Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1955, p. 3

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NW Thu nucuily of huvlnu bulld lnn code bylaw elmbllshcd wn brouum oul whcn loner wnl mud mm 11 clung rumpayer ol lhl holly men who comnlllmd that nn uwner Inbdlvlslon wnx cr rclln rebuilt harm made tom old mlum and cnmrnclum sharks Ind 11an them It cxorbnanl pric lo power buylrs whn wrro lu lu lo MM ha educuthl com with very xmall nucwncm val Im on hair pmpuny ll wnl all Um lhe luck or mupcr bulldlnfl cudc bylaw wnl ruuunslble or runny plumx Ilmllnr mluru be4 In treclrd nl dwrlllnul and sold umulprctlm owncn who luck It or granted To nll bundlnu wrrc ol lumdurd mnllrucllon Thr vrcmu byan unrlrr wmm plrlnlll unnlvd dull Inume wflh Inml DCKUIIIHHH mu mulnlns nu rod which nxulnlu lho llllnd lcllcr wn rmtlvcd lrom ihe Barrie Town Planning Bond ask in that nprcscntnlive be Meg and lo Joln with hem In Mon planning and dcvclapmeni board at present Ihc lawmhlp has noi planning mum and mailers xnlnlinl to Ihcse dcvclopmcnu ure hnndicd In regular metImus was no opinion expressed by some 01 UN council lhni hon nould be mch mud to up planninll board whlcn would mnkc recom mnndnllan to Council or he boiler regulation of the all dc vclwlnx arena The Veterans Land Art asked hat the luwnshlp have solicitor prepare dccd lands rcqulrcd by the munlcipullly widen he mm on Enyvlaw Avenue roadway Adccd had been submitted which was not neceplcd by the mxmry ulticc The have the hind un dcr sclllcmcm arrangement Aiier considerable discussion on the tandem before council or the work oispmyingnii the catllu oi the tawnship under the Wnrbic Fly Act council decided to ask or further lenders is it was feared that bnc mnchinp owned by the lawnship cduid trot perinrm the spraying in the time limit set out by tho net It was hoped that more endm ram smneonc owning sprayer sultublc or the work wuuid tn submitted The mntierwusleit in nbnyance ioriunhcr consider alien under the present offers the hourly cost 01 the spraying and the necessary inspections pins the mileage chargcs will be about This is not covering the materials used in the spray Exlend Lafroy Garbage Collections The mlnutes also revealed lhal lhe two members council ap polnlcd to act on lhe Letmy Qum munll llnll Board were Deputy Reeve Sprnulc and Counclllur Bunt ly They wlll nlsu be an the Churchlll Hall Board Description Of Lands Not Accepted Need Of Planning Board Shown The Vlllugu of Lclroy will be ln eluded in Ihc garbage collecllon men which came under the bylaw allowing for the ralcpaycrs of an am In he assussod or the ml and changed In axes The urEa has been extended Include upylu Iho western llmits the hamleL Ihe business he handled um um carnpleled duringthe day and as some n21 members had proarranled personal meeklxutor Ihe evenlng ILwns dectdedlhnt an adjourned meeting would be held again an Friday Warble Fly Spraying Tenders Township Council held Its regu lar seSslofl an Monday It will up proVe bylnw setting out regular meclngs an the first 1nd third Monday at the month One at these meetings will mm be extended Include the evenan so that rate payers who desire meet the amtth and are employed tn the days may come lheh mm axmmm wen sz Ouxhn In lulhnllltd mon of Hunting Ind thlnx tonnes Purchase Police Car mm flan wan ordered pub cmml mm the only an um wllh urvlm and nits ylanllln Ofllclnh 01 um lnnldll Farmers Cmm Union In lhc person am lnn Lennnx pruldtnl and Lloyd Cummlna wln before cuuncll ta nlllclnlly advise Hill lhljy wnuld 1m opunlnz bank In Slroud Ihll wenk and would appxwlnle any nccqunls Iwhlcn could lu pm lhclr wny Tlmy were qullv nwun um they mluhl no nl present he Ibl Iccom mAIlc he luwnahlp In all thelr bunklnx rcqulrcmenll but Inme um some pm Hm mulnm mlkht he placed wlth lhlm Na db llnllc promise wu mnde nllllnuull council wnolkwlshcd or every surqu the credit unlun ln Slrwd Solicit Townshifis Support Of Ban lng Vomuro She did not exp nln was to gel employment or how the iamlly were to exist in the mean time The owner 01 the house they occupy wns be nolifled tht he township would nol he responsible im the rent allcr the lint at March She advised hat the family was he responsibliily ol the norihem lawn and lhnl me Ontario supervisor at mile had so decided cxpccmd she stated that she Spen about hull her time and used her own car and would leave that matter wflhIhc councllw uv ness He had prcvlously nppllod or llcomn ll ranting and had been advised mm he would come under Ihe lrnnslcn radzrsj ML He ncw hns considered the pur chnsu but belon dnlnx so wanu In know lIccnsc wnuld be gram She advised that some ether inm Ilics hnd been discontinued from relleti She old some social con diiions than exlsledr and showed letter received which was passed nround wiih pansldcrnhlu laughi er She was insuuclud to give the mnlier same nucnllon Want To Establish Junk Store Stroud Rum approached the council Ia inquire 1n oven the pub chnse 31 the old mill property Ilcrnso wnuld be granted carry on gsed and second hand busi Mrs Inns Harrier who is acting relic ofllccr or he thwnship gave some dctniisand other amus ing experiences her efforts in her handling 01 the situation in the township She tnid council that thq nmliy head whom the tonic tn ciinic in Turantn had been lound perfectly it for work They told her thatthey found no change in him since his bwn Barrie donor had been given It report at similar nature last all She has instructed that relic be discontinued so that Job may boohtnincd by the man Ieel that if that kind or null In he laught shquld be done prlvnhly heqncd whgnns ed ucational chairman he was asked to rule an the xequexL Ihuve no use or teaching that 5011 of Junk was his slalemem the mmian lo urn dawn lhcoler was made Relief 0mm Brings Laugh Again fizducnuonnlJunk was the way Cauncnlor Beauy dcsmhed the higher education rhexng offertdjy lhe Ryerson Institute of Tumnlc lowhlnh he councillors thby becamemembers the Trustees nhd Rnlepayars Assoclaubn of cm nrio are lnvfled durlnz the flasher cnnvenllon otmat urgdnlmfion and or building required as re sidence plannlng beard which set up dutslfie bl the council would pm on an planstxom malar mulated nrrangmenl which wt pnrla1 an area phnninn guy would recommend to muncll cer njn ruqulremenu to the benefit of future develapmem Educdtlohu link II kiln ob wllh ur unplm um um um IM mom ly n4 lulm lurnlah amplm lulmllun uIpmn mum OUII IIHNIAI ILAN INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEED ITE EASY TO IIIAUIIIW TIIOBII OLD ILOOIIH IF YOU DO IT YOURSELF WIIII CLAIIIIR 160 SANDING EQUIPMENT PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS the uwnshln llll undu for he wpplylnx 55 Dodfic Scdnn completely equlppcd lhe Drlce 3mm wnl acctplcd Thls was within cw dullnrs 01 another lender tor Chqulcl car by duhr In Alllxlon The chlcl of po llm Illllld lhlfl ho ell that the Dodge wu prrfcmblc Council wvrc also considerate Illa Inc lhn hc denlcr will In nnlslll rutrpnyer wllh Mr lnrzn nuusmcnl The car will be put lnlo twenlylour hour Icrvlcn ll won ready ll wlll be panned wllh thy wnnls ln nlsnl palm Chlel lilo lms I0 mukc dilly rcpmu caverlnx outr utlon cum and mu amm drlvlnl nu rupnnllblo at my dunnu dune to me vthlcln unluw the da duclnble townmo The Monkeys Vlcwpaxnlfi dclkloul lunth was lervcd by lhu hnmssu W1 Meetln Mn George Nesbm was hashes Q0 the GIUord on Tuesday evening Feb 15 Roll call wu Inswered by rule mm Ln hund bnok Ms Dale remntd 1mm ho card commune Ten dollm wu vomd to he 1955 pmlec the leO and $5 In Barrie ho phaL Mm Erncsz mu cu delmle the cunxercnce Guelph May 12 find IS namin ating commune was vnppolnled consisting of Mrs Dales Mu Pryke Ind MLss GIrdlner mo lion wu pusscd that the member hbuld all hive handbooks so any one wununz one please leave Ian and money with thesccre my er Ebcn Snwyn lave splnndid paper on ma mm In vcst your time Inslud oLspend Inz Four ladle look part 1n debale Resulvcd that bu lnmidrl quake better wife than glrl who his alwny flayed at home Alflrmnllvn was upheld by Mn Kell and Mrs it K911 Ind hu nuaUva wu upheld byMrl Prkennd Mrs Grlmlhx The at Ilrmnllve won by scare at 13 la 15 points Miss Jtan New played dellzhuul plane clccllan Mrs Prank Ken mad poem Wesrfinnncrinnn ls sporting new car Feb Mr and Mrs McGllllvrny Inc lnmlly Glenqalrm were Mc Gllyvmyg 93 Sungay Mr uniMrs AT roisie Sunni ial Corners viriled 9n Tuesday ai W11 Lam Sync11s WA Exact New Preluan VWA me quiaa on dz 10 with seven members pru nL Martin cpencd withhymn 502 Allowed by everyona repeaeing me borda Prayer Mrrr Davidson read he Scripture Khe Good Samar 1m Mrs Homer read the de votional The FricndFvMinute Vere read by Mrs Bannermnn Mrs Scimii gave ¢he qgnsurud re port and business was dlscused anwminm McQuay son in im resignniianjs president will bei nklssedAll member wish in thank her or her covbcmciun in In gust Ayala pul Mrs Homer in in in new president Ind Mn Davidson II VlcemesidenL Roll Jail was in Inswtr where and when you waxebornr Plugrnms were made nut 61 Chi Mianco the yenr Meeting ciosédwiih Hymn oiinwcd by prayer by Rev In Burden Lunch was served by Mrs Boyie nnd Mrs Cousins Next meoilng n4 Mrs Eiears March 10 Wnddln Anniveer Congratulaiinns lo ML Ind Mn William scheu whn momma their imh wedding anniversaryr Goes oi Vlrlimllollday Mlss Lana Schelljm Friday to clvim211m West Virginia on hot Mr nné Roy Meduumy and family visited the léners pu ean Snmore onSundaya Wuhnd Vhllon Mr and Mrs Tom Dnmond and family Dunbamm spent the week end WXLhM Indjirs Homer Mm Ab Ayersvaud girls vlsRed at Mr and Mix William 0n the alarm Mrs Cooper Mn Gowns Mm luck Allengnd Bob Flea are on he sick lst Thé community wkhl nHmn speedyrccvvery Bud Schell Tarotu agent weeks holidays home with his garmL Mr and Mrs Jim Whalers and Inmlly Willowdale were at Mr and mm mm Boylu over the yeekend Mr and Mn afAuennmx 11m of Angus visited on Sunfluy Mcfllides BRENTWOOD GILFORD Forum Annivemry Mr Ind Mrs Max leg enm lnlncd rclnllvu Wrdncsdny evtn lnl bcnumul annLr lo cal tbrlle Mr Ind Mn Crnlul Mr and Mn Vtrne Mm 01 Windsor were recent vhlum wlm Mn and Mn Rohm Grenvu Mn Orenvu returned with 1mm we vmllng In Windsor Home For Few Weell Gearle Snider Toronlo ls heft laxVI few weeks Mr an Mn Thoma Dunn vun ed Mldhum on Sunday Weekend Vlnllorl Mr Ind Mn Culhlm and mu Shirlty of Edenvnln were week end When wnh Mr and Mn Ar lhur Dunn 40m wlslm Weakend visitor with Mn Ind Mrs bawis Carr were the Minn Donna and Elaine Cm ol Nronm M15 Alklnwn Lelray and Fraser Fun at Toronlo ML and Mrs Wllllnm lloduson nnd baby of Barrie visued Mr and Mrs Thomas liodpan durlnl the weekend M1 Mary cm fit Banye Wéflé few day In Wee wlth Mr Mrs cull WarmlnsurMnrth 17 Roll all require nnmlng an lrhn son Ind singing one verse 0mm lo befiglmud uba ghcneMarch 16 Roll Ill Iskr or nn Irish 10km Pm unm Includes Current evcnl report committees elecliun nn lnsflllnuan otllcers EEcnezerMamh 17 Hustess Mrs Unyd Parker who will also be canvener 6r mu meetlnz heal pioneer In be named in the ml cgll HillsdaleMnrch 29 Hostess Mrs Rownk1nere wlll be elec tlon ul otflccrs and payment of tees HobmCarleyMlmh There will be picture shown by Lloyd Dug cud pmy North RivenMarch Hostess Mn Charlcs Doyle Fromm will based on current evcnu EadyAt Mrs Boyd Dunlap home on Mum There wmba paper an Resolumms by Mrs Bell In aunllon sale and Irish Gréharqémth Mrs 3211 home Olflccrs will he elccl ed HlllsdaIemlmh 29 Hostess JarrmCrefgh March Hostess MrsJne Leahny There Mill be election of officers and arnararnmn communlty amlrs MeldulMarch Hostlssl Mrs id Crooks Elecuon of officers will be held Ind run salad dem mslrnflon shown MoonmnoMnrch Hostess Kr Cllrl Lummc assistant Mn Nlllllm Miller Mrs John Buch man wlll live paper an Agricul ure and Canadian lndusrlns and am Art Doydwlll condusz con VucyMarch Hostess Mrs Joorle Hawke discusslun and my Imukh Km agke Em Coldwuér Jr March 22 Host assY Myst AlvinGalhrmh Thu will be eleotlon at uflicer Ind palmgnk dyes CaulsonMnrch Hostess Mai Shellswall Mrs Cooke will be wnvenur There will be com Km and member nre asked to bring an amide made 1mm yard material be old In znlpceh 12112031 bpskel Announce March Programs North Simcoe lnstifuiesA March pmgmm for North Sim ooe mum Wornents institutes Include election or ounce recoil nltion oi the patmn saint of Ire land and entertainment at other branches Subject to change pro grams have been arranged oh Inw Goldwater sinEdy Bunch will be entertained it meeting Ia he held In Ooidwnter Court house on March ARTIST fillllLmfl PICTURE MIRMM 82 Dunlop St CRAIGHURST wedding fldfiivrnuh Bus VlLllor From Battle DATES ruraaafacoa JewWI Wallpalmé an nu time In Mlflllen up your hams hr lho cumin yur Conn In Ind mu lavnun or our luv wch an III nllul you dial Spring Is lust around the comer SUNWOIITIIY BUNTEHTEI MM Ward GooMgHow vexy 111 ugly thanked Mrnnd Mn Mc Masler on bank the mamben and their Inmlllu to coming and ishowin dieer lovply slides Yau aro there when nbewlld trod youngster in foreign land oylully umepm Msfi clodnlng sup flled by the Cunndlan lud Cebu The meeting was upened by In The Muylelgu Forever R0 was unswugd by juketrom he members husbands Severn cards at think were team Mr and Muismnet Mthasur mm Grenlel shDWed some lovely llldupx Hath trips to Flbrldn Ind Western Camdl And severI shot Hurricane 11291 In the dismal Ihé hour was live Mn Douzlas omen Kn Mn Ber Maw 4h mniznunllx activities convzner wk over in meeting and the numlnr can 011 Susannah the members name um School Dont oxgel tho Home and School meeting on Mandny Feb la in name SchooL The make vim be Mrs Hankln Eur Mrs MannhLan was in To mum on Sunday and vuned he brolherlnaw who Is pallenl Weslgrn HasplmL Family Night Held by Edenyale Womens Institute Emily Night was held Thur dny Fem my 1n Edenvnln Hill with an nllendancc of 15 members and their tnmllles and seven vis itors Gauley is spindinz few days Tomnw Mr and Mrs Dutfln spent the reekrnd in Bellevllle and visited vith hclr daughm Sharon Mn nuendinl whoa then1 Eldefllln Friend Mr and Mrs McMea mien aincd number at their Mend Saturday evening Mn and Mr Hnugh spent Zundny with Mr and Mrs Mc Farland Coulson Arrlul Baby Boy Congratulation to Mr and Mrs oosun on the arrival at baby my In name hqsplla on 22 MrrnEd Mrs ManrIs Tarato pent Hm weekend with Mr and its Mooney WSPECIHLS SIMCOE Molar Producls delicious lunch was seiycd by mduu LIMITED Cor Brndmd John St PHONE 2449 USED CA LOT BRADFORD STREET 52 CIIEV SEDAN $1195 51 PLYMOUTH COACH $1050 50VAlelALL SEDAN 5415 49 METEOR COACH 5495 49 PONTIAC COACII SIMCOE Morons BAXTER Phono 3270 $495 Sbfiejéiyn Sodkeygfidlmon $5 CruwaId Iufnd Fish $3341 Brunswick chicken Iladdioi Millionaires Sardines Iléinz lurlur Sauce limelljs Spaghelll or Macaroni 232 9551 Begins Véfiffififié Elie Surf BMEiheflflS MI Pork mudmsu BtuhspvickSurdines l6hi$idnfl smallfihrimp Fnosribroops Birds Eye Orange Juice 21 Bird Eye Fancy Peas Birds Eye Swen Beans nifiéflu Cooking Onions Grapefruit Halo Shampoo 35 39c Pepsudenl Tooth Poole Deal WizardWick Jflfifidfln In Socigly Dog Food ciIOOIi manneulmmc Drofl Igihmele Bbyquellolloi Soup Bunéh Currois ummu swm mum mq soun edd lelluce Red Grapes Pussn Bools Cal Fodd FaceElle uunmmmun CONCINIIMID MVIL Elqgsgl £1 mum on IDml cAuromIA cnlsr umcuv mu mvnun EMU DNIAIIO OIOWNNH ADI IO IN OUAUW 10le N0 OIADI IIIDIISS Wllll AND JUICY Grapeirull lWlll CAllOlNlA MIDI lull lllldINlA SWI ND MIGI SOLID MAD FRUITS and VEGETABLES AvAIuln MO mm MA minim ITEMS 512755 29 35 39c 33 ILIIII mm 71401 1m sum 70 IIOMX MIA TIN dioi W334 AID DIIOINM IUNCNE OL YIN 700 SM PKG 11 IL 01 Ill arm IAIN ma mm 01 no 01 mum nhm mm lol no ml no um sun pm lol no 20 FL OLTINI 01 20 02 INS qzfifius 31¢ gtgf 23° mg on 0L I001 rxo YIN ms 39c 13 31c m5 29 23 19 mm ifiichiTn Ifii 39c 23c 23c 16c SPECIAL PLAIN 0R SALTED WESTDN CBEAMY Everywnmans um 50 canadlan Home Jourhal EACNZO llherty Magézlne 06 lohluw Guy Lomhurdo menu uomm mum custom WI l0IAW IAKIII HEINZ BABY FOODS SlICED OK UNSHCED 0L IOA OUAlI IIODUCI OI nu lOIlAW IIKIIV OVER STATION IllI TORONTO rinaeammmu IEoIleey um 96 cullzoorzio 29¢ TV Foatura 0f Iho Week TV SHOW Ill AND INWV Nl AND I1 I01 CANADIAN Two Elm Epfleev 89 Ruled Daily Bread sum msucsn OL IOA IOIUWS floslezs Ice Cream HE 296 wum Ice Waters mom AT no pm crackers cémdimun WHHLIIOWN CIACKED WHEA muws msuw mount Cake mm 30 Mum mun New on nu Wunul Chew Mdkhle EVERY Mommy 1355391 lllClAll IOIMW ms

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