III llnknrll llmc unaln Dll 1rlcl Cup mu Tnnknld umup lnyduwm n1 Orlllln Mumluy Jun 17 Dblrict Cup Jan II Hay and IL Osbolll wlll skip murm Cu mm mm hum nul there were lhru lurnl Tank nrd vmrlu and III lhc M0 upon any Harlul mumLmuln hnu llVll um wukem T111 Indml In lwu gum us on Snlmdny llu Omnzc Kcnlme Ink FnII Nor rll Omruo Dalmcrllrld and an lcr leu lrlfillul he Vun Adam rluk Chnrllc Kllllly Lump Whlnu and Juhnny Jnhnmn 101 11 mxcnlny Adam hnd IINI hulva lull Inxl loll ll74 lu me Lmy Amulumu mm or my lJleInmm Fraxrr Sutllnlzlnd nml Jury llnrl er Nlunhy Lvrumu muc lhllm medal wl Inc mldrd In llu HLulnr mllnl Xurnl lllfll gum Thrrc wlll Im nlmflu lunch nml qurrrieï¬urlingCIub Prepares Far BigAnnual Banspiel Jan 11 lo 21 Rinks Ready or TankardDistricI hlklnl About challenges lust wick raw he prolczslannl man at It The szycu ctmllcnucd both the dentist and the doctors XI was close enough bul we are larc cd 10 report that he lrzahlvs lust buLh gamu by our mm the medlml men Dorm Gmy IL Dtflclaw Soymuur and Smith For lhc mm tractors Dcclurl Clllnpbclt Wuoducr Julmdun nnd anrcombc For lhc mem her me bar ll Hnyf QC Wv Thompson QC Cu Currie QC nnd tanner mnyur Hrbtr Slnllll wflh Slellmm Illnu Today In Mldllm annual hueday bonsplcl gels undurway wflh the premier event bringing the Canada Steamship LlncslTru phy Three Barth rinks are all to this Bill Johnslon Amhl Thil lnull Norval Luck Tony Saso sldp Ray leingvlun Fred Narrls George Dangerï¬eld Harry Arm s1mng skip Jack eron Fraser Sumcrland Waller Craig George Kennedy skip Thla bonsplcl season and curler so desired he or she could be away about every day Xn some DEN the pmvlncc Barrie mun bcls are good lravcllexs mo Last week it was Pziry Sound and rink composed Bill Dyment Mac MncAuIey George Danger ï¬eld and Larry Hm skip took In this cvan When asked how lhny did the answer surprisinng was We gm In good lesson In how 105 hm games The opposllion came mm North my Oshawa and Parry Sound AnoLhcr local rink composed of Dr Frnd McDowell Ted Janus Wlb Harris and Jack Kennedy SUD lcok In the Gravcnhurs mn splcl Their answer lo lhe nbnvc qucsllnn was sllghlly dlllcrenl They put the Ice down on ma maln mm was the reply We will have to wall for his weeks vacnhum Banner lnd uul lusl how they did Well heres one lnr lhe bnolu We have bean Iclllnu Ill nlon Ibnnl how and thc 1m curlm ml Ih mm club They can really lmld up their Hut 1111 wu naver more demanslnltd than ycs lanky mernuon wllzn dull lcnn glma developed Four lidch our men So lllcsxn Dwerfleldï¬lrdwnod llmwn Inl Ind fllgelow uuk Iv Ice unlnsl Mesdnmu llanxcrlleld Smllh Thompson and MI Enld Cuelr Well comln In to the llml and Inc nor was fled And the nmlcmcn could Aland HI rldlnx 1mm th gul lery no long They decided to be down The result was the Indie Icond leeml on Ike Barrie Curllng Clubs second big annual provinceMd pansplelja only one week away running lrom Monday Jan 17 Friday Jan 21 Inclusive All lndlcallons polnl lg lull entry or 112 rinks 28 each day on two days wlth the wlnnlr comingback or the Fri day anau ii11 nlumm EXAMINER MONDAYJANUMWJO 195i THevf Rdaiin Game Flrst event Inku The BanIa Enmlner flrophy won last yéu by Al Jams 01 Guelph who L1 coming back In Ildand ll Till year flute beaut llul new murky or second nvrnl lwuderl by Slerllnl Trunk through John Boys QC who ml only dlreclvr ul the commny bul also the curling club Nood monoy to pay $0 In 000 mmlr nl llld an yum uwn Ignllun nylnuwl mninnrnl Unwluy nrrvlrr nmnllu In lrpny lmlny lrvp your rrrdil nod nlul fllll Mllll nu WI mull Nut monay Hill lo pay CaHHFC ludayl By HACK WAITE QIOUSEHOID FINANCE II Dun Wllh mow nun plun ll IAIIII 0P emu lunch mmlmflmnll all nl mu limcl 1mm of Nuwmlrkcl Jnn DThrcu anal uurcd 20 Icccndl early In Hue lhlrd perm cllnchpd 51 wln fur Ncwmnrkcl Gurmnn Smoke lllruu nvrr Allmon WIIIDI hero yrllnnhy In North York Mlducl Hockey Lcaiuc cunlul All Eunllnl llrll utrlvd nonll by Dan Zulnlu and Calvln Wllllzml unvo Nowmnrkel 10 lull GNrKc Chmlwlrk mom wo Ind hnncl Lowln mm lo wlnnrrn rnuld ilru lXllu They were mum anU1ll Ind Jlnrry DMIHII and lay on ICUHd lulu III the lhlrd nrlo lur Allimm Colnngwood Jan 00011an waod BelA1 balm the lemonl lnrgul crowd damned Mculord Knlxhu 04 In ll Gcnrzlnn Day cxhlbmon hqckcy flxmrn Kcn Slmnu and Jim Hanna lcd Culllnzwund wllh lwo zonll each with unglclonl uolnz In Gricr and crux Taylur Wnlmllcy Mnck Illgnll nnd MCCIIlum were 10 Knlghu mlrksmcn Daring 1hr Vlhlni period In Col Xlngwnod Inn dropped dead Thu wnrhfl nm 1qu dlmncw clrnlmne mll wu mad tluhly year no awr llm clam mllu be lwrcu lmnllonl and Pull 0n Inrio by Muman OHIth IltlL Friday Jan 7Cumcmn but Whitlng Campbell beat Fiddlwn Ayust but Spins Hula bcai Hun Boys heal Corby Shannon bcat Mills Meredith bent Osborn cnouv STANDING Herb Shannon Dr Fred Campbell Mel Ayers ank Boys Ollvcr Cumcmn Jack Corby Harvey Lime Sully Mcrcdllh Hilton Splm Herman Osborn home Whlunz lnrry mm Harvey Paddison Murmy mum °°=NN Npn°° Collingwood Trip Meaford Knights Newmarket Win Over Alliston Curling LIuJ onchncsdAy Jun Same day seven local rinks are golnz to Lhe Kiwanis Bomplel at Guelph Todlylhe rink of Ron Allin Del Cole Ben Robcrmnn and Elk on Spiel skip are on to Mount Forgst 19 ddend 4h maln cvcnl Thursday Jan sAdums beat Armslmng Johnswn hm Gibbina Kennedy beat HarKruwm Sutherland but naive Craig boa Robertson Bayes but Rodnm Browning beat Mucs Crawford beat Black Kennedy beat Sasu Jonesbcnt Hands Harmsworlh beat Landry nougsmnnma Vern Adams 8111 Btuwnlnl Frank Bayes Ted Jones George Kennedy Jack Kennedy Fraser Sulherlnn Harry Armstrong Waller lel Ellsworth Crawlord Harmsworlh Frank Hargreaves Jchnny Johnson Paddy Miles Tony 5am Art Black Bill Glbblns Wlb Harrl Russ Landry Ralph Halve Jack Rodgers Ber Robertson dnmxnl alter or nughtcxm charge coulgg trophy they onAuxoxe lust yvean In the Dangerï¬eld Trophy play downs at Barrie Curling Club rc sulls of gamesrwcrez Liam cluh of Ban1e sponsor 133 311 Curlers Have Two Games Off In Club Play CANADA WM EMT WILSON1mmle memory of dcnr father and grandfather George Wilson whn passed nwsy Jan 12 1950 The yï¬lrl may wipe out many ngs Du this they nut ncvm The memory of nose hnppy day who wage Igamhey ï¬eld who spent some yearslntha lcummunny at East Mono wm be Inlcnvdewed on his work In farm Ircns by Keith Russell of the CBC farm depammcnt Ustencra leI hear his Vlcws on the app cnflon of christian Stewardship to farming canny1m Ever remEmbcrnd by hushind nnu Iumlly and grandson Wesley Enlrlgylng mrmn pf Mrs Jahn Muir who passed Jan 12 1931 We know lhsl 5th happy In our Snvlours home ubuve Growing alter she llnzers the sunshlgm of His Juveï¬ ILavlngly rcéfcFnSFrea by daughter Ella and tnmny of Wall acehurg John Mun4 who passed away Jan 12 1951 Take her In Thim nrms dem Lord And ever In hcr be muscnzcr at love Bengch our hearts 5nd Thye or the 1055 of me we loved in we And whllc he sleep pencelul slew HI memorywo shal nlwuy keep Ever HuhInhaled by Phyllis Ar Ind children 5ndli missed by anuzhlcr mute sonlnlnw Kenneth and nmndmn Gary Thr mums nbsnrhcd nu ma lmunclnu Irvm Nowmnrkcl and than look 03 lulback 1mm Smullvlllc Clippers non Dutch Grnhnm Clnrc Pnyne nnd Scolly mm did lhl Imrlnx or the Pontiac axnlnsl NrwmnrkcL Dnnny MacDonald Lloyd lcllr Inll and Dutch Graham mum nunan Ihn Cllmmu William élcary who passed away Jan 11 1949 Her wearyhours and nluhls of pain Her trnublcd night are passed And ln bur aching hem we know Shchns found gwect rcsrnrlul Loving Incmnri Mrs LovIngl xcmembcvd by son Waller Ma and Iumlly NIXONIn lovlnz memory at dcnr tuner and grandialhcr WHHIm mm who passcd away Jan mug TH Jcpm Péntiacs Absorb Two Trouncings Orlllln Pumian usacd two suc cculvc dctcnu last week and are dangerously close to losing lhclr lintplace poslllun lhc Mulro polmn Icnlar race ï¬arrieiclgrgyman on Fgrijroadcast CBC NbonJan 18 Rev Allin Read rector Trim Hy Axrwcun church Barrie will he was mg 080 noonhour mm Imndcasl for Ontario and Quebec Inf Tuesdny Jam 113 ML IN MEMORIAM IIIHIIZHT IlllCllfl IM IUIl MITHLEI CONTAINING HIM AN PLATINUM MIITALH BEVauJAN mean Sorrow we cannot loving memory at and mnlhur Mu Clpgï¬y who passed JEWELLERS ï¬lAMoï¬n muomm nwa Workfloï¬Public Helalthleurses Outlined 16 CARSONWAHD ML and Mn Ward announce me marriage of their daughter Shhlny Anna lo Dunald Carson son Mn and Mrs 011W Canon Minc slng OnL on Dec 21 19541n Trlnlly Angllcun Church val Blshops Stanford Hartford ahlrc England BROOKSAt the Rom Vlclorln Hospllal Bum on Saturday Jan 1955 Edna Lillan Kclr bclovcd wile ol Wllllum Jl Brookx dcnr mclhor ol Allruu and Howard Shanty Bay loved daughter Mrs Jane Kerr and nlsler Wcslcy ln her son yuar Rcsllng nl lhr Jcnnclt Funeral Hume Enrrlu Funeral scrvlcc nl 5L Thomas Anallcan Church Shallly my on Tucxday llln ll pm lnlcrmcnl adjulnlnz ccmclcry Cusch wlll be open ln chuvgll from pm unlll llmc wt vlce BYRNESM hls homo Concus llnn Vcwm on Saturday Jam m5 Jnmcs Juscph Hymns ln hln Gdlh car beloved hus band Rat cl Swllzcr Rush In at the Lloyd and slccklcy Funcrnl llomc Barrlc Funeral on Tuesday Jan ll prucccdlnu In St Mnryl Church for re qulem mass at mm lnlcrmcnl bl MM Ccmnlcry FERfllERM Mrs McMHlnns Nursing llomel nnrrlu on Sul Jan ll 1035 Jn rxich rlcr Thumlon helnvcd hun llano Jenna Graham dwr lnlhcr ul Cecil Cullln wood and lgvud xrnndlulllur or lurlon Fun llnrllc his 01nd icnr nasllna nl lhc Jnllnml unLrnl Home Barrie Funeral nrvlcc llonuny Jam 10 Ill pm lnlcrnlcnl Thornlun Cum clrry WAyLmrsjslmdlnly ul Em AYERSA the Royal Vlclurln Has Hal Barrie on Jan 1955 and Mrs Albcn Ayns Stayner daughter GRANTAt the Royal Vlcturln Hospital Barrie an Jan 1955 to Mr and Mrs James Grant Angus duugher HAUGHAl lhu Royal Viclarin Hospital Ban1e on Jan 1955 In FS and Mrs Dun Hnugh RCAF mien Edgar naugh let Deborah Frances HUBBERTAI the Royal Vï¬ctorla Hospital Barrie on Jan 1955 In Mr and Mrs Donald Hubhcrl RR Angus son Donald an MASON7A1 the now View MASONAl hc Royal Victoria Ho Ital Barrie on Jun 1955 and Mrs lvnn MasonY Baldwin Lane sun NOEHFtl n1 Royal ch Mgctlï¬g closed with singing of ch Save lhq Queenl Lunch was served at the clamp the meeting Hullyard Inlroduced the weaker Mrs Suml Mrs Sus sel Is publlc health nursg with U1 Slmcoe County Health Unll She gave very interesting talk on all work done by mhe publlc health nurses discussion per lod lollowtd Walden Mrs Clara Rubin wnopened the meeting with the slnzlnz Canada allowed by the Lnrds Prayer erealed 1n unlson Allmumbcr repealed the Home and School creed Th nï¬nulc way road and adnpted The fetulnr meeting the Crawlurd Home and School soclalion wax held on Wednesday Il chhnld lyrwhlu llll 74m your dear hulband ul Mnmnrrl Cullon llcfllllg nl hll lull hnmc unlll Tuesday 0er lo Elxnvnlu lrubylnlnn Church where lunurnl nuvlcc wlll he llthl ll pm Cnlkcl will be up In church from In pm unlll Inc Invite lnlmncnl Elmvnlo Cemetery Yaw old and dhcmdud lowIluy Commllllnu Iavluun Ilmo cl clullov Ina up your mama druwm and rubbing you flu appmlunlly to mull uudy eullu Bring II In or upml uppiullul ï¬ï¬ifl BORN DIED Tcronro Church SiSetting Foï¬ Pretty Wedding T3 recech guns nl lhu rc vmpuonY thulbrldcs mother were clnnnmun bmwn crcpc dress with cursnnc 01 yellow roses and bronze mums Les Scar wns solnlst and John Slgzwmk organist The couple guest at the Royal York Holel thure travell lng lo he Unilcd smus They will reside In Tumnln on thelr return Christmas Day nm was memor able because im the first time the great radio public heard It direnthraadenst by King George This was the urealion on which was inaugurated the Kings Christmas broadcast to his mo pies To the universal delight the King proved natural brcaucus tcr He had the voiee the unmis lnkeubie uincuxity and the simple thoughls that make the perieet fireside talk His son Genrge V1 carrying on the Royal tradition made his first Christmas broadcast in 1037 and Quecn Eiizabnih ioii owed her revered nther when she spake to all her pcnpies for ihe hut time on Christmas Day 1952 Miss Do Waus only nunndnm wearing gunmem pink nrysmlenu and matching cap and carrying nnsaqay of pink and blue roses accented by slcph anolls Waller Barron brulhcr the groom was nroumsmnn Robert Wallsv nephew the groom was usher GKven in manInga by hcx father the bride chase twinkle blue cryslnlelte guwn wllh sweet hcarl neckline and full crhlulincd 5km maturing lrldcsccn anuln nnd crystal hcumnz manning julm cap helu her nngcrtlp veil She were necklace nX hurls nnd clrrings to much gm the groom and narrch Innshaped bouquct at American 12¢th uses Sluphannlll Apreny wedding tuck place In Metropolitan unlmd Ohmchan romo with Rev Mr Brlshin om mung when marlau vow wen exchanged between MissAudrcy Evelyn Baldwin daughter 01 ML and Mr JnmnsWllHam Enldwin and Earl Albcrl Barnum 13min mu the lnta Mr and Mrs John Barron CHILDRENS and MISSES SHOES FIRST mun CAST 200 PAIRS HURRY FOR THIS SALE or SALES Mrs Dobson New Presidenf Burton Ave WA um tczular meclinfl 01 the Womens Association 01 Human AvenueUnilcd Church on Jan Mrs Pugh nsballnd the 0t ricer or the yér 1355 The meeting opened wnh he singing at Hymn 493 scriplure Salomon Isl Oarlnlhlan chaD er verses 110 was read by Mrs Pugh who Hun gave readan cnmled Nobility Servica Juicers insiaiieu were Pasi president Mrs Goring Pros ident Mrs Dobson lst vide preridcni Mrs Rentncr 2nd vicepresident Mrs Binge iinimclal secremry Mrs Ali sopP ramming secroilry4 Mrs Lowe currespondini secret Mrs Faster treasurer Mrs Siecle pianisl Mrs Speurn assisting pianist Mrs Curing cards Mrs Liliie flowers Mu Furlccoli parsonage commu IEE Mrs chlner Mrs WII sun and Mrs EV Hogan properly commiiluc Mn cough Mu Edward Carr Fred Fltzaimmins John Warman Tofn Fltzslmmlns Helen Flemm mins Mrs Dorothy Fltzslmmlns Hmy Holdcroft Lydu Benmlshl Amy Kel MLss PartridgeMrS thn Webster Mrs Hazel ï¬lmps Monk Strap Double Shims illllc Tlcs blnck pnflcngs lcnlllira In brawn ml blue nll unluch In Ill womlcrlul sclcctlon valucsl Size lo 12 wlullhs lICllE Not nll ï¬les In oncllnc but All ï¬lm In hc group CLAIPIJITON STREET JUST 11 FROM TAMIILYNS CORNER PEARSONS REGULAR 598 lo 898 hull IIIIIII Illll Vrdtlr rlnmm ham Mun bllrk In brown MI IO wlllllvl AAAf Not III III In mm IIM hul Illl Ill llm our REGULAR 495 lo 795 500 PAIRS St Pauls InnisfilChoirIChrisfmas 51951 WOMENS QUALITY SHOES SHOES It was necï¬dtd durlnl lhcnusc mess meeting hold 51an Fair on Aprll 20 The meillnz closed with social hour 8mg Mrs Wnllwln and Mrs Henderson Mrs Dobsvn gave an maxasking rendlng nsc of Vamps You know its good Holdcron Patrlcmï¬owe Mré laminar M11 ton Fltzslmmins Joe Rowe Dick RawhEl me Studden Jackie Nesbm Rev Lionel Rowe Absent Cmg Hunter and wlï¬slgn Rowe Whilewehf sale NOWON Gumr ANNUAL WALKER STIIRES LXMITED