EVENING CHOREOG RAPHY ENERAL WHATCAN YOU 00 WITH WHIIEEHRISIMAS GEEI WISH was BACK IN THEAIIMy SNOW THE OLD MAN THE GREATESTENTERTAINMENT THE SCREEnIIAsjEvER GIVEN YOU IIIIIIIIE warn manna IIIIIIIIIII SPECIAI MATINEE wEDNESDAY 230pm snows AT 640annsonny SKIEStL3 MINDY tcoUeroua issues YQULLSING OUT mean Brought to the screen with the clarity brilliance and lullstage impact of Will ISION Nortonrmuss IIIourIoauIr ASNDNVG SIMIOA EIIHM NSdIdVH SSNIHI 1533 EHL 5W A9 lHSitl OCI liNGIG nos Ironing BING DANNY ROSEMARY vnu cnsnnncmnnmn ADMISSION PRICES EVENINGS ADULTS 75c TAX INCLUDED lllATINEE ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CJIILDIIEN ALL TIMES 25o TAX INCLUDED PLEASE ATTEND THE EAIILY SHOWI PIUS main sumCT VIéTA VISION VISITS norm GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT Two PICTURES You WILL ENJOY EVENING SHQWS 840 pm IIIIiIxInILIcwlnnun the daring Iim IIIi lllliiliillh Iit IIIIIIIIIi pumill at lIuI many ndvnmugn om lira pursuit was In one thing In men Inn and it mulls mull lsII noise nu IIIIII warns MIIIII DENNIS OKEEFE EVE ARDEN AND RUTH nusssv PLUS CARTOON For Movie MerryGoliound Tune in CKBB at 540 pm daily Babies and Rockets Talia Wings Thrra ls quite In in he sir In llrllsin today and here are in unmnln Is what is lI TopI liirwariirat tar as by Mm Cornuslllatt it rl to Its lanan ml he an Iron rIIlII aalrly El pmlng into the lilyCol oi llrlIlIIlI us and to and ramlcrria to tha It the loot realleaa bar us the rlouda lllgllll rocket notor parathion is an English airfield Nlncd Hun liplie the stale alrra added your ior eiplam is will is jettisoned by puatlula aim the MM and tests uial den His Worship Mag Foster presldcdIwith Crown tamer 2W Workman QC the prosecution court dutienwm The hearing ol three charges unv der the Game and FishErluAet laid by Conservationoiiicu lre Richardson or the Department Lands and Forests sins Cherie Seadon on Dee 28 its warad Jouroed ior tvIo weeks on the tons sent at Mr Thompson whowas not at all pleasedcrovn witnesses were all presenlready top but Seadon had telephoned counsel Osmond J1owe QC to arrange an odiournmbnt The charges ï¬re as bald in yup Township having possession oi part at de posseisioh ota loaded riile during the prohibited hours oi darkness and ior hunting with out the accusary license Apprehendcd by PC OFF on Dec zlinD Armstrong 51 ring pleaded gu ty to having care and control oi motor vehicle while his bbliity Was impaired by alcohol The oiiicer had noticed that cuscd was all the pavuncnt and having dililculty with snail quan tity ol snow all cIne mile north at the Crown Hill cloverieal or business typehe does not speak clearly and mentioned th In his own defence but the crown attorney came back with Did the bottle oi gin on the seat beside you have something to do with that bringing wry smile irom Armstrong eonvlctionrneat II iine oi SIW plus costs oilï¬ Veteran in Trouble it nuns unc MONDAiï¬JANUARY IO 1955 eltceurmit be set ishrnent Taking the past record into con yas adeouate pdn lion and the return to crime ot aoonpiter reieassisem prison ha lingered term or live years in Kingston Yenltentlary on each oi thell convictions but to run con currently The conviction eke on the ini lowingierirnes uii oi breaking in with entry and thclt except at the bttanhome Nov 10 onOct at therheme oi Gnii Scott Barrie Oct 2a atTtnehome at Miss Lilian Long pril Nov 13 at the Binghamresidence on Nov Orilli Nov 20 the home av 21 the home oiltrontosael both oiBarrie and sin on Dec In Barrie at the uch on November rnsleads home was that ol Harry Ryria In Traialgar Torwnshlp and on Dec at the ra lidcnce Miss Joan Conneilin Nelion Township pomiderable credit is due to the orlt olthree oiiicersoi the Mun tthe John Anderson home elpal Detachtnent oi the Ontario Provincial Police Constables Chaddock It Bearnan and Praom In the investigation or the Burnstcad charges in which they have been assisted to some extent by the Noperation oi the accused may possibly recover more or stolen goods in addition to con lderalrie value eady recovered Caught on Rebound Ahethtrcasc In which the same olilcershave been active was that oia charge at breakingand entry In thelt oi tobacco cigarettes andcash totalvaluc oi $70 on Nov at the Grey Lunch Bar WEssa ltoad owned by Mrs Evv elyn Grey oi lid Burton Avc The matter was not cleared up until on Dec 24 Incoiience was irepcaled with larger haul total vclcmn stationed at Borden Sianley Muscling lil ried pleaded guilty to serous charge oi driving car on Dec In Essa while dinualllled bcc oi license and permit cancellation PC John Pinxton OFF new comer at District HQ laid the charge when he investigatedian ac cldcnt on Highway an west oi river bridge where Mending drivv Iniga mo car leit the road and some 50 iect larthcr on ithud ra1i ed over in the north ditch causing damage estimated at $750 toihe vehicle There was some snow on the road at that time but novahid marks or others were visibleI Plait ton said This was at 139 am To make it more serioushe had one previous conviction oi Impaired driving at the time or an ac cident when he lost his license iii Thompson closed It deliberate breach oi the Ac His Worship Ipointed out in Miss In You cannot ilouithe law it means that you must not drive when disqualiï¬ed He imposed line 013100 plus costs oi $5 And the car Is hnpoundeflor three months Lords Day Act The ilrst charges oithe kind to be heard here werelaid on Oct and Oct by Cpl Kellogg OPP who had checked on number oi transports going tlIroilthn the night irom Toronto north Ind lound that loads did not consist In every case oi perishable goods Illild out In the Act regarding Sunday transportation Appearing ior the Wilson Trans porialion Co was Wilbert Nellca and tor the lloar tlranwort Charles lioar The iormer produc ed as witness the driver George Patterson who was In charge oi one oi their tronsports on that oc casion but he stated that his duty was driving only lie had nothing to do with the Ioadlng and knew nothing at the nature or she oi the land not even at Smibury The contents were consigned to ulurco chain store thcre and according to bill oi ladlng shown by Mr Ncllcsthe grcutcr part was oi iruII chetablca and also bread cakes and pastry The iormor was mostly Ice packed irom the soulh and la rushed through Apart lroni this Mr Ncllca admitted that the loads were not always cnllrcly oi that nalure and other goods are included to make capacity loading The charge against lluar Trans 1port was in October at shipping loud Ul empty bolllcs south dur lag the same prohibllcd lIou dcicncc was uncrcd on this flu is and on conviction In both carer nominal lino oi sill plan will Ui $1150 was Imposed Bumstead Sentenced iIIudlng guilty to lo chargrs nl lnuuklng III with thcll except In one case and committed bclwecn Ockbcr and Ilcccmbcl Gordon llllllilllii single of Scarbor nngn om wal Inuml guilty on all churgra and appeared Wednesday JunA lur scntcllcc by Worship Musmraio ll lualcr previous rccord wa read by the Inn alralt dated back to I037 and Inc udrd nlicncu null break Ing and entering wllh limit laIIII protrncra and all crlsncs but Iiouadirraitlng wa peclaliy III lvii ho was given lour years on that Ii again irom lfltil served live yr IIIan or Inn same type III crime and had evidently gone rIghI lrncli to crime with the re aultlng in charges Crown Allorney Thomp aun calling attention to the record clawIi the serum as an lnruny to roclely all IIrArIIual criminal and llie only thing In Me lavor Is that he assisted pullee In rrwver Ul part ul the claim coda In IlIia help may lead to rewvery at more Ilia Worship read out the teoini and also stated that In his last oh lenccs iiutnstead had plotted up toms 000 value in stolen articlta Ilia cormtmi wui ll you an Bvln prey on society the sank vvalue at $9150 taken in the same my by preaklng smaller window ilrst time onthe east side and then on the south west This time Olilcers had allowed up and ill eiplcited up the guilty party Al bert James Spooner 2i single who bliaims lelingwood as his home town He waanwaiking on Highway it near Concession ilve innislil and had the entire amount oi loot includinglsome cash with him it was all recovered and Spinner ap peared bciore Magistrate Faster on Wednesdayplcaded guilty and re manded in custody until Jan 12 for sentence tontused ACasa charge laid by PC It Heels OPP against Alder Heather oi Slrnla oi dangerous driving on Nov In Vespra was heard at considerablcylength but with con iusedJssue Driving noth on Highway 400 ncar the Ferndaie cutoii on Nov Just at dark the accused who had with hlrn two passengers Ce cil Waldeck and another friend George Knite all three headed ior Mattawa on hunting trip had collided with anolhcr car driven by Jacque Shepard ol Camp Eur cn The latter withhls wile gave clear vidcnce that they were pre ce In home and coming to the nil had looked back In the mirror when bout 100 yards irom Ihe lcit turn needed to branch oli Both Ianca were openad they had seen nothing iollowing but when making the turn their car was crashed on the icit rcar whch by the Alder vehicle which ended up In the ditch past the cutoil while the Shepard car went 25 yards farther up the highway Mr Shepard had turnth on lllckor light alter looking back They slat cd Ihal the View was clear tor some distance hick Replyingto liis Wor ship they said that they had seen no sign at car lights ner llgIIt rc iicction Shepard had slowed down to less than 25 belore making the turn PC it liccla lound the Shop ani car back on the boulevard wIIn lronl wheels on the north should er lacing aeuth iieatiIrr car was on the passing lane and almost across the road mat is lcet irom the other vehicle There wns debris about six iILl nuth oi the intersection Ippruuch to Camp Bordon and skid llldlK showed behind the rather car hi to lcct but and side was heavier Ihan the other and the car had akld drd south or main Damage at was Ilene ll the Shepard car The oiliccr had noted Imcll oi alcohol on tho brcnui ui Heather and at Waldcck and the lniler had cut Imldll his mouth ItIay Ini Inllchl having bccr III lalincralon 11m other passenger was taken to the hospital more seriously in lured Dcloncu counsel Evans QC Ilrllilotulllrclillu icerrc AWARDED HIGHEST IIONOUES In senior noncommissioned oiiicer coursere cently at the 25th Canadian InlantryBrI rode NCO school inliilongbu Korea was Cpl Robert William Richards serving with the 3rd Field Ambulance RCAMC Cpl Richards led field oi 25 candidates irom Commanding Quebec Loop sentcd an In Genlieratius Murray General Ollletr i6ur Commonwealth Armies Here he Is pre scribed wrist watch by iMai the lat CommonwealthDiv IstenCplt Richards wlle now resides at 12 CanIp Borden Ont wher he was stationed beiore going to Korea PeIerOIII and MeniNamed Kiwanis InIemaIionaI 0llicials1955 0507M Dislrici andDivision No75 tiram Kltay Bulletin 3de McIntosh ol Orillin Is the 1955 Lieut enantGovernor ior Division No lie was bornin Glasgow Scotland and came to Canada In lflll whcn he took up banking He served with the Canadian Army irom 1915 to mo and upon his return served as accountant with the Elias Rogers Coal Company In I933 he purchased iucl business at Orilliu At present he Manager at coal and building rupmy company In 0rillla Bob Joined Kiwann In 1939 was President In 1941 pnd is completing years oi perich attendance He served on the Collegiate School Board In North Yorklor nine years and on the Orillla Town Councll as Alderman and ltceva Past Master and Past Firrt Principal In Masonry and an Eider at St Pauls United Church lie Is golfer and curler married but no lamlly 71 The Governorelect ior I055 Is Waller Ii llowoll or Potcmorough om Walter joined the rumm ough Club In 1m and has been an active Kiwanlan on club and DI trlct levels since that time lie was District Chairman at Key Cluba In IND and 1950 District Chairman oi Underprlvllcgcd Children In moi President oi the CI In I052 Dur Ing 1053 he was strict Chairman oi New Club Building and In 1064 LiculerIanIGovernor oi Division No Walter was born and educated at Petcroorough cntcmd Dagooda Hall Law School In Toronto and was called to the Bar In Illii litlore he was prvpcrly settled in the pro lessicn he lolued the Royal Clnu udlan Air Force Upon his discharge he lolncd the law iirrn oi Peck Kerr and McEIderry which lirm Is now Kerr McEldcrry llowrll Fleming and Dark Solicitors lor the County oi Peterborough dn addltlun to his Kiwanis activities Walter serves on the Advisory Board at St Johns Anglican Church and il member oi the choir lia Is Director at lhe Humane Society VicePresident of tho Jetcr borough Law Association and member oi the Scottish Illic Wullcr II Inurritd uIId lIla wlie Is knuwn uilccilonllcly iu the Kiwan lana in Division NII II as Dink who Is utuuliy arctmtptnlcd by Walter 11 gulng on our the ulternuon the tiny below New Years and he was not seen until some live lquralalcr when he was mulled hy CNII Engineer Joseph Morris ul Lindsay who nunnml the trail and rendered maintainr lollte look Murray to Implhil They have not lrarrmd the lull slury oi the accident irom MurrIy lniurecl Railinan IS Slightly Better In Orillia Hospital OIIIIIu NewsLetter 8min lrntnuvcmcnt Is ruporIid The First Aliandale Girl Guides ave planned an event which ouid be oi interest to everyone in the very near iuture we hope to go on hay ride party We plan to hire two sleighs that Is It the snow stays The girls willbe able to bring their ir ends and the lit Aliandaio Boy Scouts will be there as our luettr 34 rnefmy will start at 830 and we wI have hot chocolate and doughnuts Inn returning to the hall record player will be pro vidcd wlth records ior square dancing and round danciml We hope to have Paul Jones and also entertainment ior the people towatch We think everyone will have good time and It you have Girl Guide lrlcnd It will heworth your while to come with her Thlsmonlh Caplairi Trembiay Is starting Mothers Assoclstlon This Is very heeded thing ns thcre Is so much the motherscan do to help the Guides They are nccdcd to help the girls to para their badgesand also to help us to kccpour iunds up We need all the mnlhera suppor INCOMES V3 COST Farm Incomes have deer Zi per cent In the last two era and wholesale prices at iarm produce are down it per cent irom moi Coats oI goals and services bought by the former are up IhNa per cent Chlliiwock BCJ Progress Dont caught UNDER Inwnuo am certain todafa innmace cquol to today plumalum lwlthulitplustplwoo In the tsslullliull at Fred Murray iIymrurld CNlt Molinlilnan who III III Soidlrm Memorial lIothlul ul Urllliu WIDI one itll unllruillcii at the knee and Inn loot oil II he unklu us rmuli at lulrmw lng expeIIrnca on New Years Eve lie wl said in have pasml tho Ono leg wu tovcrcd lavcn Inch ca lrcluw till lines by the wheels the train and the loot wu car rlod some yards doWn th The other tool was lcll by mare stirvd ul ilmh cully the train crux did gnrdiug signs pmd was rule that thus lllil ISM lent llch alli Ingr Sngle ilno lrallic JunIme lion and the visibility is about yards truck He had arrlvrd at 055 In car wa rtIII nonling and was Iililieult In step Wlwn ll llutiier rar slowed the skid marlta went ov rr IIIc centre line Bottle chniualon wu also shown as to where the llulhrr car was III contact with Inn other other olllccrs were called In connection with liquor in car and owned by Waldccli Mr Evans claimed that avidwec was lnsuiilultnl Io convict ontht dangerous driving charge Illa Worship agreed and on the minor them at careless driving with theI uma avldanca lmt Ilealller guilty Ind ï¬rmed line oi ill with con vi 319 or II MI 00110 IOUIOI Ilrulll anal Whitman lecturing IMMI mu In anoint mail pit olati MIN Inc man on the trucks or notice that ha had been run down Fredhad two brothers Mel and Harold thr lallrr oi Angus crlsls III hla lislit lur liie Murray was Involved In no cldcnt when he was apparanily struck by truth while walking along lhe tracks toqu Orilila rorn his ilshi shoot on lotto blame ii is be avad accident lmppannti around iour oclock in mum mm mm OIIII Iraiv 1w IvMM new simmer Insurance In Us llltflT in insurance at ALL KINDS Dunlap ill ll Phaaa ml HELP KIDDIES i160 Iir anIronuMl