WILSONIn loving memory 01 near father and grnndlnthcr George Wilson who passcd away Jun 12 mm Five years have passed and gone Since am we loved so well Was Inken rom our hnmn an earth Wllh Jesus Christ In dwell The flowers place upon ms grave May wither and decay nm the love or hlm who alecps bencnlh Shall nuvcr nqenwnx smly nusmb Wllmcr and daughlcplnlnw Emma and grandson 37 us Gr passed alvnylar112uï¬ï¬‚émn We who loved you sadly mu you As ll dawns another year In nur luner hours hlnkhjxg Thngghu yau an gvcr Incl1r hvnr remembered by his wife Maude and mmuy Hy hear Wilh lender love and deep regret We whn loved you w1lncvcr forget Sudly missed by Mam Nora Alice and Jack KENNEDYIn lnving memory of dear husband and either Wil son Kennedy who passed away Jan 12 1949 His weary hours and days pain is troubled nights fin passed And in uur achlng hearts we know Hes Icund sweet rest at last MUIRIn loving memory or dear husband and mm Harry who passed away Jan 15 mu nunuuful memories are all we have 1m Mommies we treasure no me can steal DeaUI leaves heartache Nothing can hcaAL The flowers we pince upon your graves Mny Indc away and die But loving memories or you nll still cling Mrs William Blaok and am smlc Ahd Ernst her In our door But all we man do dear mother go and lend our grave Ann leave hnhln Ankcntul lnve To pc besl mother God cyer made We like to thlnk when me Smly missed by his wife Annie and family MUmIn loving memory dam parenls Mr and Mrs Muir Mother who passed Jun 12 1951 and ulnar ma also other loved ï¬ne Wherever heaven guy be That shell be stnn ing at the doc Up there In yclcpme HEPPLESTONIn fond ï¬nd 10v lng memnr our dearson and Signer ch who died Jan 10 beam sdu n5 year dépan YpLrmemnry lives wilhln nur aningly rememncrcd by wflc daughlcr and Iamily 1an memory Tbuvlnzly rerxmmhcred by the family BERRYIn lgvlng memory of dear husbnnd Ernest Berry wha passed aw Jun 1947 Alwnys remcm cred by wife and family Aï¬NEMIn loving memory ota dear wile and mmher Pearl duh who passed nwnyJgn 1954 Ifwe hadall the world gwm Wedshe all and more To henruhcr yoke and her den mother Pearl Amem Who passed away Jan 13 1954 chc memories will unger farj ever Time cannot change them true th Ntht may come cnnnot Lséauy mxssed son aanNEï¬fe andltnndson Bllly mml brMle zmd mnnunnrnl uml IHIUHMIN hnu lrNI can mrnll mntuhll mnl plullnhle rmnhluallnn lnr ynu Culnr In null Mk III nlnml Uw MumCAIN WHY ml hnE nun mumMIN rmlm Wmlnm llraulrn and 34mm mm In um sunmrmm mm mm rlcrllrnl um whrllur an mu for nu um qu nr ply lur mum mmblnnllun at good brredlnu Ind mnnnxrmrnl and untul ml Inn my Hm cmnblnmlan that India to nutmuTlml mrlnhln nlhm mmul wrch or Wllllnm Ilrmlm Hunnlo lhynr run umm bnnlcr Inn un 1m and slnwm IcHIl ulunn uwurr nu ma mm llunnlu no 11 IthmCInr hnmpltm ml nrmw nrunu Chnmplfln Hoar nl Nu ml Haul ShurGaln Fed Champion HILLSDALE FLOUR FEED CLARENCE CUMMING IN MEMORIAM IRA AWILSON cooxsmwh HILLHIMLH ovlng llllllllll JOHXI away Flh Nalivc Iof Orr Lake Bill Coulin Passes TM Hunlsvillc Hospital Among the many fluml lrlhulus wcrclhose 1mm lhe managemenl and stat of Barrie Taxlanlev Taxl Deluxe Taxi Corlnthlnn Lodge Na 95 AF AM Flfllv chree Scottish Rite Team 5cm llsh Elle The Valley of Bunla Clarke Bi Clarke Leathers Nun lng OIllce Ontnrlo Hospllal New Toronto and Harrie Tank and Aflnlng Col Rclnllvcs and triends from distance attending the Iuneral were from Sudhury Collingwood Parry Sound Orillia Whilby Pembroke and Toronln On Aug 1511 he married Al Han Flwlchnr Ravvnscliflo Un il his illncss he wax employed ns millwrlghl in lhal district and theiV Sydncy predeceased him in 194 The funeral service at thv Lloyd and VSleckIey Funeral Hume was conducted by Rev James Ferguson of st Andrew Church Pallbearerswcre Rube Slmpsnn Wllliém sampsop George Scall Daniel Brown Fred Anderton and Erle Wilson lmerment wax In BanXe Unlnn Carpetery He was born at Orr 14kb SimA toe Caumy on Jan H183 sun Ihc late Mr and Mrs John Conlin mu Mary McDonaldD He rc celvcd his cdumuon at Orr Lake and resided In that district unlxl Izang In HunLSVHk wllh the lum bering Industry in the spring Assnclaledwllh hr employment omce during he war years the late Mr Sklnnér was ownerwf Bnrrie Taxi 2101 approximately seven years He was member of the Pres byturlan Church and belonged Iui Corinlhlnn Lodge and Lougeol Perlccticn Rose lex Born here on Aug 1915 he was um son the late Jesslo Graham and Moon Skinner 11er survived by two broth hrs Fred EnrrIe and James at Toronto his widow the tar mcr Violet C09 nnd Wu child ten Sharon and Brlnn brn Sydney predeceased him in The dnaLh of William James Blll Conlln cl Hunlxvlllc occur red nlvHunvsvllle Memorial or pnlal on Thursday Dan 23 1954 allnr lingering illness about mic years Funeral service was led on Monday Dec 27 1954310 Ralph Boy skinner Illelnng resident OIBIXHE who dieda Lh Royal Victoria Hospital on Snturday Dec 25 at pneumonia He was In up mm year Wmï¬l Sérviéealflield For Ralph Skinï¬er Did In40th Yeulj tone inua um mm mm lllp cavern s995 LIMITED USED CAR DIVISION 233 Bradford SL Dlnl 498 DEAL WHERE CUSTOMERS SEND THEIR RIENDS llnngerlield molars 49 CHEV BURCH iColdwaterfuneral F6 Madame Resident Willium Brbwnlee ML Brgwnlcu was member of Coldwulu LOL Nu 64 years and had been an hnnpmry member ornearly quarter cen lury of that riod nov chuuéher of the An gllcan Church conductcdv service William JamesBmwnlee vho passed away at his Madame Town Shh home near Onldwamr Jud suilergd xlroke six momhs prev lously cuming decuné xnjhealth until hmdgalh on Dec 2L Mr Hmwnlee was in 3m year He was born 3L Fergus West Garalraxa vTownsMp Aug 13 70 He maved with Ms par ents Médgnte the an 18 and spentmost of 1115 me here and In Goldwater He Wu mar tied to thé tamer Olive Freeman Jan 251599 vaColdwatgt She predeceased him nine years ago Mrs Wlllhm Dunn Barrie Anothqr son Hugh 105ng Illa whne serving wmï¬ the RCAF dur lngWarld War Na Requlpm Masgwm Ianlied In St Marys munoh Hdntsvllle an Dec by Rav Faflm Fitzgerald Entombmentvflollowed ln Hutchgsm Magnumqu nhe subarea were chmkg Rose arlgs Reynoids rWnIter Cook Harry Kitchen Gerda Oahuand JameLHarrelL Lem mungn hxs passingare hls wiln three daughter Mrs Hugh Greentmlla Omemee Mm Grenville Thompson Marian of South Porbaxewnnd Mm Ken naLh Forde Lillian Toronto two mans Jack Hymn and Josrph Unmln Park Michlgi ldrcn and on ham yr wu manberfnprMury Rom gmchmduc cm ï¬upï¬vlu IIUIINN mum rlmn rmm Mdeomjm mm SAUSAGE ORANGES ElMERIA GRAPES Gmumi Iunm rmu flaw 1er lulp Hm cm hm Ounllly min In mm sIDE BAédï¬ BEEF ROAST SALE Ilndn Bani Remand SHORT RIB Very Memy SHOULDER run Cu lb PRIME RIB Wm Uuprr Mil Bmaku Influ SPARE RIBS SPAGHETTI WAX PAPER Chain mm mqu unlll In In 13 BEANS with PORK lam 1mm Addd RASPBERRY JAM zunamy Ann pm Libby MARGARINE w25= KETLHUP SALMON mun PEANUT BUTTER 16oz av AGP FANCY NED SOCKEVE 02 Ill SPECML ROSE BRAND ANN PAGE SULTANA HAVE FRUITS VEGETABLES SUPER RIGHT MEATS I9 31 DEEPCUT SPECIALS RED flLUl BRAND HEEF Coma Save on llem aha llem Day nflar Day iri VALUES WINTER WONDERLAND OF He was mm he Jaguar Gun Club and St Basils Church Besides his Mum who resldc at 73 Glebdhulvme 131m Tomnlu he have two daughters Denlse and Maï¬Ã©f hlnxother Mrs Emcsflne Didier rwb brothers Raul and Mme Didierp 3nd uwu sum Mu Wilson and Mrs Hnr ris GREEK EVICE The ï¬rst 1160de anclmrs for ships replacing stnncs or sand bags were usedfby the ancient Greeks Mr Dldler hnd rrgctqrcd to Good grham kg look over M5 summer page Be wn leaving ï¬ar Tu ronho when his car stuck in the snow Barn lnMonchal he came Io 10me as boy and amnded Central Technical School He served wllh the1Royal Canadian Dental Corps in the Second War In chrtoundlani Muirbarnmjï¬onhér Allandale Resident Passe Away Suddenly Secgaseri WEE the husde Manny Waiker daughter of Mr and Mm Whlker whn tnhmcrly resided on Buriun AV here Stricken Sunday all shovelnng hircar out snuwdxmvat Gooduham Victor Dldler 39 head otmerDidierDemallaboya mry 1n Tommo collapsed and dlad His body wus found by wish mahoth Invelnce v38 Jackï¬atlbnim In and sun Shermu vlve dinghter Dar gnome 59rd under awake ut Ihg Dunn Lodge yinlermem was meant WIIer Pallbearers wem Alla MeK Joseph Walk Ken Ly Ps 22001Iin129C GAVE 2a 2m in 3c SAVE 20 lSoinmZSt HAVE 2n Mum 29 looll l0 2H 39c do GAVE 16 35a 25 Bandnjaxter Joe McNeIllle hu Jeen gelling large tuxnoun ehearqals che the New Year and the band mundinx Into form again um several men tnynfl completely new pro Barrie Cfllzens Band will we sent concert instayner Corns munin Memorial Arena on Sun day evening Jan 23 and the louowin Sundfly Jan 301 the Roxy mm Barrie Citizens Band To Play at Staynver NOW AT PORT DOVER Rev Gofdon Gendmn foxmet Hlllsdale minister is being Induct ed mm the Pan Daverchunze the freibytegian Chmcry morass sunan am Elmvale muncllwns host Sim ne CoumyCouncu special com mittee Investigating the pentu at locaunz hammer he and In Elmvale Thu pmflosed Jnsutuuun would aexve uAemnhern wn of fine county In 121 In many quar terstbm Elmvue 011le In Ideal me In close praxlmny Tiny Iownsth name than Penelang when and Wasaza Beach munclkiwere also present An aruhnect Wilt View the slteand temnmendatlans will be made at he January session cnunty nuncn Remember this sale is for only short time The building must be cleared for occupancy by the new lessee AlLSAlESFINAL MogEfuNpé ngirums Plano N9 Our existing stock is beceming rapidly de pleted We are certain that never before have the citizens ofyany town been offered such bar gain prices for quality merchandiée and this is proved by the teprific volume of sales duting thepast few days During the next two to three weeks NEW SUPPLlES WILL BE RECEIVED These are goods which were ordered in sorhecases many months ago for winter delivery and in other cases they were in short supply andwe have had to wait for delivery These goods will be offered for sale at DRASTIC REDUCTIQNS as they reach our store It is not possible to advertise them all separately but you are Icor dially invited tocome into the store at any time and look around All our outstanding orders will definitely be received at thestore by January 31 The response to our RETIRING FROM BUSINESS SALE is overWhelming no matter how hard we try it is impossibleto keep pace with de iiveries of merchandise purchased Pleasejbe patient withxus and beassured that we are doing everything possible to deliver your pur chases with the least possible delay Our trucks and our sfaff areIWdrking nOrjéjop for long hoursandrwill continue to do so until all orders gre cleared up SMITH ASON The band Ks augmented by sev crll musicians ram the Canadian Guard Band now back at Cnmp Borden after tour of duty In Korea 351 FIGHTER mm Appraximauly 1345 pounds swam Ileel are used in me mim uraï¬ure modern Jet tighlerg bomber Fred Bernlck Sn Issmmled wiLh his IonHenry In the lulv massing and dyeing bwness now has 162mm permanent pgstuxe arm MOakwood seven miles west Lindny He Is In the calile huiness mm being hum up is Sggneg Barrle cnnpcru SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM Méiér$vbsinflsl9i Planned fpr Bargieg By MidlandgMan Midmndme pm Hum Mr 3ndMrsf Henry Bernick and their lamliy have moved imm Midland wBarrie where Mr 36 nigk now mined in made opmem Di 823 reï¬ldehual Ind commercial qubdiyision souah at thhway 400 Ind wes oi the Bay llelq Cloverleaf Mr Bernick tanner manager or Midland Shearung MIL has re enfly bule ln Barrle under the NHA three home lnlhe $10000 nrlce classllquflunnna he hope he hogln majoroonstrumian pm gmm In the sprhax The formei Bemxck residence Midland has been bought by Mr and Mn Edam WIlsan Tuy Town TIME IS RUNNING SHORT ACT Now AND SAVE FURNITURE LIMITED Mnmnd Mrs Lorne Jukson and Mr and Mn Leilhton Clarkelelt Sunday to mnlbr In Mexico They Ire driving down zhrough Texan and expgclï¬a be away or llx weeks Mm Henry Vandefbcek lefl yesterday for Clnyim NY where she will be vlslungwlth herson and dauzhlarlnlaw MrfandiMxs Aflhur Vanderbeek Accoghparli lng her wlll be chelr son Peter who has been spending the chug ma holldnysrwlth bl granapar em at their home onloronto Street M15 Marla Vlnderbeek travelled Clayton hetereChrlsl ms to travel to Canadagwlth chen Mr andMM ArthurVnn derbeck nee Geraldine Nohmh have recently nnnuncedlhe birth at duughler Clara Evelyn In Valcmown NY Mrls Waltar Illlhnnxllmn¢u 11 spending law days the meme othermother Mfr leane 22A Mary Street Bur Ban1e Ohamber Comnflextc was inpuawa 135 week attending the annual meaning 01 flux 0mm Chamber 01 Commerce Hm Mm hex Lount nflnm mam Waï¬ï¬izsmyflmk 12 iésÃ©ï¬ Mmdohn Neelandsï¬inlnka Ngyy Â¥enra handy mm Oimoï¬i xiii ENGAGEMENTs The ennzemrnt IL announch ol Vern Marlercyrlson Barrie jaauxhtzrfnl Mr and Mgfpmmr Carlson n1 upnntelx salkal wan tav Wilder Seklen obBarfle Ch marriage to Lake place Saturdwh January 22 1955 Kn hechnpelu in st Marys Church NANALMO EC CF Clly councugars uy the rgeem delea me $247000 police nann byl Inw wlu mean withdrawal Shoan Oahaddan Mountedfflflflce and that Nunahno wJJl hnvé My establish its awn pollcafarce Mayket Square annle N0 so mnNDALE uxdlo Ind mm twb tax annual In showroom elm alum CUSTOM FORDOR SEE AND DRIVE IT AT MOTORS LIMITED Phone 6695 LOCATIONS 53 F081 BIILLIICK LOOAF 110an an zmnm