TM ulernnnm lhe inns elm ever to enier training at tho Royal Victoria Hominl will pats ihp its llndmnrk in their career whm lhcyure capped in the cumHr lizhling ceremony hat is the ho pltal tmdiiiun There will no 20 in Ill receiving thuir up this ynnr Imnnz them several Barrie and dislricl itll The timymr siudnniu who have pauud their probationary palind are MLu Blanch Adams of Alli lon Mix Lois Balii and Miss Join Buschlen or Barrie Mix ShhIuy Cmur of Owen Sound Miss Elicn Chesscil and M12 Murlnrie Gordon oi Callinlwuod Min Jacqueline Hunsiurd oi Midland Miss Durban Lclhhrldze ni Wnubnushcnoi Min Audrey Manna oi Cnokslnwn Min Marla McBride and Mix Ann McMnrun oi Burie Mix Joye MacMillnn of Midland Mlu Joyce Miniyci Eimvlle Miss nhonn Ril ey oi Midland Miss Coleen no buNsan ai Errle Miss Mnrxam Rnwe oi Newton Robinson Mlsl Shirley Swaiic Toronto Min Annabelle Wapies ul Phelpsion Miss Mnrnucrlia Warden of Quecnsvillc and Miss Mary Eliz nbclh White 01 Colllnlwnod Collier Siren Unllnd Church this Sunday the Young Adult 91 the cungrcnllan are Inmlllnx new service for pnrum ol nh1l drcn Babies and children below the Inc for the nursery clnss will be and for by group of mom or Ihrouuhout 1h Ilme me mornlnz mm In mum at wild mnn House equlppcd vllh cribs playpens and oya Mrs Robert SachnnI and Mn narucy Smllh are urrnnglng lhe chnduie vol unlcer baby mlndcrs Tho Inn cnnltrucllun in shncs lu helm enlurcd thlLIprmg 1n variety casual and leisure Hal nnd pumps cmflvd soft Eluvc llkc lcnlhm wilh lnlcrcsklnz sur ShoWer Honors Saturday BrideElect 35m mums mum mm mum 25 1955 MlssPalrIcln Tomllnson enter tnlncd at hu homc on St Vlncnnl Street at shower In honor Mls Shlrlcy mrhnrdsnn brldc elect of Saurdny baton her vcd dlnz Guest were about 20 lrlenua Ind gm were nrcsnnltd lo the bride mt 1n decorum chnlr dccurnlcd baby carnage hold the mlsccllnnwux axmnmcm pland In an ntlrncllvcly dccomlcd bay wlndow alcove The cvcnlnu wax spun pluylnu shqwqr jnmcs hostess wllh lhn arrvlna ol rurcshmcnu wn her mnlhcr Mrs Tomllnson MISS nlchnrdmns wedding Bruce ally1rd will like plnco at 130 oclock In Colllnr Sued Unllcd Church WATCH OUR WINDOWS THIS WEEKEND WONDEB BHKERIES LIMITED PRETTY NEW THINES IN FOR SPfllNE WALKER STORES AROUND TOWN That may have vurchmd new nm or Iyuckn Io lurlller lmprovc mvlcu In their many cunlomm In mum And lurroundlnx dlllrlct LIMITED By 4le TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING tue dctnll such cork lnhh plflkn and ostrich Binding range rum sixInch flu velopa to xultcnsmlzenqu pouches and tom Mon cm carry no dccarnllnn the zlowlnl calm Ind exturus of velvfly sundae luslrc and palm In mmulh kids Hum elk glwe lmhers and lhelr own adornment anhm are ï¬llhpwcltht nnd lup plm Miuany um cohrrarcdhu bll ml news and you mould anon be seeing these hndu In the More walm paslclyelluwmcap lamina sclrm avocado shell plnk plmen to de France blue nrlental yellow and wholn Inmlly or browm ranzlnz hom honey to whiskoyw Avocndu 15 warm 1mm green with mm 01 yellow and Xe do Frame blue vlbrnnl color anhuuzh IshXy deep mne Eastern Star Radio Bridge Prize Winners radio bridle wn held on Wednesday Feb 10 undcr 1hr Iusplccsol Bnyvlow Chapter dcr of the mum Slur Following ll 1119 Us at prin wlnncra Mrs bung Mn 1m rlx Mm McConkcy Mm Fmscr Miss Rhoda Younn Mu Conan Fraser Jam Galloway Mr Klumley Mnjur Brimnln Mn Thampmnunnd McLellnn course In suclul rccrcnlion wlll 0an hi the communlly hnll llnwkcslonu on Tuesday March and will he huld 01 three auc ccssivc Tucsday cvpnlngs unlll Munch 15 and three Iucceislvu Thursday evenings tram March In April Social Recreation Opens Tuesday At Hawkestone The course especially dcsuncd Inr anthers and lnadcu nun nmplcl and ndulu group who wish gain experience In lendln wclnl ncllvmcs 1n lhe home school or comxnunlly It being altered 1m mm and young people 15 years no and over There will bc mlllun In unchan and leading awning runnu 101k and tqunm dnncinu Chairman of me local cummMc In Mu Ourlrn Hnwkulone Plans lnr the six week course hnvc been made wlm lucnl com mlllcc rum Hnwkcslcnï¬ Shanl Bny Gulhrk Farm Home and East Ora 1n cooncrnunn wllh me smmo Coumy Ilccrcnuon Scr vlcc The mum In rpm 1a ldcnts of Ihul unurc urnn The lnslruclor will bu Mls Loulm Culley rccmatlon dlrmnr or Slmcoe Couniy nnd cxpuh lunccd mmmu he senior imuln ni 830 55m and conllnuo unlll ll uclock cnch uvcnlnzl Mrs Gnllowiy warar cnnvcnor IOUSEHOID FINANCE Clean lhcm up all on liIunI Lanna 50 lo $1000 made lllC on your own signature IInIylomru rcqulrcmcnls Oneday acrvim 2i Inonlln ll rcpny lmluy keep your crcdil good sum rush will an NFC lounl Need monoy Bill to pay Call HFC today Il Dunlap nw and floor when IMO IARIII ONY Mun ml Students PresenfingLife With Fétherf JIM HANSON and June Graham play the roles of the ciioieric household tyrant and his firmminded wile in the Buiiiu District Collegiate Institute Drama Clubs presenta tion oi Clarence Days delightful comedy cinssic Lilo With Father being presented by the student group on Friday and Saturday cvcnings March and rmro Jnketl Ind Iwutcn nem to stretch out at lit nther quickly Inolllnl hath loci and camlon You nu mm are at thll Annoylnca wtlh our round of ulltchlnl wtth dune thread Cum will It nut Ind mug anwnlmnmmmnum THE KNITTED cu on Husbands Wives WantnlewPep and Vim flmullndl Nuulu mk wnvn ut humlrdulolybenunlndymhlnm amew vhuvnlhlymyDIhuTonlnTub 5mm lmnyou nu ma hum um vrn Iuy do vhm In Inlmduunry at wuunud nu oulv on nu drum Nancy Rodgers BecomesBride of Army Lieutenant The manInge Hemean Nursing Sister Nancy Campbell Reagan dguzhtur Major and Mrs George Rainer Banln to Lleutemn Andrew Marlin Kin or Hullnx Nnva Scoun look pllce ln tha GIHIEDH Chapel at Clmp Borden an Saturday February 1901 1935 Major Cardy MC emulated ll in cm mony The bride wns wearinwa period lawn oi whizu min with train Ind Martin vailnand carried while prayer book with unrdenlns Her Attendants were her niece Miss Junei Mickiin owned in pastel green and Mlll aryln Kin oi Halifax sister at um groom gowncd in yellow II bridnrmaids and Miss Jane Mac xenzie nho niece oi ihe bride flower girl in 11an oi pale pink They carried ilonr mum to match their nwna The lmomamnn wu Lleuzcnnnt SPECIAL MEETINGS rwllh Captuln Hammond In charge misled by the Students 11 Lmflolluess Mnunx pumSundIy Schanl yumSpeclll Fromm umGran Evlnxelhllc Meellnr Broldcul aver CKBD Cordial Invitallnn Ix liven In All lo hear these Students from the Sulvnthn Army Cullcgc Illumlnalcd Timhml DrlllIHumlnntciI Club Swlnzlng Vocal Numbers nnd Drama entitled THE TWO PATHS will be presented 12y the Students TELESIJNIC TV SERVICE ul 3195 Saturday and Sunday Feb 2621 CMAIN HAMMOND assislcd by smdenl from the Sawmlon Army Thculoglcal College Toronto will conduct the meetings BERT VERWEY FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT TELEVISION SERVICE CALL THE SALVATION ARMY CITHDEI SPECIAL WEEKEND MEETINGS SATURDAY EVENING at oclock VARIETY rnoumux 00 Collier 8L Ban1e Sr Major and Mrs Cooper SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27 Inundl Dry noun Co lllnlo Ltd Manufactured by or under Iulhollly Cumin Dry lellul Toronto the church hey passed under the indluonnl Imh cl crossed warmI nlsedjy owners or the Royal Clmdlln School or Infantry who hnd ganged with In roam hde Roy1 Cnnadlnn Re iment Londomtommo Ulhï¬ at were Lieutemm King mull Cunndlm vay Hulllax mu cr of the room Caplnln Rodger 0L Chilliwnk Briflsh Columbllbrulher or he bride ind MuKemle Tomato 40 DUNLOP ST WEST recepdnn was held in lhe Royal Canadian Army Medical qups mess Gucsis included Col onel and Mrs Martin King at Halifax pnrenls at the groom Major General and Mn Manklin broihorinluw and sister oi the bride MrIPniicrsnnMur phy at Ottawa Mr and Mrs Muc Kenzie ni Toronto Ind many oih or distinguished gutsis imm Camp Burden The bride and groom Im an wedding trip to New York and on their ruurn will in mnkln 1helr hams In Landon CALL 11 EXAMINEII NI COMMERCIAL PRINTING me ï¬rst muting Ilnce crun lzallon the Elm Barrie Brownie Pack noup committee ms at the home at the president Mn Parry 130 CaIllnzwoud Street on Monday Feb Zl Mrs Curler ave brief outline of the llle Lord BadenPowell launder Scouflnz and Guiding and explained lime of he but fundamental of Brownies The poulbllnlu or Maum and Daughter c101an prngrun 1n PAINT SALE or DISCONTINUED COLORS ALL FIRST GRADECJIL PAINTS URRYS PRESENT THIS ADVEET TO oun ROOM CLERK AND GET 10 OFF YOUR 1100M BENT F0110 HOTEL Phnne Emnlrc 69911 No Extra Chum For LMI Check Out Opp Bu Termlnnl Buy Dnndn Tmplul Lounge Lndlu Gems Hairdressers Rcdccarnled TORONTO June were dlscumcL 3mm mullmuting on or two pen nies week which they aim in some way home mud dellclzu lunch was sewed by IE hogtcss The next main will be the home of Mrs Maw 58 Drury Line on Monday Much More than 700000 Clinidlll have received ire blood trans lusions wince we Canadhn Red Cross service wasjnnuaumtd In 36 BHYFIELD ST Egu 9115 only Wm um um growing wiIheMnourhk np Hamuh COJO