Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1955, p. 4

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WEEKLY CURLING llmw Tn In LIHIHI Aly Alvmu 10 pm nllmdny mm mm vs Mac Mm mm 1m imdnnl 1mm Suunlay my 1n GIIvlph muan mm uu Ihnlu Amm um pm ullnulms Mummy my mm rlwm In 1mm Alum um pm rmmxlay rm lfl mm nmmm Imm Alum nu rm HOCKEY IIA JllNlllll SPORTS flAlENDAR Own Suuml cullrd llmcuu lu Immune mm bm they ncvcr nvrmusly thrmlLnrd the DchlbLl rum whuse ll1lwdml stIC In their onensxve pm nnd they rang lhc hoops 4031 load by me vlzhlminulc markl wnuu lhu Haldcrs culshul DLVilbim 41 lhcy wars panicky on the muck mmming Bank in mud conu mung 5N1 margin in ch lak mumanl fluidly Luhm IMIIIICI Ihrmvlel llanh Culllnu Illnk Drlcnsive mmsurc by 1h Raid ers on highfcnring Doug Kouk backher wuh personal MI and he DcVAlblss comm hpr man Huh shut in first half the gamu The onsmn mm mammal at hnu lime when DuVilblss hcld 511m my load but Kettle opened lhn scorlm In the ground hall cuowcd dusuly by Mnrrlmn and More The can slmdy paw established by DuVllbixs was maln lnclur In their ounstvc plgy ghey Mm Owen Sound Irlcd for the cam margin wilh lung 1me ram nun xre floor They bum 00 mm butflam rmumm wllh two quick hashts and Ken dropped Jon shms knot Lhc scum Gleasuns succesqu 1qu shut shov cd DoVAlbisan mm and mm nevnr mudpuck Kcfllc and Jack on were re mcndahs sunins factors In the Enslnmd Conlest despfln clcscA chucking tactics admmlsmcd by the visiting llaldcrs Kemc hooped pnlnls highnsl Individual mlnl mm on the floor while More pm duccd 17 Neil GILJSDH can mnz mainstay nanlo wa watched closely but camc up with 11 points suppnrt gran play makinz cum Barrie Devublss captured the GreySlmcoe intermediate basketball chumpionshlp Friday night belore capacity crowd at the new BDCI gymnasium when they turned back Owen Sound Purple Raiders 714M lnthe second andfinal game of twogame set 1qu vtctory gave Barrie the series 146 palms to 139 as the series opener finished 1n 1515 dendlock at Owen Sound DoVilbiss thus in their first year In me league made atramendau debut In becoming new chamflons and first holders of the tmphy donated by Gearzzs EroLherso Owen Soundtfolluwing the game Hugh Gibson president DeV£l blss Canada LinMed pruentcd the GreySinwoe Tmth to team czpdain Doug Keme newbiss EdgéqurpléRaidéiéif Qlailycroup Cage Championship mull IQll DOUG KEITLE palm +¢ Thornton Combines Eye First Place Johnny Wallon with thru goals paced the Thornlon oltnncu while sluglcs went to Tom Walton Rad Black Len Casey Dan Rubinsnn and Harry Adams With two man home games play Thomlun Combine arc gun nlng for Jim phcc in hcir OHA lnlcrmedme group The Combines trounced PortPerry 34 Saturday night In Part Puny and now occupy second place close on the heels leagueleading Min dzn Monarchs The Combines close lho schad uc with games at Enrric Arcnrl Againsl Alliston tonight and Van dDrILBruins chnesuax DeVILBXSS Gleason 11 Crab Gardner Mun1m Kculc 24 Hill Kcrnaghln Parlerson Gemgas 22 Mumnon Foster Lemon Simpson Matheson Beam Squire Gnrham 10 lele Devublss now enler he Owli0 Intermediate basketball play dowm and oppnse Hamilton YMCA Mounmnccrs Saturday in Hamilton 1n the first ruund showed complete ah olcan gente The Raiders showed spectac ular cage star In Earl Gmkas whn clocked 22 pains In pacing hh vsltom collected on 23 foul shot anempu while BanIa sunk 21 out of owm oqgvp oxmsmd Iumoinber dear he duclnr Is coming lo ste mt not you SO richly rewarding toown béautifulv udés sinqu Mallly ntcurs per Looopoomo passengers carried on Hrlush mnwnys Actinn this wuk has Sinuflviill at NLWIflflrkLl on Thursday NW market Onllia on Friday Orlllln at Slcuflvillc un Saturday Orillla Pontiacs brake even curin 74 rm Ncwmurkcl on Thursday but dropped men home game Swuflvlllu Friday Lyle Parker and Harry mm 1mm EEC nlumbnrs willnlso be me show Parker ls scheduled or lhrcumund mnellng wlm nill Twomoy Pclvrboro and FurbLs making hlx ms amateur start will oppose nlll Bergmnssal Siuuflvillc Clzppcrs have two Wins In lhrcc starts In the 0sz mum roundrobin group play mr nnw pmnruislng cuppns bum prmarkci Salurdny night 101 on home Ice OHA SENIOR ROUND ROBIN Duuld with record ant wlns and one Ideally has never tackled the fiveround maralhnn but manager Orv Dash eels con fldvnl that his now find 15 cap abIc Andra Hauld new sensation of the Dunla Boxing Club wlll gel hls lllsl llvoAmund us tonight when he chls PLtC Howe of Pet crborn In scmlfinnl bout al Pel nrlgum Andre Bauld Makes FiveRound Debut PHaroid Hill Limited AL GLEASON polm $331 STAN LONG Vlormcr ddcncc star and capufln vfilh Barrie Fly urs who made his return In hockey will Durham Huskies the DNA marmalade 13 gmqu Saturday night havxng been rclnslnled Stan rcccivtd scrluus lhlgh In Innon ycar ago In Saskatoon while playing with Vlcwrla Cou garsw Lhc Pacific Coast League He tried comeback last year with Buffalo Bisons the AHL and hen became coach of Kildunm Canuck In the unlur series Ile was suspended by the DNA for one ycnr lnr cumng his mam um Ice one night No scoring Penalties Ferguson 206 Run lrl 833 Stanklcwlcz 349 Barlnw 923 Lovedny 1230 Cherry 1305 mm mu Lalnndel 31mm Manuecn Macdonnld 643 Barrlc Barlow Vaughan MacQuccn 1114 Punaules Fume 3234 Lovcdny 309 Cherry an Banlo Mncnonnld MacQuccn Vaughan Gall Flnyd Smllh 1713 Penalties Chnsczowskl 1214 Manucen 1138 Lalandc 1841 Lovcaay 1847 Rnncm major 1953 Slnnkicwicz major 1953 Eecund lerInd REFEREE Frank SlnmKllh encr Junior 11ml Arena Feb 11 GALT Goa Senior delence lFerzusnn Maracle Chasczewskl Pilate torwnrds Smith Lalande Sltavorflonscn Brnqlt Marshall Partridge Beckett Churry BARRIE anal Green delcnce MacQueen Hope Stacey Graves oxWallis Enrlow Raneir Mac dunald Kane Smith Vaughan By Barri Midgets scared 143 vic toryovei Alllstnn Friday nxxht in exhibition 11 at Amazon Don Dunsmare with twnJoah nnd slngles to Alvin Norrenakanu Geny Murphy rounded out the Banlo Min Ross Graham and Cockflne scored for Alllslon 1n thrill pnekud contest Relbrns to Action Midgeig Winx43 Barrie Golf fmm Period Flm Period CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO 1nsday The Gall was rugged dhippy mair and Sloca had nybusy rsnnd second period He was The Flytrs have only three nore games remllnlng on Izhédulc They anho Cam Vnrlncs Tvxpecs Tuesday night he Garden lily return orhas Tueiph Bileorcs here Saturday nd finish In the Gardens against Michaels week 1mm Wm The second period was scoreless fiuLcarly In the thlrm Manueen llemlly mnwcd down Gall delnnd to bang hum Macdnnnlds rc qund from Seniurs doorstep The llnchcr came about midway 1n Vhe period when Daug Vaughan nadc bcautllul passoul or Enr ow to place behind Senlor unrked Barlow pow from lunlcr anks Saluxdny morning he ML 01 Cleveland where he wul 1m Sh Ihe sensnn with the AHL Bar ms IE personally figured In all three oab to win himsei new hat the Fiyers captain Iniiicd once he liebreak early in the third Ind assisted lhe remaining twa cnrcd by JohnMlcdoMid and lab Eariowi The FiyeLs opened the scoring in he rim puricd an Mudonnid nunched home ainluty but Gait ied 1h count i322 in ihe sianzu vhen Fioyd Smith took advantage Barrie delenyive mistake and dated unassisted TrumanFEBRUARYIsms1m The Black Hawlu shnwcd 11m wenslve punch or mnzanlzcd smack 191 club prepping for plmll action The Kym hcuzh held down someth by met otflclnunz thumb from Prank 51013 of kahunalook wmplate comniand In the thud Mrlod and only the great Work walla Bab Senior knpt the out Jul respeaable three gosh eFlvers Etlye Hawks Barrie Flyersbroke 11 tle wlm two goalsfn the first period Friday night to turn back Gan Black Hawks Harris Arena end leave ORA junior followers wondering how the Hawks ever outraced Hap Emms boys to the sixth and Ins ployofl pesmon Defencemin Ed MECQuecn otJ ht liensiyc sgrzg QN SIMEOE HOG PRODUCERS Annqu Meeting GUEST SPEAKER 0m Dept 01 Agriculture Chairman of Marketing Baatd ELDRED AIKEN in Board Room of the in Benin Anglican WA Make Plans Regular queuing St Georges WA was held MIL Frank El phlcks with nine members and Iwa Nsltors The presldcnt open cd Ihe meeting with prayer loll owed by Eflblc reading by Mrs Harvey Tumhull Minute 01 last meeting read and ndoplgd Re ports of different departments allowed by business dXscussInn was dzclded to hold social evening In thg schml In Febru nry Program cummmcc elected were Mrs Hector Turnbull Mrsr Arnall Muir and Mrs Frank El phlck Mr Gilbert McMasler nmhday Pnrly Connlt Campsall enlcrIachd number of younz friends at birthday party Thursday anar nmn Record Euchre Crowd rnccrd crowd or this mason at 15 tables were an hind 1er duy Dar the weekly Euchre Prue were wnn as folhwx Ir hfgh Ilka Mulrf with 92 In 12 hnndx cuum Mooney Ewen elxha Ian Mum and score of was high man In bolh depnrlrnenfl As onlyone prize murded each pnrmn Maurice Mtller qual Illed or the lane hand prize wnh fix The hlrd working commu lee In charge wer Mr and Arnall Muir Mrs ngglnmn am and pmnklln This week will be the Valean parly turned hand muzhrnz penalllei Minnie and Laveday and 12 theft minute Inter banizh George Rankl and Byron Sianklewlcz wllh mien grflgmlng pullai delanceman Jnck Graves ppvlrcm the local luvcnllex but he wasnt called upon or 190 much action UTOPlA Very encouraging report wcre glvenJram the various dnpm ments at the WA The wardens were pllnmd receive substan tlul unntribullun Irbm the WA Cnnn Frank Ick Arnnll Muir Gilbert McMnstor CharXea Mills Hector Turnbull cardaker Mmer envelope secretary Mrs Jack Mchnn urganlst Mrs Amall Muir aisislnnls Mu Ken Bush and Miss Audrey Elphick aldcsmen Gilbert McMaslcr Miller Hector Turnbull Kenneth Bush Russel Caulson Hnrvcy Turnbull mum the congregation of St Georges Church enjoyed bountiful iurirey supper in the church basembnt Frallowinx the dinnerJhe annual vasiry meeilng was held Rev Peilelier presiding opened the meeting with prayer Mm Kenneth Bush was elected vesuy clerk and read the minutes or the last meetinz They were approved The church wardens presented splendid report the previous year which was given by the retirinl peoples warden Frank Hiflinson Elec lion of oflicera followed Rev Mr Pelletier chose Vivlnn Mc Cnnn to continue as reclars war den Jack McCann wnseieclcd pcopias warden Lay delegate In 1th Synod Frank Eiphic sub stitute Frank Higginsunr auditors Arnall Muir and Russell Caulson advisory cummizice Ru Mr P2114 eticr JuckMchnn Vivinn Mc Cnnn Frank Elphick Arnnil gillan McMnstcr Charles read chafiter mm the study book Rev Pelletler closed the meullnz with prayer Lunch was served by the hostess onv nflsn BULLIS FEBRUARY 17 Commencing 830 pm EXTRA ROUND BOUT cfm Mm Bob cdfirlay ROUND PRELIMINARY OUTS SEMI FINAL JerryDureMe vs Eddie Bcnltlc ToronIo lllmmon VeIry Maggtng DON WALLACE Encounfln Rapurl This mwnrd Is not only the unlis nclion of commanding the nHlun mnuuumm of Chryaura zrcnl powvr IL Is also the sum knowledge lhnt your New Chrysler exemplifiw the mml ud lllmd styling concepts lulxloncd lnlo Inmal with uncqunlled cmflamnnahip ItinnllpurlofChrynlcrnmollmhdmixn fur Tho lorwnnl Look lhnt ulvm Mn numb cm the look nl uolnu plutm own when ulmnling nlllL But you knnw theres special plum um rmurvcd or you alone Thu 114111 sense 01 personal pride and mlixfncliun in knuwinx you nwn the finml rewarding experience in itself lb long low ullhnuctte givm only 11 hint of Chryslers riding superiority no dlnmnllcnlly conllrmud lrom tho moment you Inst rclnx in its unsur pmcd luxury Theres Iresh crisp modern hvnuty about tho glnmoumus new Chrysler thats sheer delight the eyc SPECIAL ouasrl Thu oma Commisslnncr Mr Mexvyh Barrie DYTE HALL MAM CAMP BURDEN BOXING Birthphme the RCAF ADMISSION 50 CENTS Hyomc of Fighters MAIN sour Mdunmwmumfifi 1955 flamesqupyitbnfi mm PMI nm BARRIEPfiaIII hundlng unfi IcMm Gllberl Meg Mumr auperintendém Nine Sunday School repohed sue nesslul ycnrtnnd wax ableno tum ovra slzable contribution to tha church Apprcclgtlon 1m War presented 1v Mm Gllhen MuMar and MraxAxnull Mulr Frank Elphlck mweq hearty vote ghnnks to the Indie or their clif am in mg preparation 213th on enjoynblej dlnnpr nlsb hr thgi members 4mm choir lorlhelr faithful eflnr mm new 1954 The meeting wns 4c aged with prayer and motionm adjourn IND cl an hm 1m my my um DON ROSS Toronto

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