The nxccullvc he Lrglun Mld wnl NHL sysmn have cslubllshrd vrncllxc pchcdulc or trams um San mornan Uanle Arcnn Ind ll 1H3 on Chuhuun ID15 IumIlu Wmulrr Van Ilad hr mlrn lwv umst nnnr lull Irflkur nmlrnll Inllrd lu uhlldhll Ilnh In HIE HlllII Ullm dun In nunvlnln wfllfllrr roll lulu numy cparxlunfur plnyun ncllun wmncsuuy March Thu lulluwlm schrdulc or mm 1m brcn dran uy um Mnnlrmll 5m Cndul 1010 The meetingwgs strlctlylnn accideng Bunbole was slated to meet Don Ross of Toronto the snmé lad who lost unshi mous decision to Wallace at Camp Borden last week Ross 1111 pnrentiy took sleknnd wallucey was rushed onto the scene to ace Torontos most talkedabout amateur Managers Claim Same Sparring Partner for Bout Respective manager of James Pnrkcr and Earl Walls have nl ready Ignited the fireworks or the scheduled Canadlnn henvywnlghl Champlonshlp be staged March qt Torpnm Mable Lea Gardens 130m camps inrommt mMch mnker Duncan Allen that they had 51 New York heavy Howie Turner as sparran pannen The Inc Is Turner Ls currently ln Parkers lralnlnz mmp near Chnlham New Jersey Walls comnnnxcr Jlmmy June loId Allen he had arranged lur Tumor lo land In Tomnlu lo spar with hls Canadian chnmplon lml Joncs wns undcr that Im presslon BILL few hours carllcr Parkers manager Bill Duly lntarmcd Allen had 11 good pmspml named Turner and xuflucslcd he be plnccd on the championship mm card Practise Games legion Hockey The lhIrIl mum Ihr InstKH 0m Mkly Awnun Una he len kallr Vullvy ml Gulhrlo Iryhullmln WM lnlurllul Mun llny Illnhl Ill Gulllliu AltMn The powerful welterwelght star practlcally wrote his own pro llckeLMonday night at Palace Pier Toronto when he knocked out famed Wlllle Baxbole 120 or the fourth round in scheduled ï¬veround muln bout Jones was nnymlng but happy and buran up Iclnphune wlrcs 1n urdcr to lay clnlm Bu Ilncc nosscsslon ls nine pulnlls the law doubllul lhnt Turner will nrrlvc Walls cnmp How long can Barrie Boxing Club star Don Wallace escape theralleged crooked professional Iorest Oro Postponement ThieBig Quesliéh Has Stunning Knockout Victory Over Barboie HelpedOr Hurt Wallaces Amateur Career ALIHZRT PHI FUR AlhDUII IUWFJI MIKIIINEIIV REQUIREMENT AN IIKNIIINE NRFAIR IARTH F0 AIl Allm4llHIWll8 IZQUIIMIZNT ALLIHCIIALMIIIIH IHIMIJZY Lll wlslllo nnnnunw NHL Harrie VI Gull JrJ Guelph Knclmur JrJ Nhuzum Full VI OWLII Sound wsr anllhmxl Sprlnuflkld VI Hrnhcy lAlth CIIvrlnml Imhlulll KMILY MUN ALBERT KELL COOKSTOWN ru 1hr flourJan mmuzn um Illslrlcl PHONE 30R2l COOKSTOWN VI Wlmlsur in VI lluvlllrncu Appointment hc nppnlnlumll Jerry Held Owen Sound Mur curys ï¬nished In In lhrcbwny He or ï¬fth place In he Ontario Huc kcy Associaflon snnicr scnrlnu Vandorf Crush Beeton 95 In Playoff Opener Jerry Reid Winds Up in Fifth Spot The lormcr Barrie Flynr ncc wound up th 57 nolnu in 50 games made up at 24 goals and 33 assisLsI He ï¬nished dchlockcd will George due at Windsor and Georle Scholes Kllchcncr Anolhcr tormcr yer Bill Har rlnglon of Windsor rcllnqulshcd his hold nn mo Na Turafsky Trophy us he Inhth second Io Kitchen crs cuslndhm Danni Brcdcur Erodcur bonslcd 32 ï¬nal agninsl nvcralc nzflnst 11mm tcns 1409 average Beeton Eliminated From Bantam Play gum cmwd was un humLm wulch clcunly ulnycd muttM ln whlch only six mmlllu wrlt Mxtr mo 10tnimllu mlwunducl In 100 Iluluhrlxluu Vundmf mm mm by Iliumawn prlfnnnnnm mm Inn Mum IrmerII 1mm uh huh Al Nrwmmkfl Alrml lll Um 1er an OHA lnlulnrtllnln IC ulnmlf mm Mnlulny mam Hnwluy cnmml Cruwlcy and MLCullunxh mlqu lnr necmn mmmm for llcclnn wna gonllc Fnlrhlx who mum ln Imuth mum purkvnhrppllu perfunn Branbridge ullminalid Bcclon mm OMHA bnnlam compcIIA llon Mmdny nluht Mlh an 14 vkclury Dcdon Arcnu The not them cnlry cnmurcd the two page mm 144 on he rnund Bcelcn entered hc Kama wllh slxflml dcfltll hul 5Mde head ld at comeback cary the first period when My mum Lhe nm We ï¬nals The helmslurs hnld lend he and he npcnlng mnw but Drnccbrldxc rebounded lu knot the game 14 in ma second and mu our unanswuxcd gunk 1n Um IMNL Andy IMlvmm will our goal was the Individual mm or flu Knmc 0r Ilrntolnidcn whu nuw mm the wlnmr oi the ShinHvlluManlmrn nrita lu Um mlnu mum Hzilnlllnn ECIHNI lwiu or Hm wln nvm while shme wwi 10 Gerry CUIWIIHII um KcII Unldinm 11 xlwnlnl pun M1141 Toronto promoters wan Forbes to rcmaln vn lop so than nmnlcur cards ln that clly will hwdllnn lncal product They all know Wal lace could take the Mile Banhole stayed pace wlth Don tor two round but once the Earth ï¬ghter got underway In the third lthe bout became oneshied Issue ln he mirth Wallace was primed land he caught the Toronto star with powerapncked body punch that lay rlmshler actually saw lam 1cm allowing the vlclory Wallaces dressing room was mnbbcd with photugnpherl and ï¬ntervluwml Congratulations Were heaped upon manager Orv Dash The win unqucsv tlunnhly will lurn the Toronto nm alnur boxing world Into canluscd lurmoH No longer can lhny hund HM tighter llke Barbole and Don Ross us he Wps Because In the shadow Ham Inns 1h that area nuw know that than is guy called Wallace In the country Public dBmand might Iorce Co nrod star Harold Kini yaunger brother to pmlessloml Ll Arthur uuï¬ In the 0pm hm tho bx prob lcm to Arrange meeting with Sonny Forbes currem amateur welterweight champion Mahymlnuics clnpééd belch har bole regained his scnsc whh lhe gld 01 Ice packs and stood on Ms Should Wallace declde Inward he blz Hmo Dash would want him 1n mnmflcr hands who would the the bnya lnlercsll heart and not the easymoney that Ic cumulnlcs behind St that be the case and professional boxing 1n the Iurmull that currcnlly exlsu then1 why not Dash handle Wallatcl n1 In In the charmed circle Dash anger of Don lo have three at more llEhls before making dmlslon Some are comlng up loo He Is Ilnlcd omccl Don Dune brother Cnnudns Humheavy weight champlon Trcnlon his coming Mondux solar plexeu by Wallace Iém Bar bole to the lam mun or the am Mme in his amattur career and to 1th canvas or only the second time lln hl hlslury An exploslv right hnndtIo the wm Bubble tucked away here nre only two more amateur who in Wallaces ï¬ne 01 ï¬re And isnï¬ likely the BBC sensatlnn will ever get the chance Both erg lmemhen me Toronto Mhlenc Club and their mtnngm are shylnz 115111on my proposed meeting In his own words Dash aald ya 4erdanI knuw thnt Wallace lsflle best nmntcur welterweight in both Camdn and the Unlth Slum He has lot to tonaler though before turning to mlcsslonallcompany ll ls ccrlalnly lhal Wallace wlll hendllnn the nexl Ilghl card nI Camp Borden Tuesday Mnmh 15 and he also nlnlcd or spot on the nearan Lion Chm Show In Iomnlo ll rcmnln lo be men after lhuL John Hulancln mm lwlrc l0 pare numn winn Dull mu lhucc Nlcvll null mm wmxm mm our cnrh Alrstnl 1mm um Althln Ilnmlp wm Km Krlly nml Huh Chmnun mu Hwy upcdcll um lur many cluh wasnt too long ago um Bur buln was being groomed or pro lesslonal ranks He spent le week period In Nww York lam circles sparring with lho lllgu Kid Gnvllnn and otherWDmkh prolcsslonal lighten mystery shroud inmates return laamn tour ranks Wallace sole manager Orv Dash has keen eye fur 1th talent He knew the lamc insde and out he know the rack lie Involved 1n pmlcsslonnl ranks In um Vnndort cumm wurc Imlrlo leum willl Wu and um mulck 0mm rink and Ken mm 17 Alxiuzlu three at Hand lur Brnlon Arcnn fnqny The Bruins didnl cllnch the VIC kary unlll luh 1n the lhird pchmL lhry waned he um period with lhrcc gun wllhln llvu mlnull of May bul ncclon came back and only lrnlltd 12 nl ll end 01 the lLmw Vundor nmuml rwrlna Um Emmi but 11614qu rcluliulcd lwlru and rnllul 34 bclurc Um hum um look over lur commrlublc mnnlln weunum lrlnllnl lhono 2m Thornton liombihes FRIDAY FEB 25 DJ BARRIE ARENA PLAYOFF HOCKEY Allislon Merchants OHA INTERMEDIATE ADMISSION 50c VS Mum lhnn mlllllm Cmudlnn mndnn are nwmbcu lhv him Mr llcll Croxl Barrie Flycr ccmre star was side lined from he lineup for Buiinlo Elam for lens 10 days with shoulder iniuryi The hiow could b9 serious in the Bison who are battling or playoff position in the American Hockey League Penneli suticml iorn iiznmem in the right shnuidcr wins Provi dence Reds Sam Benin was sini cd to rcpiace Penneil In the lineup mnlu Polnu Lloyd Knccshaw Joe Wlnlcrknrn Manse lllrrlson Earl Carr Leighton Glflcn Hermon Harvey Dodger Collin Ile Wflufln Ev Kncrshaw Gmcml Dnrllnz llm ngb Dill Fuller Art Knccshnw An Evlnx Ken Wood Harry Oouse Waller Edncy Ted lllpwcll Joe Walcrhou Dob Duuon llm Cnlanln Hulxc Stoddarl Jack wlsun llcx Smllh Lon Fuller George Clrsun Jlm Wes llurold Enlun Dunc McAth Dim llchlchacl Elll Whyk Jim Everlll Chls Evan Clarence Dayna Ed lembn With only nln lcnzuc unmet remainan In thls Amen them In zolnl In be null mm or grand uurcame or lhn ycan Vnmlurf Bccluu 0mm mnum lknubflduc ILUcclun llrmmlduv win lmlxdkwmm mund Hm anrcncc OIIA Inlcrmtdlllv BuIlnllmu Bradford Curling Club Standings Thornton Oppose Alliston Tonight Playoff Opener Momy IJLIIUI Thornton canblues who In lshul in Int me In the DIIA Intermedlnla group emu he INCround IIIyum Wnlxht nlnsl Alllslnn In Beaten Arena The second at am bescln lhree serlen will bu yllyed name Arena Frldly IM 1mm 330 pan The Comblnu alter flow um showed study Improve mm Lha schtdulo pro gram um um ubbzd Ierlous tonp contender flour with Mlnden Mumtchawho flnhh ed second in um clzthm Ibudlnp Gannon PENNELL ormcr Sidelined Fcb Game Polnu Polnll llul 1355 The ucnlnr bracket was already eslablhhed ham leaguelending Niagara Falls CamAct and ï¬nd sqr Bulldols were out pl reach nut Owen Sound Mcmurys wlm strong ï¬nish came up wllh 21 win over the Bulldog while the Cataract hnmmered Chntham 40 The result gave thua Full ml possession ï¬rst place Plushurgh Hornets In the flmfl AHL ï¬ll buried Hershcx 8cm urlhEr In flu ncllnr wflh 30 docislan The NHL closed ncllon wllh Mon treal Canadlcn scaring 30 mm out over San Cndcla and thus fln lshing 1n secondplace lie Barrie bantnms who trounced Toronto Maple Leaf 121 wnund up unde fouled but all me gamcs were pxhibonn Ind they are nut elli lbln Inr playoll compcmlcn Mon lrcnl and Sen Cadets will bank for the ma The Amenloan Lcalne llnlsh was hlg qucsllon maxkl Buffalo Blmn could have created real nominal lan ln thelr pluyoll bld but could only salvage 11 Me with second placu Celnvclnnd Barom an whllc lhc result allowed Spring llcld lndlnns who lraunced Pru vldcncn Reds 31 lo llnlsh alone an the up rum Jlm Ken scored the lone goal In give the Junior Flynn the win over Kitchencr Paul Marion tnlllcd 01 Ihc Black Hawk but Doug Sm 1h For instance Barrie Flyers in the junlwr sccxlun came up wlm ï¬leh that win of the schedule 10 over Kitchener but all one point than Gal Black lek who wpxlecund and Inn playnfl po ssuon The Hawk tlnlshzd well blck pacesetting Guelph BIR more but served notice with 11 tie rmlnst the undetcmd Mad batten The stage 15 set or the ï¬nal champlonshlpevenlng at Bar rle Arena in the Legionsponsored midget NHL system League action Saturday morning cleared the schedule vermed play 01 positions and allowed enough timelor practise betore the ï¬nal evening March yIInere were no upsets although vstrong playufl contenders made desperate stabs at overtaking dMslpn leegers only toi ind they left their drive too late quyoff Positions DéciJéd LeéiOn Midget NHL Sysjem Title Games on March2 CLIFF BROWNm Whllu and plain colon theyre nwny below regu Inr price Musl Be Cleared BOYS WEAR annual nrlnnn hnun knnn Inhm um mmzf hm mmnl DRESS SHIRTS ron 250 129 Cvnplulu nun Ill and mlurll twenty nrdlnu wunlmh llflnfllll ulhnu ACompleteCIe rance MUST HAVE Room You The Savings Kucgnncr Eenlnr Shannan wlthJivc souls wan thc lndlvidull star Barrlcg anc tlded win over Toronto in the NHL newt Conbcu Adams had three and singles want 10 Gary Fraser Gary Juddl nos Camcrvn and Dau Gnrry Mlle with twu no pac ed Momma lmpnrlnnt ahutau triumph over Sen Cadets Rea Fumb sank the llnglc Junior AllIwool Melton cloth name with nu collnru Ml qulllcd llnod1lllullEM MUUI HE CLEANED reflulnr 11400 Springfield continued iho dowu Illde oi Prnvldencu Red an Vic Lindsay with ma non nnd Bob McGreunr with one outwoflshcd GImerl allot oi the Reds Tommy Smith came up with me anal lhnl gave Bullan 11 do with Cleveland Ron Decallo scored for the Barnum Bab Mulhecd at Baker and mu NewtonSmith sparked Pm burzhl 11m win 01 the seasonuvcr Hgsm Em Wliny hnmmcrcd home To lallyi Niagara Full Windsor Owen Sound Chuthnm Amerlun Sprmxflfld prevgnled Guelpha undulcatcd re cogd In th juniorrncglion Larry Bibby and Jimmy Scan scored for ha Mercury to wlve Islde Gun Humerl enumer In the senior me with Wlndror Dan Amos Bab Cthpcl Wayne Richardson Ind Ron Mitchell aqcounled or goals In Ihl cmmm win over Chmhlm BOYS STROLLERCOATS AllIwool Mellon cloth name with nu collnrn Ml qulllcd mod ITEM MUUI HIE CLEANED rcmllnr 81400 DRESS TROUSERS RELWOOL PULLRVERS SIZES TO 10 ONLY Regardless of cost price hnve been slashed we must have rooml Complete stock to be cleared AND TO BE OLEmill AT ONCE OUT THEY GO BUYS TWETBIIIISEB SUITS MOTHERS YOURBUDGET WILL BALANcEwlrfl THESE SPECIAL Buys IN BARRIE 99 Burrle Sea Cadets Montreal Toronto lInnfmmus EXAMINER WEbNESDAY 12323 jg Clcvclund Buffalo Providence Fmsburuh Hershey NHL ONTARIO Smiihx Personally Hanks Hockey Fans for Award Arnold Smith phflty can flu or 5min Flyen over the put wo mus left yum lily or hll home In Onnu vlua or long nu below lolplnr um junlog lurosu clr xikiln WWII But before he dunfled from Banle Smllty wnmed Ca par nmlly flunk the Birth Flyn hockey fun wing voted him Ilia molt popular player nwud III won III WI one ot the blunt fluIIIn In my cuter Ila nld md really unt exyreu In words hownwch plume the honor only hope an hclp wln them MpIonhlp next uuon They deurve II Iller than Int two yum Thls Includes every thmn regular $105 10 mm SPORT SHIRTS OWEN SOUND vs BARRIE BANTAMS 530 pm BARBIE ARENA Wed TODAY COMPLETE CLEAROUT MINOR HOCKEY PLAYOFFS TRIPLE HEADER ADULTS 50 CHILDREN 259 Ono Prlco 12 99 rumplalu nlrcllnn 01 Ill Ihndu In mun hmi IINWV pulluvnr Iwulm 14 Hum ANI 55 MIDGETS 700 pm 99° Crosa stockpiles Regency x3112 luppllu In Switzerland Austnfln Turkey Ind France To aid muster In an pan of Q1 wonq your Can Ian mvmmmanmmm JUVENILES 900 pm xnnsnm nus novar To 0113 noon cmm AND on my on mun Room mm Fflllll IlflTEl Opp Bus Terminal Bay 55 Dnndas momma Phone 2min 69911 No Extrh Chnm For Lute Check Out Tmplcnl Loungao Ladlca Genu Hnlrdrnunrs Hcdcpornled