In le lo Jonnmn ansv have he WI mm In Jnhn Deere Open Mouse be DIEM In In Orange all on Feb Um mcellnz vow unanimously In or or me proJch The January meeting Ivy Wn menslnsmum was held In an school on the evening Jun wllh the vicepresident Mr James Demure conducllng hr mwllng The program will leurc panel dlscusï¬on an loplcs related In xclmol and home during which nvolhcrn will be allowed to ex prpm opinions Music wlll be nmvidcd by artists chosen rum among lhc mum Lunch wm comm at hot dogs LMlkk and mum sthcs will he dorm by me amen accominl advance Informant Mrs ncmnriu vc very ir lrmflnz current cvcnu war which Murdock shrlwlll nu Prlncc or Wales Home and School Aï¬mjnllun Ls planning In Fathers Nighl on Monday Jun 17 The meeting begins at eight IlClflCk Steel Production Film is Enjoyed By Ivy Institute The prolcct tar th year he making layeues to be given to me VON Aller 1h usual rouline 01 bus lncss comes was held Mrs anlne OBrien was the lucky winner The hostesses or the evening rolroshmtnls wcre Mrs Mcfkiw and Mrs Partrldgc The Febimry meéuui be held at Mrs Carbeus ham St Vincent StreeL No candidates were Inmauc Mrs Haddon and Mrs Edith anmlll Home and School Fathers Night Planned Monday Tim new presldem the Past Noble Grand Club he Rebckah Order Mm Florence Dunrnnu was In the chnlr at the Hm meclln Lhis ymr held Mn Slew arts home 32 Perry 5L Al the close 01 the study period on India junior life membersth In the Womens Missionary Sneler was presented In June Rocks the gm of very old lriend the band Mls James Forgusantnst ï¬xed he blue and rum pin to Junes dressweleonflnz her Into the larger group llge members Past NobleGrands Initiate Two New Members Sik new rhémbcn were nddéd 1n the roll ihe Vmelnz closed with the Mizpah Behldkflon followed by poslptmed Christmas tram Allcr the opening exercises Mu Manualm installed the new executive to 1955 The flcers are President June Muc Lnrcnfvlceprmidcnt Donna Mc Faddcn secrLlnry Jane Roakc mil call secretary Joan Dough my treasurer Cum Nay The GoodwillMilon Band or St Andrewfs Presbyterian Church hold us first meeting the year In the primary Wm on Monday 10 415 my This 13mm kinwin ingrbiï¬y iflsssga Jahe MacLaren GoodwiHVLMiSsioh Band Presidehr nrlng In ymxr ullngnnnd rlngn nml all your rlnwu Adlu and Mcnn have Llwm clmmrd mnl chrckul by rxpertn no of rhnrun JAN 15 lo JAN31 nununnnmu msmmn FREE LLE R5 nMMoNn MERCHANTS annunl Ev ulng classes upcncd for the Win Inn on Tuesday Jln No rrgmrnllon are bclnu nc cop ea In classes Wllh the ex cux Inn 01 ltafliercraIL flmc ln ws me Iillcd and we are un nblu IA take new sludlnu the lmc whim this rcpan en mlmcm ï¬gures were not nvnlh nblc Detailed information will be pmvldcd mr um next meetlnx We no pleased with the work Following the plclnre the max lmx adlomncd to Ihc home Mn Jenna when conlcsl wan enjoyed and lunch was served by II In husth Mm Bruce Mc Vaml Mm Jnmu McDumolt Mrs Jamm Dcmllrvfl Ind Mr Cochmnc opened promptly with the new emu We enter our inchLglalc team Junior and scmnr boys directh by Mr Kettle and Junior and senior glrls directed by Miss Macdonlld Bolh coaches are phased wth or Hmlnnry training and we expm uur school will be well reprcsnnt In 59014 In he ï¬rst dimmed boyl mms uxnlnsl Colllngwood Barrie won the jun lux gnmv 57232 and the mlor game 614 Gamcs 1m bald be lwmn three and live oclock and board me as would be welcome at any nmu Immauve Hm in produdlnn of steel IQ Bvcnlnls epic dumlu with M11 as mnvcncr This year the school will un dcrinke major dnanic on when ii pr ducts school dare act play Lilo With Father it is some ycars since such pro ducLiou has been puz on Ind we ahaii iook lnrwurd eariy in March Casting has been Compin ed The Drama Club is under 1h dirnciian at Mr Ind Mrs lacey ll is our policy to nilemnie vnr inns iynesvul drama pedom ancca so that students main Ihmuuh the swool may have he opponiuniiy at seeing and taking part in Hinge giiiereni macs School optncdun Jun with complain smfl prmenl and schonl rouune was quckly undenrmy This Is an lmpomm school mm and will aw pteliminzrles Atudw 9m and teachers axe seriously engaged In the main work at in courses We are phased lo not minimum illnesl and good at tandem mi lime Thla 15 drossup nfnlr with cod music and the gymnasium mm xawly decanted In pal an um umesoum nde back or their holiday may mingle with undermdunles In type re unInn We believe um um useful impose us such Again Dds year 01 dccnmï¬on were re lalnm 1ur smalln party qr gfnups of citizens which have us sister the band in us work number bonrdvmembers were présem and have ï¬rst hand In lormauon an Its success ln hisiepbntd the Inaugural meellnl the Barrle mstrlcl Collkghm Indium Build held on Wednesday evenlnx Pflndpa IL Hawman sald that Mlan lime at seven years mepupua 1n the school Mayur wluunqeh lake the pmdmion lhrmcl plg He ngh Fawn 01mm Examinations Were conducted from DEC Ramn are bang Ended Ihd we pxpect to hnv mouth may for distribution 0n Jln LUn December23 an nah hed unnunl lstmas puny and 59011 vary Stu amnion nncl Pupilsii 15 5199a ThyegAcr Play Duringxear ï¬e following £5 he compléle vanrt summed Principal aouriï¬anv an color on lhe llmnl In whh alumni ln lumen 21zzsnANï¬shAicf Vacatlbn on4he school building éflmctivb me was Iald 1n IL maimhall the main building has Vhrlghtengd the hull cor zldembly and has proved be muchqulecr hanuw hardwood The mw floor in the 91d unmas lum Is melvlng ï¬nal can varnlsh nnd shouid be ready or use thin week Good pmzms has bmn made on remodelunl the boya xhnwer mom and It should be ready tor use in wo weeks 111m um major lmprovemenu mat wlll help keep Ihlsbundlnx up to propnr standards Our sun nppmdales the purchase num ber at places at equipment for 1n use Those will be put to good use Our attendance report was nl follows Enmlment 955 avernxi utenan 92w percentage nt lendancr 972 WA Discuss 1955 mm The Womens Auxillnry 02 SL Thoma Church mu Mrs Wilsons on Jun 11 Mm 390d allundanLe Two guests were wul tamed undd ls hoped they will ansxderlolnlrrg The ladies dls used plan or the ymr and end wllh friendly soclnl hnur he mud mcellng 13 on Feb 15 nl Mrs Egbert mums Lnnllrlve Home Mrs Amhur Mare spent wvek WthMr and Mrs Ted Intson In 3th recenuy Her nmlly dmv get be aanatugdny Jan but iug lo spent mnny lung hbur an lhclhlgbwny1hey zrflved al most seven hours later than ll quh durlng lheChristeras WEVE =1 ï¬bril Victoria naming Rama ï¬ner lengthy ï¬lm ï¬ll Ielt nvery deep sormwhior hers had been friemfly chcmul influence in ml communliy or many years and she will be very sadly misstd Mrs Bmokl leaves herhu5hand Wm sons Alfred and Howmrd and her mother Mug Kennel Barrie They have our mos sincere sympathy luneml servlce was held on Jnnll at St Thom Anglican church with interment ln he crmeiery there 11 we Georgi Edwards Sympumy lg also exlended to Kendall lomlly In the death of GeorgeEdmmds at 5L Michaels Hosallal Tomnln on Jun He leion hls wldw lush Kendall 5m 1m mum PM MMVI WllllunBrooh 17 Goodlul oooooo 17900 GB 2Flcnllnm Hagar 29900 MIMI my 5900 SPAHTON l4rx=umconmm nvgu89°° ammum MOTOROLA l7 19900 PHILCO 17 mm WWW 24900 21m vainly 2990 ADMIRAL Mm 29909 Cvnwh lnl lllcc MANY MANY MORE TO CHOBSE DUNLOI LES SERVICE IIIIONENII TELEVISIflN EPlETTS ELECTRIC CLEAN SWEEP Onlsralï¬rdnryilnn Ni W71 Is now In progress Take idvanlnge of these tremend ousvalues mums runs JANUARY FUR SALE IST BUYER has lhc BEST CHOICE DEMONSTRATORS NEW AND USED MODELS REPOSSESSIONS 6nd and TORONTO mama OUR Ntwlnr VlIlnn Visitors with Mr and Mrs OHVH Ior LheNcerars mum wem Misumncy Iockhm and fiancee Pater William lomnlo and Terry Melville student lrlnlw Oollexe School Port Hope Terrys father ENJRoy Melville Mill be well xmemmw as hrlmcr Anglican rector Allan in munltyfgeral lid ea Vest Gull mm Blnhdly Celebnllbn Mrs Bowam Caldwgllznnd sum Bynm and Wayne Dpem Saturday Jan wishng Qaldwells ram llf 1n Shanty Bay and thesecond rthdxy 11 um pygnn wastele mm Federll me and cxdge him on ma Radio and dgvlstnn sen nade in Canada amount to aim 25 mrcam ol the manumdlurers rlce rdL Can Party MPnklrdn On Thursday iahropu and party wnsihelrj on Mrs Packalds Wlmfers In the ladiuwefe Mri Huuchlnmn MalPanama and Mrs Fume For the men Ox wnld PackardPaul Marlin and Willlam Pmmspn The next party up will aim he at Mrs Pack gamawgnmn 6cm mmn50n can 354 3mg lom gums THE CHOICE or SMART MINyflo KNOW Goon CLOTHING vamp BLIEE The Créam of mayqu Vsufionul piicemflq lulth Io flag file eplsl SuitVulIf¢ avidlriflhréd Th5 savings will amaze you Nationally advertised nnd lclovlaed MH orcd to your lndlvldunl mounrammu AT THIS AMAZING DOW TAILORED 211mm 9m BONDS FAMOUS Bravado Flahnel mum6 Wt Style Color Maférial Fit Ghardhteed fdur rgggqggtgbuynow fizqu his special Chdicé if The Home Sult Value gr CHOICEOF THE HOUSE itl 3975 sows TOP MATERIALS REGULAR 5959 tr 7950 5ili€ 3wa may 91pr1eséï¬ts1heirgmazése No Eifro Clmgu for Ovinlm Sotillacflqn oiVMOney Rofunded Aï¬ï¬ TAiLoRgboM£Asuhg GERRYSayii lurnedlruvm Boyd Clothlng anlemenbgto otler am prenntedluxs Imaging xezulér Wmnp $7353 ullmedgum mm at 01113050 wedgedInuan oï¬eï¬flhtu nuw ucaï¬ 9015 Lminfloileuy Mpic Flhwneu Ilqul Worlledluanm GabMIMI chrom Serge 1nd mm ymn be one oxm his mum me ibxvn lï¬lk Ibout mung lll mailman mmerum 55 we aux £0 Ser and we cu uihlyile cnlerlng that hm wltp cmpMe ulecï¬dn Cï¬mou any Charcoal Brown Bankags Grey and the haw excltlng Black MI glc Naturally we Elm calma complete nun or colonm blues my Ind brown BILL says Bnmo atomwide choice of mu bonu unmy tnuored In non lemming llnea We InsIfteyuï¬ i0 vléw kho newest fabrc Nubbywpgd 1110INle Lodln Bravado Flannel 5475 TAILOREDTOM EASURE Ladies Suits Whats 4475