Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1955, p. 5

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Eimé Women jqup Hepvy Hints Give Hubbies Hammers fbr Christmas II stems Canadian women want heir husbands to work And we firm mean ms at me mice We mfln at hnmn 0n thyprctcxt UK providing hubby Willi hobby they landed hls Christmas slack mg Wilh such goodies as ma kits power saws and the like men slarlcd maklgg pointed remarks nbnul garden umuum rumpus rqom and book ends which seems the In nocent male has lakcn houk line and slnkcr Hypnulxlcd by the spell of doilymxrselt publicity he grabbed the 1015 piecemeal and made for lhu bascmnnl which according 16 the Canndlan Institute Plumbing and HM is the bus place In the world or mm with the urge create Seems Xuglcnl Aflcr if man really wants hi his thumb wllh hammer ruin pnrfcctly uoud mm solid mahogany with power mm or cum to his hoarls wnhnl where bctlcr than under umund nm ho way lo r05 of In IItu llfld wim no place to an mu up Of tours is liable Ln Ind that he first doHynurscll Job 15 pnuinu amid basement mm shape before he ran oven slarl nn mung up his own workshup Lols me the average Canadian 111601110 looks like something loll mm mm led wim piles Ly debris here and there odd places derelict urnllurc lymg abnul and perhaps even slmnd or IW0 harbrd wire to lend almo sphurc Naturally nl lliL has to be BILurn away beluru npcrnllnns an the Immunm proper mn bu gln Dependable Elecuicul Work Fox Shop 54 Sophia SI Res 193 Hayfield St flesldcnllnl and lnduxlrlnl Wiring nepnlr Work lehllng letures 1N OIL BURNERS SALES SERVICE PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CONTflflfiTflflS AUTHORIZED Sale call Then OI coulsc here is he pmblnm at um Inilhfu 01d sur vanl the Iurnacc Its been faith ful all right but it 15 ccrlainly no hing ol beauty Lnd he room it lakes up Ivgelhcr with Ms ucl bln and ash honp can be put in much thcr use To cap it all is probably mum up much mo much fuel for the amount heal lhe Iamily is getting out oIiL So perhaps the second slap in rchabllilafing he basement should be rLplace Ms Old relic with really mudcrn herding plant Tllcsc new bcaulios compact in size and auramive in appearance can either be luckrd away cunvcniently inlu ccrncr or arranged as pm at Lhn furniture or the basement But the 1mm that will apnea mos to he ardum doilyoursclf eras lhnl lhvy require 50 mm servicing um he will ind himscll spending less nmc shunHing can and siIlmgvashcs and more mm duingIhmsclt in his own Workshrfi And dont mum lhal hell waM um workshop kept warm um Job um Ihu nLw hail ing plum can dc with ease Lels nol yvcrluok the Inc lhal me new mung plan is going ulvc more heal lor lfix mancy lhmukflmul lhD cnlirc house And th is impurlanl loo because with ml those new Hols at his command man is mumr ur luwr gong 10 be thinking In Lrms rqlnedulllng and rcdncnraling upstairs When he does he win want In rcplace nutdated healing unit with modern 0771s hutwfll it in mm lhc decor the mums And do m1 surcrsslully It will he nncussary have In cflicicnl healing plnnl provide ndcqunlc qunnflllLs nt warm alr or hot wa lflr ln lhusc new unlls nm the basement to coursu the first job for lhn mw dcH yoursnu an and with Lhu pre llmlnnrlrs pmpcrly InkLn urn he can provide In what was once nlmusl Iselnss mate nal nnxy wnrmnp my himscll but perhaps umpus mum my lhc hmfly labnrsaving lnundry or his win Dr hobby and gnmls romn fur hc ynungsms Now Basement Unit Will Prevent Floods new lmscmcnl Hoodcunlrnl yallm was shuwn for Hip erl llmr Ill the Hrcnl aniuunl Ilumlr Inn and Ilmllnlz Exmsillnu ln CHINA ht Plum nu Inul Hrnlmu 1lnlu1ln Hur mrLK Tm 11va mm rlvclrlrnlly mn lrnllul nnd tu mllmnulll wmn Human wnwr mm in luck up ln HH Immm lhrnuuh um du mu lhv Irvin nulmmmmny chm the umxc mm lruln lu mml mm 01 mm1 mm and mm mm walrr mm hr min wwm Ilnwnzuxnnl unm mum on And by Hu waywhen we spoke dullynurscll as 11 mm houscwllrly rickrry we won only klddlnn Its really lvrrlllc Inn and prrhlm lhl urvulcsl nnlhllflo 20m unhlry mer Hum ls llw wxllvr dlwhnvurd mum wmmo lulu mp diurnal mm or mu mwrr llw In may mmk Inln um buumnlu Innr ur in my Iu In In um numan ll hmva nml mum with wnllr Hqu mvrr win Duo PialiiSts 1n Second Concerf Monday lanll7 fme lad that these two brlmant young pianists am idcnllcilxwhu has when been cited by crlllus as an explanaflun the unusual un kly their perIormances one revlcwcr manna1t 1th1 work is blend of playing that makes the We inhuumems seem lane whfle nthgrihnvc commenth on thnlr nlmast psychic accord and Lhclr uncanny coonnrallon In golfing unified alien in musnc Imagery Contlnufi from pus one pianos The win that had the tonic at he opening he contort may not be the twin whb has it hallway through Ernest and Miles Mnunny were barn in Km Mduntaln North Carolina and began studying he piano at very early age with their mother wnne 1n my when they worked for several summer sessions at the Junllard School of Musk in New York un der Arthur Newslwd They had entered the Oberlln Univuslly 01 Ariml 0th when the Army llcd lhcm or nearly lhrec year of warume smice Durlng lhi time may appeared as duoplnno soluisu ul many War Bond rallles Wilh Lhu Army Band and on can ms throughout the century Mlcr release mm the Icrvlcc rhe Mauncys returned go Oberllnf thr they were graduated with lcgrces ln music ln 1M1 They vcrc nlso chosen rum very large lass as members nlflle natlnnal anarary Iralernlly Phl Kappa hmhdn Alter graduutlnn lhzy wenl to New York 10 sludy prl mlcly with Mme csubelleVcngeh JVfl rcnownnd on or and member the acully at the Cuhlls In dilute of Music In Phlladelphln When lhe young nrtlsts made an Ippnarance on the popular lelc Iislon show Chance imc lhuy scored the hlghest rul ng on the applause meter to do cat all other conlcsunu nnd walk wllh he llrsl prize21000 ln The money qulle lllcrnlly hcm rulllng on lhe road or lhcy lnvcslcd In van ln whlch hey now carry their awn Stclnway grands lhelr con 2m angngcmcnm on tour For Ihl pas sever1 seasons he Maunny lwlns have been wurlm wllh mounllng prcsugc and suc cuss They appeared as mlnlsu with orchestra andln recllnl In On math an Wlln orcncma mm suulll and can and In Canada By mcclal luvimunn they played or the annual canvcnllan of D1 anlonnl Fodcmllun of Musk Clubs and before mvcral thous nnd 01 delegates tram all over ll orld the lnlcrnalloml conven han ul Klwnnls Clubs nl Mlnml Amnng lhclr orchestral nppcnr nncus have been cmalcmcnu the Brevard Muslc chllvnl andl wllh the Rachcslcr Clvlc Orchcxl In and he Charlotlc Symphony Lnxl scascn lhc nrllsts lllled sold11m schedule more than 601 km rm rngagnmrn ranging mm East urn Cannda the Deep South Thclr cumnt acasan opened nu pldmuly with an Ippcnnmce 4L rlmmlnnl Sum plllululy vu snlnlsls Wm Cleveland Sum mrr Omhcslra and II hmvlly bonk cll mm was to coast Ernest and Mlle Muunty nrv slucklly hlllll young man now In lhllr lal lwntlcs one wnllld expect In Soulhcmcrl they are snllmoktn and lull of rlendllncss and good humor Dom an mur llcd and to compound ma non luslnn both ol lholr wlvu nre cull cll Dl nllhouuh Erncfll ch named Duds MHz3 wllc Dob nllly Ithlps wallknown con crrl vlllllvllit The Emu Mull yfl hhvc lwu rhfldrcn buy OI In MM and nlrl Jump and Mllr Mnunm in me pannu ol mrl lllyllll Ann born Nnv I7 1051 llmh Erna nnll Mlll rmclvnl wllrll All Ule LlllUll Illrlr mull ltccll children dur lllll lht llllcrllllulnn lll ClmCBr wllllc they were on qur On mu mmlon Illcy ululd lml hrlp lml lrl ulc nudlrncc In on he mud new null by way nl rlchrnuml they Mldod In llxlpmmllllr nulnllu lulu lroflrnlll Ikbluyl Full wl mnmm Mr and Mn 11mm rum and clmdmu prmnvlm and Mr Ind Mu blml Cum IINI Inm Ily llllhlllNI IF NW lelr WIUI Nulr pllenu Mr ml Ma qumrm mu uqu Tm mlnr puulh me put school Hound In In hulldly Irnul muffin The Imam no xnvmul my INy plume ma mnlrly the mm mm or Hwy ml uulckly puvh un two vlllwl wrnm when my mm In play Nlllmhll Amnhrr clurr future In mug and lundlvm uiullarm lo ndlllnlr lomlllm lhelr llulrmMMl Inln the van when they Ire rrndy In lcnvr uu mncvm lnur Mm mum mu nunhlnx lhe puno up Hm mmn lhmulvn lhu luv mrw dluvwrrvl In Hwy hm In In hum nne ml at M90 pllnu Un nLhr Nu lu mi my mull lvmmmem nnlu lhe ylnlhlml wllh HI IUIUIIIDI invn lul ut bnnulna um pllnwl Mmllul my han ll fly rm uun we may uml lrur nu mm lhn Maunoy lwlul mm mks llxelr hum m1 Ana Ialnml clmn rlmuuh unwnmmu In pmc IIClnfl In Nmuxhvnvnll In Ivuid cmuplm cuulmlulL 1n Mu muc mm Hrncfll hum um mm in mm mu mm In mum LEFROY lleresan Idea nr Linkan and mlxln annular that lakes advan uxe nl ovary Inch of spice III kluhzn Barney Unln Lny Susan bombun llonlhls compactfir plywood cor ner counter can be bull It home by my hmdymnn onmred lo tackle ublne or It on be readily bulll nr you yn wrpenler Na only does ll use all valu able space ln the corner but lt brlnn baking lngredlcnu rcndlly in hand when needed ldcally shunned he cuuntnr ls placed in between= mange and relrlgeralor which are on adjolnlng walls Details vine rotatlng Lazy Susan shelvumrc lndlcnmd and both the necessary hardware and Ir plywood are rcadlly avalloblc Dlmcnslons 01 the unit are ad justed to the corner and are made 50 that Ihc unshclvcd sccllon ex KitchendekingMixihg qufinjfer Features Plywood LdzySgsqnli Womens MLulnnary Society January WMS mlcmlx was hull at Mrl Emtsl Knccshnws with 22 member and Vishnu presenl The meeting opcncd by sinxlnz Hymn 51L ailcr which he Lurdl Pnlynr wu unrated In unlsmL vnnH call was nnszrcd by pay mom DI cos Mlnulb the 1M mcellng wue read and butimu dluuxstd Chriytlan Slewnrdshlp WM rtlld by M11 Erncsl Knoc shaw Mrs Gordon Kncmhuw wad nn nrllclc on lhc work Mlu UIlIrg mlsslonnry or prayer or the mining ycnr The column In nave nplnmlldnpun fur nu pm ycnr 1m Scrxmurc rcnuinux were lnkcn by Mrs Humble Mn Man Knowhnw Mn Lloyd Knncshnw and Mn Hvrrnll Knee xluwv Tht Iludy huuk Ll ulvcn by Mm Jom shnw Mn Gmion Knecshnw mu Mmr mm II farm mlnhlrr Newtombc WM Ix nnw mmlon ury 1n Trlnlllml The mNllnx 110 Ed by Ilnulnl Hymn 311 all whlrll llcv II Sandorx lml In pmyor Thr mm mur Wm mm mm me In cum an Hum The Sunday Srhml hr Unli ld Chulkh hold lhvlr mlnlml chll dlmn um pannut mm 1m Thundny uvrnlnu In lw chunk th Wllh llln Influx Mlllvlnn In lhll nrw hmmnl um Hu cum mum In chnrun wen Imnl mu urinle lnr IL Idler he Himcl candy null and uranlns wrn en lo me mumm mm Im new ytm um munw wfll have mun mumHun 1mm cmmh Intlube who luv1 rm thilllrrn mm In Um iahlnlh lkhml Mrn hva mu HM Emu mmpuninl Mr Mu lllrk In Illmlllrm nn MunJay mute In 5mm NV vlnll mm nmn Kuhn luly In who at Icy nmk gum mm muuuduue Ind plly lumed unl Thurslny wen ln Inlay mmme NM the played Mml mm mu yum haw lullh mm Hahn wing Hm olruliun helm mm In In cummunlly hall Mr Ind lhu Hay Maan and flhlmn ul Drnllmm Mlchlgnn wllh 0w lonnnl hmlhnr Mflqnlh dunm HIP hulldlyp Mr nml ML lth fuIIIHy wrM lhr wrr cyvhr wllh Mr nml Mm EBENEZER UTOPIA Im Mu mm wrrkrml nl unl Mm WHIlmn aciiy tinge at 12 opening and ncisns door when swung into place Big advantage the ra tating shelves is that all baking maicrinis can be stored on them and quickly swung to the iron Whém needed ii up only suves spggo but mnily slcps as HinIs for SaWing Fir Plywodd Panels Here are few hlan ur my mm plywood on loll yuurscn pchcLL Cm plywood panel on wild plalmrm talker lhnn belwcnn lwc suwhnnc Held on mm but It vent0r cnh mmorhcr fnthr MU less chnnrc lplmlcrlnu he ven For hnndmw work panel are best cul turn up wllh the angle be tween sawcum and paml mr 1m xu Ila yusslhlm To prcvcnl back npUnLcrlnz mm It mm mm mp wood under Hu hold um panel dawn Hnnly and CM lhrfluxh both an wxnp and um Nywoad Fér Bamoom Wollr Carml Ila ll Mu mod mm ballroom other unnuth mmmh um1 Durkwunh Annulz Ion hind will Ix mm to Mn John Mu 11m mnmllloe IN um wu Id nu nt Ihe paw lean mg Flllill by um Tun Full ulw pIywxl panel Ire mull rullly hnudlod an table II luulon lunl run he qulckly mu gnllmr unlnu mnol lvhu rur mu mer Inwlun km the plywml mmI Mu up mn hlnnUnn hlmln MM with In ln mnmul hunk ll lynl 501 ha blade In wnlmde mum man Inch Ilnmmh mm Inn rm mrw chrular MW 10 lnthu or mum ummnlly flvu Iml mulu Fur mud puva nwlnfl pinto wan Inc day in bhde Imuidmninfdu moni than ml mm mm cmutul hund mw ulnmnlly gives mmuu ru Hill nhnrp Inc14mm cnplnn mw mu llrvu muny Tlll Inul lvlrkmflIwlmde In mwrr sawmu lu hnvc limp kitchen cnblnets bum Prescmlng cozy hmncllkc cxlorlur appearance The Far Hills has mmyvlmcrior The munchch garage and the wing can taining the kitchen are so back from the main house In zlvc an interesting vnrlnllan lo the straight nrdlllcclural ans The Far HHIL Added Interest can be given lo the exterior of this auralqu home by using veniml ships at stalncd wood as In the lusterun scroilm wood canopy enact can he used zuad udvanlnle over the from noon The generous nrrmunl of Mn dows throughout rho Far Hllls nlvcs the house nn even more spacious appearance Plan bulh the sllc nl the houscnnd the ln lcrlur dccmauon of the llving room with the pldurc window ever ln mind And of course landmpe 1m groundI maul lllecllvclv bring nm flu hm hm lure of your house Measurcmcnls nl lhu maln house archT 39 Cuban the house ls 29200 CLl cubagc the up age 3500 feel Donrl bulld The Far Hills 100 near to 1m street nr madwuy This lype oI housu wlll look equally ul home In lhu clly suburbs at country Theres plcmy slotping space In The Far Hills because fig youll nollco In the accompanying plan theres den or bedroom In addition lo the we spapious well vcnlllalcd bedrooms he run win of the hnuscv épacu wnvcn lgnuyllocalcd Ind Snclud 0d xizcd 1mm claim and Sm Jose Urge FivoRoliscant Materials In Cellar the colUnx rspcdnlly vul ncrnmc ll shouid be ol plniltr gypsum board or other nrercslnl nnl mnlcrlal Even In an unflnA shed bunncnl the ceillnl above the hullan unll Ihuuld have lhll prmocdon Since mnsl home in sun in the basemenl Irehaunt Inr the whole house my he reduced by In corpnmuna Hrcvrulsmm manrial nlhc bunnan In pamumnlnu the hunan annl mm lhe roll Hnllhcd hnmnnl only nmrmimnl ml lurinh nhflukl be Imd Thaw roll no more than mmbustlble malar lnllmulwlllprevm flrc amulan Ilhollld the furnace dulth Mm ur htmmc uvuhmud Hatnun llnmcl rmh up mu well wuh Huhlnlnu me mm door or nlh Wan door clad wuh mblnl m1 mulp wnn mn clmlnu devlcn wlll nnl be lcfl own lnmlvrnrnlly xhnuld he pmvldrd an out of Ike nlnlr wny rFEATURE HOMElOF THEWEEK 134M XAMINEIyMOXilDAY JANUARY 10 19555 in addition to lhme regular doLhcs clash You will probably find zhc general purpose closet open In on in central hallway Io he righ the bath exln usctul you have it lined with cedar Balh mgulnr bathroom and lavatory are Included In thls plan The lamr ls canvcnlcnlly near the kllchcn dlnlng room and MV my room while he balhroom more centrally located or the bed No space ls allotted tor the laundry In lhe regular floor plan or The Far Hllls Hence your laundry equlpmcnl should be slallcd under the ldtchcn In the basement or the house Be sum to provldc bulkheads or easy cesslo me yard as well as or am satcly The healing glam should he placed under the llvlng mam BLUEPRINTS AVAILABLE Complaze plans and specific tions or hls hens and all ather Home of the Week designs nrn available In moderate con For plan prints write to the Home Bulldinl Editor Darrin EX umlncr C12 and enclose sou ad dressed 5c damped envelope Allow 10 days tar reply HOMELY HUMR Btf bemd 3W The owner has lcl ll run Iluwn ll 1al uu law dallnrl will pm It In Hp up mum DRIVE OUT TOWN F0 QIJICKHII HEIIVICII or PHONE COLL Ul HTllll wilfl In In damnl nnnhhln Jo uln our ample out antim Mnul luulpmen Inn llm nun Um mu bum ml hum nvnuh Ill N0 WWI In ample Inunulluu DENIS SHEARD LIMITED CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT Mllcs South of mule on lllgllwny N9 11 PAINSWICK 0mm Mnyba yau ell or blrllll house IIIII nmis name Illflfl re Ill Anyhow yuu can uvo money on Iha ml lulll tor home vepllrl nl our IAlmwlrl prem lItI

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