enslvr Onlnllu Jllnlur nm Cum and tho Onluxlu Amp clnllm Iur Hvlnnhul Chllmml wnu he rvulmrnl he Orrrr Manurlul Awuul ul nnnunlly lo thI urguulmnum which dmlnu ltu yuur make Hu urunlm cunlrlbmlun ulucnllnn In lhc vxuvlnm Ln year 5000 rhlldreu wrm liven dulltnl huulmrm by yuunu drnllxln who mm macho npumlcd by lh Junlur Red Cross Apnruxlmnhly 300 rhlltlm wlw lufl ull lhvlr pun uulonn In Ihu loud Miller In Um pmvlnw llm lnll wm vmg Vidal vllh clulhlnu An nddlllonal donnlluu of $3000 was made to ma ltowllnl fur Hick Chlldxnn or II nludy wullcni nnn mould In ranllnn nllurzh condlllonl In chlldrcn Many nhlpmcnu wuru made chlldrun In Inklxlnn Koren Indunmn Swnzurlnml Indln and Grrmuny Them Ihlpmmls cuMnlnegl cloth lnr drun luyullm nhool nup nl Lx Ionv clc New Cnnndinn who cunlrnctcrl lung million on nrrlvul In Canada wn huspnallzcd Thu Junior conlrlbulcd bccnmu ho Wfll nut cllzlblc lur nld rum ulh cr qurcu leyunruld child luHcrcd levers burn about the fncv and arms Ith hand were mmavnd Shr now rccclvlnl plusllc Iumcry In the Mom or lncurubln Children The Junlurl purchumd nrllnml hnndl ur ML Chum hcnrlux nld arlhodumlu lronlmonl humecrnfl out were prnvldcd Iur many children More than 5000 Chllalmu mm were lent to chlldren erdr 1n Innllorln In OMnrlu Toy fur llny Inn and undcrclmhlnz 1m ha older children were purchulud Anomal donation $8500 wul made In he Newlnundlund Dcntnl Project dnnlnl ban 1n chum an Ontario dcnllu nerve he mrlhwm com thl province Speech lhcrnpy wnl nlvuu lev ornl chlldrun who have went amen Ld wllh one cnmplulu wardmlx orwlnler Severn blood mm ruflnns were purchased or chll dron who are uunrlnn Irnm Ieuknnmln and needed cqulpmcm Wfll purchnscd for chlldrrnl wnrda In hoxpllnh In Newmnrkal and Onkvlllc Two ma child ren luuorin rum lnuknernfl have only In ahan llmu to live 13 EWWS better whiter 23after Illuulnm 7111102 Ncw Vhiln Swnn Hm ulmmmr hmnncululc nI kc II Iluuu run he Om new and dilYmnI wfluru Mlhuul Illuulnm cum 1mm nlmnbcm Ilmnzcr tool ulvlml AND 100W that oflzwhhncbmaéqq czr ï¬Ã©rtggï¬fï¬dHndbluc pudkégw Sflffl Made In he kallInmlUthUIIM mill Aullnlvlo nuw alm In Ilw hand Itiollklymlly Puck cmmlrlc whlrhwmc on dlspvlny Km Grly who wllh hm lly went yum In China dulnl muslun work ma man cnny Iblu talk on custom of mm land Ind IhJWLd sample bountiful Chlnnxu Milk and painted lcrolll The largo znmcrlnu mowed hearty npvrcclnllun ut Mr Uruyl Inlormnllvc talk and hl mum of hymn in Chlnuc He wu lnlroducud by Mrs Keith Conï¬nth nnd lhnnkcd by Mrs IL Simpkln Durlnu vthe racial period all uwlnl lho mcollnu the lunch cum mllxce Icrvcd lunch and an of Ion and the lndlu had an oppor lunlly to cm vllh Iho vhllorl and View llhgarllclcl mu olhor The insiliuic in wmuorlnz in Run Cros cunvnu In the cum munily and mun canvnmn are Already an Ihvli roundy Mrs Mulhuilnnd cnnvcncr oi inlernniiannl Niuhl welcomed hc zuuu nnd lniruduned Mrl Gordon Wnnim whu Ipokn an ihe muiln No one in rich enough in bv without neighbu Sev Brnl iocni children pupil at Mn lxnhel thmn oi BinHe enlar uincd with cinnch oioihcr coun tries Llndn Wait and Bonnie Mulhollnnd performed Dutch dance Kathy Young and Snndrn chihcrlll nn ilsh Jlu and Mnxlcln dnncn Wnl pariurmed by Owen Lowery and Rosemary Hob un Rosemary iiubxon nlxo dnnc ad highlnnd llinl mullcnl content with Mn Wonlus and Mary Coleman pluy nu songs vnrioun anunlrlnl wns wan by Mn MucLoocl and Mn Nclmn The that cuum 1n rug mnk lnu will be hcld In the Commun lly Hull Hurting nl L30 pm Mnndny March and will em lnue for the bnlnncu of 1M week lrom 10 mm to pm Thu chm not llmltcd WI mum hm bul upon In all In the communily and rcxlnrnnon ll Ilmllcd lo 16 lhnsc whhlhn amp am asked lo contact on of the lollowlnu member In commmce huloroMnrch Mn Luwcry Mrl Mulhollnnd or Mrl Boyd The mlnulel the December and Junuary mnuunuu mo lreul umrl upon nd several launrl hnnkl wuro rand by Mrlull Gondlulhw Dannllnn were made ma FWIO project In ulp wumcnl wurk ccnlru In our Ceylon vlllnues nnd In lho tund fur lho ACWW cunlerunce ne oru warn ulvun by card and ban we cunvnnm Wllh Mrs John annn In 1he chair about 75 member and lucm nLStroud anens Inni luto held mall enjoyable evan lnn mcnllnn In tho Community Hall un Feb 11 Ennhmcmhcr mtmduced her aunt some of whnmwcvc Now Cnundlqm and some new arrival In the com munity SUPPLIES DARWIN TULXP BULBS FOR PLANTING IN 1min nus YEAR For lnformnion Call Mac Fondlay 5975 lnternatiphal Night Is Celebtated By Stroud Institute 24 now smiles TELEVISIQN AND RADIO SERVICE MEMBERSHIPS OPEN Womens Institutes BARBIE HOHTICIJLTUHHL SUCIETY ONE MEMBERSHIP IN THE With Diflcronce PHONE 30112 smoun Collccl IIEAUTIFX MIME an autumn Ir you my tummy Maicheclash Plan Spend $10000 On Roads This Year NORTH RIVER bylnw 10 pend 310000 on Mulchcduh road YOU All DEFEND 4n Idqu My man Ham ml Int Ilidl ml um hub ulna med dllwllnl rm ran mu KM nu mm mm hem than my dwl non You In 151 Dom THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25 the mm new mum Iuhatunm Iolynodiscovcry ï¬muug gcienliflp lmlluln at warnnuu Most nnlutin nl nilmull went so llmmugh lmt summu lmldo anomalian alulomcnln Ilku Iilu In calmed by probleml VNuw Ihla nu nubunnro umnd In nlnnnrm lurm under lho mum of Ilrlparalinvl II Axk or Dapnrlmem 2h 15de or suhsidy on 313015 npcnl on Hands In 1954 Parlicullm In to be obulned roanding blll ins rcnlal road grader Eihry of cleri lrcasdrcr Mrl Dam Cooke Goldwater WE conllrmed It $730 The Ion to the 41ng Ted Archer be named mendnnce otllccr but an amendment wax carried uklnu Jack anerlnl to urgent the pa 1955 In 1955 waspmcd mi February Council meeting Whén Amendment call for lender or mad torrmun wI last motion appoint Joseph silk mid oxmum wq curried AUTOMATIC OIL DELIVERYby H53 WITH GUARANTEED CONTRACT THE ALL MAle or IKE16 135 255 BAYHELD ST PHOI GUARANTEED INSTALLATION Itcmlln to the Illndlfdl Ontuln nan Auncllllnn And NIMonll Warm Alr llullnx Ind Alr Condlllonlnx Aunclaflon lnlllllillon Tlmo lpproxlmllely haun OIL BURNERS gggflflpzo FURNACES Ncx main wm he on March FOR SERVICE Phone 2386 Barrie AQNEWW HEATING lrui ulurorInumv hnvk Tndc 11mm SERVICE DAY NIGHT FOR 12 MONTHS 195513 PLUMBING HEATING LTD Duan sl 9950 BHISTOW Arnold Bulhhun Barrie Phone 6451 iz SUN LIFE OF CANADA LII Pllnl Ind Annnlllu PHONE 3770 YOUR T0 monnow Qé DEPENDS 0N wnm YOU no TODAY PHONE 3229