qrrie Metal Salvage DEALms CRAP IRON METALS FURS uDEs mos BATTERIES vv ANDSYCOMPANY and Ofï¬ce 204 Twin St 3151 SALESMAN wanted or Skngcr lnglMachincs Salary and com Inn week vacation with ma hos unllzaunn and pension lpnj Sugar Sewing Muchlncs 220wcn Sl Phone 4305 1149 ARE YOU lllllflcd with WI chick nI you have IJvnn ll yuu nru on canl Hum In mlu whnl Linc uflvr Muny mm Mu mul lur many birds bul fly are backul by he pron of shy puulhyuwn Slmcuu coun Iy whu hnvu lrflcd lly LIICI Ixnlnh many mhcr hrrrdl llld llllllll nl chlckan nvcle mu were no jun uvunm bul nclunl roman mun mm mm hlcllml llvnhllny olc you can ll move llln dlfIcrtnrn III fly HM wlll mukc nn yuur arm you mu cuvmd by our wrmcn zlmrnnlor nl lml um prr mm mum Hum the Mn run Wnuld llkt In nzfllnll you nu lml In umluun In llll no llmk nflnlml ho HIM can Ive ynu lhl local llrlnrrl who hnvl Fm hlrllwr lnlumlnllon Mul rulurrd HIRI nuu mm mummy Ilmmry Imclnna HI Hunk ur plumr 1M Atler HOUSEKEEPER or 1m 01 Sleep ln out Phone 059 or no Hm mum worï¬ax ln look am smnll children Ayï¬ly Mrs guilawa Burton Ave cnl 139191113 ALTERATION Hgnd may 25 50 Must be lntolhxcm and under liand mung Full or pun time good wnges Apply Bux Banla Exgamln 135 ruck call Highest paid Spec price pald red Hymn Emir Snyner DMZ9H ED Holslnln Heller and vncclnnlcd fresh with mm ISO Grade Holstein Co your old ringing II Angus one 3315 mums RAdS BATTERIES mmms LIVE POLTRY REGISTERED 1191mm Sprlnw uni grade 0lean One mllk and xprlnucrs also grade en due Jun 111 Ind 0wan la luck at alnble nccommndnllon 1m necessary In mm our hard by ur ma Arply In hlppcll Crown 1M Ihonc nsm 91mm 945 ck nnd Jwoy mm We nu nw nflrrlnu Duknlb cmm up mm llvabllfly waducllun and muucy muklnu Sumo alancd mum nvnllnbll Cull mum Xuullry lnmL Slmud pm an me flu or pprovnd In llnrxud lluckl llnmp Efrem Hull and norm Dur BulL miles was New Scheme gee ZHELP WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Po RE unarmccmnny 101 Ml l0 Maple Ave Phunqnflf Emil mu1h€rless children Iy Reicrrncua Eux 63v Examiner ard ccnlrally loca preferred Phuns in Hrmlllne lnr Copy530 mu wrnk dly prectdlnl luuo Ammm MAV TELEPHONE T0 orncz mom 1m COMING EVE EFWANEED 1000 arm Box 03 4c word minimum 80 Following connicullvo insertion tic word minimum one CASH um 3c word miniinum 60c Following canmuuvc Inmllons 2c warn mlnlmum 40c mm nr mm mm ommn 10 NUMIIENH or rcpllefdlrlelcd lo Ill Emu 250 extra GE or months to store whllc nwner abroad 13mm smons WANTED anl position as house lcrlatnkeml muggy RATES FOR HDLET COLUMNS RO¢M BOARD urnuurc iypcwritcr cdinlc use will rent Cal Mr Law555 CHICKS PflSHKOFF on ï¬rst mortgage gunan sn NOTICEH do word mlnlmum 00 MM lnaerllom no word mlnlmum 75c 10mm ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬lmum mo or mum IN Arrï¬mmon Nut nomznmonunsuiou 526 MONDAYANUARY10 1955 LPkoranw FOR RENT mom 29m HOUSEHOLD Furniture Mus be sold immediately Apply 22A Mary 51 phong 500 74 Life is lot easier with these Home Aids mLmn QUEEN HEALTH um ammo noon Pomsmm 0mm SEWING MACHINE 11 you would like demonsmunns or further details call DEWALT Saw and extras Phone zawancr apmn 74 ADDING Machine nd Typewrit ers Sales rentals repalm Slmcoe Business Mammes 66 Taronlo SL phone 4824 7133 50 TV ANTENNA boosters Tum control practically new Reasonable Phone 5427 99 Eur on Ave 746 1m Arc welding taught flag or flight Andrndu and ans gfmnq 10114 Swami RR LINCOLN Weldcaier new used welders gleclljodeq acpesson iruud DRY Body Hardwood hardwood slabs and whwood slabs sawed my length and delivered Dennis Moran ohone 1901 6118 TOPS and remaining mm making or cheap wand and some posts you would do well to can Iac Ed Slnrr phone 32 Org WILL PAY Highest Prices FOR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES Lluu plld €11an will Inda 210 Bradford SI To celebrate the completion of our first year of business in Barrie we are altering the following specials this week the full price pny one of 1m following ï¬ve curs TOP VALUES 38 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 37 men SEDAN 37 CHRYSLER COUPE 30 CHEVROLET SEDAN 41 STUDEEAKER SEDAN HZ Chcv Club Coupe 18 Bulckanpcda dour Fully aqulppcd with brand new molnr 50 Mclmr Conv AD Mclnur Conch Ktu mulppcd Hymath Sedan Mck Sldnn ll Cadlllnc Srdlm hm Chnv Conch CROSSTOWN MOTORS 25 Ram Rd TOW Truck wllh mwrr wlnch Ind hlml wntlL Illan 5509 79 H155 MITTEOH lluur Itlnm Alr wndlllonrd mm Innu flnllh nllmr mxlrnl Uml vury Hula Nuw rnr rnndlllnn lrlvue ply Vrlurn HI WCIIA DENNIS MORAN WOOD FOR SALE GRAVEL FILL AND TOP 5an TRACTOR LOADING mmmwmi ALLANDALE MOTOR SALES paoma HONEST JOE Sepllc Tupi mmpgd AUTOMOBILES ROY TRACY B7 Maple Avenue FOR SA 54900 Phone Phone 5430 151310 3482 7u5in 3135ng HHJs 410M Accommodqï¬on Wanted ï¬lifébedï¬Ã©nu rhé 11v room has lovely slum flr 995 535 and kitchen with 1mm 98 Bnyflemm Ph 529 only Phune ms evenings MondayFriday Salurdny HO0MSheaed vacant No children Absmlners YDUR Janna days 7301 evcmngs WW wrltlng desk Therenre very nlce buntm china cablnatsln the dlnv ma room The price or this very ntrncuve wen hum home cum pele wflh alarm windows Ind screens and 1311 landscapeu la 15 Only 2900 wllh $409 down Can us to Inspect lhlspro pFXIy this week ED 515 IF YOIP ARE THINKING or BUYING on SELLING HOME 1L BE PL T0 SCUSS 0U PARTICULAR PROBLEM WITH YOU THERE IS NO 03 LIGATION OF COURSE WE RAVE FREE PARKING AREA THE REAR OF OUR OFFICE JGORDON STOUTT LTD Real Estnte Brokers Aumn 8am Ulkvule Mas Waiting In leave ion as soon as weseli lhelr trim and Iidy house Let us show ynu this nnieworlhy four bedroom home with many line Ienlurcs Paily madernilpd older type brick house wiih inmiif siz cd dinin room znnd inrge iich en cums etely remodeled dawn to new nk cabinets and floor cav ering There lull high dry lmpra hascmmli ilh nÂ¥ unit the grounds are nicely lamb scnpcd with concrete driveway and good garrï¬c We could go an new describing home for some time but why nnl call and arrange lo Inspect it yourself Iin well locnicd on Vlcinrin Street priced at my $12500 with good terms Clappcrlon s¢ NEW Dun allow 20 Caroline 5L All convcn enuu Low down ny man Easy terms Phone 863 uouss 31000 downbuy ncM Iuxly mag room bpqlnlgvy IN VILLAGE Anlul new room collnuc hardwood floor in llvlnï¬ room and bedroom loco balk lot 50 230 Price 700 Torml Apply Ed Holland Anlus 1035 20 mo place bnlh4 hamwuod Hour In bodmom and Hle mum lllo lrl kllchun MM bnlhmnm Thomuuhlylmuln RLl Modern 011 wall lurnarn 100 unllan lllnk uulnmnllc Cnnlml Ihm wlrc mvlcc Tcrml aman ml Lu 2130 Apply Ed HI and mum 1635 An nuninén ii 181 Camp Borden IN VILLAGE ol Angus close In school now room bunlnlow hardwood 100 ha and coin wnun Jnlccc bnlh Prlln $4200 mLn 50 App flollandlniï¬s NEW Home In the village DI yxus9loc rum lllghwgyi coon Mm Callie ruin In Apply mm mm nu No Hur na ur mum flfllrd nM 05 ROOM mlumlllml lplrl mrm hull Wnnlul by couple with mull cmm llctrruncu lhnnu b7 IF CONSIDERING mlrrilrn mn Iull Mmlue Wellm Bun All101g mlll nllblllllrvl WM 0V cllrnLL nth Iml pour mumd nl Indy Htmuulmu not HIM mnnn nu Ulcllnl loa Omco wmmm Iolm 73 com éulmnv lllr Illa DIW rm bITM nlJame Mu CIrlnny WWW Ml wnlcr huanJ Mn mam mum Plum Ila14 HOICE lï¬uhlln£ has ml 40c 53 PPMLML 23 Phone Barrie 4800 or 4835 150 Dunlap St San bod AND STOCK 11515111113 msmcr Member name mmm 1131 £151 Baud l645l Member Barrie Dish1c flcnl bugle Board GEORGE WRIGHT SLESSOR LACEY BUILDING TRADES 100D Comm Him 2lul all In Dnva ur gr phuvm vs MbflMIAVLM Pas Gone REAL ESTATE PERSONAL roumv Renllnr very um 31 the din 91 this very ROOMS nrlly Fe anm Kama rem meï¬Ã© 1045 Tel 5934 lFlWd $335 LIGHT Housekeepan Ron ml Phouenzm SMALL Apartment Barrie Exnmlnen ROOM newunurnsh£d 15an heated ready Jan 15 one 2043 534 Room furnished henkï¬qrf menl AdultsApply Rel or phone me 1534 bFFICES or umplu room near bus station and new Post mice at Comer SL 15461 UNFURNLSHED bgdslttlng mm and kitchen with 1mm Aduns only Phunc 2865 evenings 1545 UNFURN SHED apnrtmeht rooms he led Sorry no children Phnne 5370 1534 GU2 ROOM iuranhed npnrl ment one child welcome mm diam pqssosslon Phone 1100M apartment unfurmsh hunted downtown area Vn Jan Box 30 Barrie Exam er 15144 ATTRACTIVE Iurnlshmi bedrnom Suitable for business lady or gen tlemans Phone am lsas UNFURNISHED moms heated and sun porch Central Reasona ble rcvnl Phone 8930 evenings 1545 APARTMENT rooms and bath scllconlnlned heated on ground floor Phnno 349 atm pm 40 N0th 51 1534 CHOICE quick rnnm npnrlmcnl wllh hath adults room Ipnrl monlone chilu only 0mm Gar uucs Downtown Phnne 2128 15441 UNFURNISHED moms Private bath main floor private entrance healedY one black trom hus No objccucn buby Apply 171 Map 16 SI Phone 36 1546 5211 contained nyanmcnl all ntlng laundry mum conun uou no water lurnishc or un furnlshod Adults Innlswood hparlmnnb phone 4208 151431 WOULD llke manled couple whn wish llve In with uln 10 adults Thl la mile from lr Faxcu Station Edgar and miles from Barrie Box 70 Barrie gammy HUNTELRS can supply our to quiremcnl Muster Fen sum and Aluminum Rooï¬ng Poultry equipment and arm suppuu Phone Crniz Hunter Strand NEW nnrncllve heated nparl menl canslsun or bedroom 11v Inf mom kllc an and hathmnm luly madam Mock lrnm luwn hlll Good TV mu $75 Phone 8889 153 ADULTS schnnl nae chlld room npnrlmnnl ncnr school healed reasonable rem all convmlcnccs Dread mllk mall delivery Now nvnllnble Highway 27 one mile 50th Allnndnlc Phone 2147 or 2110 15445 GARAGE 50x1 wll urge lot being operated by large car drum gnnuu nnd scrvxrc um um In good locullnn on Nn ulghwn Snulh nuhklrls nl own Avnllnho Jun 20 pl Frank Cuwlord 2m Maman Km Or mla or phone 2700 1524 Evtry nmmlly II pm Elmvnle Cnmmunlly Snlu Arena Phone IL Whmon 101 Elm in 5mm Bllurdu Jun 15 Aucllm lulu of household turnllnm 11 Eva Phyl Prnll 135 FA Hand Enrrlc No rcmvn mule mun be scl llcd Snlc 130 run lhfllp Terms cnsh Jerry Coulhlln Auc Honccr Thu Great Yorknhlrc Shuw It Hurruunlt ankI ha 500 cxhlbl or displaying machlnvry 1n lhu lnde CHOU durlnu July Mm Included In the lhOW will Im II mm pcdlnroe dnlry culllc aimp Iuvm ply InnIlhrr wlm pnullry and heavy harm Immaunnuuuuwnug Our IN Hnrrln Owl Ada rudn lo Crude dud 1min and ii thdl hudl Gilda nder penl mm qunlrd by Flnl Cnoptrnllvn lnrkrrl ul Onlmln Harrie AUCTION SALES HIEIT YOHKHHIIII mu 00 008 CATTLE BOOB IOULTIIY Lnrgr Mnunm Smnll MARKET PRICES In JANUARY ID 1055 CHICKEN HIGH tarnished In Ave mhmr 541m 70 no SHOW Jun 15 Elena 7446 BOX 53 BARRIE worm 201 Berczy SI BACKFILLING EXCAVATING DEMOLITION 0F BUILDINGS TOP SOIL OR FLOOR COVERING Armstrong Floor Covering Linoleum ORuhher and Asphalt Tu Plnlï¬lc Will 1119 mum Suppned and Installed Free Humans WOLFENDEN Phone 5082 Are your flours shabby nem our High Speed Floor Sander Ind reï¬nish like new Reasunnblc mes All types at llour ï¬nishes available BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER Vinyl Asbestos Axphm Lino Kubber 5on letlc Wall YARD GOODS UNDERLAY YARD PLYWOOD COUNTER TOPS FLOOR SANDING CARPET SERVICE Mnlerln Supplied Inmllzfl FREE ESTIMATES WELLS DUG TILED Concrete lIle far wells culverts and storm sewers Weeping ch same TANK 1mm MADE AND INSTALLED Ah comprcuor wnrk LOWER RATES FOR WINTER WORK m1 No 19 ClappertonSL Ph 5205 OLD WELI£ RECONDITIONED TRIMMINQ HOUSES COMPLETE MIMEOURMHING AND lubllc Slrnnuruth llama Hllllncu Cull um nu munla 5L Ilnnle lhnnc 5130 LORNS Cnllunu IInnlnr Wnru wui unm llllnrdnu expnlly ruled by Edwin Wll nnn urmlunlu In Oslrupnlhlc Ind Surgical Imllnlry Wllmn Hull llll llnrrlm Illona VJ 5H CHAS THORNle Licensed Auctioneer 108 lewnh sum ORILLIA Phone collect on lumen it orders to Drum 616 bRUCE CAMERON Tum Ilrli llnmwaud Wal nm Mllmunny mny My he Irnl lu Imhur Iurlnr IN llnrmnh Slv Mldlnnd Iur varlllrnl rvpnhn Chant um romlnlml wllh nul IIm nu Frllllll mlllh flnlllL Il errnru given lhnnn Midland LOADING GRADING FLOOR SANDERS ro RENT BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING No common Np chum 3mm Buruu 1Schqe Count BanIn Oche 45Mnry SL Phune 4752 5863 Mlcr FERGUSONREID MISTCELLANEQUS We hnvc mm lnnlnllcd the most modern mollxuscn mlxcr and um mlx your own umln dnlry nnd noel feeds Get more mm and beef or In monoy Chuman and mum 10¢ hundml mlxlng be hunthod Anni Skmt Floor Service KTILE COLLECTIONS TRIM WORK MMEDIATE SERVICE STEWART Porchu Ehlnxlinl Terms flammable Concrete Prndqcls ORILLIA DIAL 2095 hauradinl 1m Orillln 5H WHITNEY SPECIALIZED BUILDER Phone 6382 CUMMING FEED MILL Fhén ms 99L 57574 5100 JinxHe Fm Foul nnuveoi Orilila Horace uni bar Jnhnsiah an Edmnnlnn inw yg since 1929has beenapnuinied is justice ntvthe Aibena Summmr Court Mr Justice Johnston 55 hasrn gistgr Lenn in Oriliia mamas suan WINTER Chris Chapman any the winwr will be short He anus In Sky mour Township near the Trent River 30 mile east 01 Pelmmrm and dqes bit hunting in his spare lime He shoLn binck bear the num dayi Chapman ciaims Jim when bear comes voui winter hibernation in January iin stead at February it is sign at short winteri LEAVES LAW PRACTICE Willlam Robinsnn QC MP lar Sian Euxl has annpunced that he has lransfemzd his lnler est in the law practice Rnbln son and Kendall Midland to Edward BKendull who will con linue on his own hehall Mr nob lnscn will reLAln nn nlï¬ce ln lhe sampsuilc yr the ponvenlence bl conslllucnls who with see hlm when he ls home from Ottawa ORILLM ASSESSOR Wflked Emwn intme To rnnlo businesman resident of Orillla the past two years wn up polMcd succech Bacon as assussor far Ormia Townmlp Cenlral ngh Schml of Commute graduate he married with two gnildron VH2 lei Toronto several ycm ago or health reasons and nilcr larmflng nmr Fctlrbnm came to 0mm when he acled as Mr Bacons assistant rm AT DANCE mu ire believcd Iohave been sol dcllbnmtnly or lhrnugh carelessness Farm Slack Implements Household Effects The uhdersixucdhas received lnslrufllons mm Lot Can Essa Twp 1m property miles mm lllxhway 89 miles was nl ulnhwny 27 To sell by Public Aucflon on THE FOLIDWING CAmE Durhnm an bred Durhnm Cow null by side but hum and ncrctom Cow lull new bred Durham and Jurse Cow full flow bred Durhnm uw In full flaw bred Durham Cowl full lnwbred Durham DullY ycnr old Durham and Hunlord Heflcr your Durham Sucr rlslnf years Durhnm Steer rib In yeur Durham Slur rlslnfl years Calves monlhl old SHEEP Ewes Ram FOWL 100 Emu HAY GRAIN 10 Tons HII Alfnlln and Tlmulhy mlxcd LMPLEMENTS AlliIChIlrnm Size Tractor 2Furmw Fleury llnw raclor hflch Cnckshull Hinder Cockshuu Fertilizer Drlll Frost Wood Mower Dll n11 houer setllcns 11 £321 Drug arrows Cncluhuu Culllv nlnr UluDUII MH Culllvnlnr 15 lauln M1l Dlsc 12 plate under hllch MH Dim plate Inclnr hllch Adams Wn on and Ilntk Ichan flakc CCD Mnnuru rrndcr Sc sloop SIchhs Fun nng MHL Chnxhnm Ham Scull lnf LOWlb Scam Wnlkln Iln Slnnchnnl Well Pump In Bloch Chupncr 11ch MIl Crmm Sc nrnlur nearly new FJctlrlc lroodcr Slum 2501le Elrclrlc Broader Slovl 50mm Cyclone Grim under 100 Gmln Such Turkey ulpmnnl IOUSE FURNISHINGS Side blmm Full Lcnl Table Work Tnblt Smnll TIMI Ilncklnl Chum Kitchen Chnln Dlnlnl no Clmln Double UNI Iprlnn and mum In Hcd Ipllnll and mnflru Iund Wax IMrl Gnuu lrnlhcr lllluwn Inllun Churn Clolllu Wrinurr Cellqu GMl Chulrrfluld nn Clmll Dux Slaw VcnIllnn Hull Ugllllylgnblnel Hui ui Thun are Iorku cï¬lln In Iluwrll nml other log mumnu mmllun AUCTION SALE TUESDAYL TRUMAN PLATE Phony ï¬zesdny mi tdld esd 19d AM rlnmnvp dnnr hall $13009 damage on dance nan drillla Mowr Camp on Lake Couchlching near Atherky Rmd Lou ls hlghybecgula noLoMy Lt the buLkiing gutted but much at mntenl storedequipmem 91 the camp ms deslmyed ordnm aged gd chairman Orillln and P9wenCummlmon or 1955 succeeqlngXIarry lhIess Com missioner Brlotherstonwns elected ï¬rechalrrmp Jany Colighllg wellKnan salesman lnr Dangerï¬qld Mnlors andauctioneer in thy coumy Is In pralVlcl0ria Haspnal wllha mum2dr leg sustained in Jul on the IccSatudnv 115 10 its111111 EJGDcsï¬eLJImsIflCnt 01 Call glgwuqd or several years le only mm aljer 23 years wilh shorlly mm aljer 23 years wilh UlyBrHIshAmerlclnofl Cu He his been monnznr at Barrie ijlesherlun andComngwond Mr and MrsGocssel mnzning tore aidglin Klncafdlneu and Mrs ix rexmns 5mm spent any with thelr daugh 191 Mrs Clm Belshnw Keszck Davc Kollkn Emndbnnt Shh Icy Pcrklns Parry Sound and Mrs Perkins Shanty Hay vis iled an Sunday with Mr and Mr Don Williams Cookstown Miss Chrisllna Mack0d of Fort Williamhns been visiting at the home n1 ML and Mrs Balms Owen Sucet during the hanay season Reg Faulkner who has been with Supmeu Pelrulcum here or lhépnsl Ihrcc years left yestm day take ovcr his new job as warnhousnman or me company nl Sudbury Mr and Mn OllleyPcrklns nnd Diane Big Bay mm Ernie Moo dcr Mr and Mrs Hurry Perkin Shanty Bay spcm New Years at Mr and ML Nbrm Maxwells Dalllanu BTEPIIBNSONS JEWELLEPS Ind OPTOMETBJBTB FOR APPOINTMENT DUNLOP mun HJDNE m1 BARBIE ONTARIO FREE pm Wm 145141 Dunlap SI Phone Bmioflflt In only In Wm Suuvlh 13 Mm xnnlmmx mg In ï¬lm mu mm omy Id El 1w Nun an um all mum nun m4 mm mum Alwl mt wu Wlm nu vn mu mm Lu nu maqu BM tn 1mm numm um In WM In wyM Au my cum Noel Slgphegjsoï¬rkfd Clearance used and npossesscd name brand tele vlslun sch FiveSku Service Pollcy available dcslred mum T0 CLEAR THIS SERVICE IS llllOUflllT TO YOU EBLTFTV ChonnelQ Toronto TN SPECIAL wegussmv JANUARY 12 MONDAY JANUARY IO TUESDAY JANUARY ll EPLEITS ELECTRIC WWSL ran COMIEIENT OPTOMETRIST EYE CARE CONSULT qt any WINSTON Si Wlnsmn mulémll is he names manrihat W5 century has produced H5 01an hope for Iur that accomplishment am he should lcvve the ï¬eld comb vemy solhqt he doesng lose 11m lhraugh some GIVE THEM THE CORRECT SUPPLDVIENT and flmy will convert any feed lmo good qual nx raglan Accotdlqg no Purlna researct Purina Steer Fnlenn or Purln SIECIFICHILSD¢CIEI led in um correcljnmnunu wlll sallst um Valuablevhncterlnln the stomach that It wlll convert ram he hes lothe Fumes xoughage lnlo gnluablc qua Hy nutrition Purina Skun menn developed qnd blended nccordlnlo the re sullsshnwn on the many hund flcdsnf beet anlmals Purlnns large rqséarch arm Again you nssurance at snllslnc ion ntnd 1M1 cost rcsulls Huh est qufll¢yngl0di0nll blended In just right amount runan cuows Salts DE LAVAL Service Market Sq Phone 2532 mnc in CKBB camweek day 740 mm or regional weather Ion cast Ill nuugg Compare Inmp3 lmvgn Buniflmwwlv augn some nuswxe Summ9rsldg Pl Journal PHONE 42414 371 There Is Nn Fur Quamy Subsumm